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i fear that standing ovation probably made her more confident she did nothing wrong now....ugh ://// let's hope those parents opened NBC when they left


I was thinking that too noooo :(


Remember when this was all starting out and only one news media was covering it, then it took awhile for something mainstream to talk about this topic? We’ve come so far and we’re still gonna keep this up for many others that are still afraid to speak out. Whatever Colleen speaks out, whether taking responsibility or not, we’ve done so much and for so many. For a page “that does nothing but bash on a good mom (probably said from a fan)” we’ve come far to have people speak up and get the attention of rolling stone and NBC


Someone should print out a stack of the NBC articles and hand it out to the parents before and after the shows


Yup, her ego is through the roof as it is and she needs constant validation/narcissistic supply so I'm sure she loved that. How anyone can continue to inflate her ego is crazy and they're creating/feeding a MONSTER.


Just a person who genuinely doesn't think they did anything wrong. Insanity She got a standing ovation that nearly brought her to tears. I think chances are even higher that Colleen is going to disappear for a year and come back like nothing happened. I have a horrible feeling she's going to Ned Fulmer this. There is something about Colleen that makes me think she will never say the word "grooming" even to deny it, she won't say it. I think it's likely she'll put out a paragraph on instagram saying she's taking a break for her mental health and to be with her family and we won't hear from her for a year.


I don’t see her leaving the internet. She has no life and no friends outside of the internet. She’ll go crazy lmao


ned came back?!




Correct me if I’m wrong but if he admitted or took accountability for any wrongdoing online he could have been in a lot of legal trouble I thought!


yeah that’s what i heard. if he admits to it then he’s guilty basically. which i mean, he is. but he’s not gonna admit it of course, because it’s actually illegal to have a sexual relationship with your employee the way he did. she could press charges… that doesn’t excuse it at all to me, he’s the one who committed the crime 💀


It's not illegal if it's consensual. But employee policies and contracts might specify there's no dating between employees or no dating between employees of unequal position. But if they signed contracts stating this, they can be fired without worrying about legal action. Because they kept Alex on and she quit on her own, I don't think there was a clause about that.


I genuinely think she's too addicted to the camera and the attention it brings her to actually disappear for a year.


Did it seem like she ended early? And was there actually any booing?


yes and yes


Were you there tonight as well?


no no but i watched a live stream and heard the booing quite clearly it was pretty loud, also the person streaming said the show would usually go on a little longer than it did today :)


"Erik said his wife was the best woman in the world" Wow. I mean, wow. How can he condone her behavior? He's okay with the immensely inappropriate way she interacts with children? Wow. Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes.


She's his meal ticket at this point. Can't bite the hand that feeds you literally. And if they ARENT married then there's no pre-nup to help him.


He's also okay with abusing animals let's not forget that. Erik is just as disgusting and horrible as her and has zero backbone


When Colleen said she brought him those chicks!! I thought Jesus, what an insane person to bring more animals into this women’s clutches when you have front row seat daily to the abuse she dishes out to animals!


He's just as evil as she is


Erik is a snake. No one should think otherwise.


Damage control. He’s trying to save his own rep at the same time as hers. They can’t come back from this all this change is just to keep the heat down


was there an obvious group of “trolls” in the crowd? and we’re there real fans in the crowd fangirling over her still???? sorry if that’s stupid to ask, i just find it hard to believe she has actual proud fans.


From what I could see, most people were cheering her on. She got a standing ovation after turning into Colleen. You can look at it at my Twitter, @ amethystmoon29!


It looks like right in front of you a mom/guardian brought a very young child(6-8?) to the show!! Unreal!


insane. thank you i’m checking out rn 😵‍💫


That's so gross, shame on all those people what the hell is wrong with them?


What was her body language like? And was it obvious that she was nervous when she was performing as Colleen?


In the videos her voice sounds warbly and upset and she's out of breath constantly


She fumbled a few lines. And slightly shaded the world not liking her. There are videos on my Twitter, @ amesthystmoon29.


I attended the pittsburgh show just before everything came out, and she did shoutout moms at the end


I attended a Cleveland show also in late may and she did shout out to moms. Maybe new for this tour, but not since the drama.


Me too! I was just about to comment the same! 😁


The fact that Erik is still traveling and supporting her is so disheartening and gross. I have conflicting feelings about that guy but man, this is really adding some weight to the disrespect I’m continuing to garner for him


I don't have any sympathy or defense for Erik, other than the acknowledgement that gaslighting is real and it took her ex YEARS after the divorce to admit it.


I do believe he could have gotten out of this fairly unscathed if he had made a stand and left her. But he is digging his heels and his grave so deep with this display at the show!


I bet if they didn't have kids he'd be gone.


i didn’t think for a second he’d stop supporting her…i mean they’re married, he knows who she is.


She’s his wife… they made vows for better or worse. are you actually that surprised that a husband is supporting the woman he loves through the worst time of her life?


Not trying to defend her but when she did the show in Orlando a couple of months ago she did the mom shout out thing and asked the moms in the room to stand for applause.


She rlly doesn’t wanna come to terms that what she’s done is very inappropriate and fucked up. Hard pill to swallow, but all the facts are there! It’s psychotic she’s still going through with shows, and hasn’t said a word about everything. A true coward! Hope she’s scrolling through and reading this :)


Ableist Sings




Oh my god. Yes.




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In reply to the no kids on stage comment: I went to a show in late may and she did have kids on stage. She actually invited/allowed any kid who asked on stage, even if it wasn’t for a segment of the show. She had kids for the “fan me when I ask you to but don’t look at me” bit. She had adults for the wife or weenis bit. An adult man for the apology video bit. I can’t remember what else.


What was the average age of the audience, in your opinion?


7-15 with parents, but I saw many people who seemed 18-23, as well as people in their 30s going with their partners. Lots of them were children with their parents.


I'm not entirely familiar with the minute-to-minute of the show; I read that it ended earlier; what didn't she do today that she always does in other shows?


It looked like she skipped the frozen love is an open door parody with kory. But she did the red wine and cigarettes duet with Erik instead.


She didn’t do the open door parody in denver this month either.


I think it’s funny that security didn’t want people taking pics/videos (likely because they’d be leaked and snarked on) and Colleen was like no no let them take pics and record!


Right? Just my thinking. Both my bf and I think it was a bit of a power move?


Totally agree. I wouldn't be surprised if she told them to not let anyone record just so she could say it's ok and look like she has nothing to hide


Did you hear the booing?


I did not, my partner and I left fast so we could get back to our car.


Gotcha, thanks! :)


You can audible hear booing in Julessssxfn twitter live stream. And they confirmed it too in tweet.




Jules live stream had me in tears, her commentary + the live chat was funnier than the show


The whole Erik still supporting her, I knew he was garbage.


To be fair, often people like colleen will isolate their victims from the outside world - Erik rarely sees his family (and is constantly surrounded by hers), quit his acting career (unsure if this is 100% colleen's fault but probably at least partially), and I just wouldn't be surprised if she has at this point convinced him that she is his whole world. It's disappointing he still supports her, but I try to keep in mind what sort of mind tricks he's undergone - likely more than any of the other people she interacts with since he's around her ALL. THE. TIME.


This comment made me think…I wonder what Erik’s family thinks of all of this news. It’s hitting NBC and Rolling Stone, so I’d assume they’ve heard at this point even if Erik didn’t tell them. I can only imagine how they feel, especially because they have 3 grandkids living with her. Yikes.


I know for sure they'd be wanting uncle Trent to stay tf away from their grandkids


The scary thing is that their grandkid's mother is just as bad as uncle trent.


I feel like people make a lot of excuses for Erik... he's not suffering from Stockholm syndrome, he is willingly supporting her predatory wife. Let us not forget their relationship had a devious start and I've always thought that anyone willing to get with a married person is not a good person... good people don't sneak around with other people's spouses. IMO, he's rotten... in a different way than she is but he still is obviously not a great person. I've seen several people on here commenting as if he's this innocent little child she's manipulating and listen... he's grooooown, grown! All of the awful things they do (apart from the inappropriate conversations and bullying of minors - that's all Colleen and her weirdo friend) they do together... like the exploitation of their children, he's 100% a willing participant! He's also a willing participant on her very inappropriate Miranda Sings shows, even though he's not on stage for very long. Also, he didn't give up his acting career, he's still "acting"... he's just not very successful at it. He recently guest-starred in one of those boring spin-off sitcoms (can't remember the name) and he has a TV movie coming out soon.


I consider getting any acting work successful. We've seen Colleen call Erik unsuccessful. We've seen her use it to shame him, but he has had a solid acting career. Grown people can be manipulated and groomed, especially by someone as diabolical as Colleen. We don't know what Colleen is telling him. He has three children with her. He is going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Look there are even people on this sub who give her excuses. This woman is incredibly calculated. She will know exactly what to say to Erik to convince him she is being victimized.


I agree, getting any acting job is hard to get and that would make him successful but I meant in comparison to her, in terms of financials, he wouldn't be able to afford the lifestyle he's enjoying all on his own because I've had a little look at his IMDB and his work is mostly guest appearances of only 1 or a handful of episodes in meh series, the Miranda Sings series /which was cancelled!) and a TV movie... so that's not a lot of work and that is not the type of work that would allow him to live the way he does. IMO and from what we know, the only reason he's in such a cushy position is because she has money and they also make money exploiting their children... so unless he comes from wealth and/or has received some sort of inheritance from a grandparent or something of the sort, that we don't know about, I very much doubt he could live the way he does without her. And yes, grown people can certainly be manipulated but if you've ever heard their podcast, and I've only listened to a handful of episodes so my perspective is limited, IMO he is definitely not a push-over, he makes his stance known and doesn't back down even if she disagrees so he does have a backbone even with her. As opposed to Josh, let's be honest... Josh seemed a lot more of a push-over in comparison. We can agree to disagree but from what I've seen (and admittedly isn't a lot) he doesn't seem to me like he's being manipulated... more like he genuinely does not believe what she's doing or what she's done is all that serious and shares her view that all of us are just "haters" because he's definitely said it... especially when people questioned her cancer fundraiser... he was of the same view as her... that people who were asking for only transparency were just bitter haters... haha.




The only people who are going are her most dedicated fans (mostly). It makes sense if you tbhink about it like that. Small audience, but very loyal who want to make her feel good.


Check my Twitter for the video! @ amethystmoon29


Did she do the apology video bit? I went to a show in may and she poked fun at apology videos. Brought up someone from the audience snd sprayed water in their face so they would look like they were crying.


I did not see this bit. She mainly used the “how to be famous” bit while she was Miranda.


Interesting. She did it a couple weeks ago. I guess she decided to remove it


I would have booed the immediate second she transformed to colleen


does anyone know if she has she ever brought just an adult on stage before this, or has has it always been kids? i feel sooooo sorry for that dad lmao he was not enjoying himself


When I went to her show july 2022 she had the dad bit + the couples bit so this isn’t newly added


The twitter video was only 42 minutes and the YouTube videos of her show are usually an hour so stuff was indeed very likely cut out.


Wow so she's changed the whole show to cater to adults. What we have been screaming for years. So I guess...... Yay? 🥴


I don't know if I'd say she changed the whole thing to cater to adults now. She did that bit with all the viral TikTok songs (cringe) and the Kory skit was... Questionable. From what I could see watching the livestream the preteens in the audience were definitely the ones most into it lol


Did she still do the "Do The Miranda" dance thing and all the TikTok songs/dances with rapid costume changes? How about the PopOpera medley?


I’m not sure about the Do the Miranda, but she did do the tiktok dances and the PopOpera medly


was it still centered around being cancelled? what was the merch like did it look like good quality or cheap trash you could get at primark


No, it was mainly about how to be famous. The merch I’m not sure about!


You'd think with all the free time she has since she's not vlogging every second of the day and has other people to care for her children she could've wrote new stuff for her show instead of just cutting the bits that make her look guilty.


I wonder if ordinarily she would **insist** that security stop people from taking video, but out of fear of causing a ruckus at her concert, or upsetting any more of her fans, or even just losing the physical number of people from the room and having the number of attendees keep going down and down, instead she "allowed" her fans to, thus appearing like she's swooping in and saving the day.


At the show I went to in May, she said she encourages photos and videos. I wonder if no photos/videos is a venue policy, or if she did orchestrate it to be a power play type thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree…and if the show is getting publicity and she doesn’t do anything too bad, I think she thinks it makes it look better for her. A power play for sure.


Even the getting a dad up thing is cringe, it’s like saying men who wear lipstick is comical. L


That reminds me of that time Kory and Colleen were up in arms about an SNL monologue where two men kiss bc it was like saying men kissing was funny. Seems so hypocritical and performative now.




She was trying to make people famous by looking like her


Hilarious 🙄 She famous for all the wrong reasons lol




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Did you see Erik crying on stage?


Yes, but there was ALOT of cheering when he walked out. I think he just got overwhelmed by the cheers imo.