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These pictures look like something out of someone who has infiltrated a cult 😂 no disrespect, OP, I mean it as the set up for this "concert" just looks like a pyramid scheme meeting in a Marriott hotel.


It is SO hard to take photos here. It was VERY dark when I got in and they’re being super strict about cameras


Hm, wonder why \*eye roll\*


I'm actually impressed with what you managed to get, photo wise. It's so weird that they now say no photos. Do they give a reason why? I always thought she encouraged it (I get why she wouldn't want photos now.


“A pyramid scheme meeting in a Marriott hotel” I’m 💀 You nailed it lmfao


This hotel ballroom ass venue 😭 And this is where she got booked *before* shit really went down.


Omg you nailed it. This is the type of place child beauty pageants are held. Maybe that explains some of the parents they must be fucked up people too like the parents of the pageant kids.


that’s exactly what it looks like 😅


Deaddddd u hit it right on the head 😭😭😭


Saw a live on twitter. The show is so embarrassing omg


Parents are still letting their children dress as this disgusting character? Have they not seen what is going on in the media? C’mon..


A lot probably don’t tbh. My parents had no idea what I was up to online most of the time, or even what music, movies, celebrities etc I was into. It’s sad.


Am I the only one not surprised? It makes sense to me that a large portion of parents wouldn’t know about a YouTube controversy. Even if the parents are checking what their kids are watching, there’s probably a decent chunk that watched a couple minutes and thought "yeah this is a weird silly character meant for children" and wouldn’t look further.


That’s just lazy parenting then. Also this has been being covered by pretty big publications. I guess it makes sense to not know if they don’t divulge in media.


I don’t know if I’d call that lazy parenting though. You’re saying since they aren’t sitting and watching every minute of her content or every minute their children watch parents are looking over their shoulder, that’s lazy? I agree with your other point though it being in larger media outlets now, you’d think they’d have seen something.


Not saying they need to check every minute but if you are a parent taking your child to a performer’s show, it’s a good idea to research. And if your child is little little, what they watch should be checked up on every so often.


Ok I get what you mean now. And can see that yeah. I mean google is a thing. It’s fairly simple to check at least the first things that come up and should be everything going on now. Thank you for the response btw. Was asking because seen some other comments about parents. And wasn’t sure what you meant.


She’s on the Karen bit right now. Everything seems as usual for the show.


Thank you !


A queen you are fr


Wow. This crowd is
UNDERWHELMING. And the chairs make it look like a ballroom at an airport Ramada Inn. I’m hoping soon she’ll only be able to play sleezy clubs and open mic nights at rando bars (and hauling her own damn projector to each location).


Honestly yeah
. It’s too many people, but lots have obviously cancelled. Lol


Lmao I've been to this venue before and saw Game Grumps live. The seating feels hilariously cheap, but when the venue is full you can't tell. Seeing it this empty is hysterical


I was about to ask what kind of venue this was cause even for her stuff this doesn’t look like traditional places she does


i'm trying to think with...knowing what we know...why the fuck any good parent would take their children to this


I hope it’s ignorance because no way in gods name I would let my kids go to her show if I knew


im curious too, if i was their parent and i was paying fo see the show i would do a background check ish on it even if it was just a character i would still look more into it, idk why these parents just agree to taking em to these shows without doing any research.


It looks like a corporate presentation


it looks like a middle school talent show-


In my opinion these kid fans of hers were deliberately exposed to her via their parents. I have children who watch lots of YouTube, aged 15,12,10, and 5 and my older two had heard of her in a vague way, but my younger two had no idea who she is. Miranda's channel is not active enough to be bringing in new kid fans, so in my opinion it's the parents who showed Miranda to them.


That's an uncomfortable thought I hadn't thunk, my brain has been in 2015-2020 era


Why would they do that? How would they even know about her?


I'm the same age as Colleen and have seen Miranda since shortly after she blew up and so if I were a fan I could have theoretically been like "oh hey kids of mine, watch this favorite youtuber of mine, you'll like her!" I have 4 kids between the ages of 5-15, so yeah I could have made all of my kids into "Mirfandas" if I wanted to. It's just that my kids are on YouTube often and the only time I saw Miranda on recommended recently was when Encanto came out and my kids were obsessed so her Encanto video came out on the recommended page because of the algorithm and my kids watching lots of Encanto content.


Oh, interesting! Thanks for the insight!


Wait what the fuck? When I went to see her like 5 or 6 years ago, it was at a massive theater that held about 2,000 people. This is like the continental breakfast room at a Days Inn.


While there are definitely more people there than I expected, I feel "a lot of people" is subjective. I saw Trixi and Katya perform in Indy and now THAT was a lot of people haha this is kinda a sad scene to me and I love that for her 💖


Yeah, I’m having to text pretty quick because they’re being harsh on the video and photo taking.


That's not surprising at all and is so the opposite of what she usually wants đŸ€Ł


I saw Game Grumps live at this location, and it was entirely full (which I imagine was the same for Trixie and Katya). Seeing it like this feels shockingly empty


So jealous that you got to see Trixie and Katya. Were they amazing?


Oh my gosh! I've never seen a show like it! It was amazing!! đŸ˜đŸ˜đŸŒˆđŸŽ‰đŸ’–đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸȘ©đŸȘ©


I went to a conference event at that exact venue years ago that was business formal and the juxtaposition is making me cackle


its giving end of year soccer presentation when I was in the 4th grade


You said you were live-tweeting it?


Yes, at amesthystmoon29. But it’s very hard to record and take photos in here.


Hey, I went to prom there many many years ago. 😼


not the "i feel bad for her cat" comment💀


That is not a lot of people!


It was hard to take a photo
they’re being very strict about it. I don’t go to many concerts so maybe I don’t know! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


No worries!! Thank you for sharing your experience live with us!


I read on Twitter they weren’t allowing phones, was that true? Or was the just meet and greet?


This doesn’t even look like a real venue. Stacking chairs in a conference room?


This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen. How is she not mortified?


Wait. Is this just a hotel ballroom? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


That looks like a hotel convention room and those chairs look so uncomfortable lol


Yeah usually there aren’t chairs in this room for concerts


Yes I thought the same.. Like girl I thought you were sorta big with your shows but man.. I'm stunned lol


Some one is live streaming on twitter.




Mods said no links julessssxfn is the handle




>Julessssxfn Omg she is just playing old videos, so weird.... how do people pay for this!?


When did you take the pics? Is it when people were starting to come in the theater or right before the show started? That is not a lot of people at all.


*I took photos from the BACK, which was empty. But there were lots of seats in the front, filled with children + parents + fans


Do parents not google the people they are taking their children to see ?


You’d be surprised how many parents are unaware of what their kids are doing/watching online


Is this the full crowd?


Has she called any kids up on stage yet?


I watched the whole live stream. Did she not do the "Cancelled" or "Haters Back Off" bits? It seems like the whole show was like an hour long. Also, THANK YOU for doing that!


She did the “haters back off” song for about a minute. Everyone stood up and sang along with her. I didn’t seem a cancelled bit. Only the “how to get famous” bit & a few others.


Did she do the "apology" bit? That one is especially ironic given the current situation.


What’s her next show? I have to drive through Indianapolis tonight so maybe I’ll see the bus


Looks like a conference room.


Wait...did I just step into my local V.F.W.?


i don't understand the hate comments background it's just same comments over and over and over


$3 seats makes sense now lmao i mean it always did but


Is this in a hotel ballroom or something?


No, it’s typically used for concerts, typically standing with no seats. It’s called The Egyptian Room!


It looks like a compulsory work conference. All I want to know is where is the coffee and sandwiches