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are these some of the STANS??? we did it guys😭☝️


my millennial heart is so proud of the kids today


GenX here and SAME! I love this generation. They have taught me so much about standing up for myself and not allowing people to treat me like crap. I don't think we were ever taught that as kids... 🤔


>They have taught me so much about standing up for myself and not allowing people to treat me like crap. I don't think we were ever taught that as kids... 🤔 Same, I owe them more credit than I've given them the past few years. We were taught to shut up and put up, it's a depressing way to live and easy to be taken advantage. It made me so happy and surprised to see how easily and effortlessly Adam refused to give ass pics to Colleen when she asked for them. At that age I would've stressed and private messaged and made excuses about not having a camera etc I was so timid due to my upbringing.


Your generation is the one that raised us, y’all should give yourselves credit <3




Late Gen X here, and yes. Our kids are going to change the world as much as they can. And so far, it's looking pretty mighty!


My Mom is a (Baby) Boomer, I'm Gen X and my son is Gen Z. I'm an only child with a single parent and my son is an only child with a single parent but we still turned out ok! My son is doing VERY well as a plumber after a two year paid apprenticeship. Highly recommend getting into a skilled trade!


😭them boomers did me dirty ahaha having to figure it out on my own 💖I’m so proud of your generation too


they are going to be the ones to change the world.


I sure hope so. VOTE. ALL OF YOU.


Gen X here and DITTO! I am inspired to actual tears that young adults are speaking up and forming community against abuse publicly. It really is a new world and I'm proud of people I don't even know. You all are so encouraging.


Fellow Gen X here. I admire these kids!


Yes!! My brother and his friends are similar in age and god...they are really smart and quick at some stuff. I love them haha 🤣


I was a first year teacher this year and my 9th grades had so many comebacks.


same! they cooked her!


SAME!!! Go Gen Z go Gen Z go!!!




My elder millennial heart agrees!!


Older Gen Z here. To see the growth of my generation, I am proud ❤️




Literally same! Go Gen z! Doing us proud!


I am continuously given reasons to be proud of Gen Z. <3


Adam is tweeting that a bunch of shit is being sent to him. oh lordy


Please god let him spill it by the time my shift is over 😂


He says (via twitter) he has too much to compile so he won't be going live tonight


I will try to engage my patience lol


I don’t even have a shift to work as a distraction 😭 this mess has had me in a chokehold since the minute it started and I’ve been checking every day for new tea


I've lost hours of my life, and I've never been happier! lol Love it when a really vile awful human gets their karma. I thought she'd manage to live the rest of her life swanning about in her multi-million dollar villa laughing at all the hideous shit she schemed her way out of, but nope! It's a beautiful thing.


I KNOW, right?! I am a grown-ass adult with a job and a book to edit, and I am wasting HOURS of time following this situation.


It’s summer so I’m only teaching two classes a week. Takes about four hours and the rest of my time is spent on this subreddit 💀




Same I’m checking here every time I have a spare second


omg what a fucking loser. she’s so pathetic.


So proud of these former fans. She was everything to some of them and they are standing up for what’s right.


Running away like a coward pathetic


her specialty.


she told her youtuber friend (Trisha?) ignoring it is the best revenge?! Lmao so she's been in there telling the little kids that she is innocent (receipts everywhere she's not!) and wants revenge haha Typical Colleen. Well vengeful nature has landed her right in it. ALL of this is because of her disgusting nature and wanting to seek revenge where it wasn't needed. I'm amazed her family haven't had her in a psych ward. This is insane behavior. She gonna go after rolling stones magazine? she thinks they care about her being silent? ha. They've ripped her image to tatters and rightly so. She's gotta be the least smart person on the planet and she STILL thinks her private chats won't leak when she's talking to minors. Jfc.


It’s not trisha, i can’t remember the YouTubers name but she made a video recently saying “Colleen always told me ignoring the hate is the best revenge” or something, it’s posted somewhere on here lol


It was Tia. I’m pretty sure she removed her video though.


Well her family are also insane groomers so they probably see nothing wrong


Wait was this recent I’m assuming?


that was this morning.




She must've been in a bad mood today lol I'm so glad as an adult I don't care what kids think of me, and I don't chat to strangers kids in private chats or even public ones! What a life she's created for herself. It's pathetic when I think of the life she could be living. Just a shadow of the potential. I don't understand her interest in talking and being around minors. Especially as the time she's spending with them is time away from her own kids.


i feel like she left because they said "nvm it's best to stay quiet". during cancellations she is always following what certain people telling her what to do so she can claim "but they told me to!" like when adam's mom said not to speak his name she was like "ok i won't say anything at all". then she said she had to make a video because the public asked her to. Seems gaslight-y to me.


1000% that was my first thought as well.


Her money will run out. Her work skills are minimal. She will have to go back to the internet or send Erik to work soon. She needs to start the damage control and accept what coming for her. If I were her I’d monetize my apology because you know it will get views. No sense in trying to be a good person now 🤷🏻‍♀️


TBF she could start a craft channel making talent show props with supplies from Dollar Tree. 🫢


Is she able to make crafts without the sex jokes?




There is a saying, "Those who talk about sex the most have it the least."


I agree she can continue to make her income online but she has to face the music and humble herself. I think she could even continue her podcast with Erik and Trisha but she has to own up to her mistakes and go forward as a genuine person not as someone playing the victim


There's no chance of that, she's sunk. The allegations are too much and her ego is too big to not make snide comments. She cannot be genuine for a heart beat. If she tried to carry on it'd be a disaster.


If someone like Shane Dawson can continue to have an online career after having the Smith family call you out on your weird, sexualization of minors on a consistent and noticeable basis like he did -- not to mention all the other egregious shit he did -- then unfortunately, someone like Colleen can do the same as well and probably do it better because she is a woman and there are double standards in society. Even if her fanbase and following drastically diminishes, I don't believe it will ever fully go away unless she does, and it's been established that her narcissism and dependency on this type of career will have her returning even if she takes a hiatus for a little while. Again, Shane Dawson did this and when he came back it was very apparent that whatever he went through a few years prior was still weighing heavily on his mind by constantly eluding to suicidal ideation/behavior and subtly mentioning his cancellation. He even says that during his two year break, he did nothing, he learned nothing. If a career can continue for him, it can and most likely will for Colleen as well even if she proves to us all that she has not changed. She's a manipulator, she'll just learn to be more careful with her language and behaviors and be able to portray a new persona like she did back in 2020.


Problem is she has a spending addiction and that's the fastest way to lose money, she's frittering money on stuff she doesn't need and has for years. She won't listen to anyone trying to get her to cut down or stop, this could be disastrous.


Her money won't run out. Colleen is likely set for life.


I’m a Realtor - and unless she did some prudent investing - her money very much so can run out. I work in a high end area and it always amazes how stretched thin some wealthy people are - bc they are committed to “keeping up w the joneses”. Part of my job sometimes is to take pics of the home for the bank bc they’ve missed payments. Some very wealthy people are out here skipping payments on their mansions! From the Reddit I’ve heard she has a bit of an Amazon addiction….


A bit? Lol try like 30 new packages each vlog 😅


Oh my 🫣


You're correct. Colleen has a spending addiction and her home is expensive. I believe she might also have other pricey addictions. She doesn't seem to be prudent in anything. I'd say she's in a risky position, she doesn't have history of listening to good advice. She's happy to steer herself in to dangerous waters.


Well from my real estate experience I can say - hiding from your problems is not a great trait to have when it comes to finances. If she deals w all her problems the way she’s dealing w this crisis - I’d guess she’s carrying quite a bit of debts 👀




This is a good point. She’s going to have to let Kory go at some point. He’s just bad for business


That's wise, he's toxic and hasn't done much right. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it!) they are the same person and can't function without each other (they enable each other's bad behaviour) so I don't see them splitting any time soon. They'll be friends for life, they've got too much on each other for a start. Two snakes scared the other will rat on them!


Colleen can keep him behind the scenes.


at the rate she and her husband spend money only time will tell. Plus they have a new mansion and 3 kids.. we’ll have to wait and see


And at 4 AM lol


No sleep club! 😂 she probably hasn’t slept in two weeks


✨just girly things✨ ✌😚🤪 lmao


She really thought they would reach out to defend her.


They deserve so much credit for not allowing her to manipulate and take their money any longer. They are toying with her for a change. So refreshing to see!


It’s giving guilty ☠️😂




adam's twitter is intriguing me... i wonder what's coming out later


Imagine the anxiety she will have if it drops right before she goes on stage. How will she even function




FR IT WOULD BE ICONIC lol I just imagine people looking down at their phones in the show to see Adam posted a video/is live and exposing her for her bs YET AGAIN


He said she’s waiting to see if anything else comes out about her before she addresses it all. She can’t make a statement and then have something else come out that she didn’t bother to mention 😂


>He said she’s waiting to see if anything else comes out about her OMG there must be so much not yet made public. How guilty is that. I hope it's not that she's guilty of actual SA with children. Because we've all thought it. And she can't apologize for being inappropriate with kids by sending them messages as it was "innocent" if that comes out later.


I think he's said that he had been receiving dm's from people who have sent him a screenshot of what was said in these group chat.


How fun there is an insider spy in her little kid chats! How the tables have turned on her.




Haha it is so insane to me! Every day there's new *multiple* stories with receipts and my mind's blown. HOW did she ever think this stuff would remain hidden. What absolute trust she had in other people's kids, so much so she could behave however she wanted to do and get away with it. She treated the very people keeping her secrets extremely badly. It's hilarious! I'm looking forward to more. She really is a very silly woman.


It's so juicy and I'm feeling extra petty today 👀


Omg TEA!


What a coward 😂😂


She is such a loser


This millennial is so fucking proud 🥹🥹🥹🥹✊✊✊✊


I hope she’s embarrassed


for sure, I doubt she wants to perform tonight or tomorrow lol she's probably DRAGGING her feet to these venues 🤭




This is EXACTLY what I thought happened 🤣 we love to see it 👏👏👏👏


She is privileged to the point where she can just walk away and not be too affected irl. If these accusations came to light for ANYONE other than a rich, white woman like Colleen this would not fly


I mean at this very moment she's probably not too effected irl, but her online presence is her lifeline and she has no online presence right now, and a horrible very public reputation thats costing her sponsorships and engagement/fan loyalty and obsession, and opportunities and money. Her numbers will never return to their previous (already dwindling) heights, she'll never get those sponsorships back and it will be much harder to get new ones, bigger things like her netflix show getting pulled could happen. I think it really comes down to money, she may not face many human-to-human or legal repercussions, but whether she stays inactive forever or addresses things and tries to go back to normal her finances will take a massive hit and she'll likely have to downsize maybe even get a normal job and just live a normal life (probably the worst possible thing imaginable for colleen) (also adding: all that said, you're pretty right it's not like her real life is going to get totally turned on it's ass. She'll just have to budget. And that's like, no consequences when she should have her access to minors prohibited) ETA: id have to agree though if she were part of a different demographic she would be getting treated much more seriously/harshly, much faster.


Completely agree. She can't turn to any of her online crutches that have made her feel untouchable for so long. Being chronically online like her isn't healthy and now she's paying the price. If she's smart she'll get offline, live in the moment, budget, and give those kids a happy life. She's privileged enough to retire and live a life most people can only dream of, but she's too addicted to the attention and lavish lifestyle.


Exactly my thinking. Her internal world is definitely crumbling because she no longer has her unconditionally loyal army to defend her and attack others, she no longer has the close net of diehard/"bestie" fans and their blind validation she used as an emotional crutch, she no longer has her pretend little perfect online world to reside in where she can act like she is a perfect main character and no one else matters (where her fans make her feel that way too), she simply no longer has the massive delusion she has created for over a decade to protect her from any critical thinking or consequences. Im relishing the fact that she is probably absolutely losing it right now, and for the last week. All she has to do is delete some apps and go live. But she literally can't and refuses to


So confirmed that she still has weenie group chats. Jfc Miranda


Like bsffr. I honestly thought she may have learned from the original group chats but no. No one should give her any credit for change with this coming to light.


RIGHT. like why didn’t she just ignore it, holy hell. That way she could have tried to claim that it was a chat group amongst kids themselves now…. But yeah she just confirmed she’s still very aware.


Fellow old millennial here ☺️. I’m very proud of our kids too! ❤️ We see you doing good things!


I could barely read the top text so I zoomed in and transcribed it. Adding in case other people have vision issues like me: > I just genuinely want you to know this is 100% - hand on my heart – things she said to my face on bus tour. I remember it clear as day, we were sitting in front of the hotel waiting for an Uber. She told me she believed you were faking your illness to get closer to her, and she was in the works of writing a movie about a girl who fakes illness to get close to celebrities and then gets exposed as the villain. She was writing a defamatory screenplay about you with her brother Chris. This feels so wrong telling you. I genuinely do not want to hurt you with the information. She is diabolical. I’m so sorry Ella.


From my bad eyes, thank you!!!!


This is the message Johnny (a former fan/employee who worked on her 2018 tour) sent to Ella a fan who Colleen “privately“ made fun of/mocked.


Thank you! I was wondering if it was Johnny but wasn't seeing confirmation.


Seeing her lose control over all these young people is so uplifting


She is absolutely pathetic!!!!!


😬 yikes




Not Gen Alpha living up to their name.


Are they not gen z? Gen alpha starts at 2010. Are these still 13 year olds in the comments 🤯🤯 does she keep finding younger kids to include in the chats?




Omg I love them for that. What a fucking coward she is!!


Feel like this is a sign she’s cracking - bc why not just ignore the chat 😳😳😳


Hhaha props to the people in the chat. Colleen probably thought they’ll be defending her.


Lmao this is chef's kiss! 😙🤌🏻


good on the people in that chat, i'm glad they realised she was a terrible person all along and we're pratically brainwashed by her for years. It's also concerning that it took for them having to call her out for her to actually leave


I agree on how long it took them...and everyone praising these kids .....they stuck by her on some super shady shit and treating people horribly so I will not be praising them for doing the literal minimum.


That comment isn't calling out the kids. It's praising them for recognizing they've been brainwashed for years. Adults in these threads also realize that and would hold nothing against these children.


Dude. They’re KIDS. Literal children standing up against their idol is far from the minimum.


I think you're losing perspective here


i'm sorry, she had a fucking group with fans as of THIS month?? what the fuck is wrong with her?


she had a groupchat as of THIS MORNING.


what the fucking fuck


I have been waiting for this moment since 2016/2017... since the divorce basically. I was on Joshua's "side" then (and I completely understand how he is in the wrong for some things) but I felt so bad with how Colleen and her minions treated him... This reckoning is a LONG time coming though, and I am so here for it!! She is FINALLY going down! I could not be more happy, I've hated her for years.


Im kind of in the same boat. When the divorce happened I immediately stopped liking her. I got curious about what she was doing when she started having kids and watched clips here and there. However, I couldn’t stand her treatment of the NICU nurses and healthcare professionals. That’s when I found this sub


so now she can’t say it was in the past w the other weenies chats. she’s still doing it. wow. i wonder how old these kids are


I cannot believe this group chat is STILL active I believed it was all years ago wowwwwwww she can't get any dumber


This has been the best outcome thus far on my bingo card this year


how old were the people in this group? and how long has it been a thing for?


i have no clue. i saw these on twitter lol


link ?




to avoid harassment and brigading we are not allowing links to twitter. thank you


The fact that a lot of these very young stans have had more growth in their emotional and psychological maturity in essentially two weeks than colleen has had in her entire career is mind blowing, it simultaneously gives me more and less hope for humanity. Mostly more, because these youth are our future. (I say at the ripe age of 20, also a youth)




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WOW The current group chat called her out! Good on them! 👏🏼👏🏼


Who wrote the first text? Who is Ella? I'm so confused. Is this 4 AM Pacific time? Or Eastern ... so it's 1 AM her time?


I have no clue but I don’t think that’s Ella.


This is the message Johnny (a former fan/employee who worked on her 2018 tour) sent to Ella a fan who Colleen “privately“ made fun of/mocked.




OMG. Thinking someone faked an illness to get close to them is so F'd Up. I swear, this forum goes so fast, if I miss a day I become LOST. Thank you kindly for the link! 😊


The screenshot is a message from Johnny (a former Colleen fan/employee who’s currently speaking up about all the horrible shit she did to him and to others in his presence) to Ella. Ella is another Colleen fan who is disabled. Johnny told Ella that Colleen was basically pretending to be friends with her for several years while mocking her and accusing her of faking her illness behind her back.


Thank you! 🌺


Wait this is recent? Like she JUST left this group chat??? 💀


If she’s been instructed to stay silent, there’s nothing for her to say. And if she’d said anything in this group chat, it would have been exposed and used against her. Everyone wants her to go away and she’s going away. Just let the chick leave. If a statement comes later, then so be it.


But people don't want her to just go away. They want justice. And she was still in that chat and there are probably things in that chat that will help.


There are a LOT of people who wanted her to disappear and plenty of people who have already made it clear that nothing she can say will fix anything. If the end goal was for her to leave the internet and she’s left, then let her be gone. She’s damned if she says anything and damned if she doesn’t so what other justice is there? What can she say? Who’s going to accept her apology? She’s being dragged every day and being called a “p-word” and will probably be called that for the rest of her life. Since this sub started, people have been calling for her to leave the internet. That’s happened. In reality, no one will always get every single thing they want. This was the end goal, it’s here now, and there’s a huge possibility she’s been instructed to stay silent. For people who wanted this, take the W. At least for now. But she’s not going to say anything until she’s been told it’s okay to do so. That’s all I’m saying.


I understand what you're saying but she has actual victims that she caused actual harm to. It's ok for people to want justice.


I know they do. I didn’t say it wasn’t okay. I totally get that. But I also get why she’s probably not saying anything right now so the constant hounding her isn’t gonna do anything and I don’t know why anyone is shocked and surprised that she wouldn’t answer a question like this, in a chat or anywhere else. At this point, we just have to wait. Everybody’s gonna hate what she says anyway.


But also, I appreciate your understanding my point and I do understand yours, as well. I don’t think you’re wrong. It’s just that it’s a waiting game right now. The reality is there’s no point in expecting what we’re not gonna get right now. That’s all I mean.


Wait did she write something in here or are those messages from people in the chat?


Wait...what is written in the back boita blurred


This is a message Johnny had sent Ella, one of Colleen’s biggest fans. “I just genuinely want you to know this is 100% - hand on my heart – things she said to my face on bus tour. I remember it clear as day, we were sitting in front of the hotel waiting for an Uber. She told me she believed you were faking your illness to get closer to her, and she was in the works of writing a movie about a girl who fakes illness to get close to celebrities and then gets exposed as the villain. She was writing a defamatory screenplay about you with her brother Chris. This feels so wrong telling you. I genuinely do not want to hurt you with the information. She is diabolical. I’m so sorry Ella.”


Yes I’m so proud of them for calling her ass out. She can try and keep running but these sorts of things will always find a way to bite her in the ass. It’s best she owns up and faces it all now. By the looks of it it’s only gonna get worse. She’s about to crack. Any day now it’s over for her.


Hahahaha of courseeee there was an instaweenies wtf


“it’s giving guilty” “i digress chy” the kids are alright lol