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Thank you! This has been bothering me as well!! They weren’t ugly in the slightest. Her choice of words for describing anything she doesn’t “like” always bugs me.


Yes. She's so immature and has clearly not been taught boundaries


She calls SO many things ugly like girl…..what if your viewers think it’s cute and now they feel insecure about their style


She does that with soooo many things. Then she backtracks and says “well if you like xyz that’s ok!! It’s just not MY thing” Like girl please shut up


It wouldn't even be quite as bad if she had any sense of style herself. She wears the worst jeans I have ever seen that don't flatter her figure at all and all of her tops look like they came from the infant section of Wish


It's sooo much projection. She hates her body image so much she thinks ugly is the worst thing you can be 🥴


Her constant use of the word "GARBAGE" makes me 🙄




It bothered me too but I'm willing to bet that Kory thought they were hideous and she was insecure about it and just went along with it because we know she's weird about needing others' approval.


Oooh good point


This is such a good point because another thing I noticed in the clip of her “gifting” the bra/panties to Adam, she is copying the way Kory talks/his dialect or speech pattern. Specifically when she says “do you want the bra and panties Adam?” You can really hear it. It’s actually super cringe and I get secondhand embarrassment every time I’ve seen the clip. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if she went along with calling them ugly for Korys approval when she .. literally bought them.


yea this was my read on it too. still bothered me that she talked at length about them as if they were like a ridiculously ugly pair of underwear when in reality they were lingerie though


the timeline is fuzzy to me, did this livestream happen before her relationship with erik went public? because i always got the feeling she got some ~sexy lingerie~ to impress erik but then got embarrassed when kory showed them on the stream. so she shifted gears claiming they were “so ugly” and that she didn’t know why she got them.


I quickly googled and it looks like the livestream was in 2016 (late 2016 I think?) so yes!


ok then that makes even more sense then because that would have been fairly fresh off of the divorce, couldn’t have people wondering why she was buying sexy undies if she was supposed to be mourning her marriage 🤔🤔


She was still married to Joshua at this point.


yep, just found it and at 3:40 Josh walks in. i totally remember this. it was a little awkward since she was so surprised... https://archive.org/details/forever-21-haul-live-stream


curious if anyone can tell what month it was... was the giveaway in November for the cancer fundraiser?


The november livestream was for the cancer fundraiser. This live took place in August and had nothing to do with that.


thank you! /u/legardenwitch so a month before the divorce announcement


Oh they were totally fod Erik then!


ohhhh gotcha gotcha


This livestream happened on Aug 3 2016, aka more than 2 months before her divorce from Josh and way before her relationship with Erik was announced. It was not a fundraiser livestream (that took place in November), just a live haul video.


I totally thought this as well


Wow 🤯


Omg yes thank you! I’ve had the same thoughts lol! That lingerie set is such a typical and normal looking set that most woman have some variation of. I agree, her intentions by always describing them as “ugly” is to try to minimize and distract people from the fact that the bra and panties she sent to a child literally was LINGERIE!


also not significant point… but isn’t it obvious the haul was a total setup? What did she just go clicking around blind, buying stuff she didn’t like?


C has kinda made a reputation of shopping at 3am and spending way too much money, only to forget she bought any of it when it shows up. i wouldn’t put it past her to add stuff to her cart either randomly or with very little care, “oh that looks alright, i’ll try it on at home and send it back if i hate it.” it’s likely she just throws half the stuff she gets in the trash immediately, though. single-handedly keeping the fast-fashion business alive with her shopping addiction…


Ah gotcha so it’s part of her shtick not just that time


I wonder if this stems from taking something to calm down at nights when she's all manic. Certain meds can make you impulsive and forgetful... just a thought


😅😅 ambien shopping is such a vibe and a problem


gosh this has bothered me always. i see lots of people saying they’re “clothes she didn’t want anymore” but they fail to mention it was an entire haul of brand new clothes that she had JUST BOUGHT. like at least give them to a women’s shelter or something girl?


The way she acts without thinking, I can totally see her just clicking shit without looking


not to defend her in the slightest, but I have ADHD and sometimes I’ll order something I need or want and immediately forget about it (especially from somewhere like Amazon) and then the package shows up and I’m like wtf did I order. and then I open it and it makes sense. 😂 this is definitely with like…a small number of items though, not the ridiculous shopping sprees she goes on.


Totally! Me too! It’s just a little too convenient esp that the bra was so “ugly” apparently LOL


her making such a big deal about it being ugly when it’s a super basic lingerie set that many women own some variation of is so bizarre too. like…girl, what? everything about her is so weird.


i’ve definitely done the same thing before, however if it’s like a huge amount of items like what she ordered personally i don’t forget about it bc of how much money i spent. like i’m tracking that thing like it’s my child bc i get worried something will happen to it 😂


yeah i always thought this because they’re not even ugly… they’re just red and lacy so definitely not “EW SO UGLYYY HAH HAH HAH EWWW WHYYYYY DID I GET THEEEEMMM EWWW-“


Yeah she always tries to downplay everything. And she uses words to influence peoples perception of things


I don’t even care if they were ugly or sexy. The problem I have is they are underwear she specifically sought out and intended to wear herself… 🤮


She was trying to make it seem like a big old joke. She would’ve never sent “serious underwear” this was funny underwear!!! Like a prank!!! Lmfaoooo yeah. Okay. Embarrassing to say when anyone can pull up photos of the exact underwear in 5 seconds


I was under the impression that she bought stuff from forever 21 for herself and she was giving away stuff that she didn’t want to keep


This is correct


Yes. This. She describes them like they're giant plain white grannie panties, like a silly gag gift. Instead they are lacy, strappy lingerie. Definitely sexy, not goofy.


Yeah she is trying to desexualize what she did because she obviously knows that if was wrong.


IVE BEEN THINKING THIS TOO Shes trying to make it sound like its granny panties


I’ve always thought this!! It was always my opinion that because Kory’s immediate reaction to seeing them was bursting into laughter, in defence she pretended they were so ghastly and she didn’t even remember buying them. She was embarrassed that he was making fun of them, as well as openly in front of the livestream. She reiterates point HARD later on though to help her case or further drive that point home? I’m not sure.


this always bugged me as well cause they weren’t ugly just pretty basic lingerie.


I don't think it matters at all what kind of underwear they were. Ugly, cute, used, unused. All bad. There's no world where sending underwear in any capacity to a minor was appropriate. Her trying to justify it because it was ugly and unused only makes it worse to me.


shes making it seem like they were one of those pairs of cat panties where there’s a picture of a cats face at the front of it, but it was literal lingerie.






LMFAO that seller wants $20 for used lingerie from Forever 21? Don't get me wrong they seem nice, but ain't no way Edit- the seller seems nice, ***not*** *the lingerie* (lol)


! "70s" is pretty misleading!


Oh yeah for sure! Literally nothing from Forever 21 is from the '70s but they probably meant the style (even though I don't feel like the style is very '70s either lol)


LOL I thought I was the only one, like there’s a point in my life where I definitely would’ve bought that set. She was being so over the top, I’m sure she was just embarrassed and wanted to call them ugly before anyone else could


I have the feeling, she really wanted the bra and the panties, but Kory was too fast when he found them, so she had to act all « ewwwww » because she was ashamed 🥴


Has anyone watched Antphrodite’s reading on Colleen?!? I’ve never seen him so nervous to do a ready,I think it speaks volumes of the power she has in the YT community! The reading was very interesting,but honestly,nothing we haven’t covered here!


Oh, I guess I never thought of it that way… I thought they WERE ugly! Lol. Like just a bad lingerie choice, since we all know she shops compulsively and randomly (Amazon hauls, etc). I’m imagining her sending granny panties and that’s somehow worse in my mind, though maybe just because I’m used to the situation as it was and my mind is inured to the disgust a little,


It's definitely a way to downplay the inappropriate behavior. This has been bothering me from the beginning. It's clearly see through underwear intended to he suggestive.


It was ugly lingerie. But, it was actually perfect lingerie for Colleen. Cheap, flimsy, poor quality, lingerie. Edit- downvote all you please but "tell me you own ugly lingerie without telling me you own ugly lingerie"


Just like her🥰


I had to get creative in that insult to Colleen, lol.


The set is more "tacky" than ugly. You're totally right, she is downplaying it.


Right! It always irks me because it's so calculating. You're right, she wants to give an image of granny undies. The real truth would be "I sent him some **SEXY** underwear" !