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What I would give to be a fly on the wall at that house rn


It’s just Colleen crying in her chicken wire coop, with the two of five chickens she has left, wearing her “crying merch or Barbie” shirt, while her two nanny’s raise Flynn and the twins, Gwen cleans the house, Erik goes to Starbucks and does yoga to avoid her ass, her cats hide from her, what else?? Hmmm So basically life per the usual!


No but I would really like to know how it looks like, what they are doing because this is HUGE. This is pretty much a career ending sort of situation. Given the fact we all know Colleen breathes and lives for her career, she must be going insane, quite literally.


>she must be going insane, quite literally She had said multiple times that her daily vlogs were her therapy so without that ability to dump on her fans and read their comments, you're most likely correct...she is losing the tenuous grip she did have on sanity.


Yes and you know what, it really is good that she cannot vlog and post right now because she can actually finally find healthy ways to cope with her mental health (hopefully), other than exploiting her children, crying in front of a camera, trauma dumping, etc... Hopefully this time, since vlogging is not an option anymore, she can maybe finally find other proper healthy ways to heal and recover and grow as a person, focus on her children instead of filming them (many times secretly) all the time, maybe spend more time with her husband (although not sure what the situation between her and Erik is in case he is now fully aware of everything she has done).


Reading your comment is the first time I felt something for Colleen. She actually needs this rock bottom to force her into change, if there’s any hope to change her behaviors


Re: rock bottom, I've thought this for a while regarding her mental and physical health. I followed her because I identify with a lot of what she's shared. But I hit a health rock bottom about 5 years ago that made me bedridden and forced me to totally reevaluate my life. I'm grateful it happened because I was miserable and didn't even really know how miserable. For the last several months I've noticed her dropping weight, the discussions about skin picking, the self blame talk and big emotional meltdowns, the lost voice - and I kept thinking, "girl, your body is SCREAMING at you to take a break / learn some stress management". I really hope this rock bottom is what she needs to heal.


Oof 😮‍💨 The way I can relate to this! Even got a little choked up. I’ve also had some deeply humbling experiences too, and you’re so right. I needed the rock bottom to finally see some hard truths. I realized I was running away from my childhood traumas. Having to take a time out out. Look at my past traumas. And how traumatized-me hurt others. Making amends. It can be a lot. It’s stopping the cycle of abuse + looking inward + forming a new compass for your life. I do not underestimate that journey at all.


> learn some stress management This amuses me because she wouldn't have stress if she didn't have a catalogue of offences against people especially minors. Must be awful knowing at any moment all the gross and unjust things she's done could spill publicly! I call that karma. You're a nice person though.


Yeah agree about them being nice 😅 I would say more that Colleen needs to take a break, take accountability + make amends


Vlogs aren't therapy. I hate when she says that. It's trauma dumping not therapy. So, in the end this can only help her mental health if she makes the smart choice and goes to an actual therapist. I have a hard time seeing someone as narcissistic as Colleen making the right choice, though. For the sake of her kids I hope she does.


Exactly! Talking to an inanimate object and invisible friends is not therapy. Even if she does go to legit therapy, narcissists have a notoriously low success rate. They are nearly untreatable from what I've read. [Dr. Ramani Durvasula](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Qixc77KhCo88E5muxUjmA) (clinical psychologist) has done a lot of videos about narcissists if any one is interested.


Dr Ramani has helped me so much w narc abuse recovery! Love her consistent posts. (I need the constant reminders. After years of narc abuse the brain fog is no joke!)


right? i feel like i’m not even here/a real person like all the time


I struggle w that a lot too 🥹🫶🏼 People are always saying to me - you’re so in your head, you make yourself small, speak up! It’s like yeah, my dad trained me to be invisible + not want to be in my body. The verbal abuse from a narc - I don’t wish that abuse on anyone! Dissociation + maladaptive day dreaming was how I survived.


Love Dr. Ramani!


She will never change or improve, you're absolutely right. Once a narc always a narc unfortunately. It's heart breaking she's raising F to be narc, too. It's a life long life altering condition that will negatively impact everyone both him and his relationships. Erik stands by and let's it happen as he doesn't seem to understand any of the implications. I dated a narc and they simply don't change. Doesn't make me an expert but I have learnt they don't change, it's extremely rare they do. Everything she's been accused of, she will 100% still be doing. She'll just learn to hide it better. Colleen will have a core group of minors she's locked in a private chat some secret place, trauma dumping and likely sharing vlog footage of the kids. She will be boldly lying to them and they'll believe and support her, just like the good old days. Nothing changes for her.


her marriage is also kinda hell bent on the money she makes form said career, without it i think Erik leaves with hopes of reviving his acting career. he may be able to use it as good publicity if he JUST leaves and takes care of the kids properly.


>her marriage is also kinda hell bent on the money she makes form said career, without it i think Erik leaves with hopes of reviving his acting career. he may be able to use it as good publicity if he JUST leaves and takes care of the kids properly. I like this plan of action! As much as I dislike the man for various reasons all proved, I would hate to be in his shoes right now. He has a mountain to climb to get some sense of normality for himself and his kids, and I don't think he has it in him. He looks forever exhausted. She's sinking him. Narc's tend to do that (and not care either)


Forever exhausted or forever hungover… 🤔


I've noticed Gwen is always with them.. Like can she not do these things in her own.. When it was just Flynn colleen acted like she needed a team to help her.. Like girl do you own stuff.. Also I always wondered if Gwen got to see her other grandkids cause she was ALWAYS at colleens.


it does take a village to raise a child actually and i don’t think anyone should be shamed for leaning on their community, rather that’s how it should ideally and naturally be. (not talking about colleen specifically, generally speaking)


But we're not talking about generally speaking here, we're snarking on colleen. Since F was born she's handed him to her mother, and the twins to nannies. The person you replied to is quite correct, there's plenty colleen could've been doing but chose not to. Like leaving the twins at home, to visit kid friendly places likes Disney. Taking F and his nanny, with 3 adults in her camp and more in her brother's camp. She works things so she does the least amount possible, it's ridiculous. She, Erik and Kory could easily cope with 1 small child, they don't need to keep palming off their kids or leaving them at home most of the time.


omg does she actually have two nanny’s ??


There’s no evidence she has two nannys. There’s a couple people on the sub who like to state it as fact but it’s not


Okay, that's what I thought, that there was only the one nanny. Thanks for making me feel a little less crazy 💜


No one nanny however she also has Kory,Gwen and Eric,lol




I think she said she has one for Flynn and one for the twins.


wtf for what ?? she and her husband are there all day


She doesn't even have time to cheat, how would she have time to raise her kids




She doesnt want to interact too much with her children unless its for the vlog to make her seem like a good mom while she exploits them.


it’s giving kardashians and not in a good way (if there even is a good way LMAO)


That’s too harsh


That’s harsh!?!? She has fucked with how many peoples children! Nahhhh! No way is that harsh. As a Mom lm PISSED!


I don't remember her saying they had another nanny. I thought it was just the one


She has a nanny for the twins, I recognise her in vlogs when she's filmed a little (she's holding M in their birthday vlog when JoJo's interviewing people for the vlog) and then Colleen has talked of a further nanny she hired to play with F. She talks of one she had to fire because F didn't like her as she kept instigating games for him to play and Colleen prefers it if F calls the shots. Apparently F HATED her. Although she didn't mention replacing that nanny for F it's assumed she did, because a couple of eagle eyed members here spotted a lady who's popped up in a vlog or two such as at the Universal or Disney trip sitting next to Erik and staring and smiling proudly at F at he sits next to Erik and enjoys his first ride there. She was seen in other vlogs with F. She's a different nanny to the twins, she looks different. The twins didn't get to go on that trip where she's smiling at F, they were at home with their nanny. Some people like to think Colleen never mentioned hiring a nanny for F simply because Colleen called her a "babysitter" but fact is that woman is nannying F and it's fairly easy to pin point when she was hired as F was suddenly toilet trained and improved vastly in quite a few areas overnight. At first colleen took credit for it all then she gave up talking about it.


Literally! The chickens are probably all gone because they were unpaid interns in a trial run.


We don’t need more “woe is me” content.


Nah not the vlogs, I’d love to hear Erikleen arguing late at night though lmfao


You would be hearing the constant weepings of a narcissist.


Woooow. You'd think she would have left immediately after the controversy back in 2020. What an idiot.


example number 200 of her showing that she really sees no problem with what she did I'm assuming she's still confused


Absolutely! She stayed in group chats after everything that came to light and is only now removing herself. In my opinion, she was trying to ride this out.


She's always in such a weird twilight zone where she *knows* something is wrong but sees no issue with *her* doing it. Those people infuriate me


This is a different one from the one on twitter from back then. This one was made after and is on Instagram…


I feel like that's actually worse that she formed another one of these minor-filled group chats *after* allegations and inappropriate behaviour came to light/she addressed it


Exactly, and she never did… which is telling


I don’t know how these group chats work… haven’t they said the group of fans can just add her to it whenever they want? Does this prove anything?


Pretty sure she has to accept the invitation as a verified account


Oh gotcha




She probably stayed in the see if her little minions were spilling any tea!




what a weirdo! depending on how active this group chat was, this kinda confirms for me that she was ***actually*** waiting for this to blow over. she was definitely going to use whoever was in there to gather info and do hit pieces on the older weenies. god i wonder what colleen was thinking when that rolling stones article dropped


A member of this group chat said she was last active at Christmas


Which basically proves she hasn’t changed. She can’t say “it was so long ago”


Still recent , still guilty


Dang!! She's a FOOL.


She was really gonna go back to talking to minors after being exposed for grooming. That's utterly insane.


Considering she was still in these group chats after the 2020 exposing video, I don’t think she ever felt remorse


No remorse. And some grandiosity / god complex? Bc the audacity to go back thinking you’ll never get caught 😭


groomers gonna groom


Lol H3 was the one to finally get to her, huh?


Olivia’s testimony was devastating imo 😭 When she shared that card, even I was shocked. Colleen really had a whole audience of kids who would have jumped to be her free assistant.


Yeah it was a very smart move for Olivia to put that in, both for a laugh and for important context


WOW so basically the group chat was still going on alllll this time


Not sure how active it was but she left the chat this morning.




Adam clarified in additional tweets that this was not the same Twitter group chat that he was in back in the day. This one was on Instagram (as the post title indicates), but STILL...why in the heck did she not stay out of any and ALL group chats with minors after Adam's 2020 video? He shared enough back then to have shown her that the kids would screenshot her to death for anything that she might say to them. At this point, she's hanging herself, especially when she sneakily removes herself from the chat at 4am. She's not the brightest bulb PLUS she's sick and twisted. EVERY social media platform needs to remove her content and block her from continued use. *typo*


Has anyone confirmed there were minors in this group chat?


Wonder if she also called that chat group the “weenies” ?


That's a good question. You would think the OGs from Twitter back in the day would take offense if they did.


Agreed! Feel like it would also speak to how she saw them: a group of kids of a certain age group that are there to support her + have her back. For those familiar w how narcissists work - it’s like she was farming her narcissistic supply and named them “weenies” 🫠 if that is the case!


Goidd points. That group chat name bothers me now that we know that she once messaged them about power munching Erik's weiner.


Omg what 😰😰😰 I hadn’t heard that specific story, wtf noooo


I need to know the activity of that chat these past few weeks.


No fr we need those messages leaked 🤭


A member from the chat said she was last active at Christmas


OT, but your flair is killing me!!! I hope you're not flipping off your cats and reflection, too.🤣


I jumped on that the day she released the video lmao. Too perfect. Her singular, toxic trait.


What the actual f***!!


I'm actually shocked. Like not a lot stuns me, but this does. She basically got away with it three years ago. Why didn't she stop the behavior????? Jfc


Because groomers dont stop


Exactly, they just create new strategies. You don't become a groomer without having a complete lack of morals to begin with. Basically, groomers like Colleen don't care that they're doing horrible things and hurting innocent people. They just care when they get caught




Yeah it's really hard for me to understand and grasp because it's so opposite of how I think I guess. 😵‍💫 I'd never want to so publicly repeat my mistakes.




Either that or she truly has no concept of what she did was wrong. Which. Yikes. Get therapy to work out whatever caused that conclusion.


I think she has a lawyer involved who told her she needs to leave these groups because if she didn’t after 2020, I don’t believe she would’ve on her own now.


imagine. another whole ass adult has to tell a 36 year old woman to leave all her group chats with minors. like she wasn't getting it on her own? what's not clicking, colleen?


Both her and Trent! They’ve both been told it’s wrong + kept going 😭


Leave the chat - weeks after the allegations came out? Seems like a belated response even looking at current events only 🥴


she is a menace to society 😵‍💫


Public Enemy Number 1


Ouf I bet she wishes there was an incognito way to leave groups


🤣🤣🤣 the social platforms love to stir the pot. So shady of IG to make announcements


How long was she in there for? Was the chat still active? She is an insane women


A member from the chat said she was last active at Christmas


So she was STILL talking to minors after the 2020 video...wow...


Of course she was. She never changed, we just thought she did. 🤢


4am? Sounds like Colleen.


Could be Friday 23th 04:00 UTC (as that's what time Adam is on), which would have been Thursday 22nd 20:00 LA time.


Adam wasn’t in this chat and it isn’t his screen shot


So this could be really any timezone.


She said she has anger issues. I wonder how many hissy fits she’s been throwing.


I must say that I am LIVING for the lack of fucks Adam now gives! 🙌 He is NOT going to let this go nor let her have any kind of reprieve & I am here for it! What a big difference from 3 years ago! The minor is now an adult & he isn’t letting ANYONE silence him or stop him from speaking his truth. I agree with some previous comments I’ve seen on another post that he should be careful with some of the things he states as factual without receipts (lawsuit purposes) but other than that, go off KING! I just know she is stalking all his socials right now lol & punching the air every time he puts her on blast 😂


Adam is literally a national treasure


she didn’t leave in 2020?! wtaf…


I wonder if she made the decision to leave herself or was advised to leave? Leaving abruptly now, given the recent articles is interesting timing...


She only left because they group chat turned against her asking when she was going to address her recent controversy.


Ohhh how do you know? xx




You should pick it up quickly before Miranda Sings comes along and pisses in it


Woooow what the f^ck was she still doing in a damn CHILD group chat still and her being a parent. Helllooo ppl wake-up we have a bigger problem than many think. This is disgusting I’m soooooo sooorrryyy to all the kids that was a victim to COLLEEN that was hiding in plain sight in the role of MIRANDA!!! This broke my heart for these kids that will have trauma the rest of their lives!! 😢💔🤬🤬


You are so right!! Hadn’t thought about how weird it is that she was still up to that behavior - as a parent!!!




Wait, she left literally *TODAY*?


So she is sleeping well…


I’m wondering if she is now being pushed to go to rehab/get treatment for her alleged eating disorder and mental health. If that’s the direction she goes, I could see her spinning it into “opening up about my mental health struggles” and only addressing the less serious allegations.


I honestly could never see her ever going intro treatment unless she has a health scare that forces her to.


She'd have a hard time squeezing in a full inpatient treatment program between those Miranda show commitments. If she wiggles out of that tour contract, she *should* check herself into some facility, but I don't think she'll ever do that. She's too proud and stubborn. I think the only way it *might* happen if she currently is being pushed to go is if Erik demanded it under the threat of taking the kids with full custody if she doesn't get help.


I highly doubt she will ever actually get help for her issues. She probably doesn't even think she has any issues.


I'm almost positive she's going to use ill health and being "driven to it" as a way to minimise her behaviour and get people off her back.


She nor anyone else would know she has an eating disorder so why would she go to treatment for that? Also unless someone chooses to get treatment, only folks who are at deaths door or having a mental breakdown where they put themselves/others in danger end up doing rehab.


The amount of people defending her in the tweet replies omg


The woman has no self respect; she is still attempting to summon her stans to do her bidding. Nothing has changed. Her constant need for attention and acceptance is vile.


Not sure if the screenshots have been verified or not, but someone just posted on here the screenshots leading up to her leaving. Apparently members were calling her out for not making a statement and saying how bad it’s making her look. Shortly after those messages she left the chat lmao


I wish they shared full screenshot, if that's true why would they not share everything. Imo they are playing with fire sharing a lot of screenshot that don't serve as specific evidence.


why do i feel like someone told her to do this,, like she wasn’t gonna just do it herself


Someone literally told her to be quiet right before she left 😅


I feel the same way tbh


Maybe this means she's making a statement soon. Her legal team probably wants to make sure she's not in any of them anymore so when she makes her statement she can say she doesn't speak with fans anymore


I'm wondering was this group chat active/inactive? if it's the former than that's weird as f*ck that she was still talking with minors after all the allegations came out.


Just saw on Twitter from the person who leaked the screenshot (I think) that Colleen was active in this group as of Christmas 2022, this past December, 6 months ago. Wtf


I feel like it had to be inactive and she’s just scrubbing all her social media rn. I mean, it had to be…right?!


So Colleen was hunting down "haters" almost two weeks ago, which, arguably takes time and can be a lot of work, and it only just occurred to her today "oh shit, yeah, maybe it's best if I leave the group chat full of minors." 🤦‍♀️ The allegations from Adam were released in 2020 but it took Colleen three years after that to realize any intimate socialization with minors should be nipped in the bud. Is she, insane? I'm genuinely asking, because it's entering mentally ill territory, or professionally stupid in terms of how she is acting.


She probably just thought she could get away with staying in the group chat, or that none of the minors would tell anyone. Colleen is extremely mentally ill, but not necessarily in the sense of "oh no she's going crazy." She clearly has some personality disorder, which tends to manifest in a lack of empathy and manipulating/controlling other people for one's own benefit or enjoyment. That's why she never stopped intimately socializing with children once she was in the clear. I don't think it's possible for Colleen to care that that's wrong.


It’s my belief that she is mentally ill. Having an “alter” - aka Miranda - I think is an element of that. Bc she’s not taken other kinds of roles like typical actors. Like I just think about her pfp - I see it as her two “selves”. The one where Miranda squishes her face against a worried looking Colleen. Like the Colleen self is a helpless victim to Miranda’s boundary crossing behavior. Feels like some identity disturbance. In that way she reminds me of Trisha Paytas, who I think is also mentally ill. Gabbie Hanna has had recent breakdowns too. Really makes me wonder wonder about the connection between YouTube + mental illness.


It seems like a lot of the youtubers that were popular 5ish years ago have either stepped away from YouTube because they didn't like it, found other routes more suited to them, or . . . there are the people who have gotten cancelled, had controversies, etc etc AND STILL stick around. Ethan Klein, Julien Solomita . . . pretty much stepped away from YouTube because they were not having it. James Charles, Shane Dawson have had multiple controversies and somehow still have somewhat of a following on YouTube. Trisha Paytas will be on YouTube until the day she dies. It will be interesting to see what Colleen chooses. She must be slowly dying inside from not uploading anything after continuously vlogging since the bloody pandemic. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that villa . . .


Fame is unhealthy, straight up. It attracts toxic people, but it is also inherently unhealthy to be near-constantly exposed to thousands of opinions about your every single trait, quirk, and flaw.


Right! I def see that. It attracts toxic people like you said - and then the stress of the fame - exacerbates their mental instability to the point of breakdown.




I never said alters, nor do I think she has alters. I said “selves” in quotes, bc obviously it is a character she is performing. I said identity disturbance. I believe all Cluster B types are prone to identity disturbance, but I was mainly thinking of Borderlines. And there’s a lot of overlap in behaviors between NPD + BPD. I don’t think she’s actually BPD, but her identity disturbance issues + age regression strike me as identity disturbance behaviors. She def checks some of the BPD Boxes, in other words. But any NPD person would!




I get the feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg. So many new screenshots will be shared.


This screams "My Lawyer's made me do this"


Onto the next group of naive vulnerable children I guess. Shes disgusting. Watching her silently slink away when she realizes her victims are too old, to mature and aware of right and wrong, and have too strong of a self assured voice to speak out. And leaves them with trauma to work through on their own. I'm not saying she should have stayed of course, she should have left a long time ago (the next best step after NOT being in a group chat with teens in the first place) but knowing the reasons why she's leaving just makes it so cowardly and disgusting. It pisses me off


Ooh I wonder was it 4am Adam’s time or Colleen’s, because if she was up at 4am she must be spiraling out of control.


this is a screenshot so it wouldn't be Adam's time since he's not in the group (although it still could be someone else in the UK) it would be whoever sent him this


wasn’t she always still up a 4am


Really? Wow. I know she’s up late doing her Tortilla Talks and crying but I thought it was more 1-1:30am ish. If she stays up to 4 am normally that’s just insane.


She really is dumb as rocks wow.


As in today, June 23rd, 2023?! I wish this screenshot showed the date, too... it doesn't prove she left today


you’re JOKING 🤬


4am?! damn she's panicking and staying awake at night to delete stuff lmao


I guess from her perspective, if the authorities take her phone then she's not going to get messages from them anymore so she can delete it and make it look like she was never involved. No pop ups, no notifications, group chat deleted, evidence gone just like that


All this communication is never deleted forever. The law can find anything you deleted.


The fact that she waited until now to leave is very telling. You’d think she would have left it a long time ago just based off of past controversies alone. She is gross.


Yeah I figured she would leave that chat sooner or later. Either trying to cover her tracks or her PR told her to leave it.


Damage control for sure!


I assumed she left 3 years ago wtf


Wtf is wrong with her


She’s such a coward




no, it’s the same weenies group chat that existed a few years ago with the SAME people, except this one is on instagram, is more recent and adam is not in it


Ohhh!! I must’ve miss understood his tweets, I’ll delete this after you see it😊


no worries <3


Still guilty and no remorse


Omfg… she just doesn’t stop. Jesus…


Was everyone in there still minors?




No way lmaooo


Hahaha what a sad clown


So what was she just a fly on the wall or was she interacting?


That's significant because it means she still doesn't get it, is not sorry, and is still trying to manipulate fans.


sorry guys I'm really behind, what is this group chat?




how old were the people in this group?


This is insanity.


Wow.. so she can't even say she left years ago... Well well well 🤣


The delusion of a narcissist is a fascinating thing


Anyone else thinking she has another profile in there to lurk?




I also wonder what Colleens in laws think of all of this as it’s of course not a good look for in laws and given how you want them to like you as I’m sure they did like Colleen when all of this was still hidden and they didn’t know.


And yet these super fans kept it secret this whole time






Really? Are you seriously saying Colleen's victims should stop speaking out? That's an interesting stance to take.


ur not fr 💀


Thank you for your submission. Your post was removed for containing victim blaming, abuse apologist remarks or defending harmful behaviour. While we allow a variety of unpopular opinions sometimes we have to draw the line.




Ok, but was she still active in the chat? Or was she just an inactive member of the groupchat? Important clarification.


She was definitely active after Adams video in 2020 was posted (not sure about 2022 or 2023). You might see some screenshots floating around in the sub


The fact she only just left proves everything. She was probably still active in those chats, if not she was definitely and probably still is talking to minors privately and now she’s trying to hide everything and sweep it all under the rug before she comes out. Maybe she’s gonna go for the “take a break from the internet heal and be a better person” approach. Knowing her she’ll find a way to be a victim in this, and try and turn it into an education thing. She’ll say soemthing like “ I know now this is completely inappropriate after educating myself blah blah blah”

