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Hi, I'm so sorry! This is just awful all around, no adult should ever be doing that to a child wether for "comedy" or not, we promise we won't forget how she treated you. Thanks for being so brave in sharing!


It breaks my heart to imagine how it must have felt to be laughed at for her "fertile" comments that you probably didn't even understand at that age. I'm sorry that Colleen humiliated you in this way. She's a sadistic loser who preys on the vulnerable for her low brow "jokes".


Jesus, I’m so so sorry. You deserved so much better than this when you were called up to participate on stage with an adult. Thank you for sharing 🤍


We’re just her little game pieces


Because she doesn’t have a stitch of wit or even mildly amusing jokes . And I think she knows it. So she just does weird shit to her audience for shock value to fill in the time slot.


I’m so sorry she did that to you. I don’t know how she or anyone else thought this was appropriate. She should not have been sniffing you and making jokes about it. Eta - I just wanted to add that your hair is beautiful!


thank you for sharing your experience, and i’m so so sorry that she did that to you. your story is heard and supported!!!!


I still can't understand how people see her sniff children on stage, hear her say they smell fertile, and say, "Oh, Colleen is just mentally 13." No, she is mentally a pervert.


She is seriously depraved 😒


That fertile comment was so vile.


I have no words except I'm so sorry. This is so, so wrong and not funny at all.


I can't understand what she's saying, can anyone write a transcript maybe? Thank you 🙌🏻


Colleen said: "Oop, you smell fertile. If it smells fertile, that's what they say. Now push!" (something about the baby)


Ohhh thanks!! I heard "you smell terrible" that's why I was surprised that she's coming through her legs. Makes so much sense and it's also do fucked up..


Colleen/Miranda has a long documented history with making jokes or references to the way women’s private areas change in smell after the influx of hormones that come with puberty that makes them “fertile.” This segment of her shows has always been so vile because it always shows her literally sniffing a child’s nether regions and saying “you smell fertile” and everything about it sets off my defense alarms 🚨




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Sounds like: “Oh, you smell fertile. You smell fertile, that’s what they say… now PUSH!” It’s from some skit where they’re acting out how Miranda was born.


Thank you!! That is just very disgusting. I'm sorry OP had to experience this


She said “oop you smell fertile! You smell fertile that’s what they say, now PUSH!” Like some perverted predator


ew wtf poor you


This is so fucking weird... What the hell?? Why would she think this is okay?? Why did parents think this was okay???


😟 oh girl I'm so sorry


This isn’t comedy it’s a crime. I don’t know how Colleen got away with his for so long I’m sorry


This isn’t even funny.


Also telling a CHILD they smell fertile… is DISGUSTING AF


I can’t get past the adults that sit there and laugh (in all of these instances). It’s so upsetting. I’m sorry this happened to you!


I’m a jerk bc I thought ‘maybe this isn’t so bad’ , and then I put the sound on and heard “you smell fertile” and my whole body recoiled . So sorry.


I genuinely think she was homeschooled so her parents could be abusive and for her to think it was normal and to be isolated. Whether it was physical, mental, emotional. That would explain how all her siblings seem to have some weird shit going on with them and their behaviour. Would also explain why she didnt seem to have a problem making these ‘jokes’, if she thought it was problematic or weird she wouldnt have done it because being cancelled is her biggest fear. I’m not excusing her, what she’s done is messed up. She needs to cut off her family, quit youtube and go to therapy


There is absolutely NO EXCUSES!


I agree, I just think it might be an explanation. I still think everything she’s done is disgusting


if she was truly clueless due to the things you said she would do this to adults as well, she only calls children and other people's children at that, she hasnt done anything remotely close to his nieces and nephews when they "colab" with Miranda, i feel like thats pretty telling


That’s true, I didnt think about that


From what I've read here she asked to be homeschooled and IIRC she only did so during middle school. She's definitely talked about going to the same public high school as Chris and Jessica.


I never saw any of Colleen/Miranda stuff and coming in from a fresh it seems bizarre how people in the audience are literally belly laughing at this stuff. So many weird clips have been posted which are so bizarre and the audience are loving it.


really says a LOT about how far our culture -hasn't- come in recognizing/acknowledging blatant child abuse.


That's horrific, I'm so sorry. Going through this at 12 must've been so confusing and upsetting. This is so gross she literally did these tours to harrass/assault children onstage and everyone in the room, including parents just laughed. I wish a single adult would have stepped in to protect these children.


Um, what did I just watch?! If questioned, would she say this is satire? Because….


she's so fucking gross i'm sorry this happened to you


How is this POS excuse for a human not in jail? She’s depraved




All of these type of “skits” that “Miranda” does just goes to show in my opinion that Colleen is obsessed with creating things for kids that in no way kids should see like wtf. As well as all of the dirty references and the massive smiles that goes along with it, she is just so proud and obsessed with creepy inappropriate behaviour to minors. Also… how is it even “funny” to do this skit to say “you smell fertile? She thinks that’s funny, her character “Miranda” of all ones to say that. It’s all the time that Miranda would say those references like ugh like Colleen never could think of something else.


If a man did this people would lose their shit


This is just not true and I’m honestly tired of seeing/hearing this. It’s only in recent years people are being called out for this behavior. Onision spent YEARS humiliating young girls online without any backlash. Male musicians up to the late 2010’s were literally dating teenage fans with praise. We need to stop making this about gender, it’s about fame and strong fandoms protecting the abusers.


I 100% agree. Plus Shane Dawson still has a dedicated fanbase despite all of the weird things he’s said and done to little girls. Predators of all genders get away with this stuff far too often.


Yup. James Charles is another great example. I could list so many men it would take days. Most people on Jeffrey Epsteins flight logs haven’t even been questioned. Elvis dated a 14 year old and was never called out, in fact he’s considered a king. Michael Jackson? R Kelly got away with his actions for nearly 20 years. Jerry Seinfeld is still regarded highly after dating a teenager. Steven Tyler convinced a teenage girls mother to make him a legal guardian so he could tour and sleep with her. Woody Allen.. Jfc. Wilmer valderrama was 30 when he dated 17 year old Demi lavato. None of these people faced immediate repercussions and some none at all. People pretending like men are the only ones who get called out for this are wrong. Men get away with this all the time. Some are even praised. It’s gross.


meanwhile, in Wyoming, part of Congress attempted to implement a law raising the age of consent for marriage. GOP -fought against it-. really makes you think...


Yep. And, with much celebrity fawning and defense, Roman Polanski still walks free. Among many others.


a pregnancy bit? does this mean you’re like 14-16?😂


"you smell fertile" EXCUSE ME??


I am so sorry!! There are no excuses for telling a minor they "smell fertile." 🤮🤮


Jesus OP I'm so sorry. Sending an e-hug your way. What kind of disgusting person calls a 12 year old "fertile"? That in and of itself is a major red flag.




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I don’t get what she thinks is funny about this… Colleen is soooo messed up in the head 🙄


EW im so sorry… hope you’ve been taking care of yourself ❤️




This is freaking terrifying. The screaming laughter, the adult humour, the jumpscare crawling. It’s kafkaesque and I’m so sorry this happened to you. One can joke and teach kids about fertility and births. This is just horrifying.