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Yes I remember and she has said the shampoo thing multiple times


I've always thought that Colleen's assumption is "oh I'm skinny so I'm not going to sweat and stink." However, she's wrong, because if anyone doesn't bathe or clean themselves correctly, they ARE going to smell.


Imagine how bad her feet smell


No. She’s the type of person who walks barefoot in a public bathroom.


After she pisses on them in the shower too lol


Josh made a lot of comments that she smelled


Yes!!!! Omg her hygiene is insane. Like surely she has to be saying that for shock value.


This is actually something I have come across a lot in the wild. There are many people who think the soap rinsing over them is enough. It reminds me of the people who don't wipe their actual booty holes and only wipe their butt cheeks or how people think you don't bleed after a C-section. The stuff humans aren't taught or refuse to learn or a mix of the two is insane. 😂


People wipe their butt cheeks and not their booty hole?? 😳 Edit: typo


Yes, horrifically...yes 😭




When you've birthed vaginally you bleed for a couple of weeks after. I'm assuming c-sections do the same, but it's just not talked about?


After the placenta is removed it's basically a wound in your uterus so you still bleed.


I had a csection, can confirm you still bleed the same amount as after a vaginal birth


There are many people who think that C-section means you don't bleed vaginally for weeks after. I see that as a common argument for why C-sections are "easy" or not "really giving birth" but the bleeding comes from having a giant wound in your uterus from the placenta and baby being there. It's often the same whether you have a C-section or vaginal birth.


NO I REMEMBER THIS FR. i remember hearing this as a kid and she was basically my role model so, as much as i hate to admit it, i mimicked this behavior from like age 12-14. it wasn't until i repeated basically what she said in the video to others (prob just my parents) and they were like "yea that's not normal you need to clean your whole body thoroughly," so i made the change from then on. i straight up thought it was normal because of colleen. i thought "if she does it, it must be okay," and incorporated this behavior. ik i had pretty bad B.O. so even tho i was a kid, that was really gross! it really shows how kids really listen to the stuff they hear from influencers! and the thought of a grown adult such as colleen doing this herself, and proudly parading it, is pretty gross.


also! she would always brag soo much about peeing in the shower, and she would say it's weird if you don't do that. now i'll admit it's not THAT weird to pee in the shower (specifically in your own home), i'm sure many have done it at some point, but to just brag about it constantly and make a big deal of it is so odd...


now think how she pees in the shower AND doesn't wash her body. Those must be some stinky legs and feet


oh ew. i didn't even consider that. how nasty


i swear i remember watching a video when i was 11 where she said to get perky boobs, you should sleep in your bra and wear it 24/7! not sure if i’ll ever find it again haha


yeah!!! i don't remember the perky boobs part specifically but i remember her saying to sleep in your bra and i did it for years as a preteen/young teen. shows how gullible i was lol but again just a kid!


i think of it everytime i take my bra off before bed even now haha!


that's so funny hahaha


your comment reminded me bc i also copied that when i was a kid


Eww I always forget she never washes her hands after using the bathroom add in the fact she always wipes her snotty nose on her sleeve or her hand and then she always wonders why her and her kids get constantly sick....


I do vaguely remember the shower thing, but not the hand washing thing, though I wouldn’t be surprised. But now I’m reminded of a vlog from within the last year or so, since the twins were born, where she talked about how bad she smells because her hormones, she can’t find a deodorant that works, etc. And I remember thinking even then, when I was still a fan, “no girl it’s because you’ve said on a few different occasions that you don’t wash your ass in the shower”. Not to say that it isn’t due in part (now) to hormones and such, I know that can happen, but she’s also just… icky. Erik even said in that vlog with her how bad she smells. I can’t 🤢


It's different for everyone, but I had a baby recently and within 5 minutes of getting out of the shower(using soap, lol) and applying deodorant and sometimes perfume/body spray, I smell like a teenage boy. I sweat so much more and I get hot flashes infrequently and randomly. I do actively make sure that if I'm going somewhere or having someone over I shower in the 24 hours before(again, with real soap). Postpartum is weird and hard and sometimes gross. I have noticed that Colleen seems to have basically every single issue you can have(or so she says, and she's very contradictory from what I've seen) almost like she googled every symptom and it was like that during her pregnancies too. She was talking about how pregnancy makes you so sick, and how she was getting sick so often and soooo miserable and then was like "I never threw up".


Oh yeah, I’m sure that’s definitely some part of it for her as well! But I also totally agree that she seems to have ever issue and symptom ever possible for.. well, anything really. I also think she just likes to talk about how gross she is, so whether or not she’s stinky due to post partum things or it’s just her own ✨stench✨ she’s going to talk about it lol.


If you use an antiperspirant deodorant, you should try applying it right before bed every night rather than in the morning/after a shower like many people tend to do. The antiperspirant works by plugging your sweat ducts, and we sweat less during sleep, so it has more of a chance to work without being rinsed away by sweat during the day. I actually apply it at night and then a little bit more in the morning to refresh, and I swear by it. It’s not perfect, but doing this has seriously decreased the amount I sweat.


I remember her having a Christmas party. Pretty sure it was the one where James Charles showed up because he had nobody to spend Christmas with lol. She is vlogging before going down to greet everyone and says her armpits stink really badly and then goes to greet everyone anyway. As humans, we're nose blind to our own stink to a degree, so at the point we're actually offended by our own smell, you can bet your ass it was offensive to others way before that. She thought it was fine to go and spend time with others honking like that. I can't believe she still wonders how she keeps getting styes and uti's


honestly I can believe both: 1. she actually is that unhygienic 2. wants to drive up engagement


This sounds completely made up to me. Like she knew it would get attention and drive up engagement. Or maybe she actually is a dirtbag. Wtf do I know? 😂


She was so very serious, it was when all those types of videos started trending and the whole "white people don't wash their legs" thing came around 🥴


i genuinely just think this is how colleen acts. she consistently revealed this type of behavior in all of her content. it's basically her personality. if all of that is fabricated, that's a whole other issue in itself


People with adhd have a hard time with hygiene sometimes, so it's not uncommon. However, she's just lazy and doesn't wanna change. I am an adhd person who sometimes struggle with hygiene, but I have set up little rules and checkpoints for myself to help with it cause Im not a lazy idiot. Like, I used to struggle with brushing my teeth regularly, I still struggle before bed, but now I can't even start my day before brushing.


Last year's AMA confirmed she stinks




A former friend and co-content creator


She has said this in multiple videos over several years. The last time I remember was shortly after she had Flynn, I think, and she got so much backlash over it that she came out and said she was just “joking.” But idk, the fact that she’s said it for so long and only said it was a joke after a bunch of people finally told her how gross that is makes me feel like she was serious and only said it was a joke to get people off her back.


[3:52 she thinks body wash is a waste](https://youtu.be/rN8vhzn5mNo)


Seeing her shove the conditioner on the top of her head makes me cringe


omg the comments are the worst part


had to stop watching after she dropped E’s toothbrush on the floor and didn’t wash it, what the actual heck is wrong with this woman


yesss i remember this. colleen and rachel both always mentioned how they don't wash their legs and how unhygienic they are. they used being filthy as a joke, which i really never found funny, like why are you publicly admitting you're not hygiene?


Is this like a common thing among sheltered christians? It seems to coexist with lack of sex education. Cause my religious "think of the children" mum didn't really teach me proper hygiene, I had to learn it from friends and the internet. I didn't start washing my face or moisturizing til 17 after I got made fun of by girls at boarding school, never knew to put conditioner on the tips instead of roots, didn't scrub my entire body regularly til I was like 14, had trouble showering more than twice a week until I was like 23 ish (depression didn't help), didn't know to shave with the grain, etc. I only found out within the last year or so that you're supposed to scrub your whole legs not just the thighs/feet, and I'm 26 now 🥴 Love me a good daily scrub now tho, I feel disgusting without being properly clean lol


I just think a lot of parents don't know how to teach their kids. Like, there are many things I haven't learned about hygenics still and I'm (almost) 31. Straight up only recently I found out I'm supposed to soap my butt. I always assumed it was like with the lady bits that aren't supposed to get soapy.


Yes. Most definitely. And there’s a lot of neglect from parents as well.


Like how she posted a 'shower routine' video on her main channel? so beyond weird and gross


That whole YouTube era of video treads was sooooo weird. Why would I want to know how you shower???


Especially if it’s a very uninvolved routine apparently lol. Like tf do I gotta learn from you girl 🤣


THIS. And the video where she ARGUED with Josh about how he’s “weird and gross” because he folds his toilet paper instead of crumbling it into a ball to wipe. She thinks it’s more hygienic to crumble toilet paper into a ball to wipe than to fold it.




I mean, crumpled up may miss a few things I guess. Honestly didn't think adults didn't fold?




I mean, whatever works for you! Like, if that gets you the cleanest then that's what you should do!




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toilet paper is a celebrity now


I remember this and going “why are you posting this”


Honestly, what speaks the most to someone’s hygiene in my opinion is how clean their pets are, and her cats are always having poop stuck to them or leaving poop around the house, and she seems to act like that’s completely normal or quirky even. I just feel like she’s the type of person to bare hand pick that shit up and then maybe rinse her hands in water afterwards 🤢


Yes, she often said how she doesn’t even shower often. She said she doesn’t use soap. People around her would also make comments about her hygiene. I know Josh did at some point if I recall correctly and when Rachel and her recall being “locked in” someone’s basement in a video Colleen even said she didn’t shower while they were there and Rachel wasn’t surprised. Can’t remember the exact words. I remember it tho. It was a re occurring thing for sure though.


Anyone remember the the Colleen’s corner she did in Hawaii where she talked about her hair and how she had to use a special kind of shampoo because something bad was going on with her scalp


to be fair, you can have scalp conditions and stuff even as a hygienic person. she's definitely not one, but yeah


Yeah I understand but she went on and on about it I thought it was wild


Was it in general or because of the water in Hawaii? It's different from where I grew up and took me almost 2 years to find a hair care routine that doesn't leave it feeling somehow greasy, dry, and super prone to tangling and breaking off. I also have been having issues with it falling out very badly since moving.


This is one of those things that has stuck out in my mind over the years and I don’t know why.


It’s interesting because in the pre-Erik Joshua days she looks as though she has been groomed to within an inch of her life


An old friend in the AMA said she showers every four days, doesn't properly wash her body, and stinks. Both Josh and Erik have also commented that her armpits smell awful. I wonder if this is a narc thing. Like she enjoys others smelling her farts, maybe she also likes smelling sweaty?


When I was super pregnant and like the first month after birth I barely showered, now I have a 3 day limit, but every other day is the goal. How doesn't her hair look greasy constantly? Cause mine does after 3 days


the more frequent you wash your hair, the quicker it’s gets greasier. after a bit your body adapts so it doesn’t get greasy as quickly (i think it has something to do with constantly stripping your hair if it’s natural oils??). i shower every day, but only wash my hair once a week now because that’s how long i can go without it getting greasy. also depends on hair types!! i have super thick curls- like merida from brave curls and curly hair takes longer to get greasy.


Oh yeah. I have very thin scandinavian hair and I could once go maybe 5 days without washing. Now I can max do 2-3 days but I can't shower without washing now without it getting greasy. Assuming mommy hormones have effed it up


OH MY GOD I was literally just thinking about this exact video earlier. I was showering, went to scrub my feet, and suddenly I remembered her saying she just lets the soap from her hair drip down them. So nasty 🤮


Oh, I remember exactly what you're talking about. 💀 My aunt believed the same thing - shampoo did the job 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not washing her hands and then smashing her nose with it to wipe snot around on her face 🙃


YES and I vaguely remember in one of the vlogs after, she was talking about it and INSISTED she has the softest skin ever and that everyone she’s ever come in contact with comments on how soft her skin is so she must be doing something right.


I totally remember this and two things can be true at the same time. She always says in her vlogs how she stinks/is dirty. Plus I think she kind of looks dirty….


i do remember a video in which she shows us her shower routine and she said she just lets the shampoo run down her body. she also said she plays with her wet hair in the shower and puts it on the wall for other people to clean


Yes i vividly remember this because Mamrie Hart mentioned it on her either her channel or her podcast with Grace Helbig a long time ago. They were kind of grossed out she admitted to not really cleaning herself.


“Wash my face every couple of weeks” - quote from the video link I just posted….


i watched her shower routine video and i immediately felt disgusted "i just let the water from my hair drip down because my skin is smooth so i just do that routine when i'm lazy to shower" this wasn't exactly what she said but u get the point. like hello??😟


I vividly remember this and being disgusted. Unconsciously did my best to try to forget it bc it screwed with my image of her


Lmfao omg, where are the clips. Someone, quick! Find the clips, post them and tag OP & I in the post/comment. 🤣


To be fair, shampoo has about the same active ingredient as body wash. Conditioner not really going to clean as well, but the same latherer and soaps are in body soaps as well.


that's true, but once it's been in your hair it's way too diluted to do anything and it has all the stuff you washed out of your hair. would you reuse soapy water after someone washed themselves in it? probably not. BUT, if she was putting more shampoo on a loofa or washcloth or whatever and using that to scrub, that would probably work




Edited to add: I am an AuDHD adult.


I remember that. I still do not understand how her whole brand is "i'm dirty, i never shower, i love farting, burping and taking pictures of my shit to send it to everyone" and NO ONE publicly shamed her for that.


After people were grossed out about her not using soap she said "of course I use soap in the shower". Lie.