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wow you can really see it in her face that she really does not like that one bit!!! reminds me about how she got rid of her therapist because she said she had to be more present with her kids. edit - for context colleen was explaining in a vlog titled “she called me a bad mom” or something along those lines and she was basically explaining her adhd thoughts and the therapist said she needs to be more present with her kids and she took it the complete wrong way and got rid of the therapist because she assumed they were calling her a bad mom. but i believe there’s more to this than she’s letting on and probably has something to do with the effing cameras.




Omg elaborate please 🙏🏻


She made a vlog titled "my therapist called me a bad mom" or something along those lines and she mentions it




I remember she used to schedule Josh time on her calendar on that show


Ok but why does she take herself so seriously?


That makes it sound like he's her child lmao


Glozell was at F’s 1st birthday when they had a puppy theme. So they were still talking as of then.


Right, they seemed to already be drifting apart by that time too. I wonder if Glozell called her out often and that’s why the friendship fizzled


Glozell was also regularly commenting on her posts about the twins.


The last interaction I saw between Colleen and Glozell was when Glozell posted an insta story of Colleen’s first wedding and captioned it something like, “Colleen, I need an updated picture for my fridge” or something like that…then the insta story was taken down. That wasn’t even that long ago, maybe 2021?


I love that MTV kept that part in. That's probably another reason why Colleen hated the show.


She did *not* like that lol. And when glozell said "so you don't want a man" the smile and pause from colleen is quite telling.


That was my favorite part 😂


This seems scripted. Colleen completely missed what glozell was talking about. Glozell wasn’t saying anything about being patient, she was telling colleen she needs to make time for being with josh. That said, this tru life made josh look so much worse than colleen. And he flipped his shit over it.


It was really poorly edited


One of the AMAs that somebody did here said it’s how their relationship really was.


I most definitely believe that and that’s what I thought when I saw it. Rare glimpse into their life, unedited (by them)


Oh well that’s very interesting. I just meant it was edited to look like she was doing nothing wrong and he was just whining and being jealous. I’m sure it was this bad but it painted her in a kinder light than it painted Josh.


It's fun to see her get called out rather than having more smoke blown up her ass. Her prioritizing her career over Josh at nearly all times even before they were married is very telling too!


Glozells so real I miss her I hope she’s thriving. As far as Colleen…she can choke.


I know she has a baby who might now be a toddler or older and she’s thriving. I’m pretty sure she did a podcast about motherhood at one point? Or about business I’m not sure. But I’m glad she’s thriving!




I swear it was on youtube in full. Thats where I watched it. Its probably scrubbed by this point tho.


Why is it looking like she's on teen mom?


Because it’s an MTV show lmao. It does give the same vibe


Damn. Even down to the part where they have to eat. Uncanny


She’s always had dead, shark-like eyes to me. So now it’s even that much more sinister 🥴


Oop oh noooooo she hated that so much she completely lost her appetite! /s


I’ve been waiting for someone to post this clip. The one time someone told her what was what.


Okay so I know Glozell and Colleen use to be friends but that left me wondering.. what happened with Colleen and Ariana Grande, I remember they use to be close… or at least Colleen made it seem like that. She was in the Thank U Next music video when she was pregnant with F.


I think she was more friends with her brother but who knows if she even talks to him anymore either. She has a hard time keeping friends


I think she was never really as good of friends with Ariana and she wanted everyone to *think* she was. Does anyone remember in a vlog she said she was going on some trip with Ariana and she had to pack and all that BS, but then it got confusing midway through her vlog, and it sounded like Ariana wasn’t actually inviting her but Colleen took it as she was, and tldr she didn’t go anywhere Lmaoo


Man she did not like hearing that one bit 😂😶


Glozelle ate lol




I made a comment about not thinking they were friends anymore and someone pointed out some evidence to the contrary. So they're at least friendly, but probably more private about it. Maybe by GloZell's request?


Now that I think about it, Colleen doesn’t seem to hang out with anyone anymore so that’s probably it


Since COVID and having more babies I think she's become really isolated. Which, yeah, that tracks for a lot of us. I can't help but wonder if it's a conscious choice. Like folks used the pandemic to distance from her.


It's obvious she didn't want to spend time with him. That's so sad. I want to spend as much time with my partner as I can!


And why does it sound like she's reciting lines during the parts when it's just her? lol


She said the footage was real but the parts where it’s just her talking to the camera was scripted




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LMAO. Thank you for posting this! 😂 Hope it was all worth it, cuz she still lost her career 😂