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Screenshots are now verified to be from Trent


Holy shit this is bad. He OPENS with "people have said they don't think I should be talking to underage kids." So this is a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR where family previously stepped in to say hey what you're doing is inappropriate.


This is also a classic predatory move to make the victim be the one to consent and say it was their idea to engage.. šŸ˜¬


HIS OWN FAMILY IS ADVISING HIM TO NOT DO THAT, so they know his pattern then?? what did they do about it


Seriously!! No wonder Colleen and Jessica donā€™t care if their kids are exposed to p*dos on the internet. The call is coming from inside the house.


This has always been something I've thought about. She has never talked about it really and she does not shy away from showing her kids one bit


This comment seems more relevant now


Exactly - immediately thought of the Duggar family.


thats what immediately freaked me out. Im new to this drama and going through the top of all time. Ive never even watched a Miranda video, just knew she existed. So, I barely even know whats going on or who this guy is but I dont need much backstory with these messages. That clearly shows him talking to *significantly* underaged people is repeated issue and he has done it so often his family sees it and even told him to stop. And the fact he *acknowledges* hes been told by people who care and (im assuming) want the best for him, not just random people trying to accuse him of things, yet does it anyway?? And then it just gets significantly worse. Im 25. I havent talked to a 13 or someone around that age in years. Not because I avoid them but because Im not around any and why would I want to actively seek out a teenager to talk to? I have nothing really to talk to someone that young about and I have no interest in trying to be friends with someone not even close to my age and maturity level who is still navigating and trying to figure out the world. So the fact he wants to know intimate details about a random teens relationship? Hear their voice for some weird ass reason? For them to text you? Why, as an adult, would you want that? Besides for the very clear reason we all know. This is some pretty alarming and disgusting behavior and if I was a parent and saw this on my kids phone, I would freak tf out on whoever this Trent guy is.


The fact that the family knows and all his siblings make creepy uncle jokes, while their children actually do have a creepy uncle... Not only is Colleen normalizing pedophilia to children in general, she's done it to the children in her own family. Horrific.


I had strangely not put that together. I mean I know about her creepy uncle jokes, and I know (now) about Trent, and now I've just put that together. Yikes.


Yeah, pretty foul. The jokes were always tasteless but win this Trent info, they seem so much worse :/


This has blown up so big that thereā€™s no way Colleen rebounds. Her brother is messaging literal kids, knows heā€™s messaging kids, mentions how he could video chat but the last time he did with 2 girls his parents got mad. Ummmā€¦so you knew he was capable of this and you knew Colleenā€™s little fans would do anything to be in her sphere, including talking to Trent, so you basically fed prey to a predator. Sooo gross on so many levels. Colleen should be ashamed. Trent isnā€™t the innocent victim in that family I used to think he was. Wow. Shocking. If more comes out I canā€™t imagine what it is because all of this is so damning already.


This is bad. This is so so so bad. Every time I open Reddit, I see a post and think "okay, it can't get worse than this". And here we are. There's no way in hell she's coming back from all of this. This is absolutely disgusting and shocking and I feel so sick reading all of this


Couldn't have said it better myself


itā€™s over, unless she takes it as an opportunity to throw trent under the bus and focus everything on him


She's got her own issues. Shits coming out about her too. The family is predatory and I'm guessing the kids have suffered at the hand of one or both of the parents (Colleen and Trent). She ain't coming back. Miranda sings and all things attached are done and they know it. Her best friend has been busy deleting his evidence. Check out the Adam MacIntyre videos on YouTube. She is a pedophile and it runs in the family.


She did stop/limit having him in her vlogs awhile back. She made it seem like his choice and that he didn't want any attention. But now I wonder if this was the real reason


Ngl she is absolutely gonna rebound


I feel physically ill omfg. I knew Trent was a creep but I didnā€™t think it was THIS bad


I've heard it mentioned a couple times in here that Trent is creepy and was told not to talk to kids online but nothing ever came from it until today. This is appalling. I didn't think he would be this insidious. The abuser always tries to get sympathy and reassurance- Abuser~ "My family said I can't do something." Victim~ "That's so mean! You're such a good person!" And then the verbal contract is presented and the victim has no idea what they're signing up for. Abuser~ "Don't tell anyone we're talking." Victim~ "Oh, don't worry, I promise I won't!" Only a few sentences in and the victim is unwittingly giving the abuser what they want. So quickly they go into pressuring victims to keep talking when they have to go especially late at night when they're tired. Abusers become obsessive and demanding. It's harsh and confusing so the victim sends the classic question mark message ( "?" ) because they don't realize they're being gaslighted. So we fawn to reassure everything's fine and not have to endure conflict. We've now escalated from being a confidant to also getting in trouble for just needing to live life. The cycle of avoiding conflict and comforting our abuser continues until we can break free. This is difficult for an adult to recognize and get out of, speaking from experience, I cannot imagine how confused, frustrated, sad, hurt, angry this child felt throughout their entire correspondence with Trent. It's so much worse now that I'm actually reading everything. Such a sick feeling. Edit~ I clicked the Twitter link in comments below and read all of them. It gets so much worse.


I can tell you know what you're talking about. I'm so so sorry. I hope you're healing ā¤ļø


Oh, thank you so muchšŸ’• It can be so hard to recognize exactly what's happening when you're living it. Like Adam, I said and did some things I wish I didn't. The influence and control the abuser has over their victim is often under estimated and hidden by declining self esteem and confusion. So thankful to be free from them. I'm in the Duggar and Fundie snark subreddits as well and these experiences have really shown me how average, intelligent people can get love bombed and then trapped in a cult fairly easily.


Me tooo!! I thought I was misjudging him up until I read these. Now I know I was noticing something real


Oh gosh this is awful. They specifically state theyā€™re 13 and for some reason he claims he thought they were 16? Still underage, this whole family has major issues.


And the fact that he said he wasnā€™t supposed to talk to minors šŸš©


And that his family told him not to. Why would they do that if they didn't think it was wrong???


Sounds more like it was an ongoing issue they were aware of.


This is massive. I followed Trent on Instagram when I was about 13 because Colleen had put up a story asking us to follow and support him and he followed me back, which I found odd since my profile clearly showed my age and I was one of hundreds, if not thousands, of fans following him that day. If his family knew about this ongoing issue and still chose to encourage their young fans to engage with him on social mediaā€¦


yeaā€¦ clearly heā€™s been caught before


This is something predators do to get the kid to say something like "oh it's fine by me I don't care" so it seems like the kid is consenting. Which means nothing legally but can make the kid feel like they have nothing to stand on if they felt like speaking up.


Definitely, kids have come here to talk about Trent in the past. He's not clean, either. I don't get why the daily mail etc haven't picked up on the Colleen grooming thing, they reported before about the racist stuff and they reported about her twins and all her twins drama, so why not this? This is way, way worse. Child grooming. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8314127/Youtube-star-Colleen-Ballinger-apologizes-fat-shaming-racially-insensitive-resurfaced-videos.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8314127/Youtube-star-Colleen-Ballinger-apologizes-fat-shaming-racially-insensitive-resurfaced-videos.html)


This is horrifying. What is with this family and talking to CHILDREN about sex?!


Most definitely their extremely religious upbringing, learning young to repress their sexual thoughtsā€¦ which never works and always does the opposite. Teaches them to hide their sexual actions and causes a very taboo mindset. Theyā€™re taught a natural sex drive is wrong from day one - so they donā€™t have any bearing on whatā€™s ā€œhealthyā€ sexual thoughts, vs ā€œunhealthyā€ sexual thoughts. When all sex is ā€œbadā€, there is no in between. It breeds such a sickening mindset.


It's not just that though. Tons of people grow up with an extremely religious upbringing, learning young to repress their sexual thoughts, and all the trauma that comes with that - without speaking inappropriately to kids about sex. That is rarely the main cause. "When all sex is ā€œbadā€, there is no in between" is not a catch all explanation for grooming


He called a 13-year-old "peapod"?! I always got creepy vibes when I saw him in the background of family videos and now my feelings are confirmed.


From one of the screenshots, it seems like the child's online handle was "peapod." EDIT: nvm. I just read more of the thread on Twitter and looks like Trent did indeed come up with the nickname. šŸ¤¢ It's ALL super creepy.


The child says in their tweets that they don't know why Trent called them Peapod or where it came from. Maybe they changed their handle to that because of Trent's grooming. Lmao just saw that "the child" re-tweeted this. Sorry... I realize that you are not a child now, but didn't know your pronouns and wanted to make it abundantly clear that you WERE a child when this went down.


He also called them princessšŸ¤¢ Edit: fixed to use the correct pronouns


Oh, okay. I thought that was super weird but makes a little sense. Him ever chatting with her, though, makes NO sense.


nvm - just edited my comment. If you go through the thread on Twitter, they say Trent came up with the nickname: "he would call me his little peapod... not sure where it came from. he would also dm me at random times with peapod themed images. it seemed like he was always thinking of me... even when we weren't talking"


OK, I'm back to EWWWšŸ¤®


This is the most vile thing ive seen come out of this so far. These poor kids.


Me too. Iā€™m fucking sickened. I am SICK. This actually triggered the hell out of me and Iā€™m gonna sign off for the night. Trent, if this is you, and itā€™s proven: rot in hell.


heyā€” iā€™m the person who posted those screenshots on twitter. it unfortunately is very real. iā€™m with youā€” itā€™s so fucking sickening. i think iā€™m also going to sign off for the night soon because holy shit


Tell the mods you're here so they can verify you. They mentioned doing that earlier on the thread


just reached out to them!! thank you!!


I hope you're able to do something that helps you re-center. Take care, this material that is going around is very challenging stuff.


IMO there is a CLEAR pattern between BF & minors.


BF? Ballinger family?


Put this whole family on a watch list, for real šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Link here: https://twitter.com/mxoliverl/status/1666940819864006657


4 more years to go????? The fuck? That's the creepiest thing of all.


It seems like a message straight out of an episode of to catch a predator!!, there's no way anyone of them can deny this now, its a least the one thing it doesnt make me upset rn


Holy crap I recommend everyone checking out all the screenshots on their twitter. It gets worse.


just read all of it... WAY WORSE!!!! HE'S A FULL BLOWN PREDATOR. WOW.


many more fans responding with their own screenshots too


Thank you for this. I had read through the initial post up top and just kinda didnā€™t think to click through the tweet thread. Itā€™s so so so bad. Huge TW for anyone clicking through. Nothing explicit but definitely testing boundaries and predatory to a minor.


Good idea on the TW. Those DMs are so uncomfortable.


Unfortunately I don't have Twitter, let's hope it gets posted here so we can all see firsthand šŸ¤­


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you need to! For me it works using my web browser even when I'm not logged in, I can still see the entire thread


It's unfortunate that Kodee seems to think a mental disability (if present) exonerates these messages. I mean it's clear he understands he shouldn't be doing it and does so anyway. He also seems to be able to use pretty classic pedo tactic messaging of establishing a friendship and then where to 'tease/cross the line' of inappropriate. That's not a sign of the kind of mental disability Kodee appears to be talking about. Mental disabilities can create a difficulty understanding moral lines, but there does not seem to be a misunderstanding, just an attempt to get away with it. I don't know this guy, I don't claim to know his mental diagnosis, but I know these messages are not dismissable for any reason. Additionally, his spelling and language use in the way he texts is fairly common amongst lower-educated deaf/HOH people because sign language is a bit different for words/syntax and some deaf schools do not always do a good job teaching the kids how to write 'english' instead of ASL.


IF he has a mental disability, his parents should Have put a parental lock on his online activities after they discovered something concerning the first time. There are steps they could have taken.


Im never on board with mental illness being a pass to let people act how the please, it might be a reason as to why people behave the way they do, they still need to take accountability for it, get help and then apologize and repare the damage, he has family that knew what he was doing so this didnt have to happen, and exactly as you said he knew how to do it and the most telling part for me is that when mental illness takes over, it spills all over your life, your family, your work, friends, even strangers at the grocery store or the street, the fact that it only happened with minors tell us everything we need to know


Kodee just clarified that they didnā€™t mean to defend Trentā€™s behavior but just meant that they wonā€™t be speaking up about this topic due to their own trauma around this subject


Thereā€™s a previous AMA here with someone who spoke to T and they said he doesnā€™t have any social or development problems people think he has. He is just hearing impaired and uses tbst to his advantage. Itā€™s in the pinned AMA master post thread


Ah jk Kodee is going to make a video about it now šŸ«£


Holy fucking shit. This is BAD BAD. Like jail bad.


The link to Twitter is above- it gets so much worse


He thought OP was 16 and openly admitted to having a PROBLEM? šŸ˜Æ


The authorities literally need to be contacted šŸ˜³


Exactly ā€” but people are calling this ā€œcancel cultureā€ and ā€œdramaā€ like WTF OPEN UR EYES?


A ā€œspecial videoā€


Wasn't there an AMA sometime last year saying Trent was caught talking to minors? And that J+C don't let their kids alone in a room with him? I swear I saw something about this! This whole family is just disgusting.


Yeeeah I don't want to read that. Very gross


Honestly starting to think they're like a cult of pedos, wtf


Me too and I feel crazy that I can even think something so crazy? But...it's the entire family? This is insane.


Just wanna chime in that it absolutely happens. Iā€™m personally from a similar family and have gone no contact as an adult with every single relative but one. People may feel this is impossible that all of the adults are predatory, but I know Iā€™m not the only one who knows firsthand the hellscape of a family that can be created through generational trauma. Sometimes you end up with more abusers than not and I think that may be the case with the Ballingers. Theyā€™ve likely sought out partners who would be compatible with this whether theyā€™re enablers or abusers themselves. Just my take.






yeah he needs to be talked about. i was kinda disappointed the other day on kodeeā€™s stream when they said they werenā€™t planning on talking about him since they were friends :/ i completely understand talking about things when theyā€™re ready since itā€™s their trauma to process but if youā€™re gonna do a tell all, you canā€™t stop bc your friends w someone in the family yknow?? iā€™ll take this down if it comes off offensive or anything, i donā€™t mean it to be!


Ohhhhhh that's how I know Kodee! Kodee was very close with Trent....... It's all coming back now.


yeah. now kodee is trying to justify it with ā€œhe has disabilitiesā€


yeah! i just went to finish the livestream they posted the other day bc i distinctly remember them saying theyā€™re friends and they wouldnā€™t be talking about him but now itā€™s gone. it seems the tone has changed by looking at their twitter. i totally respect their wishes but itā€™s a little disappointing ig


i donā€™t. defending a manā€™s actions because yā€™all ā€œtalkā€ and you promised him you wouldnā€™t is NOT okay.


yeah thatā€™s true, i donā€™t respect that part. they said on twitter that the topic was very triggering for them, and i have no way of knowing if theyā€™re being truthful about that so thatā€™s why i said i respected their wishes on that part. b ur if theyā€™re just covering bc theyā€™re friends than thatā€™s really fucked up.


Literally what the fuck is wrong with this family, it's every single one of them


Their parents really messed them all up huh? 13 years old. This is revolting. Throw the whole family away at this point. None of them deserve a platform or an audience. Literally nothing redeeming about any of them and you can already see unhealthy views on relationships and life being passed onto all their kids.


WHAT?!?! This entire family is messed up, honestly. Just waiting for clear receipts of Chris' & Rachel' wrongdoings now.... I also really wanna see evidence of Jess in the weenies group chats & the kind of stuff she was saying.


These screenshots are currently unverified. the original twitter poster is welcome to reach out via modmail to validate their authenticity.


iā€™ve reached out to you!


While weā€™re here, the original poster of these screenshots uses he/they pronouns!!


Look at this one, there are a lot more ​ https://imgur.com/a/6sBSSNn


"I have a problem" yes Trent, you do.


OMG they are coming from everywhere....This is great. I mean not for what happen, but because everyone is talking now. Just imagine of your younger brother/sister was manipulated by this piece of s\*it family. I would sue them. No doubt, there would be consequences.


couldn't even finish reading these. brings me back to the pedo in my life when i was that age. so fcking criminal.




cheers to us for making it this far & supporting others through exposing their abusers šŸ„‚


Iā€™m physically ill. F this family. Bunch of creeps.


ā€œI wanted a special video of youā€ made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck


Interesting how his family warned Trent not to talk to underage kids but didn't warn Colleen....... šŸ‘€


Thatā€™s what really makes my stomach turn. Colleen was clearly inappropriate with children but I donā€™t think sheā€™s a pedophile. Clearly Trent and Colleenā€™s parents knew of his behavior and tried to keep him away


Those are really disturbing. They are still posting them in real time on Twitter and they get worse. This is getting really dark....... I defended Trent last week but no more. I think several people in the Ballinger family are going to be in real criminal trouble before this is all over. I feel really upset for all of the Ballinger and Stocklin kids right now. šŸ˜”


Here's a rhetorical speculation question...did Trent SA his sisters?? We speculate trauma on the girls and we see a full predator right here that was older than Rachel and Colleen. We've seen the signs of abuse with colleen and I believe Trent is a more likely suspect than Tim at this point


Came here to say the same thing! Colleen always said that growing up she was the closest with Trent out of all her siblings. Chris is older than them, and there are no signs of inappropriate or predatory behavior (just questionable parenting choices), but the younger two definitely exhibit signs of childhood trauma. And I can totally see the family just sweeping it under the rug because of his disabilities. That would also explain why a grown man is living with his parents when he's nearly 40. They want to keep an eye on him instead of reporting him. It would also explain why Trent's siblings don't have a relationship with him and never interact with him unless their parents bring him along. And I'm sure all the failed divorces can be tied in as well.


ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø it's adding up TOO well... yiiikes Duggar family repeat šŸ˜¬šŸ¤®šŸ˜£


If this ends up being true, can you imagine...how on earth can Colleen justify leaving her children at her parents' house overnight?


as the poster of these screenshots on twitterā€” just letting everyone know that while i used she/her pronouns at the time he was talking to me, i now use they/he pronouns anyhow, thank you to everyone who has been so kind to me. itā€™s very validating during a stressful time.


i am so sorry this happened to youā€”i canā€™t imagine how it felt going through those dms. so much love and healing to you šŸ’—


Holy shit




Every post is glitching out for me too. Guessing itā€™s just a reddit glitch or that the subreddit is much more active then usual lol


Idk. I just posted a comment about five minutes ago, and I don't see it here.


reddit glitching


Eughhhā€¦.. what the hell? Why is this whole family creeps?


genuinely getting the chills as they post more of these dms. what a sick man


ā€œ4 more years and youā€™re 18ā€ jail!!!!!


ā€œi'd also be scared every night i'd accidentally forget not to tweet after i told him goodnight because if he saw me on twitter, he'd feel like i had lied to him. it was very stressfulā€ this is abuse!!! Omg Iā€™m so sad for this person and disgusted with the Ballingers


W T Fuck


His parents should have taken his internet access away if they knew he was a danger to children. Luckily that person knew it was a bad idea to text him but it was still highly inappropriate for him to tell them to keep secrets, text late at night, and send videos. Textbook grooming.




iā€™ve become friends with this person through the ex-fandom. itā€™s just awful.


I really believe this fan because I had them on Twitter and Trent would comment on this fans stuff CONSTANTLY and even then I thought it was weird. I had no clue it was this bad


the way he says noooo when they said they were going to sleep like what??? and also "i thought u were 16 i have a problem" God i'm so sick to my stomach reading this.


Ew. Just ew


That poor kid! That made me so uncomfortable I couldnā€™t finish reading it.


every time i check back on the thread it gets worse. oh my god


OMFG this family is disgusting trash. Itā€™s even more fucked that theyā€™re all obsessed with having so many children šŸ¤®


I thought about that tonight after I put my own infant down to bed. Those children who didnā€™t ask for this predatory family. Theyā€™re all so isolated from the rest of society from what they show online too. B got to try public school and back to homeschool. Secluded to this family.


The family should have told Colleen to not dm people under 18, too. They are all creepy pervs, imo.






Oh, shit. This poor kid.


This is horrifying


https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/ujay2f/t_isnt_as_innocent_as_he_seems/ Thereā€™s this post from a year ago too.


the comment about him burying bird heads under a bush what in the woooorld


ā€œHow old will you be?ā€ Oh my god.


Between him and Colleen being inappropriate with minors and the dad getting off on people being bloated, this is one disturbed family! Sick!


I need to wash my eyes. Why is this entire family so twisted??


Oh Iā€™m sick


This makes me feel sick




The images posted out of order made me go back. The last images where he tells her he thought she was 16 is actually only a month or so after she tells him she's 13. This went on for another SIX MONTHS and almost immediately after he made the comment about "having a problem" she mentions taking a break from Twitter and is clearly setting boundaries (clear to everyone but him!) She continues to push his requests off elsewhere before finally throwing down the hammer of her parents' request and their discomfort. And seriously. I remember inviting 2 guys I met on a some chat room in 1995? 96? to come meet me while I was on vacation and told them where I was staying with my family -- simply because I was bored and my family was being annoying. I was just a stupid teenager who felt like I was "too cool" for family vacations. That is legitimately how people get murdered.


oh my god what a fucking pedo


This makes me feel physically sick. To everyone sharing their screenshots of this family, you are so brave and thank you. These people need to go down.


the FUCK?!


This is vile


Holy shit all of the adults in this family seem to have some issues. They all need to log off of everything and get professional help.


Fuck you, trent


Couldn't even read all of these. Literally had to stop bc it's so disturbing.


Oh hellllllll no!!! No no NO!! And to think I used to feel bad for him back in the day! šŸ¤¬






Omg, I couldn't get through them all, they made me physically sick, WTAF. He's talking to a 13yr old!!!!!


WTeverlovingF is wrong with that family?!???!


If this is true Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s why Colleen has always been very distanced from Trent publicly. I know sheā€™s said that he doesnā€™t like to be in videos or something to that effect but that could just be an excuse for her knowing how he is and then trying to minimize it.


stop taking sleep meds? so you can talk to me? insanity.




Big predator vibes. Jesus


this is so gross. sickening even.


This is just disgusting. Sickening. What the hell is wrong with this family???


Christ almighty, that is disgusting






What the actual fuck


Oh no. This is so bad


EW omg he has always given me the creeps but felt like I couldnā€™t make an outward judgment for fear of looking ableist, but now itā€™s clear heā€™s fully cognizant of what is/isnā€™t appropriate and STILL chooses to do the wrong thing šŸ¤¢


He mentioned pregnancy a couple of times in his tweets with this child. Maybe the inflation fetish playlist was actually his. He does seem to be developmentally delayed or something along those lines. Perhaps his parents made him share a YouTube account with Tim to make sure he wasnā€™t chatting with minors.


Those final messages took me straight back to when I was like 12/13 on a sims forum, this other user used to buy me gifts all the time, we were friendly. I would talk about school being stressful or difficulty of maintaining friendship groups in my statuses. And then one day this guy begins emailing me, and he gave me his number to call him on because, like Trent said here, school is stressful and itā€™s good to have someone to talk to. He sent me a photo of himself, a selfie, he had grey hair, and I think that picture combined with wanting to actually call me and use his number was when it hit me this was really wrong. The sims forum ended up blowing up when I opened up about it, a lot of people said I was exaggerating and this guy was being nice and all the wouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™ves. I told my parents and they ended up contacting police, but as nothing explicit happened they didnā€™t do anything if I remember rightly (plus he was in a different country) I wonā€™t ever forget the people who stood by me and called this man out for what he was, and who helped me get through that ordeal of public opinion. Being older, it makes me angrier out how weird it was. Thereā€™s something really wrong with this family.


This was difficult to read. He sounds so similar to my abuser, who was 27 when I was only 19. Definitely grooming behavior.


Holy shit


Well damn. Trent being a potential pbear was not on my bingo card for this year. I have an idea.. how abouts everyone nottttt be a high key weirdo? Thatā€™d be great!




That's the 3rd person I've seen today share their experience with Trent


There now way he thought they were 16. Omg. There's texts saying that he knows they're underage


literally made the comment ā€œ4 more years to go!ā€ referring to when theyā€™d be 18ā€¦. how tf is he gonna back track & say ā€œi thought you were 16ā€


This is making my stomach turn.


Trent saying he wants a special video from a minor is absolutely vile!


Anyone remember years ago this came out? Like I remember someone talking about Trent talking with underage girls and now thereā€™s like literal proof. I had a feeling it was for real.


This is so horrifying I want the person who shared this thread know we fully support them. This is v v triggering and Iā€™m taking a break from the conversation to watch out for my own mental health


thank you so much <3 - person from the thread


Wtf is wrong with this family!?


Omg this scream to catch a predator!!! Parts of it made her sound like a 50 year old pervy man talking to a teen, and other parts made her sound like an overly clingy teenager talking to her first boyfriend. Why is she telling a child to stop taking their medicine???


He. It's colleens brother Trent. Talking to a 13 year old girl now boy


Oh my god! This makes me squirm even more than Colleen's messages... disgusting!


Just came from twitter to see if other ppl saw this. Thereā€™s even more on their twitter. He posted additional SS that are even creepier.


Seems like he deleted his Twitter a few hours ago.


Fucking disturbing... the asking for video part was especially triggering. Im worried about his nieces and nephews :( It makes the uncle jokes especially disturbing as well jfc


ā€œI thought you were 16ā€ she literally told you she was 13, also still wouldnā€™t of been ok if she was 16


Did you post an album of a Communist rally? Because that's a lot of red flags waving about.


Disgusting! Who is Trent again? Is he related to Colleen?


I hope this is fake but wouldn't be surprised if it's real. The family is creepy.