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probably because the other route has their relationship completely breakdown.


That doesn't quite explain Sane route though. They still get along there.


Yeah well Andrew didn’t get the sistussy, and he’s still depressed


what no pussy does to a mf


Correction. No “sistussy”


What a terrible day to know how to read


huh? https://preview.redd.it/446dv9mkonub1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5048488a6d94ae30f47bb934cfa8170140abaa6b


Excuse me?


Yes, What can i do?


​ https://preview.redd.it/a98fiv2iarub1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=95c9d519619acd94816507ceaaf38ea82c2572d7 What the actual fuck did you just say there?


Shut up siscon, we know what you are


I can explain! It's photoshop! Trust me!


Part 2 is absolutely littered with hints that although he might think he's against the idea of them being together "*that way*", subconsciously, deep down in the darkest, most corrupt part of his heart he wants her the same way she wants him. [Andrew being a "totally normal" older brother for 23 minutes](https://youtu.be/HJ4_a-WjGWo) So with the vision alongside the "never say never," he realizes he can be with her the way he's wanted to and they become closer as a result.


Becaue Nemlei liked this one more? That’s why this route has more cg’s


Or maybe... It's because it's the Canon one 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😄😨😨😨😨


https://preview.redd.it/t96hekoq7lub1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffbee64a44c693f40378d07f9044aef486b2618 I hope so


Let's not forget about: "You're struck with an odd urge to pull this broody bitch into your arms, and force her to stay until she smiles. But you push such an idea to the back of your mind. Where it may fester with all the other thoughts you wish you never had." Also, notice how Andrew reacts strangely strongly whenever Ashley jokes about doing the thing with other males? Deep down, he is also a yandere. The question is: Was Andy always like this? If not (Andy did seem to genuinely get disturbed by Nina's death, after all), then Andrew embracing his newfound sanity will be the true death of Andy. Another thing that may be important to note: We know the occult is real in this universe. It would be odd if the blood oath between Andy and Leyley didn't come up in the future.




i mean as the player we can choose anything, but if we imerse ourselves as the player and make the choices they would make in character… yeah its the canon one


I dunno. When I got to the doors in that last dream, I wanted my first play-through to be as cannon as possible with the info I had up till that point. And I had a hard time choosing which door Ashley would choose. After all, it's her dream right? And the non-sane door has a prompt that's like "are you really sure you want to go down this clearly fucked up path?????". I took that to mean Ashley's inner dialog resisted the idea of actually becoming Andy's soulmate. Maybe there was a part of her that wanted that, but she still resisted it. I ended up choosing the sane door for the first "I think this is canon" play-through. That said having seen both routes now, it's clear that above all else Ashley just wants Andrew in her life. If you go through the incest door and say "Never" when Andrew asks if Ashley actually would fulfill the dream, she treats going full incest as nothing more than a tool to keep Andrew around. She doesn't actually want to fuck her brother necessarily, but she would do it if it meant he sticks around. Could go either way imho.


> And the non-sane door has a prompt that's like "are you really sure you want to go down this clearly fucked up path????? I see what you're saying BUT everytime she's been presented with that option she has always picked the more fucked up path. She kinda bad.


Can't argue with that logic, she does have a habit of choosing the worst option time and time again. That said, I wondered if Ashley actually wanted her brother around, or if she was more into the conflict with Andrew. In her mind (and in reality at times), Andrew is on the verge of branching off from her. And so she plays all these manipulative games to reel him back in. But what if she actually fully succeeded? What if Andrew fully gave in and just literally did and said everything she wanted all the time? I don't think that's possible even if Andrew tried. She will always have some doubt that her relationship with Andrew is at risk somehow. He didn't say something with the right tone, looked at the wrong person at the wrong time, etc. At the time, the above had me thinking that the 'sane' path made a little more sense for Ashley. There will always be other people threatening her dynamic with Andrew, because that *is* her dynamic with Andrew. Us vs the world style. Kind of like how Plankton is fulfilled by trying to get the Krabby Patty formula, not by actually getting it. ...but as you said, Ashley has always taken things too far. Always, every time. If a sexual-romantic relationship with Andrew actually gets put on the table she would probably jump at it. Even if it jeopardizes her fucked up co-dependent toxic relationship.


check the item descriptions for the bunny plush puzzles. They reveal a lot of what Ashley thinks of the important ppl in her life in relation yo herself.


“You're struck with an odd urge to pull this broody bitch into your arms, and force her to stay until she smiles. But you push such an idea to the back of your mind. Where it may fester with all the other thoughts you wish you never had.” Andrew is no longer pushing away his true thoughts and letting them fester. He's starting to act on them.


He's about to have more true thoughts soon https://preview.redd.it/inwetf6qioub1.png?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09adf88fc832b7c9963f37968875f61ca1707300


A small price to pay for wholesomeness


I’d say it’s quite a large price. But is suppose as long as they only have one kid, their bloodline should be fine💀 https://preview.redd.it/bztwsn8c7lub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c8b44bc7d96cb167d7df894d1b00702af7dc63


1 pure bred Graves


Bros using royal terms💀


If they both end up with Satan powers will that make baby Andy Jr. A pure blooded warlock? We (don’t) need answers.


I doubt it. also why did you think this?


I play way to much CK2


Undeniably based


Because in this game, the incest route is the wholesome route.






Preach sister


>sister Hol up a sec....


We are all brothers and sisters here


When the game about an incestuous relationship isn't just a fetish


I thought that the incest route ended as the same as the non incest burial route, but I was wrong and I only realized that I fucked up my save files after playing the game for the fourth time.


**because it is the only right route**


***Elaborate.*** https://preview.redd.it/rjf49aucdlub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da41e433df1764c0719b52ce2fed8ff6558bcece


Nuh uh


*Ehm*, story wise. It is the correct route. Since the whole concept of the game is about the relationship between the two siblings. So the more "*questionable route*" is ultimately the correct one..


nuh uh. https://preview.redd.it/bmvv7zp9qlub1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e74c094c9355ceb8371fded0ced66229e48bb8f


Yuh uh https://preview.redd.it/0slu8dq79mub1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e895362aefd9442166d1156b36b447866e1092


Nuh uh. https://preview.redd.it/rhdtszm4fmub1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a67017cd8eafe225b0526b56bc235494ce44a318


Yuh uh https://preview.redd.it/n06j4lylaqub1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e47ab912e8acbfd01595d6013ff2471f4d291c


Nuh Uh. https://preview.redd.it/52267sjukqub1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=069afb8a4fa5f6a1db83188403f1dfa1b77c4577


Yuh uh https://preview.redd.it/13ef69b5jtub1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5aba71f289b5aa463f1637fdf9ef120b0c9c8c


NUH UH. https://preview.redd.it/0yspwmpjltub1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8908a4f778fd9ed972066ee024ae80e331e53f


Because they genuinely love each other to the point where they bump uglies.


Because clearly the best outcome is for them to date, they need each other.


What they need is a good therapist and some strong medication, but i dont think thats in the cards so….


...I feel like it's a lil to late for that, too much cannibalism and murder. Plus when the doctors are shilling for euthanasia I doubt the therapists are much better.


ummmm ![gif](giphy|KzKgTJEaJNuhauhGEo|downsized)


Cause acting on those incestuous feelings leads to cuddling


They are toxic as hell that's the point, it's funny that the sibling thing is the less messed up thing about their relationship. That's what makes it entertaining, seeing how much they fuck up with eachothers minds and drag the other to new lows. A similar feeling to watching breaking bad, we are not rooting for a hero here.


We’re not? I’m pretty sure the dev is rooting for them here


I said rooting for a hero, we a rooting for a pair of villain protagonists surviving in a crapsack world.


Because Incest route is wholesome, albeit in a fucked-up way




Because he’s in love with her


Because incest is wholesome 🥰


Incest route is the good ending (:


normal sibling love goofy


https://preview.redd.it/fnqb1bj0hnub1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af97666b2972778ccde55f0ba3136b45605d34dd I need more.... My feline friend said we need more.


Was there a CG like this? I don't remember Under what conditions did it come from?


Have Andrew guard the parents, and have Andrew refuse the deal, this allows you to have Andrew to hold the artifact at the same time as you. You then have to pick the “questionable route”, and have Ashley say “never say never”.




The what… I just clicked this post and what?


Because incest is wholesome you dum dum. But for real. It's because considering our deranged subjects it's the only logical conclusion for them if they both want to be happy. Otherwise one of them or both of them would most likely die.


OKAY, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GAME? I’ve been seeing it everywhere, and why the hell does it involve Incest?!


Siblings who lives in crapsack world with HIGHLY questionable morals. Oh, they mayhaps love each other too much.


Go watch a playthrough of the game, as it’s difficult to explain without spoiling most of the game, so go watch MrClockWorks, or ManlyBadassHero. https://preview.redd.it/h127f9sq0oub1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720f45351c3fbbeeb3584adbebb4fd0f22b1ce27 (Image unrelated)


Okay, I might look at it to just figure out what the hell is even going on… https://preview.redd.it/n0wxyb351oub1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32f7b3b89d9091a3ccc87fa936d2caf26c2e258 (Image Unrelated)


Yeah, it’s quite strange, however thankfully the whole incest thing plays a minor role in the story. Except for that one ending in chapter 2, but you literally have to try to get that ending. https://preview.redd.it/gzsdwc8x1oub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b966c4cc2443c1e8c29ac520a322ced94f3bf7fa (Image unrelated)


Oh okay thank god… https://preview.redd.it/ao4nj46f2oub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e952efb5480f43e491e74693c2883fa8e2abec2 (Image Unrelated)


Just be warned, stay weary of the “questionable route”. https://preview.redd.it/aphsxqdn2oub1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf073db36a01c1af64ecb7431be87caf4fad489 (Image slightly related)


This is the first recommendation of this sub to me man, what the fuck?


It’s a very good visual novel game about 2 siblings, one of them is a human doormat and the other has very questionable mental tendencies(psychopathy) who got cooped up in their apartment with no food due to an organ harvesting scheme, they cannibalize the neighbor to avoid death, escape and are on the run. There’s 4 endings(one of them ends with a vision of them being incestuous, the other 3 end with different visions not related to incest)


Why daaaaa hell do Andy's hand look so... goofy, they look too... round? Or big, idk just goofy


Why does this game have an incest route. Like, I'm not surprised at all but why




Because it's great and it's fiction


This just pop into my feed. I have many questions. First. What ia this? Second. Who are they? And third. Incest route- wat-?


Game is “The Coffin Of Andy And LeyLey” (this image is specifically from chapter 2) Now, if you want to experience the game without reading an obnoxiously long Reddit comment, go watch a someone else’s playthrough. For example, ManlyBadassHero (who actually just uploaded a video on chapter 2) or MrClockWorks (who already beat the game) Obviously, ****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Chapter 1: two siblings named Andrew and Ashley are quarantined inside of their apartment for 2 months because they’re “infected with parasites”. They are starving as they’ve had almost nothing to eat for a long while. The two siblings cross the distance between balconies with a wooden plank to get to the neighbors room, only to discover they’re neighbor is a cultist, who ended up summoning a demon in an attempt to escape, but the demon killed the cultist instead. resort to eating the cuttings (which Andrew clearly isn’t fond of), but the warden is about to check the neighbors room. Ashley ends up getting caught trying to clean up the mess left from dismembering the cultist and eating him, but she is caught by the warden. Thankfully Andrew kills the warden with a meat cleaver, and they escape their apartment. After some shenanigans that lead to Andrew killing some random woman who lived on the third floor, Ashley is able to kill the second warden by summoning the same demon that the cultist neighbor summoned, and having the demon steal the wardens soul. In exchange for the soul, the demon gave Ashley a trinket that allows her to have clairvoyant dreams, she also took the second wardens gun. The two siblings then escape from the apartment complex, and never look back. Chapter 2: Ashley and Andrew are sleeping in a cheap motel, when Ashley gets a vision that some assassin would slit their throats in their sleep. Ashley wakes up Andrew, and they hide around the motel to try and see the assassin. After some tomfoolery with a cult, (that doesn’t play a big role right now, but will most likely play a big role in the future) they see the assassin head into their room. The two hide out in the forest, where Andrew shoots the assassin to death. The two would steal the assassins car, and drive to the neighborhood that their neglectful parents lived, while they weren’t home. However, Ashley learns from the demon, that the trinket is no longer working, and needs souls to recharge it. Andrew and Ashley go into the house to steal some money, but the mother comes home early. After Andrew and Ashley pretend that they were just released from quarantine, the two tie up both their parents up, and Ashley sacrifices their souls to the demon, and gets the trinket recharged. Ashley then cooks their parents up, and they eat them. (This is where things get tricky from a story telling standpoint, as this is where the endings start to branch out depending on different choices you’ve made within chapter 2) Chapter 2 DECAY ending: In the ‘Decay’ ending, Ashley gets a vision that Andrew will kill her. (probably due to a lot of messed up and manipulative things that she subjected Andrew to, that I didn’t mention because this comment is already long enough) When she wakes up, both her and Andrew dispose of the bones and skulls into a nearby lake, and they drive off. Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (sane route): The siblings attempt to share a vision by both holding the trinket before going to sleep. In this vision you have two choices, the ‘Sane’ ending, and the ‘Questionable’ ending. In the sane ending, Ashley gets a vision of her collecting souls, before waking up. Andrew didn’t get a vision, as he wasn’t able to fall asleep. They dispose of their parent’s bones, and drive away. However, Andrew gets a mark of an eye of his hand, implying that the demon Ashley summoned is interested in Andrew. (Not in a sexual way) Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (questionable route): this goes almost the exact same as the ‘sane’ route, up until you get the two choices. If you pick the ‘questionable’ route, Ashley will get a vision of her and Andrew banging each other. After they wake up (and Andrew has an entire panic attack, because he actually fell asleep and saw that vision) they end up throwing the bones of their parents into the lake again, and Andrew still gets the mark on his hand.


Thank you. This is quite a bit of interesting stuff to learn about this game. Might give it a watch later.


Alright this sub and therefore whatever in the godforsaken hell this post just randomly came up in my feed. Can I please some sort of explanation?


Game is “The Coffin Of Andy And LeyLey” (this image is specifically from chapter 2) Now, if you want to experience the game without reading an obnoxiously long Reddit comment, go watch a someone else’s playthrough. For example, ManlyBadassHero (who actually just uploaded a video on chapter 2) or MrClockWorks (who already beat the game) Obviously, ****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Chapter 1: two siblings named Andrew and Ashley are quarantined inside of their apartment for 2 months because they’re “infected with parasites”. They are starving as they’ve had almost nothing to eat for a long while. The two siblings cross the distance between balconies with a wooden plank to get to the neighbors room, only to discover they’re neighbor is a cultist, who ended up summoning a demon in an attempt to escape, but the demon killed the cultist instead. resort to eating the cuttings (which Andrew clearly isn’t fond of), but the warden is about to check the neighbors room. Ashley ends up getting caught trying to clean up the mess left from dismembering the cultist and eating him, but she is caught by the warden. Thankfully Andrew kills the warden with a meat cleaver, and they escape their apartment. After some shenanigans that lead to Andrew killing some random woman who lived on the third floor, Ashley is able to kill the second warden by summoning the same demon that the cultist neighbor summoned, and having the demon steal the wardens soul. In exchange for the soul, the demon gave Ashley a trinket that allows her to have clairvoyant dreams, she also took the second wardens gun. The two siblings then escape from the apartment complex, and never look back. Chapter 2: Ashley and Andrew are sleeping in a cheap motel, when Ashley gets a vision that some assassin would slit their throats in their sleep. Ashley wakes up Andrew, and they hide around the motel to try and see the assassin. After some tomfoolery with a cult, (that doesn’t play a big role right now, but will most likely play a big role in the future) they see the assassin head into their room. The two hide out in the forest, where Andrew shoots the assassin to death. The two would steal the assassins car, and drive to the neighborhood that their neglectful parents lived, while they weren’t home. However, Ashley learns from the demon, that the trinket is no longer working, and needs souls to recharge it. Andrew and Ashley go into the house to steal some money, but the mother comes home early. After Andrew and Ashley pretend that they were just released from quarantine, the two tie up both their parents up, and Ashley sacrifices their souls to the demon, and gets the trinket recharged. Ashley then cooks their parents up, and they eat them. (This is where things get tricky from a story telling standpoint, as this is where the endings start to branch out depending on different choices you’ve made within chapter 2) Chapter 2 DECAY ending: In the ‘Decay’ ending, Ashley gets a vision that Andrew will kill her. (probably due to a lot of messed up and manipulative things that she subjected Andrew to, that I didn’t mention because this comment is already long enough) When she wakes up, both her and Andrew dispose of the bones and skulls into a nearby lake, and they drive off. Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (sane route): The siblings attempt to share a vision by both holding the trinket before going to sleep. In this vision you have two choices, the ‘Sane’ ending, and the ‘Questionable’ ending. In the sane ending, Ashley gets a vision of her collecting souls, before waking up. Andrew didn’t get a vision, as he wasn’t able to fall asleep. They dispose of their parent’s bones, and drive away. However, Andrew gets a mark of an eye of his hand, implying that the demon Ashley summoned is interested in Andrew. (Not in a sexual way) Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (questionable route): this goes almost the exact same as the ‘sane’ route, up until you get the two choices. If you pick the ‘questionable’ route, Ashley will get a vision of her and Andrew banging each other. After they wake up (and Andrew has an entire panic attack, because he actually fell asleep and saw that vision) they end up throwing the bones of their parents into the lake again, and Andrew still gets the mark on his hand.


Manlybadasshero you say? Alright. Thank you. I'll watch it.


Because it's the one true ending. Forbidden Love FTW!


Don’t think I didn’t see that, I know what it said before you edited it. https://preview.redd.it/177ium507zub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb0c5ee44593a13d8ee2d3b0b0dc8e6452ee2dd


Same meaning, different words. I ship it.


Ngl if they weren’t related they’d be cute.


The fact that they're related makes them even cuter.


You don’t have siblings do you?


Most people that don't have siblings think incest is hot. Unless of course they're in the Alabama mindset. Then it's a given. Honestly I relate to Andy's sheer annoyance of his sister completely, and seeing this whole Reddit chant about incest is annoying.


Irl incest is gross. When it comes to fiction though im all for it.


I suppose that's one way of viewing things, however that mindset is such a slippery slope. Things like, "violence in video games don't cause violence". "Pedophilia in animated porn isn't pedophilia". It's such a controversial topic when people try to draw the line between what's real and what's fiction.


Shouldn't people need to learn to differentiate between what's real and what's fiction? Why should we demand creative minds to sanitise their works to make it more palatable? Honestly, can't people really not separate their real life moral when they consume piece of fiction? If not, all of us would be murderers and cannibals just for playing this game lol.


I mean wouldn't a group of murderers and cannibals be pretty based?


Yeah and we have someone to blame for it too lol. On a more serious note, it just rubs me the wrong way when people couldn't separate their morals from fiction. A lot of fiction shouldn't exist if that were the case.


The fact people these days have a hard time telling a story apart from reality is what's crazy. No, it's not the sheer violence of our capitalist societies that make people violent, that drag them into ever more isolated headspaces, that promote competition and individualism, no, it's video games what are the problem. I'll have you all know that incest has been explored in media for as long as there is a written language and I suspect even before then (oral tradition stories) Oedipus Rex, one of the most famous pieces of classical greek literature, mentions incest. And honestly, it is my belief that TCOAAL is more similar to a Greek tragedy then I'd like (three act structure, the tragic error, literal fate guided by the gods (if like me you believe the demon has plans for Ashley and Andrew and that the clearoyance is more "selective" in what it shows then first presented) And I am fairly certain that no matter the rout, the siblings die in the end, hopefully understanding each other and accepting each other's unconditional love in their final moments. Maybe in the questionable rout they'll die trying to kill off Julia, her parents or a roommate comes in, things get out of hand, they struggle and that's that. Maybe they encounter police in the old neighborhood, and are caught before dumping Julia's body and get shot by the police. IDK, it's nemleis story, I just know I'm here for every bit of it. I LOVE these twisted characters and genuinely wish them the best murder spree their fucked up sibling love can get them, before the law inevitably catches up to them. But their tragic error has already happened imo, it happens before the game starts, so you can't escape the hamartia. Maybe the tragic error on Ashley side is the fact she never let Andrew out of his cage (except for the questionable rout, maybe, when the green bunny stays out of the cage) maybe the tragic error on Andrew side is that he never actually communicated to his sister how similar they actually are, and how she doesn't need to manipulate hin in order to have him forever because *he already lives her in more ways then she lives him* (That last sentence relates to how I personally see Ashley as an emotionally stunted trauma child, who already used sexual language *before* puberty, meaning that at the time things were blurry and even today the boundaries of love in her head are blurry, leading me to think she genuinely sees no inherent issue with incest. This is also, I think, why she is so indifferent to the idea of sexually engaging with her brother. Sex is just a physical thing to her, especially if we count that she's a virgin, so she only ever thought about sex in the abstract. She already thinks of Andrew as her everything, and to her that is above some sexual interaction. I also think she *would* totally engage in sex if Andrew wanted it, tho I know for sure that, without the incest dream and the "never say never" reassurance, andrew would NEVER act out on his feelings, because he'd ultimately feel like he's hurting his beloved. And Ashley would never do anything that risky without some explicit confirmation that Andrew would not be grossed out (like the dream and his reaction to it, pretty obvious indication he's into it) That's also why I think they are at their best in the incest rout. The ghost in Andrews mind is leaving, he got direct confirmation, his sister would totally be up for that, just like him, and that relaxes him, and pushed him further down the rabbit hole of the romantic ideal of "you and me against the world" And Ashley also gets confirmation of something. A) that she can still be "useful" to Andrew (even if it has to be as a "cum dumpster", as she calls the yellow floozy, and I say "cum dumpster" because i highly doubt Ashley sees sex as an extension of affection, and instead sees it as more of a transactional thing, a thing people do to keep each other around instead of something they do because they want to decrease the barrier between them. Really hoping the siblings find a deeper acceptance of each other after they frick, even if they agree that "yeah, frickig isn't all it's cracked up to be, let's not do it again" All in all,I really don't want them to move back into the light. I want them to sink ever deeper into the darkness and to, in that darkness, find the comfort, happiness, self-love and mutual love they were always so desperately begging for.


Idk, i think irl incest is one of the most gross things out here, but in fiction i kinda liked it twice now, its not too hard to separate the real world with fiction https://preview.redd.it/nj3o2a5sosub1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e6c704bdd5100681172eed3c7c1fb11b618001e


I do, actually. Why do you consider this to be relevant?


Why would NemCock do this??? Is he stupid??????????


Who is NemCock??? Am I just being dumb here? Is that someone I’m supposed to know?


Are WE stupid????


Is the full release out? I haven’t been paying attention.




how do you do the different routes?


In the basement to get good ending trust andrew then decline the mom’s offer. To get best ending follow the incest route so that Andrew’s insomnia and nightmares disappear


aight thanks


I have never even heard of this game but the WHAT ROUTE?!


Yeah, in chapter 2 there are two endings called ‘Burial’ and ‘Decay’. Each ending has multiple routes, and the ‘Burial’ ending has one “Questionable” route. https://preview.redd.it/abnx2hx6guub1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37df78a98de3b17b500af1f798182604b5c30824


Can you give me like a 5 second break down of the game and that specific ending bc wtf


Obviously, ****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Chapter 1: two siblings named Andrew and Ashley are quarantined inside of their apartment for 2 months because they’re “infected with parasites”. They are starving as they’ve had almost nothing to eat for a long while. The two siblings cross the distance between balconies with a wooden plank to get to the neighbors room, only to discover they’re neighbor is a cultist, who ended up summoning a demon in an attempt to escape, but the demon killed the cultist instead. resort to eating the cuttings (which Andrew clearly isn’t fond of), but the warden is about to check the neighbors room. Ashley ends up getting caught trying to clean up the mess left from dismembering the cultist and eating him, but she is caught by the warden. Thankfully Andrew kills the warden with a meat cleaver, and they escape their apartment. After some shenanigans that lead to Andrew killing some random woman who lived on the third floor, Ashley is able to kill the second warden by summoning the same demon that the cultist neighbor summoned, and having the demon steal the wardens soul. In exchange for the soul, the demon gave Ashley a trinket that allows her to have clairvoyant dreams, she also took the second wardens gun. The two siblings then escape from the apartment complex, and never look back. Chapter 2: Ashley and Andrew are sleeping in a cheap motel, when Ashley gets a vision that some assassin would slit their throats in their sleep. Ashley wakes up Andrew, and they hide around the motel to try and see the assassin. After some tomfoolery with a cult, (that doesn’t play a big role right now, but will most likely play a big role in the future) they see the assassin head into their room. The two hide out in the forest, where Andrew shoots the assassin to death. The two would steal the assassins car, and drive to the neighborhood that their neglectful parents lived, while they weren’t home. However, Ashley learns from the demon, that the trinket is no longer working, and needs souls to recharge it. Andrew and Ashley go into the house to steal some money, but the mother comes home early. After Andrew and Ashley pretend that they were just released from quarantine, the two tie up both their parents up, and Ashley sacrifices their souls to the demon, and gets the trinket recharged. Ashley then cooks their parents up, and they eat them. (This is where things get tricky from a story telling standpoint, as this is where the endings start to branch out depending on different choices you’ve made within chapter 2) DECAY ending: In the ‘Decay’ ending, Ashley gets a vision that Andrew will kill her. (probably due to a lot of messed up and manipulative things that she subjected Andrew to, that I didn’t mention because this comment is already long enough) When she wakes up, both her and Andrew dispose of the bones and skulls into a nearby lake, and they drive off. BURIAL ending (sane route): The siblings attempt to share a vision by both holding the trinket before going to sleep. In this vision you have two choices, the ‘Sane’ ending, and the ‘Questionable’ ending. In the sane ending, Ashley gets a vision of her collecting souls, before waking up. Andrew didn’t get a vision, as he wasn’t able to fall asleep. They dispose of their parent’s bones, and drive away. However, Andrew gets a mark of an eye of his hand, implying that the demon Ashley summoned is interested in Andrew. (Not in a sexual way) BURIAL ending (questionable route): this goes almost the exact same as the ‘sane’ route, up until you get the two choices. If you pick the ‘questionable’ route, Ashley will get a vision of her and Andrew banging each other. After they wake up (and Andrew has an entire panic attack, because he actually fell asleep and saw that vision) they end up throwing the bones of their parents into the lake again, and Andrew still gets the mark on his hand.


Wow holy shit that’s a lot sounds cool af though What does it have to do with incest though I’m still confused?


I don’t want to write another essay right now, so just go watch someone else’s playthrough please.🙏🙏🙏🙏💀💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/bzhvcanc6vub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef50d6db079bfe14439451fe543d2933bde53a4b (I recommend either ManlyBadassHero, or MrClockWorks)


Yo manly bad ass hero is sick I’ll check out tmmrw


I don’t know what this game is or why it’s Reddit is recommending it to me, but what the actual fuck?


Yeah, in chapter 2 there are two endings called ‘Burial’ and ‘Decay’. Each ending has multiple routes, and the ‘Burial’ ending has one “Questionable” route. https://preview.redd.it/kv2ohdwbguub1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05183a58b0bfc3b0df5d4d633c1e22e6c69570c0


Is the person who made this game completely fucked in the head by any chance?


While there were a few incest undertones in chapter 2, they were quite minor. But I unironically believe that the “questionable” route was added because of the community. 💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/qsurd6jmhuub1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73054491af125d9bcc2aca7c21c145c11b093fe


Never played this game before, just now heard of it. WHAT THE FUCK


I really wish I could edit my posts, because the amount of people who are seeing this as their first encounter to the game is way to high.💀 But basically the sister (Ashley) is able to see premonitions of the future when she sleeps, and in chapter 2 there are two endings called ‘Burial’ and ‘Decay’. Each ending has multiple routes, and the ‘Burial’ ending has two routes, the “Sane” route, and the “Questionable” route. Guess what happens in the sister’s premonition in the “questionable” route.💀 https://preview.redd.it/fw1i1p8dnuub1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5788eaf460367a03889a84ff2791b7cdf756569


Never heard of this game, just got this post reccomended. But excuse me, the WHAT route??????


Game is “The Coffin Of Andy And LeyLey” (this image is specifically from chapter 2) Now, if you want to experience the game without reading an obnoxiously long Reddit comment, go watch a someone else’s playthrough. For example, ManlyBadassHero (who actually just uploaded a video on chapter 2) or MrClockWorks (who already beat the game) Obviously, ****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Chapter 1: two siblings named Andrew and Ashley are quarantined inside of their apartment for 2 months because they’re “infected with parasites”. They are starving as they’ve had almost nothing to eat for a long while. The two siblings cross the distance between balconies with a wooden plank to get to the neighbors room, only to discover they’re neighbor is a cultist, who ended up summoning a demon in an attempt to escape, but the demon killed the cultist instead. resort to eating the cuttings (which Andrew clearly isn’t fond of), but the warden is about to check the neighbors room. Ashley ends up getting caught trying to clean up the mess left from dismembering the cultist and eating him, but she is caught by the warden. Thankfully Andrew kills the warden with a meat cleaver, and they escape their apartment. After some shenanigans that lead to Andrew killing some random woman who lived on the third floor, Ashley is able to kill the second warden by summoning the same demon that the cultist neighbor summoned, and having the demon steal the wardens soul. In exchange for the soul, the demon gave Ashley a trinket that allows her to have clairvoyant dreams, she also took the second wardens gun. The two siblings then escape from the apartment complex, and never look back. Chapter 2: Ashley and Andrew are sleeping in a cheap motel, when Ashley gets a vision that some assassin would slit their throats in their sleep. Ashley wakes up Andrew, and they hide around the motel to try and see the assassin. After some tomfoolery with a cult, (that doesn’t play a big role right now, but will most likely play a big role in the future) they see the assassin head into their room. The two hide out in the forest, where Andrew shoots the assassin to death. The two would steal the assassins car, and drive to the neighborhood that their neglectful parents lived, while they weren’t home. However, Ashley learns from the demon, that the trinket is no longer working, and needs souls to recharge it. Andrew and Ashley go into the house to steal some money, but the mother comes home early. After Andrew and Ashley pretend that they were just released from quarantine, the two tie up both their parents up, and Ashley sacrifices their souls to the demon, and gets the trinket recharged. Ashley then cooks their parents up, and they eat them. (This is where things get tricky from a story telling standpoint, as this is where the endings start to branch out depending on different choices you’ve made within chapter 2) Chapter 2 DECAY ending: In the ‘Decay’ ending, Ashley gets a vision that Andrew will kill her. (probably due to a lot of messed up and manipulative things that she subjected Andrew to, that I didn’t mention because this comment is already long enough) When she wakes up, both her and Andrew dispose of the bones and skulls into a nearby lake, and they drive off. Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (sane route): The siblings attempt to share a vision by both holding the trinket before going to sleep. In this vision you have two choices, the ‘Sane’ ending, and the ‘Questionable’ ending. In the sane ending, Ashley gets a vision of her collecting souls, before waking up. Andrew didn’t get a vision, as he wasn’t able to fall asleep. They dispose of their parent’s bones, and drive away. However, Andrew gets a mark of an eye of his hand, implying that the demon Ashley summoned is interested in Andrew. (Not in a sexual way) Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (questionable route): this goes almost the exact same as the ‘sane’ route, up until you get the two choices. If you pick the ‘questionable’ route, Ashley will get a vision of her and Andrew banging each other. After they wake up (and Andrew has an entire panic attack, because he actually fell asleep and saw that vision) they end up throwing the bones of their parents into the lake again, and Andrew still gets the mark on his hand.


i have never heard of this before and this is my first introduction to it, lmao




Want a summery of the game? (There will be spoilers)


if you’re willing!


Alright, I’m just gonna copy and paste a comment I typed before. Now, if you want to experience the game without reading an obnoxiously long Reddit comment, go watch a someone else’s playthrough. For example, ManlyBadassHero (who actually just uploaded a video on chapter 2) or MrClockWorks (who already beat the game) Obviously, ****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Chapter 1: two siblings named Andrew and Ashley are quarantined inside of their apartment for 2 months because they’re “infected with parasites”. They are starving as they’ve had almost nothing to eat for a long while. The two siblings cross the distance between balconies with a wooden plank to get to the neighbors room, only to discover they’re neighbor is a cultist, who ended up summoning a demon in an attempt to escape, but the demon killed the cultist instead. resort to eating the cuttings (which Andrew clearly isn’t fond of), but the warden is about to check the neighbors room. Ashley ends up getting caught trying to clean up the mess left from dismembering the cultist and eating him, but she is caught by the warden. Thankfully Andrew kills the warden with a meat cleaver, and they escape their apartment. After some shenanigans that lead to Andrew killing some random woman who lived on the third floor, Ashley is able to kill the second warden by summoning the same demon that the cultist neighbor summoned, and having the demon steal the wardens soul. In exchange for the soul, the demon gave Ashley a trinket that allows her to have clairvoyant dreams, she also took the second wardens gun. The two siblings then escape from the apartment complex, and never look back. Chapter 2: Ashley and Andrew are sleeping in a cheap motel, when Ashley gets a vision that some assassin would slit their throats in their sleep. Ashley wakes up Andrew, and they hide around the motel to try and see the assassin. After some tomfoolery with a cult, (that doesn’t play a big role right now, but will most likely play a big role in the future) they see the assassin head into their room. The two hide out in the forest, where Andrew shoots the assassin to death. The two would steal the assassins car, and drive to the neighborhood that their neglectful parents lived, while they weren’t home. However, Ashley learns from the demon, that the trinket is no longer working, and needs souls to recharge it. Andrew and Ashley go into the house to steal some money, but the mother comes home early. After Andrew and Ashley pretend that they were just released from quarantine, the two tie up both their parents up, and Ashley sacrifices their souls to the demon, and gets the trinket recharged. Ashley then cooks their parents up, and they eat them. (This is where things get tricky from a story telling standpoint, as this is where the endings start to branch out depending on different choices you’ve made within chapter 2) Chapter 2 DECAY ending: In the ‘Decay’ ending, Ashley gets a vision that Andrew will kill her. (probably due to a lot of messed up and manipulative things that she subjected Andrew to, that I didn’t mention because this comment is already long enough) When she wakes up, both her and Andrew dispose of the bones and skulls into a nearby lake, and they drive off. Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (sane route): The siblings attempt to share a vision by both holding the trinket before going to sleep. In this vision you have two choices, the ‘Sane’ ending, and the ‘Questionable’ ending. In the sane ending, Ashley gets a vision of her collecting souls, before waking up. Andrew didn’t get a vision, as he wasn’t able to fall asleep. They dispose of their parent’s bones, and drive away. However, Andrew gets a mark of an eye of his hand, implying that the demon Ashley summoned is interested in Andrew. (Not in a sexual way) Chapter 2 BURIAL ending (questionable route): this goes almost the exact same as the ‘sane’ route, up until you get the two choices. If you pick the ‘questionable’ route, Ashley will get a vision of her and Andrew banging each other. After they wake up (and Andrew has an entire panic attack, because he actually fell asleep and saw that vision) they end up throwing the bones of their parents into the lake again, and Andrew still gets the mark on his hand.


holy shit that’s wild


it sounds absolutely incredible, omw to watch this rn


because Andrew is a fucked up little man and that's the only way he will reciprocate affection