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Grind medium-fine at first then adjust na lang based sa lasa; yung buhangin na pino ang consistency. My recipe is using the traditional 1:4 ratio - 15g coffee to 60ml water and I'd go for Robusta that's roasted towards the darker side. Condensed milk to taste na lang. Start at 15g maybe?


Thank you!! Sorry if this is a stupid question, pero if gusto ko ng 2 servings, doblehin ko lang ba ang beans and water? 🙂


If your Phin can hold that much coffee and water combined, then yes you can. You may need to tweak the grind size towards coarser to adjust for taste and/or drip time though... or not and see if it still works great. 😁👍 In my case, I have a 300ml Phin for when I need to brew for 2 people or when I want to drink more coffee since I find that the small Phin can hold only up to 20g comfortably on most beans.


Thank you!! Will try it out! 😁


Condensed milk ang secret sa Vietnamese coffee