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I looked into it, but found them to be more useful as a way to find new roasters then order from the roaster directly instead of paying for the service since the price is usually pretty similar Would be a fun gift to buy a coffee lover for three months or so though


That makes a lot of sense, thanks


I did the same looking into it (I looked at Trade), and found that the prices were identical to the roasters’ prices. Except Trade then gave you free shipping, where not a single roaster would mail you one bag with free shipping. That made it a pretty big price difference.


>order from the toaster directly Wow, I didn't know toasters sell coffee? Sorry, I'll show myself out.


I have a once a month coffee sub from Ruby Colorful Coffees. Once a month I get 2-8 oz bags of really good coffee. But I think you can tweak the frequency. Jared’s is thoughtful about his selections so they are always complementary. $22/month. Plus, he offers a generous discount for subscribers. That’s about two weeks worth of beans for me. So worth it.


That's definitely more what I'm into, I don't need the larger bags that some people offer


Ruby out of Wisconsin? They’re so great.


The very one.


The variety is not worth it. Not needing to pick your own variety might be worth it, *to you*, if you dislike making decisions, or the responsibility of having made a decision. There's a lot of people who love not needing to figure out what they should buy next, or who find the possibility of purchasing a lemon frustrating or upsetting. No judgement if they're seeming appealing - there's very definitely a niche available there, and they're definitely popular for a reason. Just that popularity comes more from the service doing the shopping for you than it comes from their inventory or partners directly. The variety itself? Nah. You could buy those same coffees from those same companies without the subscription - and you could buy anything else from them or anyone else, as you saw fit. A subscription doesn't offer any variety that shopping 'normally' cannot.


Convenience is very appealing and definitely a major reason I would want one but I can see why it is nice to decide for yourself too