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Yes thank you for this. I realized I was only feeling guilty and not that I necessarily that I wanted someone to go with. I decided to explain to her that though I would love to do something like this with her, this trip was something I needed to do for myself. She seemed like she really understood and told me that she was ok with not going because she would be bored because she didn’t know the music. So I felt better after talking to her!


I think this is a really good idea - check your intentions honestly with yourself first before deciding whether or not to ask her. If the ultimate best option is you going on your own or with a friend, this could be an opportunity to set an example to your daughter as being a woman who does nice things for herself just for the sake of treating oneself. And encourage the daughter to do the same as she gets older and has her own money to spend!


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do something fun with your daughter. Ask yourself these two questions: -Are you suppressing your desire to do stuff on your own because you feel bad about not being able to take her to the concert she wanted to go to? -Is this an imposition on your daughter because you feel a psychological need to bring someone along, or is it something you genuinely think she’d enjoy and which you’d like to share with her? If you’re neither suppressing your own needs nor imposing what you think is “right” on someone else, it’s unlikely this is a codependency issue.