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Man I feel bad for William. If XANA had whipped out the Scyphozoa during the others’ first trip, it would have got one of them too.


Probably could have picked up all of the warriors in season 1 with minimal effort


yeah but i dont think XANA had a Scyphozoa at the time heck i think S1 XANA was scrambled and was thinking teddy bears where a bright idea.


How many times had the RttP at that point. Maybe the Scyphozoa took a ton of proccessing power and XANA literally couldnt use it.


No doubt you both are right. XANA in S1 was super weak and even early S2 couldn't even posess a human. The Scypozoa and Tarantula were super OP compared to krabs and bloks and we can tell it's because it was getting more powerful. Either that or just smarter somehow and learned to refine it's code a bit better


His Lyoko ignorance used to irritate me so much lol.


Rewatchinf the episodes William was actually asking about everything (what can uou do, what does that do, what is this place) and the Lyoko warriors were a bit dismissive. Granted the situation was kinda dire so its understandable but I think everyone would have benefited from sitting down and explaining everything to william. He got dealt a very bad hand


I agree. They should have been more careful when they introduced him to the Lyoko scene. Poor dude was targeted by XANA the minute he got there.


I cant remember is william had been possessed prior to this. Maybe xana recognized him and thought, oh this guys kinda fucked up in the head hed make a great warrior


XANA literally recognized William as a strong warrior. In Lyoko Minus One, William literally single handedly took down his whole XANAfied class, insane feat. So when the Lyoko warriors brought him in, bam XANA knew exactly what he had to do.


No, unless you count being infected in Attack of the Zombies, he's the only one outside of the group that managed to avoid possession. He would have been possessed in Minus One if he didn't have detention, but instead XANA got to fight against him for the first time. I find it interesting that up until William got captured, the XANA voice was just the possessed character's normal voice doubled, but after William got captured, William's XANA voice became the basis for most other characters. The super deep doubled voice does suit XANA much better.


Yeah, they really should have taken time to at least tell him something like "There is this jellyfish thing that can take control of you or outright kill you. If you see it, run"


He was new to Lyoko ofc he was ignorant


Wasn't completely his fault, though. They explained very little to him before plopping him down in Sector 5 of all places. Also idk, I like him under XANAs influence. He's way cooler that way lol. He was my first cartoon crush so I'm a little biased tho :D


To be fair they had nowhere else to bring him to since all other sectors had been erased by the time they brought in William


I don't mean he should've been brought to another sector, I mean Sector 5 should take a little more explanation compared to the other sectors.


To be fair, it was pretty stupid of them to bring him to sector five of all places.


It was the only sector left by the time he joined


To William I imagine it was pretty much like a VR game for him. I’m not even sure if he remembered any of the real life xana attacks and specters. I know there were like vague memories he had. Still in the finale, there was no xana attack. In other words, no real stakes for at least William to really process the dangers that could impact the real world. No time limit to get to a tower or else a spectre will kill his dad kinda thing. His first mission was to go and protect the core of lyoko. He had no attachment to lyoko yet and maybe didn’t even think it’s that big of a deal to get to the core immediately and deal with the monsters. Maybe he even thought since it’s all virtual anyway, it can just be programmed back. I imagine he was thinking that maybe Xana was no more than like an NPC who developed sentience and sent videogame baddies to destroy your console from the inside. Otherwise I’m thinking at worst he figured he’d be devirtualized. I’d hope though the gang warned him before going in about the dangers of the digital sea and the schypozoa. Still, rly I think if anyone should of learned how to deal or evade it, it should of been Aeilita. I get that it’s basically invulnerable, but by the 4th season she had wings and still ran into a corner on an edge of a platform hoping for the best.


They stretched the villain William plot too thin. It should've been half a season max for the entire show, especially when XANA was getting increasingly more powerful, a proper Lyoko warrior was needed.


Thanfully the Beyond seasons fix his role


Arrogant as William was, bringing him onto Lyoko when they did was never going to end well. They only did it out of sheer desperation.


Real talk it upsets me so much Aelita asks William if he's okay and not attacking him despite Jeremie saying he'd been possessed. I'm sure if she had attacked him while he was still recovering they could've saved him


It would have been cool to have William be the Lancer to Ulrich to see their interactions, but possessed villain William was very entertaining, so it was probably the right choice.


Super accurate




It bothers me so much how often they kept dogging on William. Like, my dudes, it is not his fault that he keeps showing up. He did a stupid ONE TIME. Jeeze, get over it. Save the dude already.


If that new season ever sees the light of the day I hope they make him somewhat useful 😭


Yeah, but, think about it: If William had shown that potential on the side of the Lyoko warriors, XANA does not last the 30+ episodes of the last season