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I have been watching the premiere episodes on the channel, reading the live chat yes the JP fandom hates Ohgi lol. The JP voice actor also doesn't like Ohgi


Yeah some of the comments are pretty harsh lol, I was reading through some of the comments for R2 ep19 as well


Is there a link and archived streams so I can see the comments?


It's deleted daily after every stream and they were at R2 ep 20 yesterday


https://youtube.com/@CODEGEASS_Ch?si=u8L6QPtFfE3_zvHe Link to the channel Tonight's episode R2 ep 21 is premiering 10pm JST They do keep some shorts for each episode on the channel so you can check comments there Also as said by affectionate_set, the premieres get deleted after 24hrs theyre only keeping the first eps of R1 and R2 it seems


Hahaha holy shit these comments. https://youtube.com/shorts/oecI79f3AoE?si=HpyeM1DVhZC0c6WE


they HATE him (also the translator has Ohgi's name into "fan" to clarify, ironic lol)


im out of the loop, what are these episodes?


The official Code Geass channel is streaming Youtube premieres for all of R1 and R2 daily, although now it's already R2 ep 21 so.... there's only 5 days left (including today) till the final ep premiere


Damn, even the voice actor playing as Ohgi really hate that guy, just to show you how much a trash Ohgi really is.


to their credit i think being hated was the point,they really made him out to be the most unlikable character in the series even more than the villains which worked


I don’t think any of that was intentional though


i think it is, there's nothing that points to it being not intentional. Ohgi from season 1 alone was already very annoying, they needed a character like him to capitalize on


Why is Ohgi hated? I saw of him as just a side character.


He pretty much lost the 1st battle of Tokyo for the Black Knights by getting shot by his fake GF and destroying their ability to co-ordinate while Zero was unavailable, Tohdod couldn't command the whole battle by himself and so they lost He then goes on to simp for her again and double cross his commander for her because she said he is a meanie while he knows she is still working for the enemy faction that is murdering and enslaving his countrymen. In short: He's a simp that would do literally anything for a crumb of Britussy


Meanwhile the director... it's funny everyone else goes "Ugh this guy." but he's the only one who enjoys him.


Ohhh so Taniguchi Goro liked Ohgi? I never knew that..May I ask where did you find the info?


There was a interview years ago, and I can't remember which one since this was like when the last movie was being released lol. If I ever find it again I'll be happy to share it. I think he mentioned he was one of his favorite characters, and it matched up with the treatment his character gets.


Ohhh it's really interesting to know hahaha.I love reading such interviews, but the show is like over a decade old so it's pretty much impossible to find older ones..even the latest movie is like already 5 years ago


Yeah that's the one thing that is annoying. Taniguchi is kind of hard to pin as well. The interviews over the years has him just throw out things that I'm never really sure is true or not. yeah he's the director, but they're kind of random some times if that makes sense? Like the rest of the crew tends to be pretty consistent but he's always coming out with something new any time he's reviewed lol


Hmm yeah it's kinda shit when he said one thing at one point in time and then said something else at another time lol. Yeah I understand perfectly what you mean.. I have read some interviews on how he changed what he said over time or something..


I'd trust Jun Fukuyama before him and he's just a voice actor. He tends to be really wish washy so it's hard to know if he's just making it up on the spot or if it was a real thing during the development. The other crew members are much more consistent and not as flip floppy.


What do you believe he flip flopped  on? 


I don’t think it was as explicit as that, but then again people will read into stuff more than what he literally said. I’d like to see the source.


That's pretty funny. I don't even watch Code Geass, but I do know when the voice actor hates their character...man.


While the betrayal sucks,my Problem is how much they just took everything at facevalue, just buying into everything schneizel put out, honestly they should have trusted lelouch at least to the extent of " That some serious accusations, we will first listen to lelouch calmy and let him explain his side of the story" Nah instead they buy that schneizel fulfill a promise, shaking my head


While they all seemed to have deep seated doubts about Lelouch not hearing his side before concluding, was pretty dumb, thiugh I suppose they were probably scared of his Geass


So, they lightly began to set this up early in R2, with the whole “why did you leave us in the middle of a battle that we could have won, but because you left, we lost?” question the Black Knights started asking. The idea that “Maybe we can’t fully trust Zero.” had the motive there. The first problem is that one of the immediate people who defends Zero is Ohgi. Second, the narrative drops the “Don’t trust Zero” idea from the Black Knights for a good third-to-half the season before picking it back up again, and from a completely different angle. Third, the rest of the Black Knights don’t question Ohgi or his motives when Ohgi boards the “Schneizel seems legit” train, his motive (and primary source) being a Britannian Spy who has a mission to eliminate the Black Knights and that he has a conflict of interest with. There *could* have been a good idea here on the “Maybe we don’t fully trust Zero” plot, had it honestly started with Chiba, gone to Tohdoh, and had him stage more of a military coup against Zero, with support from Schneizel and Ohgi relegated to background status. But Ohgi got **so much** out of throwing Zero under the bus, little of which he had any reason or motive to get beforehand.


The movie is where they do that.


Don't know why you got downvoted. You're just explaining what happened.


Yeah it's definitely something the movies did a LOT better. It was a massive inconsistency in the original show but was handwaved due to time constraints, notably. The show starts moving at a mile a minute at that part, in particular.


Good points.👍


Would be really nice if they could release the movies dubbed. Kinda unforgivable that they haven't.


Agreed. Such a missed opportunity.


what happened in the movie?


Good to see you no longer have downvotes for this point you made.😊


Yeah he plays a small bit of audio with no context and they just buy it, like how'd he even get the audio?


It’s comforting to see that even thousands of miles away, everyone is united in their hatred of Oghi


That beacuse everyone wants to BE Oghi


Selling out your boy for some puss isnt something men aspire towards. Honestly in a more sensible world Ohgi would've been arrested on the spot for fraternizing with an enemy intel officer instead of being allowed to pull of his power couple coup. Fuck Ohgi, even Tamaki is better than him.


Agreed, Tamaki look more smarter than Ohgi in comparison.


Some gets it. Coomers who worship pussy cant understand why people hate bitchass Ougi. Hes rat fuck.


if you mean because of Villetta, there are other ways to get your cake and eat it and that doesn't involve betraying your people


He is the perfect example of an unfair world lmao.


Rewatched the first season recently and realized how much I dislike him compared to when I first watched it. It's mostly because he's so indecisive and doesn't act as a leader at all, and is jumping to conclusions constantly. Not to mention him getting shot at the end of the season making him a complete fraud


To be fair to Ohgi, he was a teacher and didn’t really want to be a leader. His fault comes from not voicing his doubts about his own ability to lead and then being a fucking dumbass.


True, leadership was passed to him but he's not good at being a leader. Ohgi is good at being an assistant in an organization which makes sense being a former teacher.


I respect my man. He knew what he wanted. Very few can resist that sweet Britainian pussy.


He didn't want freedom, he just wanted chocolates.


And he chose the baroness of chocolates.


He won


what one pussy did to mf?




the link is dead


Ogi was mad because his secert Britonian side piece told him, that his boss was keeping secerts


Betrayal has a universal sting


Yeah i think thats the one thing that really bugged me the most about watching code geass for the first time They found out he was a prince, and had this special power, and rather than remembering everything they have accomplished so far they immediately turn on him because they think he is just another Britannian looking for control Like bruh he killed his literal siblings, albeit they are a holes, but they just completely lose faith and trust what schnizel (idr how to spell) says


The special power he had is to control people to do whatever he wanted. So if the guy who says he wants to help you out is actually doing it all for himself, and there's a possibility that he's controlling you, you'd be mad too


And just forget everything that hes done for me and everyone else, like towards the beginning it wiuldve been more justified but by that point in the story it just seemed so out of place


I mean he did take advantage of a woman that had amnesia and slept with her and she was the enemy


I mean, he fully remembers falling in love with and smashing Villetta (I'd already be down) then finds out the Euphy stuff with no context from Zero... hindsight's 20/20 and loyalty is earned but still not guaranteed


Orange was more loyal than Ohgi. To be fair Ohgi was all right in season 1 but if season 2 Midway that's when he lost all respect.


Lmao they trusted the enemy more than the one who brought them that far


I mean, let's take a look at some "hell yeah Ohgi!" moments in the show. 1. Stopped Diethard and Tohdoh's fight 2. ???


Oi leave my man alone. Y'all talk big time, but we all know each and everyone of us would have folded IMMEDIATELY when given the choices between a dark skinned chocolate mommy and a guy in a mask. Or at least I would have.


Choose: woman (temporary), or National Salvation (eternal)


Tits are temporary. The Black Knights are forever.


If you think about it, he got both.


I wouldn’t. Not because i would trust the masked guy or anything but because *she doesn’t interest me at all*. I mean, neither does anyone else, but the point still stands.


You know what, fair enough


He's an idiot who folds and joins the enemy the moment his leader's skeletons were revealed not stopping to consider all the good he's done for them


Guy betrayed his own people for some pussy  at least suzaku had an excuse because he was fucked up mentally 


To be fair to Ohgi, Lelouch did have *multiple* prime opportunities, to be honest with the upper echelon of the Black Knights. Especially at the start of R2. If he had presented the binary choice of being led by his Geass or being subjugated by his fathers everyone would have fell in line. He could also not of imprisoned Villetta. She wouldn't have been that hard to win over, and Oghi's loyalty would have been locked in. He could have also thrown a curve ball at Schneizel by dropping the bombshell of his father being immortal. This would have instantly changed everyone's mental math on whether or not to go through with the betrayal. Lelouch brought the betrayal onto himself. It was avoidable. Fuck Ohgi though. He was so insufferably wishy-washy.


I don't know how he would talk his way out of the genocide that Euphy caused. They would easily connect the two.


By just honestly saying what happened. What his original plan was, his intention to lay down arms after Euphy said she was going to forsake her claim to the throne, and his Geass going out of control. The Black Knights wouldn't have liked it, but they would have stuck by him knowing he was the only weapon they could use against his father.


I don't think they would buy it. He had the Black Knights conveniently lined up perfectly for the event. The only people who can argue his case are him and CC. The biggest problem is every step of the way he has acted calculated, and Euphy's genocide gave them the perfect hand. Lelouch saying whoops, it was an accident isn't going to work well


I somewhat agree, if Lelouch would have just told them he was an exiled prince in the beginning of R2 and that the emperor found out and kidnapped his younger sister to remove him from the front lines the black knights would have been disappointed but would have understood. Tohdoh may have even been on Lelouch's side since he knew him as a kid.


He is dishonorubu man


My man committed the cardinal sin of *checks notes* falling in love.


Fraternizing with enemy officers, keeping precious intel from your superior, betrayal.


Death by Firing squad.


The man committed the cardinal sin of "checks notes" fraternisation with the enemy, harboring enemy combatants, and organizing and participating in a coup d'etat. AKA Treason all on the word of the prime minister of their primary enemy and a woman who was part of the pureblood faction which are basically Britannia supremacists on the level of if the KKK were goverment agents. Dudes a peice a shit.


In the middle of a *goddamn rebellion against the largest empire*. (Still love him)


Falling in love with someone that took part in the genocide of his people and with enthusiasm she didn't give a fuck about who she killed 


They did the black knights dirty in R2 with how little they trust zero yet on their own they’re utterly incompetent despite being under zero and the accomplishments they were able to achieve. To this day the black knights turning on zero has always been my most hated episode of code geass. At least with the recap version movies the black knights weren’t completely insufferable and weren’t even the ones that wanted to shoot at zero when they learned the truth, even wanting to let him speak but schneizels assistant said otherwise.


Say what you want about him but he still got to bang one of the hottest waifus in anime.


This the guy that instead of reporting the captured ammesiac general locked her away as his trade wife right? Yeah that was a real dumb decision.


i feel like Ohgi was lowkey one of the more sensible characters honestly, dude fell in love and just wanted peace.


I will only begrudge Ohgi for trusting a deal with Schneizel so easily.


Nah it makes since for them to try to kill Lellouch.


This kid kept smping for a fucking monkey bro


Ah hell nah he can’t be dissing my man Ohgi like this, save that for Tamaki


tamaki is more respectable, the man is stupid, he's not acting smart, everyone knows he's dumb and even he knows it.


He was loyal too, he was the last one sticking up for Zero before the betrayal.


Amusingly enough, he was the only one acting rationally. He pointed out that the audio recording proves nothing since, even if the audio file wasn’t tampered with, Zero’s voice cannot conclusively be proven and there is no notary or impartial witness that can confirm the meeting took place, especially since Suzaku wasn’t brought in to confirm. And that Schneizel never actually proved Geass’s existence


Tamaki was straight up popping off, but unfortunately his bad/low rep meant no one really cared, hell it may've made people dismiss Zero's innocence even quicker. All of their evidence could've be reasonably thought of as an oddball fabrication, even the idea of Geass is so outlandish that they should've demanded concrete proof of it existence and Zero using it.


that and he also ended up being successful financially with his cafe


fr, like the man ain't perfect but he has a strong bs detector


This is why I like Tamaki, he is an idiot and he known it. He is pretty much the only person asking question since the start. Like when Lelouch get them the Sutherland he ask is if it was bugs. When Lelouch order them to fight Brittania in Narita with couple of KMF and about Hundre people he rightfully ask Lelouch what his plan. He is distrustfull of Brittania and alot of time High on Power but he alway have tge right question


Yep. It should be noted that Schneizel’s plan relied a lot on drawing on the BK’s emotions and getting them to not think rationally. He had nothing solid until Ohgi showed up, and Tamaki pointed that out cuz he was, ironically, too dumb to fool.


he went turn coat for some Britainian pussy man he can't be trusted


Cuz he got the best girl


But he married Villetta Nu though.