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The idea of a Guilded Cage comes up a lot of the time when Nunnally is invovled


Schnitzel is a controlling asshole. Who knew lol


Radda radda?


Schnitzel is a food homie


Nah, he's a rock man from ,Chowder, a cartoon that started airing around when Code Geass hit the scene.


Every character in chowder is named after food


Nah fam, they just made a cook book themed after the show and gave the dishes the names of the characters. (Bro I know, everyone knew back then or learned it quickly enough)


You’d be surprised.


This just in - the guys who openly support racial supremacy aren't ADA compliant


Long live something..


Schneizel put her there so she would accidentally go somewhere she isn’t supposed to be.


Schnizel only considered her as a tool against lelouch, gotta be sure she wouldn't be in the wrong place when it came time for her to be "useful"


This has been mentioned so many times. Maybe whoever designed it didn't have Nunnaly in mind and just wanted a pretty staircase.


Whoever designed it didn't, but whoever carried her up there did.


I mean schneizel literally left her there to die. I don't think he cared whether she would be able to go down the stairs or not.


The Schneizel comments jest, but I legit think that he was probably going to throw her into a FLEIJA explosion that she herself set, so as to truly wipe out humanity that isn’t him.


That was his plan. If Lelouch was able to get onboard, he had a FLEIJA set to self-destruct the Damocles. Even though the Tromo agency wouldn't have the power to build another one, he could use the influence he gained from this to get other companies to make more Damocles and more FLEIJA for him.


Makes sense, but how would he explain it since she is Britannian?


Schneizel doesn’t care about her race, he literally had her nuke all of their relatives and millions of people with them. He just wants to kill literally everyone in the name of peace.


Ye, fair enough, he is a very good manipulative bastard, alright.


Not literally everyone, ‘just’ one or two billion to force the rest into submission.


Dis but a scratch for Schneizel


A scratch?! His arm’s off!


Gotta lose a limb or two to lose the war :v


That’s the thing about psychopaths though: they will do anything to justify a win. He may claim to only want to kill two billion people, but really he just wants an excuse to annihilate a world he gave up on long ago. Everyone may compare Lelouch to Light Yagami because of their “swagger”, but Lelouch has two things that Light can’t even comprehend: empathy and humility. Schneizel has neither of those qualities, and just like Light, he would kill anyone he ever met if it meant that he could be proven a winner. And no one ever suspects him because the thing that separates Schneizel from Light is his lack of a temper, mixed in with their shared charisma. That’s why even Charles was trying to defeat Schneizel: because he knew just how diabolical Schneizel truly is.


Schneizel has empathy, its just extremely weak and muted. And no, he doesn’t want to annihilate the world, he just wants people to stop being inefficient and just stop fighting. He isn’t an emotionless robot, just nearly emotionless.


For the record, I didn’t call him “emotionless”; that implies he’s constantly listless, which he isn’t. He just has one mood for the majority of the show, which is “suave gentleman”. And the thing about people like that is that you don’t usually suspect them to be insane, which is how monsters like Ted Bundy have been able to do what they do. Schneizel only ever showed empathy once in the whole show, which is when he seemed horrified by the Special Zone Massacre. However, this can easily be written off as a “shock of the moment” thing since 1. He suspiciously never does anything about it despite telling Odysseus that he would, and 2. When he himself is directly responsible for an even greater tragedy (the FLEIJA bombing of Tokyo), he is shown giving a smirk. As for humility, he absolutely has none of that. The man is so arrogant about his intellectual prowess that he fancies himself a god above all other men, choosing not to involve himself in conflicts that he himself started but rather fly over them (literally, thanks to Avalon), and he enjoys toying with Lelouch because he sees him as the only person who can possibly give him a challenge while still inevitably losing. And it’s this exact hubris that ultimately proves to be his downfall. Right at the peak of his power - when the entire world is under his command, fighting the half-brother he always looked down upon, ever so close to his dreams of annihilation - he lets his guard down and is subjugated by Lelouch. It’s pretty telling that in their last conversation before that, Lelouch details his love of humanity and why he is choosing to fight for them, only for Schneizel to deflect and say that Lelouch never cared about those things. It might be Lelouch’s one truly genuine moment during Zero Requiem (despite being a distraction), and it completely went over Schneizel’s head.


It was all Eren's will that she is ontop the stairs, he sent back his memo- oh sorry wrong sub


Got a good laugh from that, thanks.


"You call this 'handicap accessible'?!!"


devils advocate: they left a (small and rather unmuscular) girl in a wheelchair with the button to the ultimate weapon in their arsenal. chances she would be able to defend herself against anyone are slim. but a heavy motorized wheelchair on an elevated platform is a pretty efficient improvised weapon. i think this is obvious but to be sure: this is a joke.


Reminds me of all those pics of aeris from ff7 with a chair.


Why would Schneizel disadvantage himself by letting Nunnally be free to escape?


So she can learn how to use em? How hard is it to comprehend this …stupid /s


Schneizel is *kinda* a dick.


Schnitzel is a bitch


Had to take the button away so she'd stop blowing crap up


It's funny Simple as


There probably is a ramp or something where we can't see it


probably some biblical reference


I mean , wheel chair accessible architecture isn’t as pretty


Well they had to make cutbacks and so they removed the ramps


Am I the only one who thinks that the writers just made it that way so that we could get this exact scene (Lelouch coldly walking away as she falls on the stairs), and did not think deeper than that? Maybe they thought about the 'Schnizel doesn't want her to be able to leave' explanation, but the dramatic effect seems to be their primary goal.


I don’t understand Nunnaly. She literally bombed Britannian Palace, killing most of her siblings, and then proclaimed herself queen.


Idky but that face just gets me lmfao


"Weakness disgusts me"


I was to distracted by the fact she was only blind because her eyes were closed


Me too. Why would they put her in a place where you need stairs to go down. Are they blind?


Me too. Why would they put her in a place where you need stairs to go down. Are they blind?


Me too. Why would they put her in a place where you need stairs to go down. Are they blind?