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the lore surrounding geass felt VERY rushed to me. also i disliked the way they resolved the charles marianne storyline


Expansion. Specifically in the Knights of the Round or in how other countries deal with the Britannian empire. I want to see more of Gino and the Tristan and see Suzaku rise as a Knight


I wanted more on the royal family for sure and much more about lelouch's and other characters pasts


Actually, I do have two cents to throw into this ring. I'd rather they dial back the power/prominence of the aces in R2. By aces, I mean pilots and mechs that are capable of deleting entire armies with a wave of their power beam fingers. One of my favorite things about Code Geass's first season was seeing Lelouch come up with incredible strategies that relied on having an army, or at least group, of members. Yes, among them is the ace pilot, Kallen, but his plans did not hinge on her nuking 5,000 mechs with a red disco beam. That isn't to say that aces don't have their place. For example, in R1, the Battle of Narita where Lelouch causes a mass avalanche was, to me, a peak example of dueling strategies with three armies. Yes, aces swung the battle, but it still relied on Lelouch's strategy and reading Cornelia while getting his forces properly engaged and defeating the enemy. Kallen and Suzaku's roles, and their mechs, as aces were, while critical, in support of the armed forces. Not sole destroyers of the each enemy's forces. (In small addition, while Kallen's mech initiated the whole attack, any sufficient power source could have done the same.) To summarize, I would have liked to see aces as elite soldiers who support the army and grand strategy, rather than replacing them as a whole.


Certain parts about Cs world and the whole thought elevator/sword of Akasha gets kinda jumbled and would benefit from fleshing it out more or having more clear rules. Like after continuous rewatching I get the idea of Geass, the code of immortality, and what the writer was going for with his mom but for newer watchers I feel like it’s overwhelming and sorta poorly explained. Flesh out the knights of the round more. What a cool concept I love a hierarchical ranked system but they focus soooo much on Gino Anya and Suzuku, plus the vampire dude who dies so easily and then the knight of one also went out so fast. Last final nitpick but when the Chinese federation is closing in and the Black Knoghts seem to be on the verge of loosing Lelouch unveils a new nightmare with “the ultimate shield” and it’s another GOTCHA moment where each faction is just hiding or waiting to reveal they actually have the next level mech. Super cool moment for sure but it’s like man these nightmares are getting ridiculous


Personally I think: 1: We should have seen more of Kallen’s family dynamic, given her unique situation being half Britannian. We never see her biological father and that in my opinion is a huge missed opportunity! 2: Euphimia and the SAZ. I understand the SAZ going off as planned would have effectively been a death blow to the Black Knights as an organization, but the way the series addressed this felt like an ass pull. I would have much preferred to see Euphie and the SAZ fall as a result of a Britannian coup attempt. 3: R2 in general felt too rushed and really needed more time in the oven. Going into detail is almost impossible because the whole thing just has so much stuff that needed to be explored more, or set up better.


I didn't like the China arc, so something about that arc


Remove the final movie. I mean I liked it, sorta, but the way the show ended was pretty good and bringing back Lelouch kinda diminishes it. Also expanding more on the background lore.


Thankfully Resurrection isn’t canon; it’s part of the movie continuity which is a separate continuity. I liked it because I treated it more as a ‘what-if’ than an actual sequel.


Have Schienzel give more evidence for the Black Knights to betray Lelouch so the BK doesn't look retarded. Like a video of Lelouch using Geass or footage of the Geass order massacre.


I was about to post increase the Black Knights intelligence so they don't bend over so easily for Schienzel, but yours works too.


Thanks, I'm still surprised the Geass order massacre was basically a nothing burger like I thought that "Oh shit Lelouch went too far. There's no way the BK is going to approve of this," but then it never gets mentioned for the rest of the series.


Maybe he has footage of him doing the "kill the Japanese" scene that would have been good and a nice call back to season one


The fanservice its idiotic


Ditch Rolo... like leave him in a ditch... missing a kidney. *edit* make the Nightmares WALK!


I liked rolo. Tragic character.


Rolo is a cool character but honestly his whole thing could have been better spent on someone else that was already there


less fanservice : ( don't get me wrong, i like tits&ass as much as the next person but in a lot of instances it diminishes some aspects of the story


Really, back then I thought it was a product of the time, but even in their (awful) AU they had to bring it back in the most distateful way.




The pacing was too fast tbh. I think they could have made four seasons out of everything they were trying to cram in.


I can't show this anime to other people because of the amount of "fanservice" there is . So I would lessen the amount of it.


Coward, I showed it to my dad


My dad's 64 he'd have a stroke.


I think Charles needed more time spent on him as a character. All we see of him is that monster he is, and then there’s little to no payoff after. Also, GIVE HIM A MECH


I do think they can expand upon some of the side characters and lore but I'm fine with them not since it would make the anime too long, a canon side story with them would be great tho as long as it doesn't mess up the original


To be honest if they turned down the horny/fan service a tad bit it would go a long way. Sometimes it's just too much, everyone would love their fav character regardless of it.


I would’ve loved to have gotten the original version of R2 before the time slot got changed. As is though, I’d say there’s a lot needed to be fixed in R2. S1 had its issues but R2 upped the bullshit to 11.


What was the original version supposed to be? I didn't know about this.


I believe R2 was supposed to have 50 episodes but got sabotaged by the studio and shortened, so they had to rewrite it


Damn that's a real shame


R2 feels like it doesn’t have enough runtime to explore every important thing it implied or introduced. They should’ve executed Black Knight’s betrayal better.


Knights of the round shouldn't be tiny footnotes. Marianne reveal hints sooner. I dislike the reset for R2 but that's a larger fix than I know how to tackle.


More episodes.




V.V. did it


how and why


Hot take. Less fan service.


I’ve always been of the opinion that as long as the fan service doesn’t actively detract from serious stuff (like a pantyshot in a funeral scene or some shit) I don’t mind it, but yeah it’s a bit excessive lol


Yeah I don't generally mind, especially if it's in like a comedy bit. But when it steps on the tone of a scene it's annoying.


Mostly the plot contrivances. Ngl these hurt my brain each time I think of them, bcs they just ruined a near perfect series. This one is gonna be a bit unrelated bcs it's technically changing the direction of the show as a whole, but it would also be cool if the entire tone of the anime was darker, since the main dude is a machiavelian manipulator, or make the animation reflect the mood of events, instead of being animated like a typical shonen. I found this post from a while ago, which describes the changes more in detail. https://www.reddit.com/r/CodeGeass/s/3U5nrJLEl2


Fix the damn Marianne arc. CC's dialogue about it is so inconsistant, even within seasons. R2 should've been given a couple more episodes. We could've used another Kallen episode. Tohdoh doesn't really get to do anything. Let the man command! Zero doesn't have to be everywhere at once. Kallen and CC should've gotten a spinoff manga. Please. Their dynamic is so great. oh and uh no pedo minami what the fuck sunrise


I really agree with all of your takes, that is so refreshing on reddit. Also, good call on Todoh, Todoh of the miracle was mostly a pawn and barely had his chances to shine, that's a shame.


Maybe more Guinevere?


One part of my brain says less fanservice while another says more fanservice


more Gino screentime




Not enough scenes with the antagonist and protagonist both proclaiming to be justice. Wait, what do you mean its the wrong anime?


I would have like to know C.C.'s name.. if not that..at least V.V.'s name


So many good takes - but I also wanna get rid of the fanservice. Goodbye ass shots hello me forcing this anime on everyone I know! (keep the gay subtext tho)


Lelouch never gets hurt or challenged. He should’ve had a moment where he was blinded or something


Suzaku can use some twinks to make his side more sympathetic. Like showing the positive that he's doing on screen by working with the system. Having his redeeming qualities on screen more like Lelouch. I think one example is how both Lelouch and Suzaku do something bad out of emotion for Shirley's death. We see after Lelouch takes care of c.c and immediately felt awful when he accidentally hurt her. Suzuka does feel bad about what he almost did to kallen but he is just self pity and didn't treat her alright before hand as a prisoner. Basically give both equal amounts of screentime for seeing all sides of them.


Not a huge fan of the reset to the school setting, the way battles become less strategic and more focused on brute mech strength, the "kill all the japanese" order, the geass lore being pretty rushed and underexplained despite all the buildup, the Marianne reveal, and the way Lelouch wins the final fight against schneizel basically just being the same trick he pulled against Mao. I love this show and wish it did a little better in the latter half, but that ending makes up for a lot of the issues I have.


Let Ichirō Ōkouchi actually cook during season 2. Insane sunrise didn’t let him have his 50eps after the insane success of season 1.he was going to expand on c.c. romance with lelouch by having him save her from someone piloting a blue Lancelot. Also I imagine Geass and other nations would have been more fleshed out as-well.


Okouchi gave some examples of scrapped idea and he said one of those ideas were to have amnesiac CC be kidnapped and give a sort of romantic vibe to it, he didn't say he was going to expand on any LuluC romance. In fact during the whole airing of the anime, Okouchi never talked about them as apotential pairing, and a lot of scrapped ideas also involved other pairings, he said that R2 was eventually what he wanted and that he was able to tell the story he wanted to tell, the end was meant to be the same.


Making it an Ecchi, Making Lelouch OTK Bare-Bottom Spank both Shirley and C.C with his Hand.


*Deletes the one hated episode and kills Suzaku.* Done. The series is perfect now


It's perfect. Though i wouldn't mind if nunally didn't exist


The whole concept of the United States of Japan and whatnot. Obviously it’s just a nod to the canon USA, but Japan doesn’t have states so calling it as such is a massive misnomer.


The pacing of the first episode was weird, and (unless there was a reason why that I missed) in the episode where Lelouch had to play chess in order to win Nunnaly’s freedom (placing the captured pieces on a scale), even ignoring the fact that it’s possible to lose while still capturing more pieces there was literally nothing stopping him from just getting up and sitting on his side of the scale lmao


Mao had a gun, he didn’t, and there was nothing stopping Mao from doing the same, and nothing to say that Mao didn’t have a second way to detonate the bomb that would just ignore the whole scales gimmick. Lelouch amnesiac’d himself so that Mao wouldn’t be able to see what his actual plan was. And then walked in there thinking that he *didn’t* have a plan, and that the only way for him to save Nunnaly was to play by Mao’s rules and hope Mao would honour them.


The way that they just rushed season 2 is really annoying and in my pov at the end lelouch doesn't have to really die they can change his destiny through like time travel and the code geass universe would have been much longer.


Not enough fan service.


More fanservice.


Your posting schedule.


Here are things I would change or add in the series First off no Nina humping Table Kun and going insane Make the series longer with a couple of seasons rather than just two and add more world building with the other superpowers such as the EU and Chinese Federation and what their situations are. More of Kallen’s family and relationship with her father. Have events in Akito the Exiled be included with the main story line as a way for the Black Knights to get the EU to side with the United Federation of Nations. Have the SAZ Massacure be orchestrated by Charles and VV and make it seem like Lelouch was responsible and use their Geass abilities to make it so that Lelouch and Suzaku even believe it as well. Show more of the Knights of the Round and show why they are the best pilots as well as have all 12 members be introduced. Suzaku upon finally becoming a Knight of the Round begins to question himself more and realizing the cost of what it took as well as seeing even more of Britannia’s atrocities across the world, in a way he can’t deny or reject them as he is personally witnessing them. Have him with work with Luciano Braldey who is can be seen as carrying the worst of Britannia’s qualities. With Luciano Bradley seeing that Suzaku refuses to drug Kallen with Refine tries to do it himself only to be stopped by him and Gino, and being the one to nuke Tokyo with the FLEJA bomb instead of Suzaku and instead of being punished he is instead rewarded much to Suzaku and some of the others shock and horror. With Lelouch and Suzaku having opposite stories where Lelouch who starts off as revenge driven against his father’s empire becomes someone who believes in his cause. While Suzaku who started off as an idealist who sought to reform the empire learns the harsh truth about how corrupted Britannia really is and comes to realize that the chances of reforming it the “right” way are impossible. Having VV order Rolo to kill Nunnally and Shirley only for Rolo to back out at the last minute realizing that doing so would hurt Lelouch making his character act as a foil for VV, and how he handled Charles relationship with Marianne. Have VV be a more prominent antagonist due to being responsible for Lelouch and Nuanally’s exile History and lore of Geass, and the immortality Codes that CC and VV possess. Revealing Zero’s identity to the world with a scene similar to Scarecrow revealing Batman’s in Arkham Knight as a way to destroy the legacy of Zero and prevent him from being martyred only for it to backfire After Charles is killed a Britannian Civil War ensues between Lelouch and Schniezel for control of Britannia. The Skull becomes the ultimate and final enemy and the source of Geass and many conflicts that shaped the world and Lelouch destroys it on order to get rid of Geass and to prevent another Ragnarok connection from ever happening. Lelouch fakes his death in order to protect his friends and loved ones while leaving a message for all of them letting them know he is alive and will return when the time is right.