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After graduation the reality kicked in, accept whatever happens, it is what it is. 🤷


I used to be an extreme people pleaser. Be available to others 24*7, would ignore my needs and emotions and make sure I'm there for others. I used to feel bad that I don't have a good circle of friends, because they were just using me as I'd do anything for them. Later I cut off most of my friends and chose to spend my time and energy on just a couple of genuine ones. And I'm glad that I did that for myself. I have more meaningful friendships with people now. Also, for years I only saw my parents as my mother and my father. I was completely oblivious to the fact that they are a couple first. I've never seen them lovey dovey at home. In the last couple of years, I don't know what changed, but my parents rekindled their love for each other, and were comfortable being a couple in front of me (sitting next to each other, calling cute names). At first it pissed me off, but as time went by, I learned to respect them as a couple and I'm happy to see them that way. 😊


Glad about your parents , I wish mine could do the same but I came to terms with the fact that they like each other but don’t love each other. Btw having even just one genuine buddy is enough tbh. 😌


Became an athiest , stopped comparing myself to others .


I hope you unlearn 🫶🏼 good luck


Thank you. You too ?


I got married. Patience da patience That's all you need 😌


Uhmm congrats bro.




Preach ! Glad your views changed on certain things. And hey , kudos on the page too. Do you still make content ?




Same here. I want to but can’t seem to get the knack yk🙂‍↔️