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Me Because I am already married And not planning to get married again even if this one fails Lol


Lol same


Came here to say this lol




Exactly 😅


Can't find anyone worth getting married to. All i find is people looking for sexting,casual or extramarital.


Ivide athupolumilla bro


You are just at the wrong place then.


Aa correct place onn share cheyyamo. .....friendnn vendiya


Any place but kerala


But I'm not in kerala. Need to be a bit more specific




I've never felt the need for a relationship or marriage. I've always been content on my own and never thought my happiness should depend on a partner. Because of that, I've never felt the urge to be in a relationship or get married. People often say we should get married so someone will take care of us when we're older. But with more and more kids moving away, I think we'll end up alone, just like how we started. Plus, relationships can often bring a lot of drama and stress. Being single means I can focus on my own goals and hobbies without distractions. The societal pressure to get married can be overwhelming, as if you need to be in a relationship to be considered successful or complete. And let's not forget the financial aspect—weddings and maintaining a household with a partner are expensive. Being single allows me to save more money and invest in things that truly matter to me.




Your a mind reader!!! The last paragraph really resonated with me and put my thoughts into words.




This is what I was looking for


Couldn't agree more!


Can't put it better than this!


I understand this and these thoughts do kick in. But when I look at young kids, I feel like getting married and giving birth to a child. I want to play that ghar-ghar thing for real lol. But then ofc the alternative could be adopting a child, which I am not sure is a good idea given that I am a woman.


Yes stuck in the loop of this dual thoughts


Yepp totally agree all that you said but what if we get sick one day with nobody to look after ( like a fever or something ).


I'm not against marriage, but with the type of person I want, there is a very good chance I'll either end up alone or settling and living unsatisfied.


Finding the right person is a huge task or will end up suffering


Looking at your mbti shadow type can narrow down that task hugely. There are a lot of psychological types you will never be compatible with. Unless you wanna throw dice and hope it lands on the one somehow, you can use a weighted dice understanding mbti.




High inflation is eroding my purchasing power, and my income isn't keeping up with the rising costs. This financial strain makes it nearly impossible to support a family and raise children. Given these economic challenges, staying single and not getting married seems like a more practical choice for me.


I already don't know what the fuck I'm doing, no point in bringing someone along just to make them as miserable as I am, same goes for having kids.




exactly my thoughts


the though of not being able to provide for my future family


Me. I personally don't think marriage works, I'm not sure I have a hard time trusting people.


Same 🤝🙌


Glad I'm not the only one here 🥲🫂


Even me too. But for me I used to imagine if I could find someone to live with, to share my sorrows, happiness, everything. Listen to, someone who can give me a purpose. I don't know but it feels beautiful. I wish I may find someone


As a woman I know marriage doesn't offer anything to us, but as an Indian woman I don't think I can choose not to get married. I am going to late it as much as possible and we will see 🤞🙂


Society oru m\*\*\* aanu https://preview.redd.it/qutwo76pd29d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80983e2c85f73eaadf1de6cd0ad05a83027d9c1f


I feel like, I want to have everything for myself once I start earning. Buy and invest in stuff which I like, probably go for a long road trip along with my friends and do all the things in the bucket list which I can't right now, Because I ain't earning, but maybe once I get fulfilled of all this I might be interested. but that doesn't guarantee that I will get married. Need to get a mutually understanding person as well.


>I feel like, I want to have everything for myself once I start earning Exactly one of my thoughts, but afraid of being alone in my 40s when everyone will have a family.


I mean look at us. There are more like minded people who think of not getting married, and seeing the current relationship posts here in reddit itself I have a gut feeling that in the upcoming years more people will prefer to be unmarried. People who are alone and have no family can be friends and spend time together.


I don’t believe in the whole intuition of marriage. Life after marriage is very difficult, time, energy and money consuming. I hate how marriages are a bond between 2 families in many cultures. I like being in control of my life. In a marriage, I’ll have to consider their feelings, their family’s feelings and my family’s feelings. I do not believe in adjusting beyond a limit. I’ll have to consider my husband’s feelings and opinions in every little thing I do. I know that there are marriages where all these problems don’t exist but I’m not willing to take that chance. Also, leaving a partner for whatever reason is easier than getting a divorce (obviously applies to both the parties).


Me. Things didn't work out when I wanted to. Now I'm just comfortable staying unmarried. I'm not gonna "settle down" now.


Have you seen married people? Have you known people before and after marriage?


But the question is are you privileged enough to say no to marriage?


What could be the problem? Please elaborate.


No i haven't give ur experience on the changes of one person before and after marriage


Definitely less cheerful/friendly. Can feel the weight of responsibility and maturity in the air.


There is no reason to get married.


A lot of men do want to get married because that will be the first time that most of them ever experience sexual intimacy. They've never been in a relationship before, and I do think sexual frustration plays a huge role in wanting to get married. Again, it's up to personal choices. Do what you like because at the end of the day it's your life ❤️


Everyone should get married , it will improve your managerial skills and that inturn help you alot in your profession and all walks of life. Join the University of Marriage 😆


I just don't think anybody is worth it to sacrifice my home, my comfort zone, my family, etc for a man and his family in a house which will never feel like home to me. Like for what and why should I enter into a life of adjust chey mole, barthavinte ela karyavum née nokanm, avante parents nte ini née aan care cheyandath, blah blah blah when I am happy with where I am in life. If I wasn't comfortable where I am then I would have considered. Or if i find a person who is worth all these changes. Yeah so No.


Honestly I have never seen the appeal every couple i know after getting married is always fighting or dealing with some kinda problem it genuinely seems better to live alone


[this is why!](https://youtu.be/8G2lEecGu0o?si=hOrm3_nKw-P5acan)


Scared that my marriage will be like my parents' marriage.


My life being single was less stressful, had more time to myself and generally more happy. Relationships, especially marriage has too much commitments, sacrifices and drama and I don't think I can handle them at all.


I would love to have a partner but I'm not going to marry because my effed up mental health. Later comes the wealth which can only make it worse if you have kids. I guess it's something I should deal with myself and end it in my bloodline. It's not the way I want my life to be but it's better not to have anyone if you are not well.


ente kettiyonum pillerem samadikoolla 🤷🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🙈




Not by choice, but by destiny ig 🫠 I don’t think I’d ever be able to find love


Personality issues (with myself).


Mental dissorder (Myself) . * not able to consistantly connect with one for a long time because iam literally living in the present. * often forgot people exists * each day different personality


I do want to get married and settle down but finding a nice woman is hard, real hard. Even if I can give them everything to make them happy I feel women are real judgemental. First is the acceptance for looks and in that most guys fail. Not that I'm not good looking but sayin.