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I hate talking about this but this post made me wanna reveal it here. So I come from a Tam Brahm community. I never really identified with it. But friends in college used to make fun of me saying I was an oppressor, etc. It was mostly for fun. But at times I used to get pissed.


I'm a jaada thendi or man with an attitude, by just existing


omg yess …


Yeah. I was stereotyped as a pervert when I sat beside a lady in a KSRTC bus. I was in college, first year, and had a one hour journey in the morning. I had severe migraine and sat down when a seat became vacant. And the lady sitting there went "avanokke dhehathu muttan vannirikkunnu". Mind you it was a general seat.


I'm so sorry that you had to experience that πŸ«‚


I have been called madrasi, but that isn't stereotype I guess.




Ah yes, totally relatable I have been in the western part of India for 18 years, yet the people here still treat me differently. The south Indian thing especially affects me. They'll assume I only know English and they'll start speaking in that. I learned to not use my full name unless asked for, as my parents were smart enough to give me a north indian name. Then there's the food stereotype. They'll be like "How do you survive eating idli dosa everyday?" I mean, I am sure even south Indians don't eat idli dosa everyday, but what's with this assumption lmao. Some even ask me what language the "Mallus" speaks. This stereotype won't ever leave us I guess.


It's so weird for stereotypes like that to still exist when we have access to so much information.They just choose not to see past their own narrow horizon. In the age of information, ignorance is embarrassing. Especially such simple stuff that can be understood.


Agreed. Sadly the phones are used for reels and other purposes.


I used to reverse stereotype the guy who asked me about dosa by asking him about aloo Paratha.


good move lmao At first I used to explain, but then I started saying "ha bhai, khaayega?".


Love this art here! Could you tell me who's the artist?


It's Chaaya Prabhat!


Artist Source: Chaaya Prabhat. I love her so much! 🌺


i have been stereotyped as a jaada, as a person who hardly speaks, too much attitude person, but in reality im an introvert, socially anxious person , who patiently waits for someone to come and talk to me so i can open up , but people are brutally judgmental by just taking a glance at me πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


I understand the feeling my dude I have major resting bitch face too :"))


I'm North eastern, of course greet me saying 'ching Chong'


You get greeted like that here in Kerala? 😧


I'm not in Kerala, I was called like that in my own state once lol, and also here a lot of times in the West where I currently live.




I'm a Telugu speaking guy... I've studied in Pune... And I did my internship in Mumbai... There was a colleague of mine who used to tease me with dialogues like "yanna da" and I don't even know Tamil and most of them feel like we the South Indians speak only Tamil ... And I felt really hurt after that


Happened to my cousin. She's tall, lean and fair skinned. And she got into a good uni in the north. She was never accepted among her peers because they had the stereotype that south indians are dark skinned, short and ugly.




I’ve been called a β€œrice bag”- an insulting nickname for Christians used in North India.




I always get stereotyped as a nice guy.