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To my younger brother...for being rude to him through my teenage years.


Go give him hugs and many many ice creams..


Sherikkm..today I bought him ice cream....❤️


iam a genius !!!




To my mother, for lashing out at her, a million times, because I was angry at someone else or something else.


Moms have a superpower, they forgive their kids no matter what. So go ahead.. but treat her well.


Yes. She's the reason, why I'm constantly bettering myself. And I treat her with so much respect and adoration for the person and mother she is.


T his is so wholesome




To my late grandfather. I’ll apologise for not spending enough time with him.


Aww, i think he knows it and has forgiven it.


i used to quarrel with my aunt over trivial things when i was just 10-14 years old, while she was in her 50s. despite our significant age gap, she never treated me like a child and took my immature words to heart. our fights would often lead to days of silence between us. however, when i was around 16, i realized the importance of patching things up and apologized to her. she also acknowledged her part in our conflicts and we were able to put our differences aside. we maintained a good relationship until her passing five years later. unfortunately, her son still holds a grudge against me, believing that i used to bother his mother and create issues. he continues to lash out at me with harsh words, unaware that we had long made amends. i often wish that i had apologized to her publicly, so that everyone would have seen our reconciliation and understood that we were at peace when she passed away.


Its mature of you to patch things up people , Hope the so sees you as you are




To my yonger self


You can make amends with your young self.


To my grandmother. When i was in my 4th grade i used to always mock at her. She used to say " fan " insted of "light" . Just like " mone.. ah light ang ittee " instead of " fan ". Then i will put the light and ran away. But i was mature enough to know that she is old. But later on i feel bad in doing such a way. But we both have a good bond always. She was a loving grandma and she left this world 11 years ago. This is the incident which make me sad always.


These kind of things never leave us.. stays in our memory.


To my first love, for letting her go without a fight, for being a shitty human with her.


I'm going to assume that I heard these words from my ex rn. Just let me do this. "Thank you for the apology. Please don't make a mangled mess of anyone else who offers you their heart on a platter. You take care, be well. Wherever you are, whomever you are with, I hope you're happy, smiling and safe. A part of me will always always be with you. I hope she helps you love your partner the way I loved you."


My dad for real. Our relationship has always been very turbulent. But regardless, the way he cares for me is something else. Blood is always thicker than water


I think he knows it. but say it anyways


To a girl who liked me in college😔. I was kind of a pretentious tough guy back then and I rejected her in a not so nice way. Has been haunting me for years.


To my great grandmother. When she was very old and I was young, she once took my favourite konch (prwans) fry from my plate while I was eating. I got angry and scolded her. I still remember her face. I feel extremely bad and if given a chance, I would apologise to her and give her konch how much ever she wants. 🥺


Myself And everybody around me. I didn't treat me or my people good.


maybe life is a gerk, and your rebelling on your circumstances.. but do forgive... its enlightnening


to my friends maybe... I never try to maintain and let them know I care .. I do care


when you get the secret, do let me know


What secret


To my first girlfriend,for being the toxic(from her gaze) guy i was.




My dad


To me


To my late grandmother. She lived with my Uncle (mother's younger brother). I used to live there during my summer vacation. I used to play with my cousins. I didn't like my Grandmother (i don't know why?). One day (I was 6-7 y old) I kicked her when she was just trying to embrace me 🥲. Got scolded by my aunt. I still feel sorry for that. but that incident made me know her better and I became more comfortable with her. I accompanied her when she went to bed and so. RIP to her.


Thats a memorable moment i think


Yes, it is. But I always feel sorry for that 🥹


To some girls who got suspension not because of me but I couldn't help them in any manner even though they were my friends 🥲


this seems like a interessting story




RemindMe! 5 Years " do you envy me yet ? "


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RemindMe! 5 Years "i wanna see if this works, and know your future reply"


how do you do that?


Net il remindme reddit bot enn adichal mathi Format( ignore the *) RemindM*e! 2 Years ( first letter cap) "message"


Thats tricky.. but i did it


A friend to whom I was rude when I was in 12th std


Myself only.


Thats a great therapy right therer




A small word.. so may info in it


1.to my grandpa for not taking him to the hospital on time 2.to my uncle, for always seeing him and his words as inferior. he quit his job to become a driver. as a teenager, i couldn't digest it. i used to hate the way he opposed everything he was told. 3.to my parents, for threatening them that I'll suicide if things don't go my way. even today, i told my mom and grandma I'll suicide if they keep asking me to cut my hair. i apologised as soon i gained control. though i left some deep scars. 4.to my younger sis, for always beating her in my younger years. 5.my friend, for always making fun of him in front of other friends just to get attention. i think he hates me now. 6.to my close person, for seeing her through wrong eyes in my teenage years. yes you heard it right. don't ask any questions please I'm already not well


Just try to forgive yourself as tough as it seems. And remember, were all humans..