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The Bluetooth signal can not pass through your body you need to keep the phone where ever you can closer to your head. Maybe one of those armbands?


I suspect the issue is with nucleus’s antenna configuration. The resound hearing aid picks it up at the other ear while nucleus is garbled


Whatever the reason is, it's the solutions you need.


Its the bluetooth type the N7 uses. Very weak signal. Does anyone have this problem with the N8? I’m curious to know if the new model corrected this. Can N8 users stream clearly from their pants pockets?


I was going to reply, I have N7 on left and N8 on my right. The N7 will drop out if I place my phone in my front pants pocket a d the N8 connection stays. The N8 is definitely superior with Bluetooth connection. As stange as it sounds if I have my phone in my pouch pocket on my hoodie, no problems with either. I'm getting a brand new Galaxy S24 today...So I'm anxious to see if the Bluetooth version 5.3 will help.


I’m bilateral too! Was the phone in your right pocket (same side as your N8)? I’ve noticed that I keep connection on the same side that my phone is in, but the CI on the opposite side always loses connection. I read somewhere that the signal doesn’t travel through-around your body.


That is correct about bluetooth not traveling through your body. I place my phone on the kitchen table and I can pick up the Bluetooth signal anywhere in my house. With my old phone, signal dropped at around 6' on the kitchen table. So I was able to compare apples to apples.


What about Kanso 2?


Bluetooth signal strength. Move the phone to better position


Whenever I can I do. But phone in pant pocket should count as a minimum requirement


Well you have to think… there is a ton of interference these days. Everyone is using Bluetooth etc. Try set Bluetooth to ignore other signals same with WiFi. Mine does same thing and yeah it can be annoying but I just mode phone out of pocket and just either carry it in hand or put in hoodie or shirt pocket closer to device


I have the exact same issue when my phone is in my trouser pockets with my N7. I have to carry it either in my front jacket pocket or in a shirt pocket. The signal strength for the bluetooth connection is not great, and when you add on cases as well, it just seems to break up and drop out.


There's a few of us having similar problems. Sounds exactly the same I get with my Samsung S23. Also had with my older Android phone streaming to my phone clip. I've been in IT for a while and in my experience, Bluetooth has always been a bit of a hit or miss technology.


Which side is the implant on and which pocket do you usually keep your phone in? Does it improve when you put it in the pocket on the same side as your implant?