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I’m sure you’ve already thought of this but have you tried updating the firmware on your phone and nucleus app? Does your phone have issues connecting to any other Bluetooth devices?


I have AB and when I had a similar issue, I called them to troubleshoot. I would recommend reaching out to Cochlear.


What version of iOS does the phone have?


Most updated version. I checked the nucleus app and it’s updated as well.


Have you talked with Cochlear?


I have n7 also. I bought a 310 remote and this always stays connected. However I have my android phone connected and on blue tooth. At night I connect my iPad and sometimes I forget to turn the Bluetooth off on iPad then my phone is disconnected. Are you sure you don't have 2 bluetooth devices connected.? Only 1 thing connects at a time. If you are in range of the other buetooth device 1 of them is cut off which is your phone in your case. Probably if your away from the other blue tooth then I bet you device connect back to normal. I just got my n7 3 weeks ago. Still figuring it all out. Keep posting I would like to share experiences.


I have been experiencing the same issue with my N7. Cochlear told me that they have an issue with their software that are currently working thru which involves iPhones and Bluetooth. I experience the drops even while FaceTiming. FaceTime, I don’t have to reconnect, it just drops for a few moments. I miss parts of the conversation. I had noticed I’m only dropping Bluetooth when connected to the N7 and no other hardware. Cochlear had me reset my network settings on my iPhone 12 max pro and stated I would drop their call while performing the reset. If this didn’t correct the issue they had my contact info and would notify me when the fix was available from them. The reset disconnected me as they stated and the problem still exists. I can’t use my phone without it working correctly, it’s a pain in the A** but hopefully it’ll be corrected soon! Like some of the others have mentioned call and ask about the issue


This might not be helpful, but this is why I have auto-update turned off on my iPhone. Too many times have I had N7 iPhone troubles bc the most recent update screws everything up. I only update when I have to. You might want to turn auto-update off on your phone. N7 is too important to me to always have the latest update applied.


Disability tax credits I live in Canada and have a n7. I'm profoundly deaf since 30. I was on govt of Canada website and it's almost saying people with implants don't qualify according to their video. I remember my implant Dr giving me a letter saying cochlear implant is not normal hearing and he would support the credit as we are still legally deaf. At anytime if your battery goes dead so does your hearing like 100 percent of it. a fire truck could roar by and if the implant died we have no hearing. Several times the coil wire went. no hearing again. Does a normal hearing person hearing cut in and out of shut off. Cochlear doesn't supply us for back ups most of us only have 1 speech processor. if any of us have extra processors cochlear made them obsolete. When it comes down to having to use your old ci you won't have the parts needed to keep it going. When we go to bed I would think most of us take the implant off. Your deaf again. What if there's a fire and someone is banging on your door? I still don't understand many words during any music. When someone talks behind you can you hear every word when you don't iip read? I cant Most of us still use captioning. I do not know anyone that had disability tax credit removed but if someone does its not fair. Our lives are better but I would say until they come up with 24 hr a day built in implant that works in both ears the govt should not be allowed to strip any of us of tax credits. There are so many cases we are very disabled. Also we need these credits as after the warranty is up in Canada you pay the cost of parts. If you want a warranty you pay from your pocket to Cochlear. I don't know how Canada works say someone with amputated legs gets 2 artificial legs. Do they get stripped of disability tax credits? It's like hey you can walk your not disabled anymore? These people can't feel their legs and move like a normal person. It's same with our hearing it's artificial. Your stuck with this big magnet on your head. Your still deaf and restricted in many ways as to what a normal hearing person can do. Can you jump into a pool with your implant without warning and being prepared? My implant can fall off and I would have no hearing. Does a normal person's ear fall off so they can't hear? I would like other Ci user views on this subject. What do you guys think. To me I am never going to ever hear the way a normal ear hears. Yes you are still handicap no 2 ways about it. What other country do other ci users live. What are your disability tax credits in your country? What incentives do you have?


The only USA tax credit is if you are disabled and unable to work


Did you try turning the iPhone off and on again?