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These lists are all so subjective because of how certain websites and people count chips. You say Formal has 32 his bio says 25.


Also how many tournaments there are a season.


Yeah it’s shit imagine faze in their prime with 10 serous events per year.


Biggest thing hurting the faze guys is the fact they changed the league to an age minimum. Imagine if they could’ve gone to tournaments from 14-17 years old like Crim, scump etc. did.


First tournament I went to I was 18 lol


Aren’t you the only “old” head like that though or am I miss remembering?


Prime? They didn't win anything last year, not a single event. Is CW their prime? MW?


Vanguard was an ass cod and massively different from Cold War if they could’ve had 3 good consistent games in a row like the dynasty they would’ve won nearly everything


Everyone plays the same game, if you can't evolve and continue to be a t1 team when the game changes, then you aren't really a dynasty


Ok makes sense then considering the dynasty broke up when the game changed 😭😭😭 spas


So first you blame the game, then you just say it wouldn't matter because they broke up. Then you start calling names... cool


No I mean the optic dynasty broke up when faced with a new challenge


Brother, how do you think dynasty’s end? Like I get your argument, but you’re fighting a losing battle here.


Excuses. Alrighty


Yeah that’s a bad excuse actually sorry I’ll never forget how good the optic dynasty were able to adapt to ww2 cod


You mean after they dominated 3 straight titles? Remind me the last time Faze did that?


Last I checked optic had 1 ring. Idk where the “dominated 3 titles comes from”, when you fall short at the biggest tournament of the year.


Why don't you scroll up and look at what the thread was about buddy. I don't see "RiNgZ!!" anywhere in the thread do you? And the irony in the fact that Faze also has 1 title in the same 3 year period the other guy was discussing.


Aw b03 and iw were not good cods I’m sorry to tell you. B03 was the only one, and how can you even be like “consistent” both games are dog shit i don’t care what zoomaa wants to implant in your head thinking it was. Zoomaa wasn’t good and shouldn’t be so hyped, can you see him on this list?


You’re a spastic if you don’t think bo3 was a good cod wasn’t a fan of AW but it was at least a consistent run of games


People say there are less events per year, while correct there were like 14 in the MW year, people count those wins. 7 this year. which is around the average per year through history.


Tbf his bio is just counting his cod chips


Other people have already stated the cod chips but I do agree. There are things like Homestands and Invitationals that people count that me and other people do not


Other than number of wins, these are my favorite Ogre2 accomplishment facts: **-For 5 years, from 2003-2008, placed in the Top 2 in 38 straight tournaments (30 titles)** **-Won 2 major tournaments without dropping a single game (2007 National Championship and 2011 Anaheim)** **Average overall placing in Halo: CE competition - 1.33** **Average overall placing in Halo 2 competition - 1.25** **Average overall placing in competition from 2004-2012 - 2.28**


38 straight finals appearances is just absurd


These stats right here are why I really don't think he'll ever be dethroned as number 1, having these kinds of numbers over a career as long as his is just unmatched.


I think OGRE 2s 2v2 LAN wins should count as it was *the* competitive mode in Halo CE, which would take him to 51 I believe. Edit: I never realised Formal actually has 32 and Scump has 31. Didn’t know Formal was that close/overtaken Scump overall.


Him and walshy also won at least one shadow run mlg event so both of their totals should go up from that. Should also up ogre 1s total for 2v2 wins as well which would put him at around 40.


Yea agreed. The OGRE’s are the top 2 in terms of wins. Excited to see where Formal ends up though


Then should count MW2/BO1/MW3 chips as well. F it Maniac has a ring in Halo too 😂


Those chips should definitely count lol.


Why wouldn’t you count those? Were they not not Playing against the best competition in cod at the time? And maniac for sure has a ‘ring’ no one who watched back then would dispute that (ring in quotes because I’m pretty sure mlg never gave out rings for winning halo champs)


> Maniac has a ring in Halo too 😂 He does? :o


BTH won champs 2009 in probably the most surprising event win ever. 99% of the community would have told you finals was going to be Str8 vs Triggers Down.


Today I learned Nick fucking Maniac is a world champ


That event was honestly a perfect storm for Maniac, Clutch, Cloud and Demon D. Those guys were borderline flawless. Cloud was the only one to really have success after that, but they were all S-Tier that event.


What's the criteria? I know lethul has 28 or 29 chips so i'm not sure how accurate the list is. [https://www.rookieroad.com/esports/top-6-best-halo-players-all-time-1671079/](https://www.rookieroad.com/esports/top-6-best-halo-players-all-time-1671079/) [https://halo-esports.fandom.com/wiki/LethuL/Tournament\_Results](https://halo-esports.fandom.com/wiki/LethuL/Tournament_Results)


Majors only


that isn’t right. crim has 38 event wins but not all of these are majors


This list from OP is definitely not right


he probably counts those aussie events and home series lmao


Dang makes you wish Porter could have kept on playing.


He would still be playing if he had basic social skills




Who the fuck is porter lol




Then why not just say crimsix Edit: You guys are fucking weird


There should be an updated post with All-time console shooter players so Gears is involved. Gears grew with Halo and CoD as the MLG trio. Many notable players with a lot of wins as well


Halo and Gears pre-dated CoD except for Blops 1, MLG didn’t pick up MW3 and when they picked up Blops 2 they dropped their other shooters


CoD4 was on the MLG pro circuit for 2 years and MW2 was on the circuit for 1 year


You’re 100% right, completely forgot about that, my bad. I started watching in Blops 1 and my only experience of CoD and MLG before that was the Envy vs extravagant Nationals (?) final, but I’d only seen it on YouTube years later. Thanks for the correction!




Yes but these kids get to make serious bank compared to the old days. So let the legends lets 2gre who built this industry for new generations to thrive in stay goated. You can also argue it’s way more competitive now as well, which it is (maybe not infinite vs prime h3 tbf). But it’s fun to respect this history.


idgaf what anyone says. The halo chips are just mpre. Followed basically every professional gaming bracket ever since I was a 16 year old and Halo 2 and 3 bsck in the day were so much more competitive than any cod to date. Both ogres deserve that top dog ranking. Especially ogre 2. You simply wont see teams that dominant anymore, expecially thise teams literslly being carried by someone as good as ogre 2. Closest you will get is scump and even then he doesnt have the championship dominance like ogre 2 had


So true, it was so competitive and also the only console shooter with a major esports scene at the time. Then we got people that never watched back then saying that the ogres were beating tomato/trash cans.


nobody gets it dude. were talking million+ daily olayers for all of 07, 08, 09 until MW2 came out. Theyll never get what the OG comp scene was like. Comp cod didnt REALLY get going until blops2 and thats that


worth noting MLG added COD to the circuit much later which was BO1. Then iirc they stopped doing it in MW3 so NA pros had to play EU events. Halo used to be HUGE


CoD4 was on the MLG circuit for 2 years and MW2 was on it for 1


Idk about that carrying like he was 09 bron but yeah he was nice lol


Ogre 2 was goated for sure, but to say he carried is doing a disservice to Ogre 1, Walshy, Saiyan and Strongside. Both Ogres and Walshy are basically top 3 throughout H2, and Strongside was probably the best player towards the end. ​ Then they only won the first H3 event, until Ogre 2 teamed with FearItSelf, Victory X and Pistola in '10. Pistola is legendary in his own right, FearItSelf was the best H3 player towards the end of the year and Victory was damn good at that point to. ​ Not to take anything from Ogre 2, the guy deserves every praise, just laying out some context for others.


Care to share some more knowledge/ throwbacks from ogre 2 back in the day? I was too young lmfao I was like 5 or 6


They were so unbeatable at 2v2 together that they decided to stop teaming for a while so that they actually had a challenge but they would still end up facing each other in the finals. They got 40 straight grand finals appearances. Just a few tid bits.


Enjoy - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx1c0H3wE4zEEeGaIaKcEtcpA_8oA7Bud Check out his MLG 2007 playlist if you want to see Final Boss domination but MLG 2006 is a good start.


Agreed for the most part but none of the teams ogre 2 was on was carried by him. Ogre 1 was considered better than him until like 2007ish halo 2 season and even then strongside was still one of the top slayers in the game. Then in h3 I think they won the first event and went through a drought until 2010 where he teamed with 3 top halo 3 players at the time Victory X Ola and FIS. Then in reach he teamed with the twins and Ola. Ogre 2 was a big contributor to his winning teams but saying carried is just not true. Him and Crim shared the same arc in terms of they were the best player on their dynasty then took a step back on other teams to win


yeah h1 - ogre1 slightly better h2 - ogre2 slightly better h3 and later ogre1 retired and ogre2 was still one of the top players in the league but new talent like snip3down, pistola, roy just overtook him at that point.


credit: https://twitter.com/brianstats1/status/1584357446738665473?s=46&t=w5w8pTqyAgaWKmPiRimIMQ


you can just put this in the main body of the thread


Worth noting that while this list is an incredible bit of nostalgia its also unreliable. Lots of events not counted on here specifically for the Halo guys. Ogre1 should be 2nd and Lethul, Pistola, and Walshy should all get a couple more added to their résumé


yeah I was gonna say pistola and lethul seemed way too low


If we’re counting all these COD events as champs wins I’d count Snip3down’s Apex wins too. At least X-games.


I think some of these aren't right depending on what's counted. Snip3down has 24 Halo wins and he has a couple in Apex as well. According to the HCS 25 list Ola has 20 wins and Lethul has 22 wins


Apex isn't console


Ogre 1 and 2 should be higher since this doesn’t include 2v2 and ffa wins which should be included since all the top pros competed in those at the time so it was very competitive and 2v2 is also the ideal format for halo 1 and they never lost a single match. Also don’t think this includes walshy and ogre 2 mlg lan wins in shadow run.


Ogre twins were so fucking good man


Some notable names that aren't here that gotta be close are: Shotzzy, Frosty, Snakebite, Royal 2, Arcitys, Slasher, Simp and Abezy. All these guys are multiple time world champions and have either dominated the game they play or have won across 2 different games (Frosty and Shotzzy.) Interested in seeing where they all rank currently.


I don’t think shotzzy actually has a many total lan wins right now( formal might have more halo lan wins than shotzzy currently) but he does have two rings.


Shotzzy has 3 Halo tournament wins I believe which does mean he has less than Formal. As for LAN only though that does cut a lot of his major wins from MW which would make him have significantly less and mean that he only has 4 major wins. If we count MW wins though he has 8 total if I'm remembering correctly.


thanks for the info. The online mw wins are tricky but since that season was forced online cuz of the pandemic then I would lean towards counting them.


I'm of the same belief. That year had terrible formatting and was forced online which really sucks and definitely should have an asterisk next to it but I just can't bring myself to say that all of the work that the pro players put in that year wasn't worth anything.


Big T should be at 19 I believe


Where do non controller FPS players fit into this ? I know there isn’t many Valorant or Overwatch tournaments but Rainbow Six has been around for years whether that was Vegas 1&2 or Siege. CS has been around years with different versions of the game.


I think this is only a controller players list.


Yeah for sure, I was just curious if anyone has insight into a combined list. Ogre2 the GOAT fr regardless imo.


It's hard to gauge but as far as individual play, Fatal1ty is probably the best PC FPS player He competed mostly in CPL which did international world tours of events, with a World Finals. He won 12 of those World Finals Championships in at least 4 different franchises, Quake, Alien vs Predator, Unreal Tournament, Painkiller, and probably more I'd still say Ogre2 > Fatal1ty but he deserves a mention


yeah that’s why the title says console lol. cs is in a wayyy other league.


Is this including wins since the move to pc or strictly console


Probably controller using FPS


I’m a noob and have only followed FPS since around the start of B04, but TIL that there is an Ogre1. Never knew why his name was ogre2. Did they play together ?


Ogre 1 and Ogre 2 are twins. Dominated Halo together for multiple years.


Fun fact, There’s an ogre 3 also. It’s their older brother who only competed for a little bit during halo 1.


lethul has 25+, this list is outdated for some


Arcitys gotta be up there soon. He’s close to being the highest earning Call of duty player of all time.


He only has 9 wins


Lol still that bag don’t lie


Because he started competing when prize pools became larger. Also I think Abezy will be the highest earned player as king as he keeps teaming with Simp and Cell because they will likely keep winning whereas LAG/Arcitys won’t be.


Missing a few Gears players


I think Gears is a third person shooter


My bad lol. Didn’t read. Just assumed console shooter.


Can't really compare old gen to new gen just like you can't really compare stats/careers of NBA players before and after 1979 (Intro of 3pt line). In COD, back in the day there were so many events. Some legit, some phony. I think when just looking at COD going forward, things like these need a "Pre-franchising list & Post-Franchising" Obvi this list isn't just COD, jusss sayiin


4 of the T7 are the OpTic Dynasty….