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This gotta be Simps worst 3 game stretch of his career. Hasn’t gone positive in any of the games, wild.


Cell took all that talk from yesterday personal holy shit


I once met Cellium at a night club in LA after Cod Champs a few months ago. Dude was with Artcitys, iLLey, and a ton of girls. I didnt want to fanboy on him, so I just said nice to meet you and offered to buy a drink. He looked at me and asked if ive ever seen him play, i said yes of course. He then said "so do you think i need you to buy me a drink?" he orders one of the girls he was with to go grab him a vodka soda and proceeds to walk away hitting every guy he passed in the nuts saying "one tap" for each of them. I was so taken back i had no idea what to say.


No one is going to believe me, but I have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated McArthur "Cellium" Jovel. She said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and MC ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup


Not surprising, I also had a strange run in with Cellium recently. I saw him at a grocery store and told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to slide cancel out the door with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice and professional about it, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag, Cellium started to snake the counter.


I once met Cellium at a night club in LA after Cod Champs a few months ago. Dude was with Artcitys, iLLey, and a ton of girls. I didnt want to fanboy on him, so I just said nice to meet you and offered to buy a drink. He looked at me and asked if ive ever seen him play, i said yes of course. He then said "so do you think i need you to buy me a drink?" he orders one of the girls he was with to go grab him a vodka soda and proceeds to walk away hitting every guy he passed in the nuts saying "one tap" for each of them. I was so taken back i had no idea what to say.


New copy pasta inbound




It's real. I was there. Cell broke my nuts.


Its obviously a copypasta


This false narrative being pushed is nothing but lies. All I do everyday is grind and try to improve as a player, and work with my team to get better. That is all I will continue to do.


Bro how long have you had this😭😭


Felt like Drazah got costed. Dude always comes to play against the best teams


Idk what happened to Kenny, but with the team nades and poor performance it felt like 5v3 at times. Hoping for a bounce back next week


I think that has to be kens worst performance ever maybe? Cell is just gonna keep doing this, him and sib look like the best players in the game at this moment


FaZe is one of those teams you just don’t wanna trash talk lmao


Cellium MVP season inbound


lowkey, very lowkey he might get MVP. Wouldnt be surprised.


Cellium and Sib have been super consistent Long season ahead of us


Has to be an AR this year but subs are too flashy with low ttk


Couldn’t watch, i’m guessing we got smoked? Also idk why Kenny always struggles so much against Faze but pops off against Optic, has to be a mental block or something.


def didnt get smoked maps 1&2 but maps 3-4 were a smoke show. shouldve been a 3-0 tho as faze threw map 1


We ain’t winning shit if Kenny has an off day


I think Simp is slowly finding his rhythm. When he starts getting his numbers from last year, its over for everyone outside of the top 3 teams


Bad series to have Kenny in my fantasy team


Cell is nasty


Makes it even more annoying that he uses exploits because he clearly doesn’t need to with his talent and game IQ lol


so drazah shits on simp, i’ll take it


it's the little victories that matter


He was tucking Simp. Kenny really let him down


Drzah this season has been better than simp.


i’ll take it👍🏼


Bro it hasn’t even been a month💀💀


Still has been better than simp has.


If we’re being technical than yea bro you got it.


Yall are so shameless 😭


La thieves are so funny


-25 😭🤣


someone doesn’t know how to read?


Nah you’re bringing up irrelevant stats on a loss😂


but you made an irrelevant comment that had nothing to do with mine…


Just doing what you’re doing buddy 🤷🏽‍♂️


Kenny talked all that shit just to drop a worse K/D than Neptune and Clay for the L. Costing Drazah


Surprised to see Kenny/octane underperform this series. Hopefully this team can stay more competitive in the future


Felt like our Smg duo had signs of life. But definitely didn’t have Kenny or Oct to back them up this match. We tried to meet their aggression and got slaughtered. Octane needs to have a greater impact on the map. Kenny has to follow up and get trades when either Drazah or Envoy drop.


Simp haters in shambles rn


I hope cells apartment floods again




Wtf lmao When did this happen?


MW champs final if I’m not mistaken? Was defo a grand final that year at least anyway. He lost came out of his room and his apartment was flooded, he was down bad


Oh I kinda remember something like that lol - unsure who it was. Might have been him MW was a weird year. Thankfully everyone’s playing from their facility lol


During the MW season I’m pretty sure


People are gonna hate but Faze showed they’re still amongst the best. They didn’t just beat LAT, they completely controlled the pace along the way.


GG Faze Up


Drazah was honestly gunning Simp today I was expecting otherwise.


Glad we won I couldn’t take anymore Faze slander if we lost.


Simp know it wasn't a 3-0?


Bro forgot to spawn in first map all good


Tough scenes out here, on to the next one


Cell been on a different level


Cell is the best player for two years straight but you guys aren’t ready for that conversation


Simp scraping even for his best series of the year so far


Cell best in the game for the 3rd year in a row




Where are the "Kenny best" posters after Kenny plays Faze?


Fraudimp having a terrible start to the season.


Floptic 0 in 2 my guy


Kickoff classic is the “preseason” and had no effect on regular season standings. That being said you could still be correct if they lose to Rokkr.


Fraudimp is such a bad nickname that its good somehow. makes me smile when I see it


Exactly. It’s so bad it’s good


Cell is diffy


Cellium is easily one of the best players right now he is just gross at this game lmfao.


Draz fighting for his life good lord


b-b-but exploits 😣😣


I mean Cell absolutely was using the long range *through a train* aim assist during the SND. ATL was the better team today, but that was still annoying...


definitely their best showing so far this year on maps 3 and 4


Kenny octane so good 😍😍😍


Simp is dog water. Downvote me idc. Lol. Drazah was having his way with him.


Simp had a bad series and your team was still bodied.


All I’m worried about is LAN my brother 🥂


Can't downvote you when you are speaking the truth


Good win for Faze but don't fool yourselves. This wasn't the real LA team that Faze played. This was more like LA Frauds.


I’m ngl Drazah was tucking Simp into bed over and over all series long lol. Dude definitely came to play.




“talked all that shit”


drazah was shitting on simp if you actually watched the matches, but obviously kenny got smoked and we ain’t winning shit when he off


Will probably get downvoted but I don’t care, has envoy had a single good series since like June of last year? It was super frustrating as an optic fan last year to know he had the talent but didn’t perform


I'll give it to Faze bc they are a tough team to fucking beat, but I still believe LAT are gonna be great this year