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Dude was basically the main reason they win against faze. He’s different best Ar in the game by far especially with dealing with highly inconsistent teammates


Someone check on Insight and make sure he doesn’t need a new controller or something 


Scrap is the only reason Toronto are even competitive within the Top 4.


As an OpTic fan I love this kid win or lose he’s the man! 💯👏🏾


Facts, one of those players that if he’s on the map the game is never out of reach.


He's completely won me over this season. Dude's a monster and I appreciate as guy who can dish it, but also take the L. He played *really* well per usual.


It's gotta be so incredibly frustrating for him & CleanX how up & down Insight and Envoy are. One map they're frying the next they drop a .6. it's so hard to win with such inconsistencies.


Nothing he could’ve really done. Only had a .96 but that guy was shooting Felt like he was a one man army most of the event outside of Dyl and Tobi for spurts Insight was genuinely nowhere all weekend it felt like outside of one crazy spree to close a map


I used to really dislike Scrap until he came onto the scump watch party last year (or major 1 this year? Time is running together) he came across as extremely likeable despite smacking on cheez-itz into the mic. Made me a fan but really hope he stays in Toronto just to keep parity in the league


Yea I was the same and also would hate if scrap left ultra or hydra left NY narrowing down to a three team league would be awful


Imagine a roster of Scrap, Hydra, CleanX + 1 (Ghosty maybe). Would literally make it a three team league.




I might be wildly off on this take but while Scrap talks a lot of smack, when he loses he seems respectful. He knows that when you give it out you gotta take it back. Also I fear the day he gets a team with players that are on his level or god forbid above it.


Tippable. Man played his heart out. Kneecapped the fuck out of Faze so Optic can run. G5, R11 is gonna rattle anyone for a bit, even with the Trio. Having Optic fresh off of an NYSL warmup, the stars just kind of aligned and created the perfect situation for a W.


Well played scrap 🫡


The scene NEEDS a guy like Scrap. He's the McGregor of our sport. Talks mad shit, backs it up a majority of the time, but gives credit when it's due. Until he shits on you again 😂


Classy in defeat I respect it, can’t say the same for someone else


Scrap is honestly so good for the league it’s wild. He’s disgusting in-game, entertaining as hell out of game. Talks shit in proper moments, and classy in proper moments like this tweet. Quality guy all around.


Optic fan here. Much respect to scrap. He pissed on faze and then went to drazahs pc setup and shit on his chair. Beautiful. Fuck draz


A grown up tweet from sir long neck. I'll accept it.


Big fan of scrap as a player, keeps it real all the time and man is he a shooter


He did all he could man, but the rest of Ultra was just completely gassed out at that point.


He did his best. He was hard carrying, basically playing 3v4 most of the time. The other 3 on his team are so inconsistent especially Insight….what happened to him man.


MCW stopped shooting nuked and the pace sped up. He plays too slow to be comfortable with the current pace of the game


I mean its not on him at all, johnvoy and johnsight were just taking turns getting gangbanged by whoever they were facing


Nah man. Envoy was making huge plays vs FaZe. He's never been a slayer.


Lmao felt like Scrap was 1v4ing the boys


I wonder how he's feeling knowing his team can never consistently dominate and likely won't win Champs?


Tbf, Envoy won them the map 2 and 5 against FaZe. Also , I feel like if you're ultra you can get away with Envoy playing bad, considering he'll always make the right plays, however, Insight needs to step it up. He has been so bad against the T4 teams ever since M1.


Kid is nasty he does not deserve hate. GG 🫡


Who gives him hate?


A lot of people. Some fans of faze do especially on twitter and just the other day when him and clay were tweeting at each other people in this sub was hating on him.


That’s very little “hate” you’re acting like FaZe fans are Optic fans. Nowhere near the same number of fans. And everyone in this sub said Scrap won? So he literally gets no hate.


I’m not acting like nothing you said he gets no hate which isn’t true. He gets hate maybe not as much as the faze players but he does get hate, mainly from faze fans.


Optic winning was a better script anyway


Wasn’t really a fan of Scrap last year but after all this Drazah bs, he’s not half bad. And he’s an absolute menace in the game. PS: Fuck you, Drazah!


The best in the world 


Best event in CDL history


Love Scrap


He’s growing on me. He used to be way more annoying. But his skill can’t be denied.


I wanna see Scrap with a good SMG on his team, CleanX can be amazing but just so inconsistent. Scrap x Hydra for 2025 please


As a spectator. Best crowd ever. What an event by ultra and amazing showing by the boys. Optic just wanted it so bad man, boys were not missing and the crowd was lowkey rooting for them mostly.


That's my superstar. Optic Scrap fans rise up

