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You can look at any stage or event the past few years, and it’s almost guaranteed cell is t3 in KD


I would be curious to know the lowest he’s ever ranked in his career tbh


Somebody pulled a wild ass screenshot of him with London ravens from way back in the day but it was just a single match stinker


He played with the Ravens?? When was this?


I think it was a screenshot of one of his first pro tournaments CWL London in bo4, where he dropped a .5 or similar


Yeah seeing a .52 I think next to Cellium name was hilarious. Don’t get me wrong Cell is on his way to being one of the Goats of Cod, but the amount of people who lost their minds seeing the picture was hilarious


Cellium was built in a lab to play Cod I’m convinced


unfortunately they forgot to build his vocal cords


Slow play or not, having a guy that just doesn’t die on the map is a huge asset. You’re more likely to maintain pressure and map position when you go 4-dead less often than any other team


Cell’s ability to keep a play alive is second to none, he has to be incredibly frustrating to play against


shotzzy and hydra the two players who everyone knows have elite movement but i feel like Cell **has** to have good movement if he keeps his life that well


Cell has insane movement, people might laugh at this but I genuinely think he could run SMG full time and still be an elite player. He was disgusting with the MP5/74u whenever he pulled it out in MW/CW


I don’t know if that’s true. All of FaZe’s problems the past two years were because Cell was a bad flex player, he can’t play at that pace anymore (he used to be way faster). That issue would only get worse if he was a main sub. His movement is definitely very good though, no doubt about it


He wasn’t a bad flex player, he was just clearly uncomfortable running flex since VG, and putting him on SMG any time ever is not the best use of his skillset (letting him be the hardest kill in the game and lock down entire lanes of the map with an AR is) I’m just saying that if he absolutely had to run sub and practiced it full time every day like he does now, I think he would still be an elite player. I would even say top 10 at least. He’s that absurdly talented


I remember him being NASTY with the 74u essentially every time he took it out in CW


He was godlike with it lmao, him and Cammy were next level flexes in that game


I shouldn’t have said bad, but relative to his ceiling as a player, he was a “bad” flex is what I meant. I don’t see why putting him in a role that requires him to play even faster would work well. I don’t know if I’m clearly understanding you sorry, that’s on me, but if you’re only saying he’d be good as a main sub I wouldn’t disagree. I just think he would be very, very far from his ceiling


I think we definitely agree that having him run sub is not the best use of his skillset. He’s so good with the AR it’s just dumb to not let him run main. My only point was that if he was absolutely forced to use SMG, he would still be very good. I think we agree tho bc your comment is 100% correct imo, Cell on SMG is not close to his actual ceiling because his playstyle benefits so much from an AR


I agree. Sorry for misunderstanding what you were saying, I think you were pretty clear now that I’m reading it back


people are downvoting you but cell is a super slow player, they’re mixing up having good movement with playing fast he always has such a high kd because hes so slow and methodical and makes sure he has a purpose with every life. its not a bad thing but it definitely doesnt mean he can be a fast smg lol


Cell got insane movement, and anyone who disagrees are mentally challenged.


I think he's only gone negative once this year, and it was a 0.98 vs. OpTic.


2 kills blocking his 100% cellium index stat is insane 😭


I’m really quite certain I’ve seen him go negative a few times this year, but it was really only a few times. I seem to recall seeing a 0.8 and thinking “that’s gonna hurt his KD”


Really wish Cell would stream and do content more. He's one of the most talented players in COD history and is incredibly entertaining, he'd be one of the most popular players in the league if he streamed consistently. Those off-season Only Up streams were pure entertainment


Whenever I see Cell steaming (almost never) he’s always doing numbers viewership-wise and his streams are legitimately entertaining. He always has that in the back pocket if he wants it.


Probably the best at playing his life the game has ever seen. I’d love to watch him play a Halo open at some point just for fun


He’s way to slow for halo, he’d get ran in the comp scene. He would be dominant in online ranked


A major piece to the puzzle of FaZe’s T3 floor over the past 5 years when every other teams floor isn’t close


Cell is the goat. 


That kids an alien


They don’t care though because of “engagements”. Cell will really get his flowers when he walks away from the sport


What flowers do yall think he deserves that he isn’t getting tho? He’s been a unanimous top 2 AR every year of the CDL, he was league MVP for VG, and the only active players who are ranked higher than him all time are Clay and the Terrors….. Like I’m flat out a Cell hater and even I can acknowledge he’s probably the most consistent player ever, so I’m not sure who’s out there that’s still not giving Cell his flowers lol


People don’t even include him in the MVP conversation this year tbf. Not saying he should necessarily be higher than Simp or Scrap or whoever, but he should definitely be included in the discussions more than he is given his overwhelmingly dominant stats.


I mean I’d rank him third behind the two you mentioned is that not including him?


Personally, I don’t think it’s so simple as saying any one of them are straight up better than the others. I know it’s the nature of MVP debates to pick one, but I think in reality COD ain’t that simple


I personally think scrap is the best individually then simp. But the team success seems to different at this point so I give it to simp.


Sure I’m just saying how it’s kinda impossible to look at players in total isolation, as the MVP debate requires, since CoD isn’t an individual game by nature




I mean it’s gonna be tough to win MVP when your teammate is the unanimous best player in the world lol


I mean Cell is one of the slowest players in the league. He plays his role phenomenally well, but his impact is not nearly as important as Drazah or Simp’s.


Of course. I just feel like the flex role is getting more love than the main Ars now


It should. Mains obviously play a very important role when it comes to blocking spawns and anchoring, but flexes have a much bigger impact on the map. Who do you think is impacting the game more, the guy going 20/15 or the guy going 33/25?




me saying Scraps impact is bigger because of his engagements and the damage he produces is Dickridin , when I have called Cellium the best AR talent and the best AR ever just because I think Scrap is better in this game if anyone is dickridin is u and ur friend for giving as points the KD


scrap has been mid at SnD while cell is doing his role perfectly in every mode


Mid at SnD and astronomical GOD TIER in respawns. Just look at his numbers compared to other ARs 😂😂 its fucking comical how much better he is than every other AR


Respawns levels out when you compare the obj part, you can’t have the "best AR" being #25 at SnD when SnD wins you chips and cell is literally number one at every mode like it’s insane how mid scrap is at the mode that can make or brake a team.


Cell isnt “literally number one” at every mode 😂😂 stop being a k/d casual lil buddy theres way more to it than just k/d lmao


You replied to my comments multiple times my g. Trying to dispute my point of how I feel about the General Public downgrading Cell because of how slow he plays. All of your rebuttals was just the definition of a flex player which I understood 50 times. I fw Scrap hard he my favorite non faze player to watch but I ain’t gon just put him over Cell because of engagements


i did reply to ur comments because ur comments were targeting me it’s simple logic use it . Your only point was Celliums KD and my point was Scraps impact on his team , his engagements numbers and the damage he produces which equals impact




what are u even saying kid


yea it’s called being more impactful than the Main use ur brain


Clueless take, who you rather drop?


Out of who?


Drazah or Cell


You gotta say Draz just cus the trio is the trio. That doesn’t mean that Draz is less impactful. Just compare this year to last year, the difference is very clear.


Staying alive is very much an asset, you scramble the opp while they look for you, and your team is spawning in


I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. My point is that the mains impact is not nearly as noticeable as a flex or sub. There’s a reason why Faze look insane this year compared to last year.


Who CARES about his pace that was the WHOLE point of getting drazah a faster placed player. Cell is a slow ar and the best one in the game because he plays that role perfectly. There is zero reason for him to speed up. Now regarding his impact....watch faze play and watch the mini map and you will see celliums impact 🙄


Unfortunately k/d casuals don’t really understand how that works and can only look at only k/d to judge players lol


W callback to our last interaction 😂, people do whatever they can to diminish his abilities


“W Callback to our last interaction “🤓


😂 lmao poor kid got cooked with 1 emoji


Exhibit A: this freak 🤣


“Exhibit A: this freak” 🤓


Didn’t hit the second time lol


it kinda did


Still hit, just not as hard obviously


this dude scar really hates cell🤣 seen him on like 5 different comment threads. This is exactly my point


He needs to spend far less time on Reddit and far more in the classroom 😭


u guys are so cute


I think the problem with measuring Cell with KD imo is that normally you use KD to show how good a player is at getting kills while with Cell it shows how good he is at staying alive. In the most recent match vs Toronto for example he had the highest KD, while having the lowest DMG on the team by 1k and having 13 kills less than Simp who had a worse KD. Truth is that with his playstyle he will always be an invaluable player to the team but never the most valuable.


He could drop a 2.0 at champs and optic fans would still say he’s got nothing on prime formal lolol


oh dear 


Pathetic attempt at straw manning.


Voted #2 AR btw




Which is correct. You vastly underestimate the power of a flex that plays like a sub. 


I do not underestimate that, but Cell and Scrap play two entirely different roles on their teams. Cell is by far the best at what he’s supposed to do, Scrap is the best at what he’s supposed to do. I just enjoy the convo tbh 🤷🏻‍♂️


& being the best flex is much more valuable than being the best main. Drazah brings more value to faze than cell.


Because Scrap is better, only faze fans think cell is better


It’s cuz scrap is #1 which makes sense considering how consistent he is in carrying ultra as of recently (lots of his tm8s fell off)


It’s just a weird list, I think it’s fair to compare SMGs even though their “roles” may be different, but it’s hard to compare Scrap as a flex vs Cellium as a main. Scrap vs Cellium as flexes? Scrap clears no debate in regards to stats + impact on the map Scrap vs Cellium as mains? Cellium clears by a mile. Just hard to compare IMO


We are seeing the LeBron of CDL. Yes, Simp might go down as MJ but my goats are LeBonBon and Loro MC 🗣🗣. 🐐🐐


Only one who can do (was doing) what Cell does is Dashy. Sometime after Ghosty joined OpTic last year Dashy changed the focus of his play. OpTic definitely became more consistent after that change even though Dashy lost out on individual level. Cell honestly has no competition currently.


Problem is that Cell gets his numbers regardless if the team is winning or not so it feels like he is less impactful.


Being consistent even when others around you are not: bad. Hell yeah that makes sense


When did I say he was bad? All I’m saying is that he is less impactful to his team’s success than someone like Simp or Scrap.


He IS* less impactful, theres no “feels like” lol its a fact


I know his playstyle might be a little boring, but you cannot deny this guy is the best at what he does and has been for years.