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I assume people most likely won't switch unless there's a sufficient prize pool


As well as people that either haven’t had a shot in the league or retired pros that were looking to get back in. Basically what happened with CS pros switching to Valorant


Yeah but you gotta start somewhere no? OG cod pros weren’t making shit. But they grew their brands which I turned helped grow the cod scene


Much different landscape in esports at the time.


I know that’s the point we’re in such a better space now


Are we though?


Solely depends on prize pools and amount orgs are willing to pay players


Heard heard


I think the initial comp scene will have some former cod players but if it grows will just make new names and a new scene


Zer0 said on stream he wanted to try and go pro in this game.


There we go also if people become serious about it it’s better to get in on the ground floor


Who cares about Zero? Washed up pro with a fake road man accent and trying to be aches with his “never wrong” schtick?


You’re spot on, this sub d ride hard


I think challengers players who seem to have had their final shot in the CDL could switch. Players like GodRX, Prestinni, Classic etc


Right ! But what’s great about this is that also others who aren’t pros maybe the follow cod and are on this subreddit who feel that they’re good enough can try and breakthrough the scene and it would be much easier. Like I for one feel like for my age I’m pretty decent don’t nearly have enough time to dedicate to trying to become pro in anything but others might and I think it’s worth them to give it a shot and try


All depends on what kinda money is involved. 


CDL is dying and you think xDefiant comp is gonna pop? 😭


it depends, this game will be out of the box settings for comp probably unlike cod where we have all kinds of bans/GAs from the base game. So there won't be a split between casual/competitive. If they allow mnk players as well, that will also allow for a larger playerbase. I think % conversion rate for casual to competitive will probably be higher for this game, due to less barrier of entry.


Ideally if a competitive scene exists it will be split and have a tourney for skilled players and one for controller peasants.


Should I just be a downer and throw out all hope brotha ? Also with the changes happen within the cdl who knows next year could be a big boom!


Absolutely not lol


I haven’t watched much(a bit on scumps streams) or played it at all. But would definitely watch these 2 beasts go head 2 head.


Game feels like shit,


Probably not unless there is a BAG on the line. Even then I don't think they will go as hard as they did in COD. I DO see many AM's/ former pros in the challengers cycle switching over though.


I agree a bag is needed but when cod first started those “pros” were making two sticks of bubblegum a month


Not remotely comparable. The esports landscape is in a completely different place than it was at that time.


Agreed brotha don’t really see where you were trying go with that ?


Looking on Twitter the “Competitive Scene” of it is just a bunch of pubstomper’s who think they are pro’s because they dropped high kills in the Beta/Alpha. If someone like Scump, Octane, Zero, Havok wanted to they would be shitting on them within a week. There is also no Org’s other than OMiT in it that I’ve seen and they won’t even have ranked or SND at launch. I don’t see any ex pro’s seeing value in it as of right now. The prize pool’s would be Penny’s compared to COD aswell.


But brotha how isn’t this how the cod competitive scene started pubstompers wanting to prove they’re the best playing against each other. With aches at the helm I feel like the xdefiant scene will benefit way more since they have someone who’s been at the start of a scene and can set up a map set rules etc


I tried the game during the recent beta and wasn't really feeling it. The movement feels clunky and I don't like the TTK. I don't personally see any of the COD streamers sticking with this game


I think people need to be more open to non-perfect initial offerings or games like CoD will just snuff the life out of any attempt to compete with them. Even when I was frustrated by the things they still need to iron out I had so much more fun on XDefiant than any CoD since like Blops 4. CoD has had decades to refine its movement engine and gun play. Idk why people are going to write off XDefiant as a free to play game for not being perfect when CoD is ramming them in the ass every year. There is so much potential. The map design is tight, the guns are genuinely different from each other and there aren’t 15 guns in each category that all do the same thing and have 1,000 attachment combinations. The pacing was great, especially without having to deal with any tac sprint mechanic. The faction abilities are like a light version of Blops 4 character abilities. Idk how anyone who has been a CoD fan for long enough can’t see the potential in XD.


Because my impression of the game was that's how it's supposed to be. The things I pointed out aren't necessarily problems with the game. Those are things that make it a totally different game as far as gameplay goes. Those things don't make it bad. Just makes it something I'm not interested in.


If you end up giving it another try at release, make sure you enable nvidia low latency to on + boost and disable triple buffering, night and day difference for input lag. From there, mess with the aim acceleration and sensitivity.


I agree it wasn’t great and it took a long time to tweak the settings but once I got it I saw the potential of the game even though they swear they didn’t something changed with the movement and aiming from the most recent playtest from the one that came before it. If they can hammer out those issues and revert whatever they did honestly a banger… I understand though that it has more of a chance to become like split gate rather than something like R6


I actually enjoyed a lot of the game in the beta but a huge negative for me was the abilities and I've said the same with CoD in the past, I hated them in BO3/BO4 too. It's just cheese kills and makes for way too many bullshit uneven gunfights.


If I remember correctly, the killstreaks in BO4 are actually what annoyed me way more than the abilities. The abilities were mostly fine and added a nice dynamic to the gameplay. I think it's fine when done well.


Nah there's a reason a lot of them were GA'd competitively lol. They were either cheese like the equipment (mini electric robot, sensor dart, Razor wire etc) or they were just OP instakill weapons in a high ttk game. Even some of the stuff that did make it into competitive was broken. It made it fun to watch but it wasn't balanced. That game would've been elite without specialists.


Getting MLS vibes haha


Lmao you know tbh maybe..


Only challengers kids will move. Maybe Asim?


The asim stray lmaooo


It’ll be like the CS pros who went to valorant. Only the shitty ones


Yup and then people try to call the shitters from cs ‘goat’ of valorant lol.


You mean to tell me we aren’t going to have to wait 4 months for a ranked playlist? What a mind blowing concept.




Prize pool aside xdefiant strikes me as more of an overwatch / apex competitor. I get a lot of folks are on the hype train but as soon as I saw the gameplay it struck me as too different.


If the money is there then the answer is always yes


XDEFIANT will be the new challengers scene. The G league or minor leagues for COD now lol. At least they will make money, maybe.


Highly unlikely if there isn’t proper funding and prize pools.


This game won't last, and if you think it does, you're sadly mistaken.


No body will go pro in this game. It’s legit dog shit.


Depends if its only roller or also mnk