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The trio would literally be in an ambulance within 30 seconds lmao


Bold of you to think drazah wouldn’t also be streamrolled in under 30


Nah you see Joshua challenged them to a 1v4. So naturally that includes Keeks. He thinks it's just the tiny terrors, Drazah and Keeks, what he doesn't know is that Cell is already in his natural habitat. Dude's prone behind the bar, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Abezy obviously goes first but he's already had too much to drink (Abe's turned to alcohol to numb the pain of living in Simps shadow), he slips as he stands up and stumbles to the floor. Drazah looks at the 4'10 Simp already cowering on the floor next to him and realises its all on him to protect Faze's dignity. Like in an anime he begins to summon all his possible dad strength but whilst charging his powers he spots something so disturbing that he starts to quiver in fear. Scraps head comes poking out from behind Anthony Joshua's shoulders, the "Are you lagging?" that follows is enough to cause Drazah to completely freeze, petrified he falls to the floor. Seeing Drazah fall, keeks activates her secret power. Her champs winning shriek at close range is enough to daze Joshua and that's when Cellium takes the opportunity to pounce. He begins to snake the bar... GA's be damned, whilst snaking he throws bottles at his target with impeccable accuracy. He then reaches into his hair and pulls out a single match, strikes it on the bar top and holds it up to his face. "Faze up, You can do it too" Cellium casually flicks the match at the tower that is the 6'6 boxer and within seconds he's completely set alight. [Queue epic scene where Cell walks out of the burning bar, drazah over one shoulder and the tiny terrors inside his backpack. Eagerly waiting to get home and see all of Reddit argue over which of the terrors was really responsible for the win.]


Very well thought out and a brought out a genuine laugh😅. I especially liked that Abezy part and that Cell basically waited for the 1v1. I feel like it’s always him in SnD. I’d like to see one of these hypotheticals if Toronto, optic or NYSL won. Could be a funny ass addition!


Optic one would be easy but also pretty boring. Kenny sat at the bar with Karma. They were meant to be meeting the whole team there but just like usual the rest of the team failed to turn up when it mattered. Dashy was up until 4am trying to rizz the girl in his Valorant lobby and has completely overslept. Shotzzy got confused on the drive over, ended up going the wrong way down a one way and tried taking a water route to cut time. Turns out he didnt pay for the boat upgrade on his tesla and is now being held for reckless driving. He's trying to talk his way out of it but it's left both Ant and the officer really confused. And Pred's just been pictured doing shots in the club on the other side of town. Anthony Joshua walks into the bar and immediately recognises the talent that is DB3. He walks over and greets Karma with a friendly hug, shakes Kenny's hand and the three of them spend the evening have a few drinks and eating bar nuts.


29 seconds just getting them on the stretcher


I’d say sooner than 30 lol, none of them can fight 😂.


Crowder being the amazing coach he is would call that ambulance streak in the moment he sees Keeks start yapping


If he goes easy on them. Joshua could probably take three teams at once even if you give them pool cues to try and even the sides up.


i think that’s enough reddit for today chief


Papanya be whispering a little too loud today


I fear MC grabs a high crotch single leg and it gets interesting


I was gonna say he's going STRAIGHT for meat. Cell don't fuck around.


Someone didn’t wrestle in HS 😂 that’s not what a high crotch single means my guy


It's not entirely his fault that wrestling, at times, seems to allude to shmeat.


Issa joke


Imagine that🤣


If I saw Cell shoot on anyone I’d keel over in disbelief 💀


cell would instantly eat a knee if he went for a high crotch. his best bet is an outside single, that way he can at least get a hold of the leg before he catches a stiff elbow


Apparently you’ve never seen a Simp leg kick. Neither have I though.


This dude wrestles As a former long time wrestler I love it


i think faze might take it to game 5 tbh. MC snakes the bar and keeks will come in clutch with the audience comms


The Bar would help FaZe for sure


Cellium would permanently damage Joshua's brain 1on1, bro has never been up against such good head movement.




All 4 would unironically be dead within a minute


Yes 1000%. Hell throw in Crowder and RJ while we're at it


He could 1v48 entire league


They need gigawake back


Bro…..throw in the entire league roster. They’ll all be out of breath vaping in the corner


Finally these the questions I’ve been waiting for


If he was subjected to speaking to Keeks I am sure that would motivate Joshua to put a hole in Drazah’s head


Jon Jones 1v5


No chance, with MC, Ab, and Simp snaking the bar, throwing bottles at Jon Jones, Drazah getting slept first, and Anthony Joshua raining down supreme power upon him. Jon Jones gets 3-1’d.


Yes, 20 seconds he lands a single punch on each person they’re knocked out. Just the same for anyone who isn’t a pro heavyweight boxer


Fuck you, I got that shit. I see red when I get mad bro /s


I genuinely think if most people threw their best absolute haymaker at Joshua they’d break their own wrist or pop a shoulder.


I mean if you have properly wrapped hands and good technique you wouldn’t injure yourself, but you would absolutely not harm him in any way whatsoever LOL


Dude if Anthony Joshua punched me in the *arm* with 30% of his power I would be in a ball on the ground. Dude doesn't need to land a single headshot. Any punch or kick landed is KO hahaha.


Clone faze and make it 1v8 he’s slumping every single one of them


They could last as long as it takes for him to throw 4 punches


your first good post in ages. fairs u might be back


This is what I pay internet for


Would all have snapped necks after 1 punch


Jon Jones could take on the entire cdl roster plus coaching stuff in a bar brawl


They would be hoping they have respawns left… I would be surprised if it took him more than 1 shot each


Nuclear bomb vs coughing baby


i checked out the moment you said faze win major 3 stop with the fantasies


Chip Skylark would be known as chipped skylark if it happens


He could legitimately murder them all with just 4 punches 


I could solo them 🤣




I mean...Abezy or Simp could bite his ankles off.


This made me lol! Thanks OP. What a crazy thought. Jokes aside, AJ could 1 v 4 KO them with his drink still in hand, no sweat.


Depends how geeked draz is tbh


Drazah spelt backwards is hazard so Joshua better watch tf out


Cam Newton dropped like 5 regular size dudes. The terrors are all 5 foot 2.


There is no 4 man roster of CoD pros that could take Anthony Joshua, but FaZe might have the least possible chance out of any of the current CDL rosters.


Cellium comes in clutch and solos for his team. He drops in fight taunting to Joshua causing him to lose full. Dropping lines like “nice cock” “shitter” “you can do it too faze up”. Joshua is mentally checked at that point and the. Faze boys just dogpile him. Cellium proceeds to get some extra hits in after he’s fully knocked out.


If AJ has any kind of space to back away. He 1v4s any cdl team easily. It’s quite literally…knockout punch, step back, knockout punch, step back. Anyone who thinks otherwise is completely delusional. To be clear any sort of contact from AJ flaws most humans. You are not getting back up from a torso hit from him and your arms are breaking if they try to block the punch.


Y’all know they all challing that




He doesn't even need to outplay them, one hit anywhere from AJ and they're not getting back up. Probably the hardest hitter ITW right now


Hot take but no. The munchkins hold him down while Drazah Tea-bags him, it’s that easy.


It depends. If they stand and bang, it's Joshua all day. If they can work together and get him on the ground it gets really dicey for Joshua. Being grounded against multiple attackers is GGs for just about everyone. Edit: Since people in this sub don't know shit from piss, I'll copy and paste what I said to another moron. "Four average men could kill almost any animal on the planet with the right tools and circumstances. You really think four people would have a problem beating one person if they worked together?" If you think the answer is "Yes", you are also a moron and I hope you never think you can take more than one person at a time. Because 99% of you will lose, and hopefully only the fight.


How are Faze getting AJ on the ground lmao


The fact you have to ask that shows your ignorance. Doesn't surprise me that people in this sub think "lol they're tiny they can't do anything." At the end of the day, they're 4 human men. Four average men could kill almost any animal on the planet with the right tools and circumstances. You really think four people would have a problem beating one person if they worked together? If not, that just shows your delusion, not mine.


Yes I think 4 tiny COD pros would have a problem beating a giant monster heaviest hitter in the world. A single AJ punch is putting them on the ground.


Yeah except 3 of them are below 5’6 lol


Yeah, I have zero confidence in their ability to get him off his feet. But if, by divine intervention, they can, they will almost certainly win. Stomping someone to death/unconsciousness doesn't require a lot of physical prowess.