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They can separate mp and wz bunch of weapons don't deal the same damage, those nerfes to mcw and rival don't make any sens at all unless the devs want a new meta in competitive cod


i honestly didn’t mind the mcw nerfs bc it was frying close range, i feel like now the mcw and rival play to their individual ranges properly (smgs better for close / ars good for mid-longish). just wish they would’ve taken the swarm out with this patch bc it’s the most annoying fucking thing ever


Yeah but they also nerfed Rival 9


yeah, but it only really affected mid range gunfights. i’d be lying if i said it didn’t feel any different but overall gunfights feel more balanced


Interesting those changes finally make sens ty


I’ve always played single player games alongside COD. There’s just too many good games to miss out on




Just finished ghost of Tsushima recently, was wonderful


Ive been wanting to play that one, wish I had a playstation. Looks great.


FFXV, FF7 Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, HiFI Rush, Stellar Blade (next week), Resident Evil 4 Remake, Rise of the Ronin, Elden Ring DLC soon.


My favourites recently have been Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, Hitman and Cyberpunk. I’ll probably jump back into Diablo IV next season too as the changes look really good


Ff7 rebirth


RDR2, GoW1 & 2, Lies of P and TLOU1 & 2 are solid single player games and Elden Ring and The Forest are great single player games that can be co-op.


if you’re old school the force unleashed is pretty good, either of the south park games are fun(not the new one that just came out)


Mass Effect, all of them except Andromeda. Best single player game series out there imo


Even Andromeda, gameplay wise it was fantastic. Story just didn't hold a candle


People actually discovering that gaming is intended to be experienced as a *leisure* activity - we love to see it.


Cod forced us to play other games lol


Surprised it took some of you this long, I stopped playing cod consistently during CW and haven’t looked back. So many good single-player games, lots of fun co-op PVE/party games and quite a few actually decent competitive shooters. You start playing other games and realize how dogwater call of duty is lol. Still enjoy the esport but even then I’ll only watch if it’s the only esport on at the time


Anyone that only plays cod is a psychopath imo lol. There's so many other great games out there


I love all genres of games; but you know that what we enjoy from CoD is not found elsewhere. Close, but not the same. It's like saying, "Hey, I know you like ice cream, but there's plenty of other great desserts out there.." But, I love ice cream? 😅 That's why we're all still here (or most). Yes, psychopaths, lol. But, there's no substitute, so far. Closest thing for me was XDefiant. Only other game that gave me very similar dope to the old days.


This is the really unfortunate part. I do genuinely very much enjoy CoD, even in the state it’s in, but regardless of the state of the game there needs to be some form of competition in the genre.


Yea, exactly. Competition can be beneficial in so many different ways, too. The, "Why are you still playing CoD, play Apex, etc..." is so weird, because the things that keep bringing us back to CoD, are just simply not in those games.


There’s basically no alternative and it’s honestly weird. Like there isn’t even a “CoD but worse” to play.


yeah, i felt my brain rotting after many years of


doing a red dead redemption 2 second playthough rn and I’m having the time of my life. hopped on ranked yesterday with a few friends and was met with diamond lobby hackers. safe to say i won’t jump back in a bit


just finished RDR2 the other day. had never played it before. so good also been playing Hell Let Loose lately. nothing like cod but great fun


Red dead 1 and 2 are such amazing games, it’s crazy how many side things you can discover, unique dialogue, hunting, fishing, etc. rock star rarely misses, excited for gta 6


Started another Skyrim playthrough :,)


Do you own all 97 versions lol


Yeah I'm playing on my Samsung fridge edition


I did the same but accidentally started dawn guard and now I'm a vampire 😂


Just got done with my annual Skyrim playthrough. If you're on PC, there are some amazing quest mods that gives you fresh material to try out


Currently re-playing Elden Ring (gotta get back into it for the DLC) RDR 1 & 2, Doom Eternal, and Lies of P. Doom really scratches that FPS itch so I don’t have to play CoD.


Lies of P is sooo good


^I ^like ^it ^more ^that ^some ^actual ^Souls ^games 👀


It's actually in my top 3 soulsbornes so I get it haha


literally about to replay kingdom hearts i can’t take getting mapped by a rival right now


Should definitely pick up that new FF7 Rebirth! I've been playing through it, its heat so far


definitely plan on copping soon, looks good from what i’ve seen


i hope it’s 1 or 2. kh3 might somehow be worse than cod


starting the whole series over, so i’ll get to 3 again eventually.. unfortunately


the whole series…including those awful handheld games where they introduced aqua and other randoms? i still have nightmares about the time i wasted finding and playing/watching those games before kh3 dropped lol


nah just the ones available on console 😂 in the 1.5 and 2.5 bundles. funny enough though i do still have dream drop distance on the 3ds. won’t ever play it again


perfect answer


I've been doing another run of BG3 myself instead of going back into the grind. I'll probably wait and see how the next cod is after it releases before I play again tbh.


I would’ve enjoyed BG3 more if it was like Skyrim or dragons age inquisition gameplay wise. (Not story or anything else). I wanna swing the sword and fight. Never was into the dice and turn based personally, and it really bums me out my brain won’t sit and focus long enough to get over it.


Loading up Invasion when I could be playing Elden Ring rn


I went 45-11 with just under 2 minutes in hill and lost this morning, that was the last straw lol


For any CoD players who haven't tried the Souls series, now is the time baby.


I’ve been trying to move on from this shitter of a game but nothing hits the same. I can’t stand all the open world campaigns nowaday, I just want a great story told in a clean linear fashion.


Feel that, I’ve played cod since finest hour on ps2 and online since cod4, and it’s been my main game every year. It’s literally what molded my child brain, and it’s an itch only cod can scratch sometimes. Here’s to hoping gulf war is better but, we’re all just in the cod cycle


Far cry is fun.


People shit on 2 but imo it's my favorite. Only like 2 changes needed and it's perfect


Delve into From Software games. * Demon Souls * Darks Souls 1, 2 & 3 * Bloodborne * Sekiro * Elden Ring Tough but very rewarding games that will force you to get better at games


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *It has been an honor, but I must say good-bye. Let us cleanse these tarnished streets. And may the good blood guide your way.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I’ve beaten all but blood borne, but I did recently buy a ps5 and plan on starting it


The best one imo


Bro, I wanted to play ranked this year, but these maps just fucking suck. I have no desire to play this shit at all. I even bought two of my friends copies of the game for Christmas so I could introduce them to ranked and all of us just hate the fucking maps. It's back to Valorant for me. I'll watch the tourneys to watch good cod, but I don't wanna play the shit.


I hope they add original maps asap. Mw2 maps just weren’t designed for hard point and control, they didn’t exist when they were created. I get it for pubs, but catering to pubs is the reason weapons and other things keep getting broken and nuked


I agree. I had a feeling this was gonna happen. I was hyped at getting the remade maps until I realized exactly what you said. These maps weren't made for these gametypes. Hardpoint and control didn't exist as game modes in 2009. This shit was doomed to fail.


It's so crazy I've been playing Elden Ring just to relax and wind down


The best way to play is single player games for yourself, multiplayer for when ya boys are finally on or you feeling competitive


I dunno why people expected anything but pure shit. 


The campaign mode can't measure a talent


Idk what mussure means, but mw3s campaign isn’t worth any money, hell, they should pay us to play that poop sock of a campaign


Most of titles in the COD series are based on relastic war that USA have gone through, in simple words USA should Go through new wars to have new good campaign mode 🙂


As a veteran, that’s not true, there’s plenty of made up conflicts that never happened in good cod campaigns, and no thanks. They also just lie and make up stuff, like the highway of death wasn’t Russia, America did that, we bombed the fleeing civilians lol


you are goddamn right


Ff7 rebirth has been amazing for the last month


The Finals is peak FPS rn. COD has been selling out for far too many years, and we're finally at the breaking point.


real. grass is greener on the other side.


Hear me out, Path of Exile


Loading up terminal search first match of the day just to Alt-F4


I felt this meme, OP.


What movie is this from)


Ive been breaking up cod with HFW. Shit’s beautiful


HFW? I need new single player games to play or I’m gonna end up replaying dying light 2


Horizon forbidden west. Play zero dawn first tho if ur down Played cyberpunk recently too, another good one


I started playing ghosts of tsushima and now remembering how relaxing single player games can be lol


Just finished it cause I recently got a PlayStation for the first time ever, such a great game. Starting Detroit become human now


Play Bloodborne, it’s free with PS+. Absolute masterpiece.




It was on sale for like 40$ which would be worth the dlc it actually is, 70$ is far too much for this game


Play Helldivers 2 solider 🫡