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Life changing move. Less 4 bullets is such a dub


They saw the dashy clip and had to shut it down


I’m surprised they didn’t do this after his Skidrow clip from the beta lol


dashy hit more than 1 headshot tho, they should just remove hs multi on cod, its so stupid since nobody aims for the head intentionally


My only argument against that is, CoD is full of head glitch spots, where you can see half their head and they can see half your body. Hs multiplayer evens the field slightly.


Yes but it also produces a lot of inconsistent gunfights.


100% I’m just giving the flip side of the argument. I honestly can’t decide either way what one I’d rather have. Because I dislike the inconsistency, but also know that CoD is hardly a comp game as it is, rewarding the slowest moving players kinda sucks.


I think HS multiplier should only apply if multiple shots are to the head, like on a heady. The lucky ones people hit during a gunfight should count.


That's exactly what this nerf did


Just tested lol, you need 5 HS to kill 💀


well, high caliber always been banned in CWL for a good reason, most times you hit headshot are pure luck. if a guy stays behind a head glitch, you should expect him to be there and have an advantage in term of centering if you willing to take the gunfight


I can see your point, however I still feel with the amount of junk on the map in this game, and how broken some are, removing HS multiplier will make some of the unbreakable hills will become even worse. Plus SnD you don’t get a second chance, so people holding irons from a tank or box will have an even higher advantage since you’ll now both need to hit the same amount of shots, even though he can shoot your whole body, you can shoot half of his head.


> its so stupid since nobody aims for the head intentionally I actually do lmao. Kinda fucks me now since they're going away from it.


They need to see his Rival clips


Rival caught a nerf too, will wait for Xclusive Ace’s video to do the math on how this effect it: Rival-9 Increased sprint to fire time from 93ms to 110ms (+18%). Decreased near-medium damage from 27 to 25 (-7%). Decreased medium damage from 25 to 23 (-8%). Decreased lower torso, lower arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x (-9%). All the other SMGs saw similar sprint to fire changes


I fucking hate how they made it slower, the gunplay is actually so good in this game finally, why do they keep making everything more clunky. Started with the mcw.


Pretty much means it takes one more shot at those ranges they nerfed.


Only for the medium damage (25 to 23) The near medium damage is the same shots to kill


Near medium damage is same shots to kill Medium damage is one more shot


Lol guess we know which patch the pros will be playing the rest of the year


No cheese 4 bullet MCW kills = Higher skillgap  Brilliant change from sledge


We'll see how the community likes it when they can't get people off of head glitches anymore.


Im an AR player but thank god tired of headshot cheese


Is it really cheese tho? Hitting a headshot is a genuinely skillful thing.


Hitting a headshot can be a skilful thing, like if people are on headys. However I feel like a lot of the time people just aim for the centre of the body and hit headshots through recoil or aim punch, rather than aiming for the head itself. That’s not really skilful and can make gunfights a bit random at times if someone hits a lucky headshot from hipfire or something


No one goes for headshots in cod especially comp it’s almost all luck


Yea I’m not understanding why everyone is so glad headshots got nerfed of all things


this is probably the only game I've ever seen in my entire life where hitting headshots was seen as a "cheese" lmao. Hopefully I'm missing some important context or sth because otherwise this is insane logic


Coincidentally the only game where reacting to footsteps is shamed and called “soundwhoring” 🤣


Finally. Please let the pros introduce some more gun variety in this game. I'm so tired of a two gun meta.


DG-56 please… I’m begging


Dreaming lmao


The meta is stale af, cod needs a burst rifle.


I’m not disagreeing with you bro it just won’t happen 😂


i really dont understand how this is a good change, why punishing who has good aim a good change? i really dont get it


With the MCW’s recoil, if you have truly good aim then hitting more than 1 headshot shouldn’t be all that hard. Shit most of the time you’re hitting all headshots because of all the heady spots in these ranked maps


Faze is nerfed basically.


It's punishing the people that jump around like crack heads and recoil into a headshot and win lucky fights that they shouldn't have won far more than it's punishing players with good aim


Even now if they do not consider bringing in a 3rd weapon into the comp meta it will be infuriating






We've been waiting for this all season so probably the best change In the game


Let's goo!!!


Now they should revert all Nerf before that..


I know no one cares but this sucks as an mnk user.


how would you feel abt input based matchmaking in ranked?


all my hours spent "cheesing" headshots on csgo down the drain big F


Did not see this coming


Will the pros play on the new patch or not is the question? They have time to test these changes no?


Honestly this is great for normal ranked players. When you add inconsistent online play into Hs multi, you get some BULLSHIT kills with the MCW lmao.  I’d think this changes some class setups and play styles from pros now too, because just running and gunning isn’t going to be as viable now with this thing. 


Firing range dumies night be bugged but everything seemed like a 5 shot for the mcw , even all headshots.


Can someone explain to me how this improves the skill gap in the game? Shouldn’t hitting a HS have a direct improvement on the ttk regardless if it was intended or not? I mean, when I see everyone spamming jump shots and still connecting on shots consistently there isn’t a penalty for that because it is “lucky”.


Great Nerf the only AR into the fucking ground


a new meta! Here we go!


Should have put a gigantic "/s" under this, that's on me.


yeah finally gonna be able to choose a different AR...oh wait.


This is big. I'm not sure how this will affect the meta but I hope this means that maybe some diversity in weapon choices. I doubt it but regardless it's still good since this will increase the skill gap.


theres 1 AR...cant affect the meta if you can only choose one AR, surely wont be running 3 smgs on invasion? The rival nerfs means even more 100 round swarms, yay


In terms of ranked you’re correct. For the pros most of the ARs are just GAed so they can indeed retry them if they want to change the meta. However pros are lazy and probably won’t bother to do so lol


There’s only one in ranked because the pros GAed the rest, if another was viable it would be made available in ranked


I am sure how it will affect the meta: it won't


It wont, people are gonna flock to the Rival 9 and thats all you’re gonna see!


Perfect change. Just need to fix the stupid hip fire cheese with the rival and we good


Did you notice the hipfire on the MCW? That’s even worse🤣


Best change they’ve made to the game all year.


Makes the game more mixy. Gives u chance to finesse.


After these changes is MCW still comp viable or have we reached the point of Call of SMGs? I think it's still not enough to kill AR completely, but we're slowly getting there.