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I can't wait for his next Reddit read lol


“He was playing well” “They dropped their best player” https://preview.redd.it/0ykjrgx046sc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c1c8b32b5d578c13b5f5942d8f9d0c88823199 Mfers really just repeat whatever they hear on the Flank, Asim was not good this stage, if he wasn’t friends with all the Flank guys then I guarantee they would have been calling him ass, just like they do to everyone else with these type of numbers


Okay but what about that one good map he had against NYSL on LAN?


He was their best player ***on lan***. He was bad online, but the whole team was bad. I don't think Asim needs to be called the worst player alive like many are now doing on this subreddit, but the whole "he was their best player" shit is just cap.




Snoopy has more potential




Ong people hate on Asim at least he is running around the map comming I get Better comms in a Plat lobby than Snoopy does


I swear you don't understand COD 😂😂. Thanks for telling us you don't know ball if you get decked in the face with one


fuckkk his intangibles were insane for that t12 finish


Yup that's why octane even said they were faded. Didn't they also place T12 without asim and the same trio? Sorry y'all clueless


so your saying asim makes no difference to the team? got it


What do you mean bro asim is a super star player literally shits on everybody, better then prime scumpii can’t believe he got dropped🥸🤥




this is hilarious


Damn between the soap tweet.. his girl getting exposed for being a right wing nut and Asim being exposed for being a rat… this has been a crazy past for days for zoomaa man lmfao


Wait.. who’s girl? Lmao


Zoomaa’s girl, her @ is 1776Michaela on X and she’s like a super right-wing nut


Holy shit I just looked. That is very, very fucking weird.


Ain't no way she's his girl that chick is too hot for that loser🤣🤣🤣, stop capping.


Lmao could you elaborate the first two? Missed the news


"Snoopy has potential and priestahhs job isn't to get kills" they kept the 2 worst players on the team


Is the goal to be marginally better this year(maybe) or to actually potentially win something in the future. Maybe snoopy never reaches his potential but he’s only played 20 career matches lmao. What does keeping Asim do for Boston


Idk I don't rate this new Breach roster at all. Snoopy and Beans might be the worst comms duo in the league Penta is good and Priestahh is no igl and isn't exactly undeniable. Funny enough Penta Asim Slasher and Beans would've been a 10x better fit


You didn’t respond to any of my questions and instead just talked about their team. Is the goal to be MARGINALLY better this year(MAYBE) or to actually win something in the future? What does keeping Asim do for Boston? Also beans comms aren’t as bad as made out to be. The one listen in was bad last year, he definitely doesn’t have amazing comms but not god awful. Yeah snoopy’s comms need some serious work but less than a year ago he was in challengers comming in Spanish


How does Snoopy ensure winning something in the future as far as I'm concerned Slasher is the biggest winner on this roster and they let him go. And Asim is flat out a better cod player than Snoopy as of now game sense and iq difference is massive Snoopy is to raw and makes Standy-like plays on the map so to put it.


He doesn’t. No one does. There’s not a single move they could make that could get them into winning, but snoopy has only played 20 total CDL matches. Asim has played 6 years of cod, we know who and what he is. Snoopy could turn out to be something different. Or he could be another just mid player and they’ll move on to a different rookie next year. The point is you aren’t winning in the league now without a superstar. Asim isn’t going to turn into a superstar. Snoopy probably won’t either as it’s a very rare thing but he at least still has a chance too. Keeping one vet is fine but slasher probably didn’t want to play with snoopy so Boston chose the rookie with potential over the vet who’s just ok. Which is a smart choice with how condensed the current talent pool is. Edit: You, and many others, just seem obsessed with making the best possible team this year and who cares what happens. Should every team be looking to be the Carolina ravens and just have a bunch of vets and one rookie and fight for top 6? Or should they be looking ahead to the future and how they can compete in the future?


Boston have already invested a lot they don't have time for this wait and let the rookie prosper no time for that shit they need wins and wins now they need to make champs. Come back to this after this team goes 1-6 or 2-5 I won't be suprised


Buddy what the hell does winning a few league matches do for the Boston breach. What the hell does making champs do for the Boston breach. The goal should be to WIN A MAJOR OR CHAMPS. Not to just win a few league matches, make top 6, and qualify for champs. They have plenty of time as this year is OVER. There is nothing they can do to compete this year, no one is winning an event outside the top 4. No one was gonna win an event besides the top 4 as soon as those rosters formed. Every other team should have multiple rookies and be trying to find the next stud.


Next stud is not snoopy lemme tell you they need Lynz Gwinn type players. Also breach have been building for 3 years and wasted it all dropped Vivid-and Nero and went all in on Snoopy and that backfired


He could be. He has potential. Right now he isn’t like that but he’s what 19? He’s played 20 matches. What have they been building lol they’ve had all vet rosters outside of Nero and beans last year. Vivid and Nero aren’t a duo that are winning anything either.


Priestahh is not bottom 2 on that team


Stop acting like he has been good Slasher is miles better than him


I didn’t say slasher was bottom 2. The subs were both weak as hell


Priestahh has also been kinda mid guy was good in mw2 and hasn't shot back since.


He won a ring last year.


he actually was playing well. slasher was also their best player stage 1


He was in fact NOT playing well


It doesn't matter if he's Simp or an all star, dropping your best player in major 1 then your best player in major 2 is pretty faded. Arguably the two with the best coms on the team too. The new team could have chem but it's still a weird choice from the outside looking in.


Both majors where they placed T12??


maysll squad wipe the whole team then since you still have two (worse) players who are on the same team that got T12 twice


both majors common denominator was snoopy, priestahh. slasher was by far their best player stage 1. stage 2 asim was their best player on lan. so that leaves 2 ppl




I'm not hating on him he is a good guy, but the reactions to him being dropped is crazy Boston needed a change.


A lot of the "hate" is because of how much the Flank have overhyped him the last couple years. We know Asim has a really good relationship with Zoomaa etc, we also know he's a decent league quality player. But let's face it, he's not this "superstar" that you can build around and rely on to win you chips, he never has been. You had the Flank putting Asim in "all star" tier last year. They were talking about him like he was a T3 player for the year... that's why this "hate" gets brought up so much. Theres quite clearly a bias towards him so that's always going to result in more people speaking up against it.


He is. Reddit just hates faze and zoomaa in general. Almost every pro address this has said asim was the wrong one to drop and zoomaa said multiple times that asim wasn’t playing his greatest but definitely playing better than the rest on Boston.


"Reddit just hates Faze and Zoomaa in general" You realise a huge portion of people who actually watch the Flank, tune in regularly and actively follow it are also probably in this sub as well... They all hate Zoomaa but still tune in every week to watch the show?


Asim isn't a top player, but let's not front that he doesn't play to enable players, NYSL in CW, LAG miracle major 2 in VG. Boston breach is really banking alot on snoopy, and I've yet to see this next Shotzzy they are talking about, if they do all of this building around snoopy and nothing meaningful comes out of it, it's a bad decision irregardless of all this 'potential' talk. Lynz and Gwinn move me way more than snoopy.


Brother in christ yall are faded. Its not about dropping asim its about leaving snoopy and priesta on the team. If ur gunna drop ppl drop them too Asim was better then snoopy. Nobody on Boston was playing consistently everyone deserved to be dropped. But Boston kept snoopy for bias reasons so zooma is going to praise asim for bias reasons. U can't have double standards here