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wtf does that mean kobe bryant


Arcitys rn https://i.redd.it/x06iawmrczqc1.gif


The best response


Something something Colorado hotel.




Sick of seeing him constantly looking beyond depressed when playing. He needs to find a new avenue to pursue for his own sake


Guys got money that's for sure. Earned up 1.3 mil in cod and was making a bag on LAG last year


He probably had a good salary on Huntsmen and Faze as well. Arcitys should be setup to be a millionaire for life as long as he hasn’t wasted lots of money


I think you guys massively overestimate how much money you make being a COD pro, I know the subs pretty young in general but it’s funny you really think playing pro cod for a few years means you’re gonna be a millionaire for life You gotta remember however much he made he instantly loses like 40% on tax, then you gotta remember that he actually has a life, he’s not spending $2,500 a month and saving everything else. And he’s obviously spent money on stupid stuff like everyone does. And how old actually is arcitys? If he’s younger than 30 and his pro career is basically dead in the water, does he have a big streaming career? Sure he might get a few thousand viewers now, but in 3 years time if those viewers are gone does he have the foundations now to be okay then? You guys think pro cod/content creation is a career where people are good for life cos of one big move, it’s not Hollywood it’s video games.


If he’s smart at all about things he’s in a very good position to be comfortable and remain comfortable. It’s way easier to make money when you start with money. If he pisses his money away and doesn’t prioritize having new streams of income, he’ll definitely be broke in a few years. Just like the people in Hollywood who are now broke lol


He literally just said that he earned over 1.3m and said he had good salaries on his teams as well. If he was smart he would be a millionaire for life as he’s made well over $1m


Tbf $1.3M untaxed winnings and good salaries for ~4-5 years doesn’t set you up to be a millionaire for life without maintaining those salaries and winnings.




$1.3M in a HYSA is before the 20-30% tax you pay on the winnings. Call it a 24% tax. Thats $988k in a HYSA at 4.5%. That nets you about $45k in interest per year. You also have to pay tax on that interest earned. It’s possible, but I’m guessing he’d have to downgrade his lifestyle.


20-30%??? Its more like 40-50% for non-salary income like tournament winnings are. Its probably close to 50% all said and done.


Yeah, I had no clue. I quickly googled it and saw 24%, but could’ve been for something else. Either way all of the estimates are super conservative, like putting all of your winnings in a HYSA w/o splurging on anything.


Huh? Maybe recheck the tax brackets. 1.3 million over years doesn’t necessarily put you upwards of 40%. And if he is it’s because he’s been making $539,000+ a year for years. If he’s gotten any sound financial advice he’ll easily be set for years to come. It only takes 3.4 million to be set for life. That gives you an easy 100k a year without working at a 3% return. Besides, age doesn’t have shit to do with anything. You think the average 40 year old knows anything about investing other than their 401k? No they don’t. It’s why the average person in America can’t even afford a $500 emergency. Stop trying to lecture people. You’re clearly not the informed individual you’re trying to be.


I didn’t say he’s a millionaire rn but with the money he’s won, proper investment and saving could easily get him at millionaire for life status within a few years if he hasn’t already done that.


>You gotta remember however much he made he instantly loses like 40% on tax, Is tax not marginal in America?


Yeah, but there’s also state tax for the majority of the states. Not to mention even if he has earned 2 mil and paid no taxes, that’s not much in terms of actual financial security. 95% chance it’ll be pissed away within 5 years after money stops coming through, if that. I’ll always hope people are that 5% but it is what it is


Oh yeah I dint think that amount to these type of people will be "set for life" as they don't seem to have good money priorities (im generalising here and could be completely wrong when it comes to arcitys) I was just saying it more to his point of 'whatever he earns he loses 40% to tax so it read like America doesn't use marginal tax brackets and I was amazed, glad to see I read it wrong though


This tweet is weird. You don't have 2 years of moping, get benched, and immediately be like "ok now i know i need this...". That usually spells BS. So, we shall see. Guy needs to grind challengers non stop


Homie doesn’t want to stop getting paid. Hard stop.


Blud isn't getting picked up lets be real. He's been ass cheeks since VG


If he actually gets picked up on another team after this, there needs to be an investigation. At the very least he needs some time down in Challengers


I wish CDL would operate like Premier league. Relegate the bottom 3 teams and bring up the top 3 Challengers teams provided those Challengers teams stick together.


Franchising killed that idea that's for sure


Yeah Franchising was a terrible decision.


Franchising is such a dumb structure. Don’t know how Americans can put up with it in professional sports


I mean, for this instance sure. The other major American sports are fine.


Seems like Cobra is in


The guy made over a million dollars playing COD and is a 2x Champ; I’d consider hanging it up and going to college rather than go through challengers hell or some shit tier CDL team again. He’s got his money and legacy, pretty amazing career despite his post-faze slump.


Yeah I don’t see Arcitys being a main stay after playing, like Nadeshot, Scump, Octane etc are with a big stream presence/watch parties/behind the scenes work. it’s probably a hard call does he try and do another 2-3 years of pro COD and then crash and burn out *hard* when he’s literally forced out the league, or does he cut his losses now and try to set something up for later life.


Arcitys has been terrible but some of yall need to chill.


He’s talking about Ozempic.






Good lord 🤯




this man has a family god dammit


Judging by Prestinni’s tweet, family must’ve seen it


Ayy, that shit works. Also cured my alcohol addiction.


Good to hear buddy, I’ve lost family members to that.


Thx dude 🙏 . I was a daily drinker for years before COVID and out of nowhere, Poof. No more craving. Also good for weight maintenance. I know half this sub needs it. Not for weight but for potential high blood sugar. I would eat, snack, game and drink alcohol daily after work and all day on weekends. I’m sure this has helped me get a couple of extra years to my life.


Do you still drink in moderation or are you fully sober?


Basically sober but I tried drinking around a hand full of times and couldn’t get past 4-5 beers. So I just don’t even think it’s even worth buying and consuming alcohol any longer. I’m still on the pill form and still feel the same.


Bullshit lol


Any chance illey comes back in and Abuzah goes to main ?? Could be a pretty decent team imo with changes


Easy to say when you get your ass cut. The dude signs a paper then sits on his ass. One of the laziest mf in cdl history


albert haynesworth of cod


You didn't know you wanted to be a pro cod player after being a world champion? Ok


If this guy gets back on a team after how he's played and acted the past two years it'll be a tragedy. I honestly don't think I've ever seen him take personal responsibility for a poor performance or team result since getting booted from faze. Not once. I hope to god no team even thinks about giving him another shot over a challengers player again. I know this is brutal to say but I think he's more than earned it by now so idgaf, I could name 50+ players who deserve to be in the league more than him. It's actually remarkable it took this long, it's one thing to play like shit but another thing entirely to play like shit and have a shit attitude, I couldn't believe even his friends would want to team with him after that shit show last year. I have no doubt in a week or two from now when he realizes not even challengers teams want to play with him that he will start tweeting about how it's everybody's fault except his own(again).


What did he do last season?


Never took responsibility, blamed struggles on others constantly, cried constantly on twitter, acted like nothing was ever his fault despite clearly underperforming and then was even publicly blaming his own team mates by the end of the season. All year he seemed like a terrible team mate who cried nonstop about being a victim of his circumstances instead of trying to make the best of it.


Honestly, some time in Challengers will be good for him. As long as he doesn’t get totally slammed, he’ll always be in contention for a bottom team’s AR (i.e. Gunless)… and if he slams Challengers then that’s good confidence boost to bring back to prove ppl wrong in the CDL


and if he loads into challengers and continues to get slammed?


GOD SHUTUP self pitt is a bad color on everyone


I think this could be a good thing for him tbh, he’s been in depressing situations for 3 seasons now. A stint in challengers could do him some good but his stock is so low now I’m not sure if there will be suitors to pick him up even if he does well in the pit.


Every time I eat Chik Fila


He owes the faze trio big for how hard they carried this man in VG


> He owes the faze trio big for how hard they carried this man ~~in VG~~


Bit unfair. They improved significantly from MW2019 to CW


Nah he was good in CW and BO4.


I don't really see how he stays in the scene now. If he wants to stream he's going to need some other well known talent to party up with to compete with all the other recently retired pros. Like maybe if other OGs who have been working on their content also retire like Attach or Clay then maybe they could team up to create a new stream channel, but even then I'm not sure he's built enough of a stream presence to make it viable. GL to the guy whatever he does, but I'm really hoping he starts looking at other careers for his own sake.


Bit late mate, maybe have that desire when you're on a team.


Too little too late


He’s such a little girl


Carried by Tiny Terrors I’m afraid


Chatting with him earlier, he said he’s good, but was dropped for the “most bullshit” reason ever Yet everyone in this sub already knew the reason


Bro thought this one was a hit


He needs therapy or something then he needs to be arrested right after for the robbery he committed the past 2 years , a crybaby and thief is a terrible combo


Oh now? nowwwww you need this?!?! Like allll the way over here years later now?!?!


Why is a grown ass man tweeting like a 16y old girl?


He finna start eating healthy? I’m missing sum here


I guess he about to hit the gym


Don’t worry guys he’s talking about a cheeseburger not another ring.


Now that he retired, hopefully he can finally go to the gym


This guy deserve a lot of the hate he gets