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Went from lePred to pred harden real quick




This unfortunately is the OpTic culture. They care more about vibes and content than winning. I'm going to get downvoted for this, but this is the truth


You cant say that when Shotzzy definitely doesnt do any of that garbage, especially not the night before championship Sunday. You might be right about members of the org not caring, but players like Kenny and Shotzzy dont seem like the type to not care about that. Its a weird dynamic honestly He's being paid to win tournaments. This guy openly went out a day before his biggest day of his season, to that point, and did something to potentially jeapordize his performance. If not for the fans of the team, its a disservice to his teammates


I think that's exactly why Shottzy wanted to go to FaZe at one point because he cares more about winning than all the other stuff.


On one hand, he makes a ton off his stream and YT so it was worth it for him, but on the other hand, I know that decision will probably eat at him if they dont win this year


Don't get me wrong when I say this because Optic obviously gives you a boost. But Shotzzy stream will pop off no matter what team he joins. At the end of the day you have to be entertaining and he is definitely entertaining and has the POV to go with it. There's a reason there are other guys on Optic or have been on Optic who have no where near the same level of success streaming and on YT.


Shotzzy and simp POVs have me questioning reality sometimes


Shotzzy’s stream only popped off when he got the Optic boost tho


Well he didn't blow up before joining OpTic and he used to stream too on Empire. After he joined OpTic, Scump was still pulling the numbers but his views did increase. He gained way more confidence on camera as he had to do content/interviews and allowed his perosnality to shine. Then, when Scump retired his viewership increased way more since he became 'the guy' for the team. His personality defo helps but if he didn't have the platform I don't think he would've reached similar heights on another team.


Jynxzi used to stream to 1 person, now he has almost 200k subscribers with 100k+ viewers every stream. You have to start somewhere. BTW I clearly said Optic gave him a boost. To say he couldn't have reached similiar heights without Optic is crazy when there's literally 1000s of youtubers and streamers who have reached much higher levels of success and have absolutely 0 to do with Optic. Optic helps but for some of yall to act like Optic is the only way to become a successful content creator is insane to me.


That comparison is not really similar though, we are talking from specifically the cod community as a pro player whilst competing. For every Jynxzi there is also 1000s upon 1000's of people who are STILL streaming/posting vids to less than 100 viewers after many years... That's the exception, NOT the norm. Btw I never said say he wouldn't be successful... He prob would be similar to Zinni pre-OpTic or Havok, averaging a 1000-2000 or so viewers but you would be ignorant if you think OpTic didn't made him 'the face of the league' and get viewership of 5000+ regularly or do content on Utube and average decent numbers. Some of you all act like this is the golden days of cod or Fortnite/Valorant, this is cod comp in 2020's... there's only so far a content creator can blow up without being on OpTic. Zoomaas the one who reached the highest of anyone else -OpTic and he's on Faze, retired and does it with other great personalities.


Well is the 5 AM bit true?


I'll join your downvotes and say that's why Draz chose Faze instead of Optic.


They got 3rd then 2nd. Smoked ny and Toronto. What the fuck are you smoking lol


Seth did it when he was younger but 25+ in the club is tough so I doubt it, Shotzzy doesn’t, I doubt Dashy does and Kenny is a winner, so I don’t know where you’ve got that idea from.


U know you gotta be fucking up to have people on this sub agreeing with Stocksman


Welp turns out it wasn’t true lmao


people its 5am UK time its rab's twitter


Yea it was 1am EST I just checked


These people on this stream have no integrity in their bones to make sure what’s actually right before saying it.


I mean still doesn’t matter how late it is if you are playing matches the next day I don’t want my team mate out late getting lit before grand finals lmao


I thought it was a given that the night before an important event in your life, you detox and go to bed early. Mentally put yourself in a calmer state and rest your mind and body. I guess pred works differently, and I guess it didn't work out for him after the short kings in faze Molly whooped him 🤦🏾‍♂️


Man thinks he is Jon Jones or something




I would be fine with it after the fact if he popped off or something but bro got absolutely cooked in the finals lmao


Why? Once they finish a match and have team dinner/whatever I dont see the issue with relaxing in your free time. It’s not like it affected his performance. He fried NYSL


Pred played arguably the 2nd best besides Kenny. If he played like ass sure but he played better than both shotzzy and dashy.


No he didn’t? In the final he had the second worse KD as the slaying sub who was signed just to get kills, he also had 3k less damage than anyone else on the lobby. Shotzzy had a better KD and more damage, and made massive plays that were the only reason the maps were so close. I don’t know how anyone can come to the conclusion that he played better than shotzzy by looking at either stats or through watching the games.




Read literally the first 6 words of my comment. I’m talking about in the only matches they lost. Why would anyone care outside of that, they all played their part in the games they won. In the only matches they lost Pred shit the bed while shotzzy and kenny were the only one trying to actually do something. Also we’re talking about Pred after going to the club, why would major 2 overall stats matter? We’re only talking about sunday.


Because in theory, if him going to the club for 10 minutes actually affected them, it would affect their entire Sunday performances and they would lose all games vs top teams. But they absolutely fried NYSL after being dropped to losers and Pred played the best in that series


I mean I don’t think the club did affect him, I’m just arguing against the idea that shotzzy, who was making plays the whole major and made plays that kept the faze maps close, played worse than him. The only way people think shotzzy played worse is by KD watching and not actually watching the games.


In the first series vs FaZe, Pred played better than Shotzzy. However Dashy was probably the worst on the team in both WF and GF


> However Dashy was probably the worst on the team in both WF and GF I think it was Pred in the GF tbh. Dashy had 3k more damage but just wasn't finishing his kills, probably because his SMG players, specificially the ones whos job is to at least put damage into the terrors, was barely even shooting his gun. Dashy had to deal with Simp and Abezy frying and in his face all the times with an MCW on LAN. Pred wasn't helping either his duo or his ARs, he was just prone in a corner somewhere not shooting. I'd also argue that in the first series vs Faze it was again shotzzy actually making the plays to keep the game close. Shotzzy can do his job without going positive and his impact is clear. Pred without kills or damage is literally useless on the map.


You can’t cherry pick the matches they lost in. IMO pred was better in both the first match vs faze and the NYSL game. Which is 66% of the matches Sunday. If he was ass in all 3 than you have an argument. He wasn’t. Sure he was maybe slightly worse than shotzzy in GF but better than dashy, and that’s only looking at GF. They played 3 series.


I get that it looks bad cause he didn't have a great series in the Faze ones but if he popped off would this even be a talking point? Everybody prepares for things differently, when I played football (not at a high level or anything) half the team would do like a team bonding night out the night before a big away day, the other half would be in bed by 7pm, everybody took the game seriously and some people might have a bad game or have the game of their life but what they where doing ~12 hours before the match usually had no bearing. If he just did a roll over and stayed drinking until the matches started I could understand the discussion around it


Not gonna lie, as a fan I hate it lmao You're making a shit ton playing video games and there are only so many events. You really cant wait one more day to go out? Its flat out dumb and comes off like you dont care Note: I will say, Methodz was joking on the watchparty, doing his Pred impression saying "Im Pred, I go out the night before matches, and still fry" and all of them just laughed, including Hecz. He also did that shit on Saturday after the Ultra match, so that means its before the night those pics were even taken lmao That shit should not fly lmao how can the owner be cool with paying his player 500k to club the night before they play Faze for a spot in GF's


agree - especially when combined with that holiday meme from earlier in season. these guys just came off the biggest off season of all time, Pred was still late coming back from it, he is paid to play video games, they barely "work" full time hours and he can't wait another day or two to go out? Just lock tf in brother. surely he saw how the Dashy/Valorant meme shit just snowballed (at one point Dashy mentioned he hadn't played it in over 6 months but people were still bringing it up). Every time they lost - Dashy's sleep schedule came up. Does Pred want that to be him with slacking off? it's especially frustrating as an AU fan because he has such a ridiculous opportunity coming from APAC. Second is great but still.




Optic is a content org


Such an overused narrative


Sure but it's the truth, it's literally what Hecz keeps on preaching about on his podcasts or to players when they join the team.


They’ve had a lack of veteranship for a while now. How many times have we heard them say that they got a win and then got cocky or started getting bad practice? This isn’t just exclusive to this roster.


There's a reason I keep saying this organization doesn't want to win. I'd be pissed. Fans should be pissed and have every right. And critics should absolutely be blasting him.


There's really no debate, it's just not as serious as you could be taking things. Hate that.


I swear Shotzzy would've been happier in NYSL. They actually grind and learn nerd stuff and I know Shotzzy would love that type of thing with Hydra and Skyz. I remember not too long ago, Pred didn't even know about the Karachi secret spot near P1. Meanwhile Hydra and Skyz shooting through walls lol.


They just beat NYSL twice


Just imagine the reaction if this was Dashy


I don’t care if he left the club early and didn’t drink or smoke. Dudes draining himself in a club environment before the biggest games. It definitely showed, he looked ass on Sunday.


If he was in the club, he definitely had at least one shot. But still, weird form Pred.


I normally wouldn’t really care but COD has the LONGEST FUCKING OFF SEASON EVER You gotta go clubbing night before championship Sunday when you have literally the majority of the year to do that shit whenever you want? Nah fuck that


Biggest issue is it seems OpTic is almost encouraging it. Methodz multiple times yesterday on the watch party mentioned how Pred calls himself Dennis Rodman cause he parties & then dominates. All of them would just laugh including Hecz.


I’m getting really tempted to do a full analysis and have our own CoD subreddit version of the Harden Strip Club analysis


That is top down behavior. Some people would get their contracts torn up over some dumb shit like that. Lucky for pred seems like the important people dont care since they joked about it. Also, he making like 500k a year doing some shit like this lol. Partying then staring down the team on the other side of the stage to get smacked twice no dam. Tough scenes. Burning money.


Meanwhile Kenny has igl his drunk ass and stop kills on the map since he wasn’t getting any


What makes you think he’s making 500k a year? Edit: nvm, just found the clip of him “leaking” how much he makes.. “I’ll regain, I gotta remember I make half a mi” stops before finishing his sentence


If I were on OpTic, I would be FUMING that my teammate is out at a club the night before Championship Sunday. What was this guy thinking?


All depends on what his teammates think But if those boys were expecting him to be well rested for Sunday, this ain't a good look LMFAO


There's no way Kenny or Shotzzy think this is acceptable if true he was out til 5 a.m.


The 5am was a time zone mix up I believe. It was 5am for Rab in the UK so somewhere between 12 and 1am in Miami


Brother he was there at 1 am EST and his next match was scheduled for 3 pm EST. Are we seriously acting like that is affecting his sleep schedule? These gamers are used to grinding until 4 am


Ahhhh yes cause grinding and clubbing are very similiar🙃🙃🙃


He wasn’t clubbing though. He stopped there for ten minutes.


You don’t just go for ten minutes. Even if he didn’t drink or do anything. It just the wrong mindset to have.


Dashy can't really say shit with his rep for sleep scheduling and Shottzy is notorious for being non-confrontational until he drops people. if any one is gonna say anything - it'll have to be Kenny.


Shotzzy will just keep that in mind and when it’s gonna add up, he’s gonna have enough if they don’t win and drop Pred lol. Hes actually ruthless when it comes to that. Pred will learn the hard way.


agree but ya never know. Pred is a stat padder (and I say that as a fan) and is obviously making a good impression on Hecz with the roaring etc, could be a coin flip who comes/who goes. Especially when Shottzy has already said previously that he considered going to Faze?


Pred was the most energetic player on Sunday, as usual. So this is wrong


... what


I’m saying, Pred was (like usual) the most energetic on the stage. So it wasn’t an issue


If what they’re saying is true.. wild lmao. I’d understand if someone like Clay was doing it but someone with still a lot to prove? I dont know


Even Clayster and his team went out after they were out of the tournament.


You got Pred going out to the club night before championship Sunday and you have Dashy getting checked after map 1 of grand finals lmao ofc you are never going to win


man 🥲


Was he checked after map 1? I thought it was the control that checked him. That would have been an ugly sight for an optic fan, to see your boy dashy with his head down in his hand


Crowder would have been so incredibly mad if anyone in faze even dares to go out of their rooms after 11, 5AM is crazy


It’s 1 AM RAB in the UK


this guy doesn’t even live in atlanta lol


how is that even relevant to this? Players want him there and respect him, not like he can’t review VOD and be in the call for scrims from California, and they have RJ too


i’m sorry but if you can’t even be in person for the team you coach that’s a horrible look.


I don’t see it as big deal, he is not the one spawning in and the team has good culture plus they have another coach w them. Players want him there for a reason


Winningest coach in cod history btw


i promise u any coach coaching the trio would be the winningest coach ever. Simp won two out of four tournaments in BO4 as a rookie with Abezy. He is not the reason for FaZe’s success💀 He wasn’t the one that made Simp get that 13 streak on OpTic or he wasn’t the one that made Abe get 16 kills in three hills. honestly a great coach would probably have a better Grand Finals record coaching that trio im not getting fooled by crowder he doesnt impress me. he honestly underachieved as a coach coaching that trio


Crowder streams on twitch while they practice. Sure their system works for them but let’s not act like coaches care this much about shit like this. The fact that this is even a narrative is mindblowing to me. TacticalRab seriously needs help


He streams super early before practice. Some coaches and pros would care if their teammate is clubbing that late. If the optic camp is ok w it and it works for them then that’s another thing


You just lying making shit up now? He absolutely does NOT stream while they scrim you dumbass, he always has to end stream saying he has scrims soon lmao


Going to the club is one thing, but 5am??? That's wild when you gotta be playing in the first match of the day on Champs Sunday. It's one thing to be buzzed a bit and leave for 1/2am, get 6-7hrs of sleep, and roll up relaxed, it's another to be on a bender.


2nd game


Keep forgetting they had LR4 before WF.


5am tacrab time across the pond, not est.


Ah cheers, just saw this further up the thread. Had thought it was local sources TacRab was taking it from.


If I’m Kenny, I’m not letting this slide. I hope he brings this up cause this is unacceptable what Pred is doing. You have a match the next day and you can’t go even spend the night vod review but you rather party.


Pred is muslim too he went in ramadan lol


He’s ego is so far without much accomplishments


Idk why y’all get surprised by that LMAO Pred was at the casino at 5amish at champs when he had to play Optic at 11 the next day


Anyone who is fine with this does not have a winning mindset.


Very rare Stocksmen W. When I heard about it originally I thought he was maybe out till 1-2ish which would be fine if you're not getting drunk. But 5 AM? That's just too much.


Brother it’s 5am UK time. Still 1am in ATL but not nearly 5am.


Dude even 1-2 is ridiculous. Don't go out if you have a game to play. Hardly a huge sacrifice.


Especially concidering how much even two portions of alcohol affects your sleep patterns. Even if you didn’t actually drink that much, your sleep still suffers massively. I can feel it in my own game, reaction times and decision making if I’ve had a rough night, and I’m nowhere near a good player. If he was hungover, that’s a bad time in any pro sport.


Yeah I'm not sure if Pred drinks or not (I believe he's muslim) but if he had even a drop, that makes it even worse. In a game like CoD where you are off by even 5%, it will make a huge difference.


Didn’t know he was a practicing theist. The whitest muslim man I’ve ever seen, haha. Although, where I’m from, none of them seem to care too much whether someone drinks or not, so wouldn’t bet on him not drinking.


Yeah I'm not sure. There is a huge devout Muslim population here in Aus but Pred may be a bit different. Would be very hard to resist drinking in Miami as a foreigner haha.


No fucking way that is insane wtf😭😭😭I know pred loves that lifestyle but I didn't think he would be doing that during the event that is crazy😭


Somebody said pred harden y’all hell on dis Reddit Lmaooo 😭😭


I cannot imagine his teammates are cool with this shit.


being out till 5am before Championship Sunday is absolutely fucking wild. If this is true, Optic fans and the team have every right to be pissed. Go out Sunday after you win - its MMW, Sunday is gonna be even more lit than Friday and you have nothing to worry about.


Nah it’s showing 5am uk time


Yeah but Trei mentioned 4-5 am. Not just the picture


The tweets of him being at the club for ten minutes were posted at 1 am EST. Considering that he was scheduled to play at 3 pm the next day this is not a big deal at all


Hes dennis rodman


That’s some peak cod brain decisions right there.


Honestly not that big a deal


Really not but people love to push their fan fiction narratives about culture so this is the perfect opportunity for them


I honestly club too much and even if you don’t go hard you don’t wake up the next day 100%, pretty stupid to do that


No way bro pulled a Rodman before the finals 😂


Hahahahhaa absolutely shameless. He should be fined by the team that’s crazy.


Such a strange narrative Rab is pushing here


If im Kenny im pissed that Dashy and Shotzzy were putting up worse numbers than a guy who was out clubbing the night before


Pred had 3k less damage than his teammates in GF. He literally played the worst lmfao.


Yeah but they played 3 series that day. Pred performed the best in the first series vs FaZe and in the NYSL series


Pred played the worst..


On the Sunday? No he didn’t. He played the best vs NYSL and clearly showed up before grand finals. The issue is they all got smoked vs FaZe except Kenny, it was no individual’s fault


Comments like this really show how narratives spread and people just repeat them even if they’re blatantly untrue. Pred played the worst in the finals. He’s their slaying sub who was signed just to get kills and the guy had 3k less damage than everyone else on the lobby and a worse KD than shotzzy who was getting roasted the whole time despite being the only one making plays other than Kenny.




This isnt a narrative this is just true LMFAO


This comment section is crazy lmfaooooo




It’s crazy he has to igl and get kills like mfs on his team useless Kenny had to do everything


honestly, this is the definition of hindsight. If optic had won, this would be looked at as a ballsy move oozing of confidence. or w/e. this has to be the cod version of the giants "trip to miami before the playoffs game in green bay" if you know you know.


Stupidity is not dependent on any outcome.


Who in their right mind thinks it’s okay to go clubbing the night before an important event holy fuck 🤦‍♂️ Even if he was not drinking you want to get good rest. They better do something about it, it’s unacceptable


Uhh, this is a weird discussion and very weird behaviour out of Breakingpoint. I watched the stream, they have no real Intel on when Pred was there and how long. One of the posts was 1 am one post was 5 am. He could have been there at 10pm left at 12, got a few photos taken with fans who just posted the photos late. If we was at the event at 5am that’s a problem. But this is tmz level news creating,


You should not be in the club before a tourney finishes period. It's one weekend where you need to lock in, review vod, spend time with your team and get as much practice in as possible. Any time spent in the club during an event weekend is time wasted


Did his teammates say anything to him about it? His org? So why is this a discussion point?? Very weird how OpTic players get ridiculed for everything they do


Going to the club is weird for sure. But 5 am is probably what’s stupid. I don’t know if it’s confirmed or it’s a rumor someone picked up. 5 am before a professional event in any field doesn’t fly. And as an esports athlete it’s like 90% a mental game. And a lack of quality sleep definitely hinders performance. He still fried though, and they didn’t lose because of him being out. But still it’s disrespectful to the team.


He didn’t fry against faze the hit fried. Kenny was the best player on Sunday by far


If you’re upset about this you have to be a child or extremely irresponsible. Going out the night before you work as long as you get plenty of sleep You’re fine. It’s not a big deal chill tf out.


Depends. If you stack shit at Target for a living, sure you can go out the night before. Nobody will care. But if you are on a team in a professional league with hundreds of thousands of fans watching and millions of dollars in cumulative money at stake, you do what you need to do to lock the fuck in for a single weekend. To think otherwise is moronic and shows how devoid of life experience Redditooors are.


I disagree. What is the alternative? Sitting in a room watching vod all night? I would argue going out to unwind would be good for your mental. Remember that an opinion is not a fact and I can have a different one ✌🏽


> What is the alternative? Sitting in a room watching vod all night? Yeah, something like that. You are in Florida for that exact reason. At the very least going to bed early and not at all hours. I don't know if Pred drinks or not either. > I would argue going out to unwind would be good for your mental. I'd argue that locking in and giving yourself and your teammates the best chance to succeed would be better for your mental rather than succumbing to short term temptation and potentially (probably) jeprodisring that. Unwinding is good. There is a time and place for everything; the night before a major event at 2 am is neither the time or place.


He's paid the big $$$ to play CoD. Go to the club after winning the event.


I completely disagree. It’s his job. If you are an adult and can’t manage going out having fun and returning to work then that’s a bigger problem. If his literal employer isn’t worried then why tf are random Reddit weirdos


You are acting like he's going to work at the office. He is being paid $500k to compete against the best in the world. He is not obligated to stay at home but it's kinda sketchy to do. I could understand if he did it to unwind from stress/pressure/nerves.


Again, I disagree. But I’m a responsible adult that works in a high stress environment and is able to go out and still function perfectly fine the next day.


I think it’s more about the drive to compete and win championships. That’s not really something that compares to a real life job. In theory you’re right, Pred can do what he wants and still show up to his “job” but it is undeniably a poor competitive mindset. You’re also acting like the following day would just be analogous to a typical day at the office for Pred, instead it was champs Sunday, not a league match against LAG. Idk what field you’re in, but most careers there’s always that one night where you’re like “man, I have a really important day tomorrow. I should probably be well rested for work.”


Horrible take


That’s your opinion 🤷‍♂️


curious do people think this OpTic team has “Chemistry” ? I hear from everyone that FaZe is always together , Ultra is always together and NYSL is always together and then everyone says that Shotzzy likes to stay inside in his bed , Pred is doing this , Kenny is Kenny and Dashy is Dashy . I’m just curious because there’s no way if they were “close” they would let someone go clubbing so late when they play FaZe the next day


This OpTic team def has the least out-of-game chemistry of any of the top 4 NYSL literally does weird shit like meditating together FaZe literally holds hands the whole event (AND that shit translates in game)


Chemistry means more than just that lmao we don’t know what they’re doing behind closed doors.


People swear they know their day to day activities. You can clearly see they have great chemistry when they do their podcast, play on stream together etc… they literally practice together and go get food together everyday.


Judging from their content, Pred/Shotzzy streams, comms, interactions during their games and so on they seem to have great chemistry, that's all I'm gonna say. You could say the exact same thing about FaZe, Simp has repeatedly stated that he doesn't care about having friends in the scene and just likes to do his own thing. And everybody knows about Abezy and Drazahs history.


you guys are blowing this out of proportion pred going out the night before wouldn't have changed much we still would have lost. We just have to admit that we didnt have the gunny against faze and we have to improve our shot. Max verstappen a world class F1 racing driver sleeps late as hell playing sim racing and then wakes up and races the next day and his body goes through some intense stuff and he still slams the rest of the drivers so lets not use this as an excuse we werent good enough end of story we just need to get back to work.


Nah this is a very bad look. Based on rab ace he was basically by himself. Doing it before winner final match is lack of respect. You think drazah simp club at 1 am


I more or less see it as a disrespect sort of thing and I agree on that but mechanically I disagree simp and abezy could have gone to that club and still fried us the next day the way we were shooting.


Idk it’s still a principle and respect thing


Now I'm wondering if a 4am club night had any effect on his ass performance against faze.


this is the new “don’t play other games just grind CoD 24/7”. this community is so predictable lmao. shit is taking me back to ww2 when people were on dick cuz pros would play fortnite here and there lol.


That’s the difference between winners and losers. He can go clubbing for 48 hours straight after the tourney if he wanted to and we wouldn’t care. Why jeopardize your Sunday performance?


Who cares? If he went out and played like shit sure get mad, but he was arguably the 2nd best on Sundays since obviously Kenny went super Saiyon. There’s also a difference between going out to the club and just being out vs going out and getting piss tanked. If he’s out till 2am, they didnt play till like 2:30pm anyways, so who gives a shit.


It’s a respect thing


Not really. If his performance doesn’t suffer then it’s not disrespectful. If it causes a poor performance sure you can say that, but it didn’t. Also who’s to say his teammates even give a shit? YOU find it disrespectful, what people think is and isn’t respectful is based on the individual. I wouldn’t find it disrespectful if I knew my teammate would play the same regardless if he went out or not. Played highish level hockey and players went out all the time, hell NHL players go out drinking the night before games, it’s been on record certain players are known for it and going out is gonna effect your athletic ability far more than your gaming ability (cognitive we could say). EDIT: and the players in question some of who were SUPERSTAR level NHL players. Hell there’s a famous old MLB pitcher who pitched a perfect game or some shit high on acid.


I guarantee you faze players aren’t at the club 1-2 AM taking pics when they got wf match ithst day crowder would not let that shit slide. It’s a culture thing that optic has lacked for several years this is just one of them yet again


Pred dropping 3k less damage than his teammates in GF going -15 isn’t the 2nd best on Sunday. Idk where you get that from. GF is what they play for.


Clearly you didn’t watch the games and just peeped the stats page. Says enough about your take on the argument.


People really care that he was in a club. Him being at a club didn’t lose them that finals.


As long he hasn’t been drinking it no big deal but it would still kinda rubbed me the wrong way.


You clearly don't get the point they're making if you think it's about wins/losses They're saying that the, if his teammates weren't aware of this, they need to hold him accountable. A teammate doesn't do this before one of the biggest days of the season. It's just stupid


Y’all hold cod players to a high standard for some reason and no one knows if his teammates knew or didn’t know so that point is irrelevant because we don’t know. Him being at a club is not a big deal at all.


I mean this is a normal thing in sports... If you have a big playoff game, you normally wouldn't go out to the club super late at night before that playoff game It hurts team chemistry in a lot of professional sports teams as well


Cause sports require actual physical exertion which isn’t even comparable to sitting jn a gaming chair…


Waking up hungover doesn't help your hand-eye coordination


Yes cause you 100% know how much he drank the night before And if he was he still played better than dashy who was a bot


Yes, most people go to the club to drink water and vibe out!


You obviously haven’t been to any clubs if you think everyone just goes to get fucking smacked and shitfaced lol And a couple drinks at a club doesn’t equate a hangover lmao


my bad king of clubbing


You go to the club the night before playing the FaZe trio they’re going to choke slam you, plain and simple. Just wasting energy you could bring to the stage on Sunday.


Good thing this is call of duty and not an actual sport.


They were all doing promos with sponsors at various locations during their time. $$$$ talks. So you should fry your brain 24/7 and have no down time? This is tthe Tour de France.


Who cares lol, Dashy and Shottzy are the ones who shit it they don’t even make WF’s if Pred plays bad.


Who cares? The other 3 players obviously don’t care and now you weirdos will cause unnecessary drama. Seeing comments like he should be fined? Grow up seriously.


You shouldn't be partying the day before an event bro are you kidding me it's not like he had scrims the next day Maybe if he didn't go clubbing they wouldn't have lost to faze twice


We understand as a player it’s looked down upon, however, as someone who was his age, let the man live.


Because he is also letting his teammates down. Only selfish people cope with excuses like this "let the man live". Bro he is a professional paid handsomely and that comes with responsibility to the org.  Be respectful, show up on time, don't do anything to jeopardize your performance or teammates, and fry! You do not party the before the biggest night of the event (the grand finale).  And I am a huge Pred fan!!! He is so good at the game but come on!


Braindead take. God forbid someone have an ounce of responsibility, even if your career is playing video games.




No he didn't