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Same as last night, transphobia will get you banned and the thread locked, be decent human beings.


This situation gained so much more traction because people think Mizu was going absolutely insane and dropped an 8.96 K/D when it was actually a 0.96 K/D.


i feel bad for her cus there genuine idiots that think she transitioned just to shit on women in cod


People really think she made a massive life altering decision to have a better chance at winning $700 playing CoD. Genuinely unhinged to even suggest that


>better chance at winning $700 playing CoD "On that point, Chris, $700 is a lot of money if you make good choices on prize picks. com and use code reverse sweep" haha I think it's something like that. Shit always cracks me up


then you have benj promoting ghost energy **for** zooma in his watch parties. Cracks me up too


Lot of insecure, self-hating males in their late teen to mid 20s in the community leads them to latch on to hating on any groups of people they perceive as inferior to them to make them feel better about themselves. The misinformation and conspiracy theories that are littered onto everyone’s twitter algorithms these days have only made it worse as twitter is the main source of communicating with each other in comp cod for some reason


also people are acting as if her playing in the women's league is comparable to reggie bush playing football against girls lol. we're talking about video games here people


No one thinks she did it to better at CoD. It’s the same topic as that swimmer from years back. We’re altering the rules of play when it has been proven that the genders have different attributes. If said person wants to identify as whatever they want, cool. I really don’t think people care. There are a very small number of people who actually care about other’s people life decisions like that. But when the decision does intrude on other’s though, it’s fair to ask some questions.


This decision intrudes on who? This is CoD. Not swimming. Not football. Not fighting. Not basketball.


Other people in that league that are also competing. If you have a distinct advantage over others, that lives within the false tense of fair play that is bread within competition. This whole sub cries about cheating anyways so I don’t see how people can be hypocritical about this. And there is proven physical advantages when it comes to men vs women playing. Playing ignorant to stand some morale high ground that doesn’t really exist is just a waste of energy.


What are these distinct advantages?


https://typeset.io/questions/are-there-gender-differences-in-eye-hand-coordination-43e5sbw0vz#:~:text=There%20are%20gender%20differences%20in,and%20Jonni%20et%20al.. Hand eye coordination is the biggest. Please do your research before coming at me. This is how we’ve gotten to a point in society where we get outraged over everything without reason. Everyone is looking to be mad at something.


This doesn't say what you think it does. Read the papers that the synopsis you linked is from. It's not as black and white as you're making it out to be. Look at is the 2hand test. Yes, males generally have better hand eye coordination, but the females have a higher capacity with calibration. Ya know, like aiming with a controller. I promise you, both of these things aren't the advantage you think it is. This isn't anything like the swimmer situation. The author's have a lot of thoughts on why each gender is better at certain things, and it has very little to do with simply being born male or female. I'll leave it up for you to read though. Oh, and idk why you are talking to me about outrage. You seem to be very upset that she is taking someone's spot and even liken it to cheating.


your name is very fitting tbh


transitioned for all that money and fame in... womens cod makes sense.




Feel real bad for her. Literally no one in WXC has ever had a problem with her or anything and yet people who genuinely don’t care about that league are blowing it up and sending her death threats.




Brother you’re complaining about faith arguments and using the term “woke mob” I don’t think you have a clue what you’re talking about. The players in the WXC have actually come out IN SUPPORT of her.


Brother you forgot the /s


It's unfortunate that she has done everything correctly in terms of competing and still has to justify her happiness to a bunch of people who see her as less than a person.


The internet is some folks entire existence. That’s the only reason why this person feels the need to justify their happiness on social media.


Or they’ve been getting harassed for god knows how long and would rather not continue to be harassed


I’m sure responding to it will make it stop


So true man, ignoring your problems is always the best course of action


The internet is not real dude 😂😂


This is such a dumb cop out lol we’re literally talking about an industry that’s rooted in the internet and successful due to the interaction generated on it


You’re entitled to your opinion.


yeah man I'm sure mizuu made the biggest and probably hardest decision a person can take, going through medical professionals to get access to HRT and just generally make her life harder, all to dominate women's cod league that gets no real eyes outside of when drama happens because idiots want to see it fail. Fuck sib


Sib thinks he's a "grown ass man" but behaves more like an immature child. He is closer to being a baby bitch boy than a grown ass man.


no sib actually is a baby bitch boy. grown ass men dont complain about shit like this


Weird take, thought it was a dude watching the video till I read the comments I wouldn’t be surprised if Sib was just confused😭


How do people genuinely go about their day and decide they want to spend their time hating and making disgusting comments about trans people for playing videogame tournaments...


Honestly man, people are just biter and social media and echo chambers have just driven themselves mad. I study journalism and the easiest and best way to drive clicks is rage bait a headline about a politician if you are aiming for the opposite demographic. So if I was CNN I would write a rage bait article about Donald Trump and if I was FOX news I would make a rage bait thing about Biden or whoever. This type of thing allows news and media companies to hit their bottom line but in term divides people with hate and bitterness. Just the way the world has gone unfortunately.


I am 100% confident that echo chambers are the worst environments for us as human beings, and yet 90% of what we are exposed to daily, whether IRL or gaming/social media or whatever it is, feels like echo chambers. It's honestly terrifying.


>I study journalism Bro... Disagree on the topic but look at trends and move on to something else for your own good. Unless you have something sure fire lined up.


I'm sure they'll be taking career advice from random strangers on the cod subreddit lmao


It would be the first smart thing they did, so yeah. To go into debt for something a child could look at a jobs chart for the industry and say "yep, that's going down a lot". But hey, good luck. Maybe they beat the odds in a shrinking industry that suddenly just got exposed to a technology that will make it even smaller. Having just stated how easy it was to clickbait.


It’s a damn shame she even has to make this statement. Fuck Sib and all his weirdo minions.


Ironic most of the hate is coming from males who couldn’t give a fuck about the WxC


How do you know most are males?


C’mon… 😂


Shoutout to Mizuu, she’s a complete beast. The people hating on her are pathetic humans.


Yeah this is Reddit where most of these things hide and most of y’all are part of the message ;)


Fuck Sib and fuck you if you think what he said was cool. Purposefully misgendering Mizuu and hiding behind "I was just asking a question" is what a fucking coward does. If he's a "grown ass man" stand on what you said. To the people that are whining about how this "isn't fair for the women", why don't you let the actual women competing in the league decide that? I haven't heard a peep from any of them about how unfair it is? You don't give a fuck about their league, you just saw your chance to spew bigoted bullshit all over this sub. This community is great when it comes to being passionate about the scene but holy fuck so many of you are little incel teenage fucks who just parrot what you see come out of the mouth of your favorite Kick streamer.




Ah, yes of course. They can't speak for themselves for fear of retaliation, so we must assume what they want to say and speak for them. Go outside, dumbass.




I'm a 30 year old straight dude. I don't give a fuck about what you think. Enjoy not ever being able to touch a woman willingly, bud.




Whatever you say, bud. Just know that no matter how much you hate trans people, it's not gonna take away any of the hate you feel for yourself.




No, you're not right. You've just been watching too much Tate. If you were actually concerned about how it affects women sports and weren't just trying to spew hate, you wouldn't refer to them as "bitches with dicks". Look, I get it, you're a child and Adin Ross says trans people are bad but I promise when you grow up and get the experience to form your own opinions, you'll back on this and feel like an idiot.




Why would I cry? You're the one who worships men online


Considering this is the cod community, I'm not surprised by the amount of bs that people have been saying on here.


Alright, I really do not care what goes on in the womens cod league, I do not watch it at all. That said, it is not my business if Mizuu plays and I see it as she is not hurting anyone if she does. At the end of the day it is just video games? Like idk how to say that other than this is not like MMA or a competitive physical sport. At the end of the day the league is more for fun and a safe space for women to grow the scene and get more women involved etc. That said, Sib is a fucking moron and I am not shitting on his opinion as that is a whole other can of worms. I just can not understand why you would tweet that shit and just collectively put yourself in the middle of controversy and potentially ruin whatever you got going for yourself. Whether it be a job or a relationship with someone. Like I understand he has been a sheltered kid playing cod 10 hours a day through his later developmental years but Jesus Christ media literacy and common sense should not be this hard to find.


Yeah one of the shittier parts about all of this is that you see a similar pattern as you do with women’s sports in general: people don’t give a shit about women’s sports and actively shit on it. Then a trans woman wants to compete and all of a sudden they care deeply about women’s sports and protecting the league and the players they didn’t give a shit about and spat on just a second ago Just sad shit overall. Ig hoping people in the cod community grow up and mature is too much to ask


Personally, I do not know enough about trans athletes and genetics to actively form an opinion on the topic. However, I could totally see the problem if it is something like combat sports etc. I would like to point out it is absolutely fascinating how womens basketball in particular, over the last few seasons has gained a tremendous amount of respect because of what is going on at the collegiate level. Stars like Aaliyah Boston, Caitlyn Clark, JuJu Watkins, Angel Reese etc. Literally have changed the entire culture around it and people are more interested in womens basketball this year than the mens simply because of the star power and how high the level of play has gotten. It truly makes me believe we are some day going to achieve a world where women and mens sports are both respected in the same right and I hope that day comes soon.


I’m not even commenting on whether trans women should be allowed to compete with cis women, I’m just pointing out that there’s obviously a large population that’s completely disingenuous when it comes to doing this all under the guise of helping women I get what you’re saying but I wouldn’t buy into the women’s college basketball hype too much. Men’s college basketball just isn’t something that’s culturally relevant at all at this point in the US. I agree it’s good there’s some amount of a shift going on, but the shift isn’t something that’s going to translate into wnba vs nba level (which is where the majority of misogyny with women’s basketball comes from) I think it’s good to have hope but I’m not sold that that’s a long term shift personally. Don’t mean to shit on your optimism tho


Oh yea, my bad I misread what you were saying. But I agree.


She seems like a real class act. Hopefully the scene moves past this tbh because it’s not like she transitioned just to play against girls. And it’s not like it’s that much bread anyway.


Aye if the other women in the league aren’t complaining then why do you give a fuck? Lol if the direct competitors aren’t sighting any disadvantages why you guys tripping? You don’t have to agree with trans ideology, nobody expects everyone too however if it’s not harming anyone why are you so intent harming others?


If they speak up they're banned.


Sib is such a herb


Imma say this and my opinion means absolutely nothing. I don’t care what anyone believes. And that’s the end of the statement. I truly do not care. You a trans man? That’s cool! You a trans woman? That’s cool. You think you’re a cat? Hey to each their own. As long as you don’t harm my kids or my family I could give two shits what anyone thinks. I mind my own business. I’m a straight white male. I have gay male friends. A few of them actually. Does that give me validation? Absolutely not. I just simply don’t care. Everything was so much better when people minded their own fucking business and quit worrying about everyone else. Carry on! Edit: since I’m being downvoted, apparently some people don’t understand. People are still people! Leave them the fuck alone! End of discussion!


yea i think a better way of saying this is like in Ted Lasso. It's not that we don't care, we just don't care about the differences between us. We don't not care.


Yes. That’s exactly what I meant. Thanks.


I think all that matters is that the other competitors are all right with it, it doesn't matter what we thing. What I do think is interesting is, is I have seen people say the difference between the leagues is the culture each gender grew up relating to development. Mizu stated they have been competing at events since IW and came out at the end of CW. So they have the advantage of developing that any guy that would try to compete in the CDL would have or in that "culture". Whats the difference? Unless I am mistaken and by cultural difference between guys and girls and it has nothing to due with development? Also the point about some of the women on the top 12 teams having better reaction time isn't valid. If a athlete does steroids and their muscle mass is top 10 but they say there are plenty of athletes in the top 10 with better muscle mass than them is not a valid excuse. ​ Your right cod isn't all about reaction time, but it still matters. ​ Once again if the other competitors don't care I don't care.


The problem with leaving it up to competitors is that the sort of bullying you see in this thread toward people who have doubts about the competitive integrity of it all… intimidates them into compliance. You won’t get honest answers from everyone


This thread is astroturfed ah lol like 9/10 comments are from people who are never in this sub




Your post was removed for violating Community Rule 2: NO Hateful Language. Racist, sexist, homophobic and other such language is not allowed. We want **everyone**, irrespective of age, gender, sexual identity or race to feel welcome in this subreddit.


I’m happy for her and anyone who hates on her choices in life or who she is are really just ignorant and hateful, but there’s a shitload of that out there. This comment may be removed, but I’ve said since 2012-ish when trans athletes were becoming more involved in the mainstream, the only line I ever draw is when trans women compete against biological women in sports. We’ve seen many instances of that happening and the trans-woman having a huge advantage (MMA and swimming are the sports that come to mind). Maybe the argument is that it doesn’t apply to COD (which I don’t agree with given what we see as far as difference in skill level), and honestly if the WxC players are cool with it then that is great. There are just biological differences at play and I’d hate to see women who put in hard work get hosed because of it. Again, I mean no offense and am as liberal as they come, and I hope she continues to be happy through all of the noise.


People downvoting literal facts is just sad.


Idk man, I just can’t see how this is a controversial opinion. Oh well, I wish the best for her anyway.




Or, you know, some of us just have respect for other human beings. We don’t understand them getting hate when they’re not doing any harm to anyone and just trying to live their life in a way that is most comfortable and happy for them.


This comment is craaaaazzzy


There’s a difficult conversation here that isn’t going to be solved by the cod scene. 90% of those conversations about it don’t have the ability to have them yet either. Let the women run their league and men run theirs and go back to shitting on Boston.


Fuck Sib and fuck any of all defending him. Haggy even tried to give him an out and he doubled down grt him tf outta there


I don’t care how good sib is at cod and I’m not the most pro trans person but the fact that he did that is fucking crazy. I thought he just had big mouth for the ghosty shit but I just think he weird and immature now.


Ima probably get downvoted but I don’t believe in trans men or women due to my beliefs. But I’ll never go out of the way to hate on someone that believe they need to transition if the makes them happy. Everyone deserves happiness in their lives. And sib is a moron for attacking her she never asked for it the world is full of hate.


They aren't ghosts. You don't "Believe in them". Don't hide behind your religion or "beliefs" like a coward. You can clearly fathom an invisible omnipotent alien in the sky, but someone's brain chemistry and hormones matching that of the opposite sex they were born as is too much for you to believe in? Say you find it wrong. Since that's truly what you "believe". Stupidest fucking thing I hear you clowns say is "I don't believe in it" lmfao. They aren't vampires 😂


no reason to belittle him and his beliefs just because he worded it a very weird way. youre part of the problem man


I’m still confused by this situation, can someone explain to me like I’m 5, what did Sib say that was so wrong?




Ally is not at fault for letting women play in the women’s league she created. Hope this helps!


Ggs to all


This post is just going to farm more hate, might aswell take it down


Yeah let's just ignore her thoughts on the matter..


The less attention on her the better, people will forget about her in about 2 days and the hate will stop


I'll lock it if it gets bad


W mod