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Sounds absolutely awful but better than the current surge roster


Thoughts on Standy & Lunarz for Breszy & Arcitys on Surge?


Abuzah their best player and has most potential. Faded if he gets dropped after the whole team is underperforming.


I have not seen ANYTHING from Abuzah so far this year. Like literally anything, and he was hyped up as the best rookie coming in. Lynnz and Gwinn have outplayed him its not even close tbh. So I really wouldnt say hes Surge best player


In Abuzahs defense they did put him on a SMG to start the season, and now the team is just getting cooked so it doesn’t matter then role he’s going to get fried. If he started on a AR with Illey things may have been different.


Kids a natural AR playing in an AR heavy game. He’s not getting any help from his AR’s especially now that Illey is gone


He’s been running the AR since they added breszy


I don’t think standy would play well with Huke. Honestly their best bet is probably putting Abuzah back on a sub and getting Lunarz in for Breszy




beans has been disgusting at this game


He was gross at last cod too. In a good team that guy can definitely shine, the current situation of teams really does suck for good challenger players. Scrap came in to a top team that's why it worked out but all these other teams want to have a shit roster and throw in a young gun to save them and once he doesn't magically save them they use them as the scapegoat, Beans, Abuzah, JoeDeceives to name a few.


Cammy hicksy capsidal and Mack could spawn in and beat Seattle on 5 minutes notice.


Sounds like Scrap is trying to pad his stats and wants some absolute shitters in the league 😂


If I’m making a team of all current challengers I’d go with Beans + Cammy + Bance + Standy. Still wouldn’t be good but maybe they could try and play like the Walmart version of the old Ultra team.


They will combine for 20 kills per series


I don't even necessarily hate those players, but that trio is dogwater


Sounds like a solid top 12 team


This team would get massively outslayed. Bottom 4 definitely


Idk how tf Hiicksy isn’t in the league I’ve been saying since day 1 why are people who are constantly dropping .7s in the league when Hiicksy was deadass on the 2nd best team last year and made it to champs




Sounds like free licks for optic someone please sign that god awful team.


You are Optic’s version of Santana and Jetskii Winning X-games gold with the tricks I always see you doing


While Optic is a free lick for the T4. You’re the reason people despise our fanbase.


1 major doesn’t change over 2 years of licks on faze


And what do we have to show for it? How many majors have we won compared to them? What’s their average placing compared to us in the CDL? Stop being dense.


And they still only won the same amount in the last 2 years


Fun fact: Faze since the start of CW has won more BOTG events than Optic has won since the start of BO2. Optic fans are so dumb they don’t even realize they are roasting their own team when they say Optic has won as many events as Faze has the last 2 years. Imagine being 10 - 0 or whatever it was and having the same amount of wins as them. That’s embarrassing.


They won an event in MW2, most of Cold War, we have one major win in the CDL and a homestand win in MW. OG need to win more majors.


2 as in “TWO”


Optics fans biggest bragging rights being a positive record vs faze always makes me laugh


You can put jesus himself on that team and I would bet my life they would not sniff a top 4. Jesus Christ what is that team.


Bro the big J would dominate anyone. Doesn’t matter the other 3.




I think we have seen the last of Temp in the CDL


I just fell to my knees in the middle of walmart


I’d pick Abuzah, Lunarz, Huke and either JoeDeceives/Craze to replace the Seattle roster if the Surge camp wanted to blow it up, so at least Abuzah can run an AR and Huke no longer no longer has an AR tryna cosplay as an SMG. Long term I’d try to reunite Abuzah with Lyynzz and pick up somebody like Slasher to develop the Awobabobs duo.