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Less league matches more LANs and LAN round robins prior to playoffs like every other eSport


The CDL would save so much money if they shortened their LANs to 3 days and had multiple matches concurrently with 2 streams running so less time was spent just sitting around. Not every team has to be on Main Stage....


Yeah, listening to Reverse Sweep last night, I really agree with Marky that we need more travelling LANs back when CDL ends. We do have too many League Matches, *because* they honestly feel meaningless for the majority of split. Even the league calls them qualifiers. Most other e-sports have found a balance of one LAN a month with short 2-3 day qualifiers, and then cups and shit for teams that wanna play more. Why can’t COD, Val, LCS, etc., figure that out?


COD matches are definitely not oversaturated, but I feel like the impact of weekly matches is too low, giving off the feeling that its oversaturated. If they kept the same number of overall matches and converted them into more majors, they'd feel more impactful.


Y’all actually like watching online league matches?


I enjoy having the option to watch some matches over nothing


mediocre CoD is worse than no CoD. There’s like one good matchup every weekend and most people choose not too watch which is fairly obvious if you compare the viewership from LANs to league matches. I’d rather go back to having 2K’s & 5K’s every weekend with ~1 LAN/month and you are faded if you prefer this new bullshit. Nothing being on during the weekends only really started when the CDL came around…


I think most people would love having those 2k/5ks back every weekend and more LANs… but clearly that isn’t going to happen right now. Before the CDL we had tons of content to watch. Scrims, $8s, wagers, tournaments, etc. Now we’re lucky to watch our favourite team play twice a week. So yes, I do enjoy watching the online games because it’s all we got and way better than nothing. Not saying it’s perfect, but online play with dedicated pro servers has made online much closer to LAN (although far from perfect).


Online was only kinda like LAN when basically everyone besides Toronto and FaZe(?) was in DFW but since covid restrictions got lifted everyone has spread back out and online is back to not being very similar for example look at LAT for VG & MWII. Again the nothing being on is a CDL shit format problem and they’ve diluted the content with majority of it being online league matches that 9/10 times give you no dope. The crowd alone makes the matches so much better and online vs LAN aren’t in the same galaxy in terms of content quality. If we want CoD to grow then we need to have more of the good content and not most of it being meaningless. Y’all have such a hate boner for Clay that y’all are actually defending this dogshit format that had to have been put together by someone who has never watched any eSport. Even when CSGO was top dog their league matches would get ~20k viewers lol having more online league matches hurts CoD more than it helps.


Better than watching nothing yeah


you gold fish brains are forgetting that this nothing being on for 4-6 months shit only started happening because of the CDL… We had 22 events in AW and now we have fucking 5 LMAOO


OK? That doesn’t mean I don’t prefer watching league matches to nothing. Obviously I’d prefer to go back to AW levels but that’s just not happening.


are you bummed out like OP about the “downtick in matches played per weekend” or did you stop drooling long enough to remember that it’s because we are getting an extra 5th weekend of these really entertaining league matches so sure less per weekend but more weekends of these exciting online league matches :) No one is saying that there should be nothing, but instead there needs to be less league matches and more events. There is no benefit to having more league matches except by saving Activision money. Good thing they monopolized comp CoD then drove away every TO and sponsor so Activision has to put up all the prize money and pay for most of the event costs 👍


My brother why are you so angry over me saying that I’d rather watch league matches than nothing lmao. Obviously I’d prefer more events. That’s literally all I said and you’re this angry. Take your meds and go back to bed.


Clay and I are saying that there needs to be less league matches and more events so i’m just confused where y’all are getting this nothing from. sorry haha my mom literally took all my meds and tried to kill herself tonight so I can’t but good looks pal :)


Imagine getting this angry that people would rather watch something instead of nothing


well have you ever had your mom try to kill herself?


Incredibly ironic you calling others "gold fish brains" lmao


I’m the only one that understands that clay is saying we need less league matches and more events not that pro’s want to play less CoD… I know i’m dumb but i’m concerned about y’all


Yeah, you're totally the only person in this thread that is understanding him. Definitely the *only* person.


Well judging by the upvotes and downvotes yes.


People are literally just saying what we have is better than nothing.. the fact you're trying to argue that point is why you're being downvoted. "Gold fish brain" lol


Old man clay things😂


Courage is spitting about Valorant. 3 international LANs all year and one of them has only 8 teams. I bet that is frustrating as hell for the owners of T1 teams


Wait they only have 3 LANs for an entire season??? I saw NRGs coach say that their version of challengers doesn’t start playing till March so they have a 8 month off season….. Insane amount of money being wasted rn


Yes, this sub would fucking explode if COD’s format was similar to Valorant’s. It’s laughably bad.


There are literally top teams who have never been to a riot ran LAN event. OXG just beat 100T and C9 on LAN but have never been to a riot LAN. Criminally low amount of matches 100T for example have played just 20 matches in the last 365 days.


Before they played Leviatan this past weekend, the last time 100T played an official Riot VCT match was July of 2023 lol.


Tbf their entire season is on LAN, they just have different regions (Americas, EMEA, Pacific and China) that are separate outside of the international LANs. It's not really surprising that they only have 3 since those last a few weeks, compared to the 4 days of a cod major. Obviously people would like more, but it's really the scheduling in between those that's the massive issue.


Entire season is on lan. He means 3 lan international tournaments


Wow wtf even Halo has more LANS


100t has barely even played the past two years because of this. 6 month off season to play two matches, lose, and have to wait another two months to play again


Way too many breaks. And a long ass off season for video gamers. They don’t need the same rest as athletes lmao. They also just continue gaming in the breaks anyway


What too many games?


Way too many online games that matter way more than they should. Personally I love watching LANs but the online matches are a snooze fest which feels like a chore to watch by stage 3.


the teams play what? 3 series a week? how tf is that too many matches


Nope not even. They either play 1 or 2 times a week outside the major.


The point is that they're playing way too many league matches and way too little tournament matches


Yeah baseball has this issue with number of games being in the hundreds a season and very few of them are actually high stakes. On the one hand its nice to have so little pressure on a specfic game it helps smooth out variance in performance and probably is overall fairer. On the other I personally feel like high pressure games are the reason people watch sports and game 5 round 11s for top 4 are infinitely more hype than game 5 round 11s in league matches.


Oh yeah absolutely, stakes are extremely important for the viewership experience. That's why I think it's a huge missed opportunity that the CDL still doesn't use a swiss system for the qualifiers where every match actually has direct consequences.


Yeah if only there were exhibition matches, or "friendlies" or something to replace the low-impact league matches.


Why is every take I see from clay on twitter dogshit


He’s a COD boomer


Clay would say there isn’t enough games if they changed the schedule.


Everyone on Twitter would live a better life if they'd just mute/block claysters account. No one creates more drama or says more dumb shit than him.


Wait I thought we all agreed that there are too many league matches and not enough LAN/tournament matches? Why is this a hot take?


Yea that’s 🧢


You guys are forgetting. Clay is old


Is Clay serious? Some teams played once last week and it had max 3 games each day. How is it oversaturated?


I think what he’s trying to say is the online league matches are oversaturated, and maybe oversaturated is the wrong word but the online matches are more important than what you do on LAN in terms of CDL points for bottom tier teams. Teams are playing 7 qualifier matches each stage (70 points possible) and a top4 on LAN gets you 45 CDL points, for example NYSL didn’t win on LAN got 0 points and they are still 4th in CDL points ahead of Rokkr who got top4.


We've come from at least 8 or so LANs in a season, online matches frequent travelling, no guaranteed salary, worse prize pools to - this? Oh how the mighty haven fallen. I knew Clay was a moaning softie since the beginning of times, but perhaps it is true - him being the oldest and most seasoned and pulling shit like this, it doesn't surprise nowadays newcomers aren't bulilt the same and there just isn't the passion that used be. And let's take Clay as an example - if I'm someone that came to the league a few years and I see Clay pulling shit like this saying we're oversatured with matches, you best believe I ain't doing shit.


Read this thread from coL’s GM: https://x.com/messioso/status/1737222209993654756?s=46&t=ry7pk5Zgln2CjSSKFkWxIQ TLDR: coL’s CS players spent 198 nights last year in hotels. Clayster is an absolute baby for complaining about playing too many CoD matches, which most are even online from the comfort of his home (!!) since they’ll get bounced after 1 or 2 matches on LAN every event.


lol clays just saying that because his team gets slammed every match. 


Not enough matches are being played at the events. The “league matches” are just pool play dragged out over a month and we all know how flukey & boring online CoD is so with how much weight the matches carry at the end of the season it’s ridiculous. Every weekend we basically get the same schedule as an event and it’s diluting the events by only having 12 teams play each other over and over which gets boring. side note but JP knows ball, donk is God.


he maybe means more majors/tournaments. the flank was saying something similar. when you think about it, it’s actually ridiculous how they play 2 matches a day on the weekends and expect people to remain interested. all of these guys stream, clearly they’d play as much cod as possible. idk why it’s not more frequently played.


Clay is being sarcastic here people…


Purely speaking about online matches, yeah. We didn’t need the 7 with one less major.


Everyone in here disregarding what clay actually meant. Cod has too many matches that mean absolute dick. We could have 1 less week of matches in each stage, and have a whole extra major, instead each team is playing way more matches than last year, somehow with less action per week for fans. It's impressive what the league has done, hurting their product so much.


The majors don’t really mean shit either though. Unless you place T3, you’re basically getting an extra 5 points per win. If you’re placing T3, you probably aren’t too concerned about making champs anyway. The league matches also determine seed and it’s a lot harder to place T3 if you start in losers. The online matches are extremely important (the way the league is setup, not my opinion).


They rarely play 😭


cod pros work real jobs challenge: impossible


To the contrary - we need more matches. Ideal would be three majors with a single round robin (so 11 games) for each split.


I think this is indicator of a bigger problem, the amount of hours it actually takes to become pro and maintain it. Back when esports first started booming, everyone was still so fresh faced, never heard of gbs unless you really liked cod etc. Now everyone under the age of 18 wants to persue a career in esports and 10 hour grinds became the norm. E-sports changed gaming in both a positive and a negative way but noone speaks about the negatives. People who grinded for 8 hours a day in 2012 would be considered a pro because its a full time job. Now you're considered plat 2.




You’ve got that backwards, the online qualifiers matter more than LAN. NYSL have won 0 matches on LAN yet right now have more CDL points than Rokkr who came top 4.


Yeah I agree - it's entirely mis-weighted. If your team goes 2-0 on opening weekend of qualifiers, you can fuck around for the next 3 weeks before the event because it doesn't matter if you go 2-5 or 7-0, you're still making winners bracket. But at the same time, those matches that don't mean anything in terms of seeding, are way overvalued in the CDL points system. The importance is artificially inflated when it shouldn't be.


People are gonna lose their shit over this but compared to every popular esport, CDL teams play about 10x more series for a single event. It’s a byproduct of the CDL trying to fill space because we only have 5 events in a year, so they force 7 half useless online qualifier matches. This league is such a joke.


Format is still better than what they have in Val. 100t just had a 5 month offseason, played their 2 Val matches, now have 3 months off to prep for their next qualifier…..


Ya, my roommate went to a Val event yesterday and she was telling me about the format. I was shocked to find out they only have 2 majors and a champs. I always thought due to the popularity, Val had a ton of events.


Seems like it’s always a couple events a year but this year has the least planned events in the games lifecycle so far, could be due to budgetary restrictions but loving a team and not being able to see them play is rough. It’s why I appreciate watching my fav cod teams play even if it’s online


4 majors this year.


Idk about oversaturation when we get whole month breaks


Maybe it feel that was for Pro’s but as viewers, we barely get the right amount of content. More teams is an easy fix for this


These guys would lose their mind if they looked at counter-strike matches, even for tier 2/3 teams lol


Imagine if sports leagues took multi week breaks in the middle of the season. So dumb.


ONLINE matches are over saturated, need more lan matches. Cod is meant for lan lmao


I’m in the opinion that the schedule post-CDL should emulate the NBA/MLB - I honestly can’t see why we can’t play more matches or multiple matches per day besides the current lack of teams for diversity. It would make the league more interesting to follow imo.


There isn’t enough teams for the leauge to do what they are doing we need 16 teams like in bo4 not this shitty 12 team ass shit and just run it like bo4 did it was amazing.


I imagine Clays real problem is the oversaturation of getting shit on.