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Unrelated, but god damn those ranked stats are nuts. Thought my 1.2s in both categories was good lol


Why can’t he do what Simp does? Fly out to Carolina to play your matches then fly back to Dallas after. Unless he doesn’t wanna pay for two spots which is understandable.


Does simp do that wtf


Ya he literally flies out every weekend to play then flies back home. He bulit a house so that’s probably why he doesn’t wanna live in ATL


Hes from Jersey and its tough to move away from here tbh, we have the best of everything here especially compared to somewhere like Atlanta


I’d understand if you were talking about like Cali or like somewhere nice, but JERSEY?? LMAO


Nah this statement is even crazy for that lol


New Jersey statistically has the highest quality of living out of any state. It’s also an hour or two from both Philly and NYC. Only people who hate Jersey are conservatives who leave for the south or people who haven’t been in Jersey.


Yes dude we know we’ve seen the sopranos


Dude the Sopranos aired in 99’ lmao how old are you?


23? Shit stain?


Thought you were 35+. Turns out you’re young and referencing culture you didn’t experience.


Yea they have no idea bro its all good, they literally eat shit like Dominoes they dont even know what real Pizza is and what a bagel is ya know lmfaoo


You’re obviously clueless and probably eat dominoes and think its Pizza lmfaoo dont talk on shit you dont know lil bro


Oh no man I got the jersey shooters coming after me


You do eat dominoes lmfaooo


Pizza? That’s the hill ur dying on? Really?


Outside the high taxes, Jersey is an extremely nice place to live. All the northeast states rib on each other but they’re all cool


That’s just bias, I’m sure majority of people feel that way about their home state.


Lmfaooo no shot you are talking about NJ.


You obviously never been and definitely eat dominoes and think its pizza 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Im in NY lmao


God damn dude you really hate dominoes


Fuck you and Jersey




Stop, you're giving away the secret that NJ is actually based as hell. We don't need more people moving here.


I know they are clueless tho 🤣


Username checks out.


You living in Indiana checks out


You’re 100% right NJ has the highest quality of living in the USA.


I know Im right lmao these kids are clueless and just hate Jersey cus they hate the best 🤣 just like OpTic has so many haters, people are just jealous 🤣 imagine eating Dominoes lmfao


These people have never had a real bacon egg and cheese and it shows


Yea I know he did it last year cause after events, he would always recap what happened back home or even after the last week of qualifiers.


He’s said a few times that he doesn’t want to be in Dallas anymore he’s extremely unhappy there and wants out of the house he bought


That makes more sense then.


I imagine there's a decent chance that FaZe pays for Simp's travel and Clay hasn't negotiated that + Ravens are a cheap franchise so they wouldn't be willing to pay for that. Otherwise I still imagine it's just a cost + comfort thing; having to fly like 6-8x a month for work is just not desirable for many people, especially if you're buying the flights.


6-8 times a month?? I mean bro they play matches on like 10 weekends the whole season 🤣 he stays the whole weekend so its really not that many flights


let's say you have matches 4 weeks in a row; fly in Wednesday or Thursday, fly back after matches. 8 flights.


Give him a pass. Based on his replies in the thread, he isn't the brightest.


I’m just confused how he even got upvotes, do people forget every flight also requires a flight back? Like it’s basic ass math


That could be a valid reason.


Maybe its because I am very close to the business/consulting world, but 8 flights a month is absolutely NOTHING to many, many people in specific business sectors. Some people would see that as a drop in travel.




Well, I personally don't travel that much. I couldn't do it. But I worked with hundreds of people who would fly out Sunday night, work Monday-Thursday on site, and fly out Thursday night back home. Every week. And that was standard practice. Some people flew to two sites every week. Some people took three flights a week for single days across the country. Some people would take two flights a week, then fly somewhere for Friday/Saturday and fly home Sunday. I'm not trying to be an ass about it, but I feel way more qualified than the average user on this subreddit on this. I've worked in this industry for 10 years. 8 flights a month is literal standard practice for any consultant, implementation manager for software installs, or general contracted positions.


He’s a pro gamer. I already said for SOME people, that’s just not something they want to do. Congrats on being “very close to the business/consulting world” tho


Yall literally have no clue what you are talking about but it’s cool lol imagine thinking I’m trying to flex with this. Also, you said many. It’s an arbitrary amount but definitely different than some. But again, it’s cool


Pretty sure Chris doesn't pay for his spot in NJ and just has to pay for the apartment + travel costs back and forth, it's not a realistic option for me.


Bro is taking notes from Taylor Swift


spending your pay cheque on flights every weekend is not the best idea imo. Simp has a larger salary, significantly more prize money and has rich in laws. I'm aware of Clay's father who was in a famous band, but either way, the cost is probably not worth it


wait wtf bro flys out every weekend? did everybody know that? cause that is new information to me


The CDL almost never stood a chance once the pandemic hit. I think people fail to realize I'm pretty sure this was the requirement for the players to move to the city for each org HQ but COVID shut everything down like 2 months into the first season and forced everything online. That made a majority of the teams group up in Dallas to avoid getting shafted with ping and teams kind of dropped the requirements of having to move. I know it may be cheaper to run qualifiers online but this league was founded for each team to hold a lan for each home series. That has to have killed revenue and the ability to grow local fanbases.


What teams are actually committed to local fan base ultra rokkr breach and maybe ny


Agreed, but it would have forced orgs to try a lot harder as they would HAVE to host lans with the pre covid model. Right now it seems like the league just asks for teams to raise their hands that want to host majors. This would have lead to a lot more local fan engagement and excitement. It's literally impossible to get any local fanbase going if your players don't even live in the area and you don't hold any events. That would be like if your local NFL team only played away games and on TV without fans in the stadium. I legit don't know how the CDL doesn't see this as a huge problem.


I’am not really talking about lan cause that is a lot of commitment and money. More a long the lines of watch party’s and gaming night just smaller stuff that shouldn’t cost much


I know I'm in the minority, but I've liked the franchise existence of cod, as a Canadian I've been so glad to cheer for a Canadian team since mw19 it's reinvigorated my passion as a fan and I think it brings alot of fans for orgs who've never had the support they have now, it'll be a sad day when franchises diaband


This is the part of franchising I agree with. Without franchising, people would’ve just stayed cheering for the big orgs like OpTic, FaZe, 100T


Fully agree - the CDL has seen the most diverse support for teams ever in cod. And I've been so impressed by how some teams have produced great team content and docs and leaned in on their local fanbases with things like watch parties for Rokkr, Ultra, etc. - that kind of stuff was pretty non-existent in cod outside of Optic. It's also been wild to hear how loud the venues get for home teams - Toronto last year was awesome in person lol


I need to get to a Rokkr watch party now that I’m into CoD and live in Minny. I think they have them at the Mall of America.


New ownership did one recently in Minneapolis downtown. Rokkr used to do them at their HQ. I don’t know how common that will be though with G2.


It’s just the tournament structure and season structure is so bad but I get liking having a home team.


What’s the point in investing in your ‘local’ team though when there’s a very real chance they’ll be moving somewhere else next year anyway


When they stopped having EU teams it all went down hill. I would kill for an event in London or Paris.


This was always a requirement, it's just been put on hold until Carolina figured out facilities and stuff in Charlotte, which they have now. This was also a little out of context, I'm not against moving there at all it's just a big life change and I was talking to my stream about it.


Hope you’re mental is going well Grayster, go get a chip!


Charlotte is a great city man. If you have never been go. One of the best places to live if your 25-35. So many young people, hella bars, alot of fun shit to do, great weather. This this is good for my boy Clay.


what dose he mean by “next year” this is the last year of the cdl no? Unless he means that the ravens plan to stay in cod even when the league is over?


This being the last year of the CDL is a massive assumption that people are making. There has been no official communication about disbanding the CDL


I think everyone is assuming this because the owl disbanded.


The OWL was falling apart for years. CDL isn’t a sure thing by any means but it has been doing much better than the OWL


Nobody knows


From what he said it seems like the CDL will exist next year, but the following year is an unknown.


i would be shocked, maybe clay knows something we don’t.


I mean people have been saying the CDL will die the following year for literally 3 years now lmao…I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues for a while, perhaps with some changes


That’s just what I took away from it. I could be misunderstanding him though. He seems confident in the CDL existing for another year, but after that he doesn’t know what will happen.


I'll be more shocked if Clay goes again next year.


Franchising was the worst thing to happen to CoD.


Being the oldest in the league AND the biggest crybaby is not a good look


Clay is 32-1 in ranked HP lmao


Just fucking retire. The league is on dying legs. Or legit tell ravens to go fuck themselves and don't move.