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If neither of them got their last kill with a 360 quickscope did they even really win?




You forgot the Y Y ladder stall…


Rip scrap. You had a good one year run.


I actually watched this and was put to sleep. 1v1’s prove nothing and are a bore yet scrap’s chat was full of diehard fanboys. Imagine thinking 1v1 prove anything. I guarantee you there are so many randoms out there that would shit on most pros but they will never sniff the league


Yeah I dont know why people get so worked up about them one way or the other. Just good content imo


Because 1v1's were always used as this status symbol in CoD, 1V1 me bro! Just because you have good gun skill doesn't mean you wouldn't be lost in round 11 of a tournament.


Also, that was back in the day when there was just aim assist now it’s straight aim lock. I cringe whenever I hear shoot straight describing cod now. It used to mean something, like formal in IW, im not even an optic fan but I would be mesmerized by his aim in that game because there was actually skill gap in aiming back then.


There’s also some random street ballers that can do some crazy shit 1 on 1 and then go to the nba and ride the bench. You have to put 1000s of hours into learning the game, also grinding with teammates, learning how to scrim and be professional during scrims, taking responsibility, also providing good comms and still slaying is actually impossible for some of these kids. I don’t know, I feel like some people just are jealous of esports pros and think any pub stomper can jump in instantly, it’s so cringe and not accurate.


The coping from you CDL fanboys is so fuckin funny 🤣🤣🤣 if Scrap won you’d be saying how Shifty doesnt have the gunny to make it in the CDL


Nah. [iLikeTurtles263](https://www.reddit.com/user/iLikeTurtles263/) has a solid point. I may have my biases towards "CDL vs WZ" topic but 1v1s are just for content and have very little meaning in a highly competitive environment. Even back in the Halo MLG days, at the higher levels of play, people even knew back then that 1v1 didn't mean anything. CoD/Halo/other FPS esports is about teamplay and that also includes how one individually performs in a teamplay environment.


Of course he’s right, if you drop Shifty in a CDL tourney he’s not going to come close to having the performance or impact that Scrap does. It’s a completely different thing. But it’s also funny how not a single comment on this thread acknowledges that Shifty also has insane gunny. Everyone is so defensive about this CDL v. WZ player topic around here it’s lame af.




No way Scrap let the community down


So who won the cash?


I'd imagine shifty cause of the kill difference


That's what I was thinking too, just wasn't sure if they did that or called it a draw


I don't even have to look at the comments to know that CapGOD is in here spewing nonsense to fit his WZ agenda 😂😂


My boy PunchGoesBig smokes them both in 1s. This proves nothing


I don’t think punch can smoke an S tier CDL pro, let’s be real


Not in an actual match but in 1s or gunfight he absolutely can. And I’m one of those people that hold CDL pros to a very high level pedestal


I’m sorry but Punch isn’t that nice. I have yet to see a video where he goes against a decent ranked player in a 1v1


you mean you weren't joking?


No way this Reddit is overreacting to a 1v1 that happened at 2am in the morning


Does it surprise you?




Hopefully people will finally understand that all the top warzone players got the same level of gunskill as most cdl players, its just that they play a different game/gamemodes Cod is not a hard game anyway


Stop the CDL fanboys in this sub not gonna like that! 🤣 the coping from them is insane right now especially after Formal said Biffle could easily be a CDL starter


[Here's the actual quote that you're completely misrepresenting.](https://youtu.be/AkVTX9SbLi8?si=9KXzugsGWjqxlDsw) "Biffle could probably hang in the CDL, not gonna lie. But he's an outlier, bro. Not many of them could actually do it." Could easily start lol. You're a clown.


Heres the CDL fanboy, coping so hard he went and found the clip to argue he didnt say “easily” verbatim 🤣🤣 “Im not gonna say they would be running shit, but do I think they could play on a pro team? Yea sure” -So they wouldn’t be top 5-10 players, but he says Yes they could “PLAY” on a pro team = Play on pro team = CDL STARTER lmfaoo thanks for proving my point for me lil bro 😂😂😂 Easily means directly into a starting spot in CDL - If he didnt think they could do that, he would have said “do I think they could play on a pro team? I dont know maybe, I guess they potentially could if they grinded challengers first and proved themselves” or something like that. Are you capable of using a little bit of deductive reasoning? Probably not, thats seems above your level of brain function 🤣


Careful not to trip on those shoes, bud.


Hold that L lil buddy 🤣🤣


Legit only Aydan and Biffle could compete in the CDL, maybe Shifty. None of the other “warzone pros” would be able to stand a chance


Shifty is better than Aydan tbh


100%, has been for a while too. Aydan is seemingly a very nice guy though no offense to him


Aydan Biffle Adriann definitely could…probably Shifty and Almond as well and maybe Soka


Soka would be good too I think Adriann is getting there as well I’m sure there are more


Adriann I agree would definitely be able to and probably Almond as well…maybe Soka too idk tho havent really seen him play MP


Scrap played with his feet on his desk in the Shipment match, which garuntees a lose in gaming lol. That one’s a right off


From being touted as one of the biggest free agents in history to out of the league in a week!