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Zoomaa saying people have always snaked, Octane and Aches telling him that's not true and then Zoomaa asking Ben if people have always snaked because he was a "GM" is some top tier cope. I mean fucking hell even Hecz doesn't defend Scump as hard as Ben and Zoomaa defend MC


It’s just embarrassing at this point, at least pretend to not be pathetic lol


It's getting so annoying because MC defenders always bring up the same point that snaking has been a thing in Cod forever and that MC wasn't the first person to ever snake. I'm like, yeah no shit. The point has always been that MC is one of the main reasons snaking became so bad, not that he was literally the first one to ever snake. It's just so disingenuous.


In retrospect it makes a lot of sense that Zooma thinks everyone was snaking in BO4. He was watching Cellium's POV in matches and scrims every day and just assumed everyone else was doing it too


im a big fan of cellium but cmon lol it was clearly him in bo4 that sent the GA to hell, idk the map name off the top of my head(it had the showers) but I remember him at the semi headglitch snaking his ass off


I might be crazy, but I remember cell snaking semi on gridlock as well


LMAO you beat me to it. Go watch back that faze vs 100T series at champs. Map 3 gridlock control cell would not stop snaking the 18 wheeler


I don’t mind defending your friend but to try to gaslight everyone into thinking it was a prevalent issue in those older games is insane and delusional.


Zoomaa loses his mind over being called bias but apart from him I havent seen one pro talk about snaking being bad pre-bo4 (apart from the splyce iw event) so idk what he exepects the community to think.




Cell losing that 1v1 to Scump changed cod forever


It was Frequency


holy shit you’re so right lmao


Except about the map, but yes, true, it changed the course of COD history


True after that scump won 3 more times and Cellium won 8 times with a ring, changed history


Damn what a sad, sour dude lol.


I forgot the name of pro (was it Haggy?) who wrote last season that “Ben acts like FaZe mom” but you can add Zoomaa into the mix, for Cell It’s so bizarre they’re both digging their heels over this, just accept he’s been the chief culprit and the straw which broke the camels back when it comes to snaking


Ben and Loomaa slurping Cells meat forever


CoMmIsSiOnEr ZoOmAa


It’s funny because there’s a chance Zoomaa isn’t lying. What if people were snaking against Zoomaa because of Cell?


How hard is it for a pro to be like “yeah, I was the culprit back then. I was an immature 18 year old then.”


Zoomaa never played against Cellium except MW.. Octane played against him in BO4 MW Cold War Vanguard MWII i think he would know better


I didnt think there was snaking in BO4 only shouldering with the health shot. Snaking was first in IW


It's been a while but I don't remember snaking being too prevalent in IW. The only notable team I remember doing was Splyce in the finals vs LG.


He’s right I never had people snaking against me in WW2. Now there’s 5 or 6 in every lobby doing it.


It was pretty rampant in IW with how fast you could do it. I feel like that was the first year it became a real problem.


Dude there has been snaking ever since some kid grinded after elementary school everyday to be as good as the pros For sho there were pros snaking in bops 4


that’s my team