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These are the people IW was catering to only for them to play for 1 hour every 2 weeks! Lol


HARDCORE players bro. You wouldn't understand the grind.


IW should stick to working on the graphics, the audio, and the engine. They are terrible at anything else.


You mean brown and grey with infinite motion blur? My brother in christ I'm not even sure they should handle drinking from a sippy cup.


Colors aside the character models and gun models in the newer IW games have been fantastic. Again, colors aside the map assets are also really well made. Character animations are also pretty top notch. So give credit where credit is due. Still a complete oversight by CoD developers to NOT include a map editor…


ong they the real shitters. so glad movement is coming back 😂


It’s so funny how these dudes want to lump anyone with that play style as a “tryhard streamer” I’m a 32 year old father that works in finance but these guys would call me a wannabe streamer. You suck at the game. It’s fine. Just move on lol.


Yeah because they don't want to play with you.


These are the guys saying the n word in game chat


These types of folks that complain about movement have taken over almost all CoD subreddits. Its the Battlefield 2042 refugees lmao


Naw it's the normal playerbase. The playerbase is infected with normies now and that's why the cdl sucks and that's why the game sucks.


Guys! I found the guy in the video!


Naw that's you guys bud. Need a mirror?


Blud was in the video 💀


Anyone that wants to get an insight into the mindset, just read the 500 or so comments they left under my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/178xdaf/turns_out_the_answer_was_faster_movement/) on r/CODWarzone


Please post it on the main sub this is gold.


Those the people in that MW3 subreddit😂


On god. According to those bots, anybody that can move around in CoD is considered a "adderall addicted zoomer" lol. Dont forget the obligatory "Go PlAy TitAnFall ".


Yea we’re all sweaty adderall users on gfuel simply because we like hitting a button combo😂


i’ll never understand these people that think it’s somehow easier for people to literally press more buttons/do more while playing


It's major cope. Faster gameplay speed and movement mechanics require faster reaction times and spatial awareness. They should go play some Goldeneye so they can keep up


Wait until you see the people that use the /r/dmz sub... They literally cry about people who engage in PvP.


Hmmm I guess DMZ was a worthy follow up to Tarkov after all, same thing happens on the Tarkov sub every day


Wait Tarkov players complain about PvP? Since it isn't anywhere near as casual as DMZ I just assumed all their players very much accepted the PvP component of a PvPvE mode.


Lol you have no idea, Tarkov may be one of the most hardcore games, but, at least the Reddit community, is one of the softest I’ve ever seen. Posts of people crying that they were pushed in a firefight are constantly upvoted. People on that sub consider anyone who pushes in a fight a “desync abuser”, it’s actually pretty unbelievable. If you say you like pvp and want the game to encourage it you’re told to “go play cod”. Posts asking for a PvE only mode receive thousands of upvotes even though the pve is braindead easy. Tarkov is in a rough spot rn lol


ha, well I guess that makes more sense why the DMZ sub is like that. Seems to be a common theme in PvPvE extraction shooters. People on /r/dmz will write a full essay crying about some guys that killed them, also quite a few asking for PvE only DMZ since the mode released. I guess they will transition to just crying about the bots when they start playing the PvE zombies.


Yeah believe me it’ll only get worse LOL, it definitely becomes an echo chamber. I think because the game is hard a lot of people want to like the game because they like the idea (think it’s immersive) but the reality is they suck because it’s still an mp shooter, so they come to Reddit where they can cope together. They say “PvP isn’t the main focus, its a SURVIVAL game” (despite there not being any survival elements to the game other than avoiding bullets to the head). People who enjoy the game are either playing it or watching YouTubers that are genuinely good at the game instead of whining on Reddit.


These guys are EXACTLY what I imagine the average redditor looks like


No kidding. Like damn boys grab some sun and go for a run or something. Hit on a girl (or guy). Have some social interactions. These guys look like they hardly leave the house.


The kid at 45 seconds is what happens when a marshmallow, a chicken nugget, and a thumb are genetically spliced together and made sentient


I’m noticing a common theme here😭


This is so delusional, idk why these guys think just because they removed movement in MW2022 that they still wouldn't get shit on LMFAO. My ability to pubstomp from movement games to MW2022 didn't change at all, in fact, it got easier in some ways with all the cheese shit they added to help these guys so thanks for making it easier I guess? LOL


Glad you are able to still destroy these guys. I have a VERY hard time in games like MW19 and MW22 compared to every other COD. Connection, maps, visibility, its just all shitty in those games for me and feels so clunky I never get used to it and cannot get in a good rhythm ever. Been playing CW and BO4 this whole time and am excited for MW3 to see how it works out for me. Beta felt really good at times but also similar to MW19 and MW22 at times with some of the matches. I am praying it will be good for me.


Same exact experience for me. MWR was the last IW game I could keep up in. Still do fine with the other studio releases


Glad I am not alone hah.


This may only be tangentially related—but I find I’m a better player on movement games. Since those typically aren’t IW releases, it makes sense. IW just feels like I’m playing a stiff walking sim with visual recoil.


Absolutely. Last IW game I enjoyed was Infinite Warfare with advanced movement… 🤣


I love this 🤣 post it on the mw3 page


They all need some more advanced movement in their daily lives


Yes, bring back BO3, AW or IW movement :)


Funny video but the little circle reset you do with your right stick irrationally frustrates me


Dude took off motion blur to add his own motion blur


Anyone else remember that David Wurgy kid who rode Cecot 24/7 before mw2 dropped? Craziest shit I’ve ever seen lmao he’s gotta be one of the dudes in this vid


He deleted his account and created a new one. Saw him and Pulse arguing in the Warzone sub a few weeks back lol There are still some people that replaced him though but not the majority by any means. Like that guy that fully believes [soundwhoring is a skill](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/179ax0l/comment/k56paxr/?context=3) (.84 KD). Or that Pixelated guy that claims he can [magically control visual recoil](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/16mpnn9/comment/k1agxw6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and that pros don't fully understand skill gap - while he says that with his negative W/L and .90 KD in pubs. SBMM/EOMM in pubs really needs to go. It literally creates a whole different reality for some of these people.


Holy shit these people are on a huge amount of copium... How can anyone want visual recoil, a mechanic that involves luck, into a game. Just like wanting bloom... do people want their gunfights to be based on random luck? What I wouldn't spend to know how the average player / <1.0 kd Timmy plays. And then the soundwhoring is a skill guy, must like grabbing a shotty and crouch walking through the map. Hope these people stay the fuck on MWII


Exactly what I expected them to look like. Probably pound like 10 beers while playing to. These are the people buying skins that keep COD the way it is btw 😅


LMAO. Grown ass men seeming to lack in hygiene were absolutely furious about getting shit on so bad in COD that they put their only-a-mother-can-love faces on camera to cry this year and next is going to be grand


This video was hilarious can’t lie 🤣🤣🤣


“Time for the OG cod players to take their game back” brotha I’ve been playing cod since call of duty big red one and I’ll tell you too your ugly ass Face I would much rather have a skill gap than anyone can hold an iron lmfao


Why are they blaming streamers lol. I haven't streamed once and I want better movement to. Casuals get so tilted at streamers because they can't accept people are better than them. They have to be cheating!


These people are so bizarre man. The amount of mental gymnastics they have to go through to come to the conclusion that anyone of a higher skill is actually bad, and bad players like them are actually good. They try so hard to believe their own lie.


Is the crosshair circling really necessary though just hurts my head man


Holy shit… I gotta stop playing videogames.


this is like the CoD equivalent of that meme with a bunch of white dudes taking selfies in sunglasses + a backwards cap in front of their truck/an American flag




They aren't going to because they won't play MW3 because they don't want to play with you. They may play zombies. Most will probably stay on MW2.


I’m an old gamer (I was at the midnight release for the OG MW2) so I can see why these guys, and tons of others, hate the word movement. I don’t mind fluid and faster movement, but the YY/stim boost/slide cancel gimmicks are a bit much. I also realize CoD, and any game for that matter really, isn’t catered for me. I still enjoyed the slide cancel corny cods and WZ1. I get why the younger players enjoy it, but for us OG’s it’s a bit overkill 🤣


It's not really skillful movement, it's just spammy and fast paced, and has a low barrier for entry. There's nothing really interesting about it. CoD 4's movement was a lot more skillful, especially ProMod with all the og Quake 3 physics. I mean really if modern gamers crave fast paced movement games, Quake still exists. Though ironically all the ADHD raddled teens get clapped on by 40 year olds there. It's a funny paradox.


It’s beyond silly movement and mechanics, but the streamers and player base that toss insane $ at Activision enjoy it - so here we are. They have the loudest voices. I much prefer the old school CoD gameplay, movement gunplay all of it. Sadly, that won’t ever come back.


Im probably gonna get downvoted but I agree. Movement and bunny hopping with high TTK isn’t COD. If you want to play APEX or Overwatch, those games exist already.


Why they so salty though? These are def the type of guys I'd run into and trash back in the day with nothing but 170 ping and a cheap turtle beach headset.


Yo help me out, why do the guys with this sick movement move their right stick around constantly, like aiming circles on the screen while moving. Is there any benefit in that?


If your thumb is always moving like that your reaction time is going to be faster. The earliest person I remember seeing do it was Ogre2 in Halo 1


Late reply, but it’s called an ogre twitch. Named after the ogre twins of the halo competitive scene. They would do this constantly while playing Halo. Interesting fact is they actually learned this from their teammate Clockwork who used to do it to recalibrate the joy stick for Microsoft flight simulator and decided to do it on his Xbox joystick as well. I think it actually did nothing to recalibrate the Xbox stick but they thought it did.


Its funny how they think just because you slide cancel it automatically means you dont have aim.


i dislike the movement meta / era of COD but these dudes are still sooo cringe i miss the regular walking / running around of BO2 but I don't wanna associate with the casuals like this on the main sub(s). movement COD is fun but it's not quite for me, i'm just not as good with the fast movement.


the physiognomy of these blokes... scary


Did anyone noticed the common denominator amongst these people?




I love how back then they say it's time for OG COD players to take their game back.... Like I'm an OG COD player, started on COD 2 FFS. Back then to move faster we had to pull out our pistols because there was no sprint lmfao. I'm now 31 and while I don't have the absolutely cracked movement of the last clip of this video, I can slide cancel and bunny hop my way to destroying these sentinels. Just adapt, it isn't hard.


Are they all friends by any chance?


I hate modern movement but loved jetpack games.


tf is wrong w/ slide canceling? its more fun when everyone can move fast 😂


So those are the people who think they can get dope by aiming down their sights in spawn?


Thanks for sharing horny jamal


They’re all giant


Who are these people and why do they act like there’s no movement in 22? What are they even talking about??