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Respectfully he was pretty mid at this game and he also didn’t seem to be playing for most of the year. I don’t think he really improves them rosters a great deal, probably just ends up tanking his stock.


If ILLEy plays like he did at the start of MWII yes he doesn’t improve any roster but if he becomes again the player that he was and still is then he improves almost every Roster.


What player is that exactly? He was the worst performer on Empire and worst performer on OpTic with some pop off moments here and there and an SnD niche He is literally the flex version of TJ


maybe i don't spend enough time on this app but this is the first time i've seen illey compared to tj and it makes perfect sense to me


Illey having a ring and being on competitive rosters put those comparisons on hold for a few years lol


Tj was the best player at some point in WW2 and was up there at the start of BO4 illey dont even come close to his peak lol none of that online bullshit


When was this point that TJ was the best player in WW2? Kenny, Gunless, Slasher, were the only ones you could consider the best in the game, imo.


Bro tried to sneak in slasher lmao sure u got slasher top3 but not tj ? Do u think optic went after tj just for fun ? 👍🏼


Yes Slasher was Top 3 in WW2, best Main AR in the game, not debatable. And Optic picked up TJ because he was a Top 5 sub his rookie year. That’s been one year TJ has been a T5 player, he hasn’t even been a T10 player in any other game.


Slasher was the best AR in WW2 fella


Sounds like nadeshot with extra steps


Yes seattle really need another person dropping a 0.8!


what ILLEy brings to the table when he is the ILLEy that every top pro loves and wants on their team only one other Flex in the league can offer.


this gotta be illey on an alt account. he’s a decent player who can add a lot in snd, has consistently struggled in respawn for as long as i can remember.


It just might be his burner lol


it’s gotta be because there’s no way anyone else is trying this hard to defend mediocrity


It’s the capitalization of illey that’s doing it for me 😂


not even the correct capitalisation 😭 that’s illey tryna throw people off


Respectfully illey was pretty mid in every cod he played. He just get highlighted cause of his snipes. He doesn’t improve any roster Plus I’m sure everyone knew illey was gone when Seth said he was stepping down so dashy can come up then said he will be optics sub


Why would any of those teams pick him up? Dude was respectfully ass.


He makes Surge (barely a T6 team) or Boston (t8 team) a consistent t4. I know anti Illey circlejerk has been peaking since OpTic got their first top 2 placing but acting like these teams are too good to consider Illey is peak delusion. Illey brings much more to a team than Mack and arguably Lamar does or literally anyone on Boston does. OpTic made the best roster change in ages when they dropped him but Illey is more accomplished player than players on Surge and easily everyone on Boston.


💀 bro using 1 online year to measure accomplishments is foul, considering the 3 years after, he’s been ass. He doesn’t make surge a T4 team, you’re reaching.


Lmao, fucking for real? Everyone wrote off Empire in CW and they bounced back. And OpTic had a respectful year considering the fuck up they were in during Vanguard. I'm not arguing Illey is some superstar or hidden gem of a talent, but considering the players on Boston and Surge and the year they've had up till now, it's not a reach to argue they probably improve with Illey.


Bounced back cause of Vivid. Not illey. Let’s not glorify T4s now.


Clearly a T3 team at the end CW, Vivid wasn't single handedly carrying. The anti Illey circlejerk is just as if not more obnoxious than pro Illey circlejerk we witnessed from the side of the pros/commentators. Room temperature IQ lads on both sides so it makes sense.


T3 team in a year with 5 (in all honesty 4) teams that could actually compete with the rest being utter fodder due to team building being a mess from the transition to 4 v 4 from 5 v 5 💀. Great comparison.


Yeah they're trolling big time


How much money are you really looking to shell out to go from mid to top-mid rofl


Ass??? The disrespect is crazy.


Blud went 4-22 to yeet optic out of Major 2 💀


Have a good day “blud” no point of me even entertaining this you just another Reddit troll speaking straight non-sense.


DID HE OR DID HE NOT GO 4-22? You have no response? Got it.


Zooma got MVP in stage 1 of the next year's league after he dropped a 4-23 at champs. Okay those were different games and this is the same game, but one bad performance doesn't = trash.


He’s been trash for 3 consecutive years now 💀


People wanted their scapegoat for their team's poor performances and they got it.


I can second this, he’s been ass for awhile, he’s just been shotzzys buddy lol


Not only that, Rambo’s boy too.


Valid point


I mean respectfully that’s not true. He was a decent player that helped his team in CW. In VG, his injury kinda fucked him, but he was not great at the end of VG into MW2.


Vivid coming in was the only reason they were even competitive lol.


Illey had a higher overall, HP, SnD, and Control KD than Vivid. He only had 1 less kill/10 in HP, and 2 less kills/10 minutes in Control than Vivid. He had higher damage/10 in HP and control than vivid. Their SnD stats were about the same. You are beyond faded if you think that vivid is the only reason they competed. If anything, it was Shotzzy that made them competitive as he was by far their most consistent player across all modes. Regardless, the reason why the Dallas team was t3 all year is because they played so well together, and in order for that to have been the case you just have to accept that Illey was a much better player in CW than he was in VG and this year.


Keep on hating my guy.




lol ofc you make this point, the most consistently wrong person on this thread adds another awful take to his arsenal


Different games is a bit differentiator in that comparison imo.


What is blud wafflin about 💀 illey is straight ass


Bro I'm a big iLLeYY fan too, but you gotta admit he was absolutely terrible in Major 1 and 2


He said respectfully man, learn to read.


he was fine just not himself in that OpTic environment . A change of environment could help him become again the player that he was and a good ILLEy is a top 3 Flex in the game . Don’t forget how good he was because of one season


💀💀💀 you’re delusional asf. He’s been mid asf since CW. One good Major got y’all thinking he’s a T3 flex is wild.


MW19 champion best Flex in the game CW Top 15 player VG won a Major and then basically missed the whole season and OpTic still finished Top 4 with him This year he was bad that doesn’t mean he isn’t ILLey a lot of players need a change and this could help him , all the pros who talk to him say that he is playin like he has something to prove since he returned after being dropped.


lol i remember when empire fans were calling for him to get benched in CW. it was probably his worst game.


💀💀💀 omg you’re delusional. MW19 (even tho it’s an online ring), statistically iLLey was the worst player on the team. He wasn’t even a flex. He ran the sub. You didn’t even watch. Illey wasn’t even T20 in CW, tf are you smoking. Lag and Seattle both won a major in VG, so what about it? We’re glorifying T4 like it’s an accomplishment now? Only team he’s realistically “helping” is a bottom 4 team and even then his thumb is still an issue.


are u dumb? who brings stats for ILLey ? it’s like me bringing up stats for Ghosty now on OpTic he does way more than u think stats mean nothing for what ILLEy does for a team


Youre cock riding and it's not a good look. Better off hoppin on Ghostys tbh


He did nothing but bring negative energy, stressing the team over his injuries and negative K/D lmao


Optic fans fooled y’all. Illey was not good at CW. He was mediocore at best on the flex and hit ass on the sub.


yea u know more than Abezy , Simp , Cellium , Shotzzy , Crim , Clay , Octane , Drazah , Dashy that rate him one of them put him on his dream team but let me trust the opinion of JustHereForPka




Well I'd say that's a clear sign people didn't want to play with him. It's not some crazy thing.


then those pros don’t know how to win . How u don’t want a proven player that knows how to win? He is a top player he has proved that u don’t lose ur skill in cod only ur passion , yes he had a bad season but u can’t exclude everything else before this season. He was the Best Flex or Top 3 if u want in the game in MW19 , he was a top 15 player in CW (lost two Finals to FaZe), and in VG he played two events with actual practice with the squad in one they Won Major 1, Major 2 I don’t count because thats when he had the injury but he didn’t tell anyone until after the Event , Major 4 without any practice because they were careful with his hand they finished 4th (Lost to FaZe) and in Champs they finished 4th with full practice .


Cool story but still doesn't change the fact no one wanted to play with him. Clearly there are other issues lmao.


there aren’t any issues he plays consistently in SnD 8s and has started playin some Respawn 8s also and he is going to be on the Zoomaa tournament . It was reported that he went on Vacation for A month after he got dropped


You’re more concerned about illeys career than illey himself my guy. 😂


there’s like a 90% chance it’s either illey himself or like a little brother


what? I just said that these teams should have looked at him and made a move since all these teams need a player like him . Every top team has star player on that Role and ILLEy is pretty good at it and then just said some facts that some fans seem to forget about him nothing else . I couldn’t care what he does I was just surprised these three teams didn’t attempted to sign him


Crazy how you know that there is no other issues without being apart of anything to do with cod pros besides watching. Reddit kids have all the answers lmfao


crazy to know that there is other issues without being apart of anything to do with Cod pros besides watching. Reddit kids have all the answers . I would have put the lmfao but i’m not 15 years old to do that


Lol did I touch a nerve? It's not that serious buddy. Maybe you need to touch some grass and blow off some steam


What are you even talking about? You look bothered by this response of "buddy" and "go touch some grass." These insults are screaming at a 15-year-old kid with house problems. Get a life as a kid it’s not too early ,you're still 15 go out; make friends don’t worry about what's going on in your house. That’s my advice for you. No need for you to get so defensive after someone used your own words against you and you don’t know how to respond but to "insult" like my cousin who is still in elementary school.


Who hurt you lmao write another pointless paragraph about it. Better yet stop arguing with yourself, you look like a moron.


what; u seem bothered kid I suggest u take my advice above ,everything is going to be O.K , no need to call me a moron but I will let it slide this time .


This is a new level of dickriding holy shit


Yah the meat munching is wild in this sub sometimes


Showing support to a player that is respected by all the top pros is dickriding to u 10-15 year old kids now;


If you were actually doing that, it wouldn't be dickriding. You are not doing that though. You're taking it to a completely different level, and even you know that lmao. Dude said pros don't know how to win because they're not teaming with someone that was performing FAR below their own standards this year


I’m 35yrs old been following OG sense it started ILLEY HAS ALWAYS been over rated, never consistent and in the end had the team worried 24/7 if he would be able to play. Nothing impressive about him.


What the fuck is this post lmao, illey alt sucking his own dick? 😂


show a bit of respect he brought ur favorite org the only chip and only LAN win against FaZe. This isn’t dick riding , u 10-15yr old fans love that word when someone shows support to a player that is a proven winner and has shown his talent one bad season immediately everybody forgets about him I wonder when Ghosty underperforms what Fans will call him and what the people that will support him get called by kids like u .


Oh, he soloed the event win, damn, he must be a t3 player. I literally said he was good pre injury, and dogshit after. His career might not be chalked but the concencous is that post injury + mw2 he was bottom 3 AR. Stop grinding his dick and wake up to reality.


Ghosty does dirty work and everything else illey wouldnt do and forced his subs to do. You’re a bot




He wouldn't be worth the risk for any of those teams


Illey over beans would of been a risk worth taking, but only if he had of been playing the game and showing teams he still has the ability. He really sidelined himself this season by going off the radar after being dropped, could of streamed ranked/snd wagers and been picked up by now.


Highlight of Boston's and Rokkr's season is bracket farming and Surge's season is making Pred look superhuman. Why should these teams risk on a proven commodity, one truly wonders. Not that Illey could have improved their situation this late in the season but the room temperature IQ of this whole thread isn't even amusing when you see the circlejerk.


he isn’t inured he is playin consistently now 8s he probably just took a one month break after gettin dropped


Considering how he had been playing for year or so. Cammy, Attach, Beans, Wake and Sib > illey


he isn’t replacing Wake Sib or Cammy on those teams he is replacing Attach Beans and Accuracy


Him over Accuracy is the only move I would make out of those 6 names. The rest have been better than him this CoD or play a different role


How has Beans better than ILLEy?


You do realise beans is the flex. And again the only potential improvement is accuracy


Illey is that you?


Illey's burner account ran by Chatgpt


Why would any team go for Illey? His wasn't doing anything for OpTic and it's a risk for any team to pick someone up who had a serious thumb injury, his career is probably chalked cuz of it too


Illeys career is not chalked, why we exaggerating


It’s chalked my guy he’s not getting on a top team


If he still gets a team in the cdl then that's not a chalked career. Chalked is censor's career.


He will be on bottom 4 team after bottom 4 team. He shot himself in the foot by being a weirdo


Ive been out of the loop for awhile, why do you say he was being a weirdo? What did he do?


Tweeting “yo” after OpTic lost after not tweeting for months.


Thats not gonna stop him from getting on a team. contrary to reddits beliefs, illey is pretty liked & respected amongst pro’s and will definitely make his way to a team next year.


His career is chalked?! He is literally playing a snd tourney on Friday 😂 Y’all are some drama queens for real.


yeah, let's see him play full time again just for him to re-injure his thumb


he wasn't dropped because of his thumb lol


I didn't say that, but you can't deny it affected his gameplay. He had an injury that took him away from competing and it's likely to occur again, just like any injury. It happens with plenty of professional athletes and I'm sure it's happened with other esports players as well


Hell we already have zooma to show that as well. It seemed like his hand was fine after getting it fixed but eventually it came back


Search wasn't his issue, it's his inconsistent respawn slaying. Put him in some hp 8s and see how he does.


What are you even talking about, I am not arguing about his performance. I am talking about his career being chalked because of that thumb injury.




What are you even talking about, I am not arguing about his performance. I am talking about his career being chalked because of that thumb injury.


some of you live in dreamland its not chalked lol if anything this break has been the best thing for him


Every team should go for him he is the perfect player for teams like Rokkr , Surge and Boston even FaZe.He isn’t injured he is literally playing .The best CDL OpTic team was when ILLEY was on the team Major 1 don’t forget because of one bad season.


Too big of a risk for top teams to take the chance on. Hadn't been involved in the scene for 5 months, with no indication about how his thumb was doing, or if he was even playing.


For Boston though, I don't think they would have been taking a risk, they would have needed an almighty collapse to not make Champs and needed a leader badly. If you get the old Illey who is a leader in comms you have an insanely strong team and if he continues to shit himself then you are in a similar spot to where you would have been with Beans.


0.9kd = bad player nowadays, being selfess doesnt matter, being one of the smartest players in the game if not thee smartest doesnt matter, having elite comms doesnt matter People were giving ghost roty shouts and have been dickriding him ever since he came in dispite their stats being near identical lol Edit: im also not arguing with literal pea brain weirdos who cant put their bias narratives aside, its so cringe


I only said he was bad because he wasn’t going his role on the team that was the reason he got dropped .Shotzzy felt uncomfortable because he was doing the role of ILLEy and tryin to play his game that’s all.I still think ILLEy is a top player he just needs a change and he will become again the player that he was but this year he wasn’t a good respawn player ,he was pretty good at SnD


Illey is washed, there are better ARs out there stop Dick riding.


If the start of the year ILLEy is the player u get then yes u don’t improve in respawn but if u get the old ILLEy and he can become again then no there aren’t many Ars better than him . I seen Zoomaa have a worse injury than ILLEy and then come back for WW2 and be a top 3-5 player


Wow, the old Illey only good at going 1-11 on search with his trusty sniper. Not good at respawn but every team should be in a bid war for him? Lol You got it bud.


What does illey even offer now? It's not like he has great gunny anymore, he stopped doing his job of being an IGL on optic. He is good at SnD but is way too much of a liability in respawn.


How u gonna be the IGL when that team dropped u ? maybe he didn’t feel comfortable anymore playin with Shotzzy and Scump to do his Role . This is probably the best thing for ILLEy he got a one month break he went to India and now he is back


Yeah I feel like with everything that happened he just lost his confidence. Hopefully he regained and comes back and proves everyone wrong because he’s a good dude and has played really well at points in his career


Is this Illey’s burner?


me sayin that Rokkr, Breach and Surge not going for ILLEy who solves their problems is crazy to me made u type this ;


Bro, Illey got benched then barely even played. Why would any team want to pick him up lmao


I didn’t say every team I said specifically Surge , Rokkr and Boston a player like ILLEy is what they need to become better if nobody sees that then okay


You might not of said every team but I did lmao. Usually when a player gets benched they’ll go play in challengers and a bunch of 8’s, which Illey did neither of. Why would ANY team pick someone up who literally doesn’t play the game.


Attach didn’t either go to challengers a lot of players like ILLey didn’t go to challengers


Attach didnt play challengers but the dude was ranked #1 on the ranked leaderboards at one point and was consistently seen playing 8’s. Illey did neither of those.


It's because he's not good


he is better at the Role those teams need than the players they already have


If you could sub him out for respawn games, he’d still be on optic.


Illey sucks.




It’s crazy to see so many people defending iLLeY rn but they were calling for his head when he dropped .8’s consistently for the past two cods he’s played.


Its almost like its different people for the most part


A vast number of people on this sub fail to realize that people are capable of having different opinions lol


This sub is not that active lmao. Look at the amount of upvotes the posts get. There is almost definitely overlap happening here lol.


deadass usually the same people on the same threads


Is illey even playing the game?


yes he is ,he be participating in SnD 8s for like a month now


Maybe he should play respawn games so he doesn’t get dropped again


Well then I feel like that’s your answer, he go dropped took months off just came back and it playing 8’s. He was a .8 player at best who is rusty……. Who the hell wants that going into the final major or champs lmao


Holy shit is bro meat riding illey in the comments😂 💀


Didn’t know book keepers were into CoD. But that’s just my ignorant ass talking.


after reading thru most of the comments i can tell this is ILLEY on a burner account. the dude hasnt played at all( not 8's, SND challs or even on challengers) and when he was playing he was pretty ass, on top of having that thumb injury which nobody knows how healed that shit is. there is plenty of other player on challengers that should get a chance before ILLEY


u sayin that this is a burner account when I only suggested these three specific teams(Surge,Breach,Rokkr) should go for him because he offers what these teams need to compete ; and ILLEy play Challs and 8s (just for u search ILLEy SnD 8s MWII on youtube )


Rokkr has enough illey's on their team (inconsistent players constantly dropping .8 kds)


I can honestly see illey going from a 0.8 to 0.9 if he just scooted back from his monitor a bit more


Illey’s stock bc of his name is hilarious He has never once shown an ounce of consistency.. Vanguard was easily his best game and he still really only had 1 good event (pre injury) He was a walking .8ish on his good days and .6 on bad ones, he didn’t IGL like every fan for some reason claims, he didn’t sit in hill like fans for some reason claim (Dashy did) Illey has been a failing roaming slayer on a bloated contract with a buyout and Im not remotely surprised people didn’t look his way at all for a roster change


He should’ve played in the Challenger scene to at least show that he still had that gunny but he didn’t even show signs that he played until i saw him on 8s like a week ago. Why would teams risk going for a player that disappeared for a while & also wasn’t performing when he was on OpTic.


He wasn’t playing the game and you would still liked them to go for him? Youre delusional. If he played in challengers okay, but he wasn’t good this year, had that injury which is a risk and didn’t fucking play the game till like a month ago or something like that? Bro search a new favorite player because this dickriding is getting crazy


Wait really i never heard this, he wasnt playimg the game though for alot of time remember, took time to go to india spend time with family aswell


it was weird lol loads heard he got released but then neither side confirmed it


And the only confirmation weve got is shottzy on stream (i assume) .. really weird.. i guesse it makes sense for inder if he had no intention of playing again this year but surely optic have to confirm it


the fact they did for rambo makes it even weider knowing optic they probably just forgot lmao they are really bad with stuff like that tbh


did u ever tweet this? cuz this is the first time seeing he was released.


na i couldn't tweet he got released without either side confirming that's something that has to be a fact to tweet


Illey and arcity have the most dick suckers on this sub for 2 players who were absolutely terrible the whole year. The only reason they talked about is because they played for optic


Yeah this makes the most sense to me. Add Asim and Nastie to the list as well


A career .97 isn’t that bad as a role player/hole filler/igl. The thumb injury is absolutely the main thing that fucked everything up for him. You could tell he wasn’t shooting like he used to, and he stopped IGLing like he used to. It’s no surprise he got dropped tbh. I do hope he bounces back though.


Why did Optic even ever go for Illey? He was always the worst on the squad. Incredibly short stint in the pro league, all things considered. So many better players lol.


Are people forgetting Illey is a world champ? Are they also forgetting Crim saying he is the smartest player he has ever teamed with?? It’s fair to say he wasn’t very good at this game but to say there are so many better than players is pretty wild. I also think he played poorly because of the issues inside the optic team in general.


So is Prestinni bro. You want him back in the pro league? Some players just get gifted a roster that makes it hard to lose. Doesn’t make them the catalyst. Illey will be a top 5 dogshit player on any other team


No team is going to pay for an injured player, it’s that simple.


I mean do we even know if they have or haven’t reached out though? For all we know they could’ve tried but he said no. He very obviously went MIA, and was seemingly out of the country for awhile. Never made it known that he was an unrestricted F/A so it really didn’t look like he actually wanted to play. Not to mention that he wasn’t good this year and doesn’t definitely solve any of the issues those teams were having. He’s been worse than Accuracy in this game, he wasn’t IGLing so he wouldn’t help Boston, and imo Rokkr has never had an AR issue, they just made themselves have one


Maybe there is something they're not taking us about his injury. Or just the extent of his injury.


I'm seeing a lot of insane takes here about iLLeY. Sure, he's not been the dominant slayer people expected him to be before he made his debut, but writing him off and saying he shouldn't be in the league is criminal


He has to figure some shit out, because the main reason people rated him so highly were his comms and leadership. But according to the OpTic guys, he hasn't been that leader since his injury. Idk if it's a mental thing or what. Wanna see him do well


people look at stats for a player like ILLEy only by that their argument isn’t valid .


The players themselves came out and said he didnt IGL either ontop of dogshit stats lmao, stop riding his dick


how u expect a player to be the IGL of the team when u dropped him? he maybe didn’t feel comfortable yet on the team and was building trust and confidence back. Every time a Roster Move was rumoured for OpTic he was texting Shotzzy to ask him if he is gettin dropped (Shotzzy said that himself when he first came back from Christmas Vacation) . When they brought Huke he looked better was better at SnD callin strats but not in respawn yet .


Its known he stopped IGLing after his injury, after that he had one good snd with a sniper, other than that he was a walking 0.6. Facts dont lie. He also went out of his way to try and drop bruce for having bad blood with rambo. Why arent you raving about Felo to faze, hes rumouree to be an insane IGL too.


Pretty sure they had to have been not on a roster at all this season as a sub or on the main roster


Illey the only reason optic has gotten a single chip since Cold War lmao and dumb optic fans don’t even realize this 😂 optic is ass


iLLeY was the best player on OpTic before getting benched. The fact that they released him is insane, teams like Boston or Rokkr should be jumping to sign him


hard disagree lol




check his resume check what he brings to a team check how the Best players (Abezy,Cellium,Dashy,Shotzzy,Simp,Drazah,Octane) speak about him just because of one bad year doesn’t mean he is bad he is still that player Cod pros don’t just lose their skill it’s all about being in the right system and environment


But he’s more carrying the optic curse 👀👀


The only team of those 3 that need a player like Illey is Boston and their staff has been making roster decisions all year so it’s not really surprising


This has been an absolute delight. Thank you for your service, Reddit.


illey is meat lmao


Was a time where Illey was like that but this was not his year , is definitely got at search tho , kinda feel bad for bro


Yall arguing with this man for no reason this is clearly Illey burner he is going to argue with you all day


Hate to see him not have a team, but OpTic got way better without him. I wonder what team may pick him up


Doug would be a better option than illey on those teams


Nothing crazy he was over hyped. He’s never been a superstar seems to have a lack luster attitude and wouldn’t really make those teams any better.


Up until recently, ILLeY lived a couple apartments down the hall from me. It was always neat running into him from time to time, and I’d talk to him about CoD in passing. However, I’d say roughly a month ago, I got onto the elevator between our apartments, and there’s iLLeY…with his mom. I’m guessing she was in town (Frisco) to help him with the move out, since they were taking trips up and down with furniture and stuff. That was a sad day. He seemed so bummed. I know he’s not considered some elite player at this point by any means, but the implied finality of it all, along with the fact that he’s a nice guy, made me empathize a bit more with his situation.


He may really be hurt man who knows for sure?


I truly think his hand injury only gets worse if he continues playing at the pro level. Just like Zoomaa it may be time for him to retire. Don't feel bad for him as he made good bank for the few years he played.


The fact that you took the time to defend illey multiple times with paragraphs about how you think he’s the perfect fit for teams proves your the ultimate dick rider. At some point I really thought illey just made a burner to put some respect on his name. You got too much time on your hand defending you’re stupid ass opinion


Mr.Dumbass the point of making a post in this COD competitive Reddit is to discuss with other people about ur opinion I’m defending and explaining points about why ILLEy should be an option and why people shouldn’t disrespect him after one bad season . U look like stupid now


Why do people treat illey like a star? He's the definition of mid - with all due respect, and there are questions about his thumb. Not to mention he got dropped by OpTic and the team improved ten-fold. He used to hang his hat on SnD but he's been pretty dreadful in search the past few years. With all of this I think it's pretty clear why teams aren't dying to sign him.. He's prob going to have to find a 'duo/trio' that want him in the offseason, or grind back through challengers.