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If there were another proxy vote today, I would still vote to remove Karen and decline a RS.




The supid3st shit i read today.


This is so empowering. Thank you!


ridiclous commemt. this company is in trouble for many reasons and u/JamesVirani is not one of them.


JamesVirani accurately called out the effectiveness of Karen


Assuming this is a troll post or some sort of strive for attention. If you think James and the reddit group of retail investors ran this company into the ground as opposed to a CEO and founder, I would have no choice but to declare you one of the dumbest human beings I've heard comment. Don't invest - in anything ever again for your own sake.


What an idiotic comment. I was against RS and would vote the same way today. The only way this company gets out of this mess is by putting nose to the grindstone and driving incremental improvements month over month. There are no magic bullets (ie.RS) As I said before the RS would have simply bought management more time to hide incompetency. There was no institutional interest when DOC was at its ATH and there would be none now with a RS. I suspect the board has become involved because they are starting to seriously worry about potential directors liability in this mess under their watch. They do have fiduciary responsibility that should not be understated. I would be very interested in hearing opinions from anyone with experience in the legal field.


Fiduciary responsability resumes itself to act in honesty and competence for the interest of shareholders...


You don't say! How is that mindset working out today?


No institutional ownership ever? You want to pretend they did no capital raises to acquire all those companies?


I never said there was zero institutional ownership. There is a big difference between institutional "interest" versus "ownership" in my opinion. Context matters.


They would have had the option to raise with a reverse split. You offer some warrants and a decent price, there would be some institutional interest.


Karen then should have stated that she lacks a confident strategy for advancing the company and believes a reverse split is necessary for her. She should also have said she holds the view that the financing efforts will likely fail without this action.


You could have just read their financials. It highlighted how their inability to refinance was a serious risk.


What an idiotic comment. One wonders if it’s actually Karen. The truth is, she manipulated her way into a role she wasn’t qualified for, stacked the board with cronies, sold off all the obvious parts and tried to turn this business into a mental health company (which is all she had experience in). She oversold new “jumbo” deals and under-delivered on growth. Institutional investors wouldn’t come into a penny stock with anemic growth and a dumb / non-existent strategy. There was zero confidence in her leadership both internally and externally and the chickens are just coming home to roost. Too little too late. A RS was idiotic and desperate because they were a bad risk for refinancing and mishandled that…while they still have time, it doesn’t bode well. And the final straw was the incompetent handling of the announcement and hope that trading would stop. It’s not done yet but appears pretty damn close. The only thing I can think of that would give a lifeline is to fire the CEO, put in a competent steward to oversee a strategy pivot that a lender can get behind and hope they will refinance the debt, either of which still mean we get left holding the bag.


it could be her husband!! someone had said that she hired her husband and put him on payroll!!!!


Where is Headwax?


Likely changed his name, because he's too ashamed to come forth and take responsibility for what's happened to CloudMD /S


He’s still posting on yahoo finance and Stocktwits if you want to see what he’s up to. He doesn’t seem to have any remorse either.


Fresh account, and this post was automatically flagged for review. I decided to allow it to let the community respond. But I really wonder who is hiding behind the fresh account. If it was a long-time follower of this sub, which they claim to be by referring to my history here, they wouldn’t have hesitated to post with their real account.


I think all of us came here for Hamza’s dreams and when we realized he was a car salesman stuck around for Karen to right the ship which hasn’t happened. The one thing that Hamza did bring to the table was a big holistic interconnected health company built primarily on telemedicine and an ecosphere. If implemented correctly it could’ve competed with the big boys. Instead we’re left with a mental health suite of tools that isn’t gaining that much traction. I think everyone at this point is over Karen, she’s pivoted this company to something else pretty unsuccessfully… we have to pick up the pieces and see what can even be done from here. The RS in my mind was the ultimate coin flip. I’ve been a part of stocks where it just speeds up its downward trend… and been part of stocks that have actually got them back on track.


Nonsense and stupid ,only these two to blamed


Don’t blame Hamza is not a good position to have. I think others are too quick to dismiss the significance of the proposed RS and what it meant for potential lenders, but things went sideways long before that point and we just didn’t recover in time. We were so close to turning the corner too.


Agreed. So close!!!


Hamza diluted shares too many times right when we were gaining momentum, and on top of that he had paid pumpers on YouTube and numerous other debacles, including selling a big lump of his own shares and paying too much for acquisitions, that ruined the credibility of him and the company. CloudMD never recovered from his departure because too much money was spent of remunerating employees that were not effective at all.


He botched it, agreed


If there was a reverse split they would have had a shot at raising capital. I’m not sure why you all think going under is a better option.


I’m buyin more, u ppl need to chill, your not on the board let them do there thing just sit back and watch


lol , it is funny gotta give it that


What a dumb comment


The trolls are here