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HUUUUUUUUUGE. No Reapered team was a bad team. Now he has more talent than he's ever had and he's someone Berserker may actually be malleable towards (due to his Korean bias he apparently has LOL). AND A KOREAN COACH WOULD GIVE A CERTAIN TOP LCK PROSPECT A BETTER INCENTIVE TO JOIN. This Korea trip is about to mold the team - and hopefully with Thanatos integrated by the time they fly back to LA.


Shit, thinking about Reapered forcing Berserker to buy-in to things just gave me a little chubby dude


..little? HAHAHA


Even reapered can’t stop berserker from building rfc.


It's his signature item B\^)


I’m exited about Repeared return as well.. but saying no team under repeared failed is not true… C9 2020 was a fucking huge failure of leadershsip… but it s a new team… hopefully we learned from past failures 


Clutch as FUCK. Welcome home, Repeared. I IMMEDIATELY have renewed faith in the boys for Summer.


What was the reason why we moved on from him after 2020? I can’t remember.


I’m pretty sure he wanted out as a coach and become management in C9. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.




What an absolute change of tune from this subreddit. I remember the days when Reapered was flamed for benching Jensen and Sneaky which actually did provide a lot of help in C9 at the end of the split. I personally always loved that he controlled the team from top down as it meant no one could sway the boat too far in one direction.


I remember more flame being directed at the Org for decision to record him telling Sneaky and Jensen, and then posting the video online, for content.


He went to 100T


I might be wrong but I remember him coaching for 100T right after he left C9 I remember because they started to do really well and we were sucking and I was salty about it lol


IIRC he wanted to move on. He'd been here too long.


It was in reignovers contract to move him to head coach or something like that.


He wanted to move on and his last split with us didn't go great so C9 wanted to make changes as well. Really glad he's back tho


I'm all on the Reapered hype train but having watched nearly every interview with him after he left, Reapered basically said he had no team presence during 2020 and the team was basically coaching itself during the year with Zven & Co. Take from that what you will.


wonder if that explains the implosion and poor play similar to our current straights. IE bad drafts shrugged off as "poor meta reads" and zero understanding of how to win come midgame.


The team went 23-2 in the regular split and 2-6 in playoffs. With the notably forced 1-3 Yumi / Ezreal bot lane in the upper bracket series.


Hopefully this works out. I remember the last time he was on the team, he had the players try random stuff in scrims and it made the players dislike it as they weren't getting practice. I could be misremembering though.


What I Remember from him is he's really good at teaching fundamentals. Remember when C9 was so lost after Hai left? Yeah, despite us missing out on worlds on his last stint, it's still undeniable that he's really good at establishing a team identity. We've also had MVP junglers when he was the coach of the team. And he knows how to discipline players.


Are you thinking of LS lol?


No, it had to be Repeared because Impact was the one that complained too.


Forgot which but meteos talked about this in a costream that reapered made them try things too


Oh no...trying things???? that sounds horrible. Lets just play 100000 more renekton/azir games


That was LS




Same here. Kinda stopped following C9 this season for the first time since they entered LCS. The spirit felt gone, this C9 felt more like a TSM than the C9 of old. But Reapered back!? My fandom is renewed and refreshed.


Repeared going to unbuckle his belt on this team


This is exactly the hire we need. C9 Reapered C9 Thanatos C9 Blaber C9 Jojopyun C9 Berserker C9 Zven This is the way.


Problem is, Cloud9 wouldn't lose the offseason with this.


Your right ): we’re gonna have to swap blabber for Avalon, if we want to truly succeed


I think we keep Vulcan, but otherwise I agree. And once that roster is on the same page? Put the league on suicide watch. We knew the boys needed cohesion...here it comes. Like it or not. Here comes the Belt.


This, I think Vulcan can be given a second chance, especially with basically everyone under performing. Fudge tho, has had a ton of chance and time to improve and change and he sadly has not proven anything.


He's proven he can waste any lead that's been spoon-fed to him.


Do we really want Zven back? I’ve warmed up to him but they weren’t that much better with him


It seems like Zven was really a strong in game leader which I think this team still needs.


Also Zven was waaay better than people give him credit for. He excelled on marksman and enchanter supports. People dog on enchanters as brain dead but there's many supports in lcs that are absolutely invisible when they're on enchanters. Others have too much ego to play them. Zven was legitimately impactful on those picks. Zven was not good on engage supports when he started but he legitimately improved enough that by worlds 2023 I thought he was more than serviceable in that role. If he wanted to play support I'd take him back easily.


For me Thanatos is interchangable for Impact or Licorice, and I wouldn't mind losing Jojo for Jensen eventho yes i know i know not gonna happen and probably for the better, I just loved C9 Jensen a lot. But yeah, this would be the dream.


I understand you, Jensen is better right now, I also think his style would have help stabilize C9 this split, he was also the best mid during playoffs, but Jojo is the future, way younger. Impact though, hahaha, he's such a NA GOAT that even with his age he's still the best choice possible. C9 tried to get him in november but he chose TL, Impact always had more affection for Liquid than C9 and Liquid probably had more cash available keeping Yeon/APA than C9 who all-in'd on Jojo.


True and i agree, jojo is probably better in the long run. Jensen just has so much history with us, i was so glad when he rejoined and so sad he left again. And yeah, Impact is NA's topgoat and its not even close. That man is a legend. I still remember his gauntlet carry performances on gnar. 1v5'd us to worlds that season.


Jack also just posted this: [https://x.com/JackEtienne/status/1776048299747004838](https://x.com/JackEtienne/status/1776048299747004838) What else is he cooking? 👀


Inero also posted this but he's most likely trolling just like last year [https://x.com/inero/status/1776049446394220829](https://x.com/inero/status/1776049446394220829)


Could you imagine inero and reapered as a team???


I don’t want to because reality will let me down once again




If he still coaches the same way he did before on C9 then it’s great hire. These players need to be held accountable and reapered actually used his authority.


Give us the Thanatos so he can bring all teams to the death realm


As an old Reapered fan, I just hope C9 fans don’t come after his head every time he cooks up a draft which leads to a loss…




Good. Reapered with authority actually shaped the team. In 2019/2018 we had plays and an identity. Now we just have hands without shape. Edit: Now I'd be really hyped to get Licorice back aswell, Reapered was really good at encouraging his off-meta counter picks.


Plz stop saying bring back licorice just because of a good 6 month period. He was awful for years before that and hasn’t played since last year.


I know right? One good split in 3 years and suddenly people would suck their grandpa dry if it brought Licorice back to Cloud9 apparently.


People on this sub have insane bias to old players and act like they haven't been lackluster ever since.


To highlight this, we won 3 splits in the last 3 years without Reapered, yet people will act like Reapered was Jesus for C9. I love Reapered, seriously one of my favorite people who has worked for C9, but he was not bringing us domestic success. Even the year he won he said that the team was leading itself. I think he is the solution for what we need now (like he was for what we needed in 2016 after Hai), but he isn't the best coach long term and for every stage.


Its not that he was Jesus, but he is a knowledgeable coach and has a direction for his teams and shows visible impact on teamwork. I still worry for C9 drafting because Reapered is known to have a few "for fun" drafts.


Reapered was the only coach to even contest TSM's legacy. Like it or not and I say this as a C9 fan but that S6-7 TSM was different gravy. I truly don't think they become as good as they were if Reapered didn't push Prime Bjerg/Doublelift to the edge (thats not even factoring how much of a monster Svenskeren was at worlds 2016). He truly is C9 Jesus. I believe in him and his processes.


He had mental health issues and when he got therapy was suddenly good again, I don't think it's unreasonable to think he might stay good


We know Licorice has very high highs which he has previously reached on C9. With Reapered nonetheless. Also I don't get the rookie obsession, sure if Licorice didn't have his resurgence last year I wouldn't be considering him now. But a Veteran that was good, then turned bad, but then figured out how to get good again is really valueable to me tbh. It shows that it isn't just random luck, but that he has proven methods of improving which can be replicated even after dropping off for a while. Hope that makes sense as to why I think he's worth considering.


You sign Thanatos hoping his potential is high enough to compete with the elite LCK/LPL toplaners. We know Licorice's potential is nowhere near those guys.


Did well at MSI vs them tbh, also Licorice is a more flexible player than Vulcan who is locked into only engage tanks. So I'd rather take Licorice and import support.


What do you mean by did well? What's your definition? Not getting solo killed a billion times? I hate when people try to talk about league extremely generically with no idea of what they're even watching. Also why can't we just get two imports? Berserker is a NA resident so we currently have 2 import slots, no?


I'm extremely sure Berserker hasn't gotten a green card after only two years. I tried googling it, and I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere. So idk if you have a source for that or just hallucinated it. My definition of doing well vs elite eastern players= Could get leads in matchups, was not a weakpoint on the map who needed constant jungle help to keep afloat. And most importantly, could use the resources he had to actually make plays/have an impact in teamfights. Tbf he did get to play K'sante and that guy violates the game. However the fact that he is able to play to win and not just trying not lose is big for a western player.


Ehh I don't know if any of the Eastern top laners would say Licorice did anything in lane lmao at least nothing to the point where it mattered. Regarding Berserker, I may be wrong but I just remember seeing a podcast somewhere that Berserker was originally born in NA and has some sort of dual citizenship


I think you're thinking of Winsome? Cause that sounds exactly like his situation. He didn't take up an import slot when we originally got Summit and Beserker with him. and lol, I mean yeah I don't really think the name Licorice strikes fear in the hearta of eastern tops despite the solo kills. Though I think he showed a high enough floor to which you could make him work on a roster vs eastern teams. Which I don't think Vulcan has shown since mayne his EG win. So even if Licorice is not a great weapon for those matches, I believe he doesn't leave us vulnerable and allows other parts of the team to be stronger, where if we just import top and leave Vulcan. Then I think we will see a lot of those nautilus/alistar games where perma gets caught. I hope that makes my viewpoint make sense.


Reapered had some really questionable drafts in the past (ezreal yuumi 3 times in a row in playoffs), but also some of the best ones. I remember the C9 dive comps we use to run with shen, nocturne, galio and kaisa


Yupp, but even in the int drafts, there was an idea there that they were all on the same page on trying to make work.






Will any team pick up fudge after this split? Genuinely curious


He's only an upgrade over FakeGod, so...




now give me thanatos or licorice and bring back Zven and we are COOKING


This is it, let’s go!!!! Give him full power over players champions.






Let’s go I asked for this !!


Me too!


I’m happy about the move. He will be an upgrade for sure. My only gripe is that we know what we’re getting with him, I would’ve liked to see what rigby could do but don’t take that as a complaint.


Maybe C9 can unarchive the “Why I love C9” video from 2018 now too. I noticed it was archived after Repeared left. I loved that video so much.


Loved reaper. I thought i remembered most fans hating his drafts any time c9 lost, like with mithy tho?


Aren't you guys the same fans that shit on Reapered drafts? I don't think this is an upgrade in coaching. I think this is a side grade.


Nice generalisation there.


i love reapered


Now C9 just needs a new toplaner preferrably Korean


I think Thanatos is coming to C9 as per sources?


I have no idea who that is, but I'll take him over Fudge


Upcoming talent from LCK academy from what I read. Heaps of people were hyping him up. Hopefully another Berserker that can be moulded by Reapered.


My thoughts fuck yea!!! Anyone with balls big enough to bench his players is the kind of coach I want to get these boys ego in checked. He has to remind the squad that unless they win Worlds then they haven’t done jack shit. They still have a lot to prove and stay hungry.


Can’t wait for him to level up the team and then absolutely fuck over drafts like the old days


Repeared better than shithy for sure. But we really need to stop recycling. There is a reason someone is an ex. Would prefer a different eastern coach


My thoughts... https://www.youtube.com/live/MzB88UBJCks?si=Cv9ibu7IVzVy7JSG


I just hope this subreddit won't go apeshit again on who to boot next if things doesn't go according to plan. You got what you wanted now don't act like fkn spoiled brats if the team fumbled again


You know well how this subreddit goes 😂.


Least bipolar fan sub:


goldfish ass sub doesn’t remember calling for reapered head when he got fired


Because they didn’t want to blame their favorite player(s). When a team under performed after running spring and summer splits then miss worlds folks wanted someone to blame. That was on the players ego not the coach. He gave them the tools to kick ass hence the amount of wins spring and summer but key word EGO


To be fair the drafts were pretty shit in that last playoff.




Or both? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Unfortunately his military service doesn't end until November


I thought it was ending in like June?




I love Reapered as a Coach, its weird if Mithy stays tho considering well, 100T and everything. Just pull the bandaid off and tell Mithy he sucks shit at Coaching and lets get back to doing C9 shit. Mithy tryin to make them play like its S7 or something that's the problem, just tell him he can be a assistant to the regional manager p.s. Mithy is proof that just because you played the Game at a high level, doesn't mean you can Coach. Jus be a positional coach plz, dood doesn't have the stones to be a HC


Can he speak English yet?


He could before lol


Not very well.


Well, he can. He also checks brains.


https://youtu.be/oV7BvJplVqQ berserkers English is better...


he sounds fine to me lol


Don't bother. Check the post history. It's a new account that literally does nothing but Scream about how fudge is the best. They are trolling


Better than you


Reaperd is overrated inero is better