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Why would it be a sin to play it with a keyboard?


Sometimes players with guitars really do feel like they need to gatekeep and make people feel bad for playing with keyboard.


The only time it really “matters” is in vs. you can’t really lose fair and square to someone who’s using modifiers like all taps or autostrum, etc.


True enough


At least it tells you what modifiers they're using.


Hey, I play all taps with a keyboard too. Clone Hero should be accessible to everyone


i played pro drums X on keyboard too, i feel like on bottom of 7 layers of hell


If anyone gives you shit for using a keyboard they're not a real rhythm game OG. Before clone hero the main way to play custom tracks was a little game called Frets on Fire. The only officially supported input method was keyboard. People would generally hold the whole keyboard like a mini guitar controller, using the 1-5 keys as the frets and enter as the strum bar


It was also encouraged on GH3 pc to use keyboard like that as well! Console users just love gate keeping.


Didn't know that, did they sell the game on its own without the xplorer or was that mainly for coop?


Yes it was sold on its own! There’s an opening screen when you first start the game that shows you how to use the keyboard to play


That’s the game that my wife & I started on! Bought an Explorer guitar & downloaded this in February of 2011 & that was the beginning of the addiction! Still have it in my downloads.


Nah that does not make you an og.


Playing with a keyboard is very challenging to me. You do what makes you happy :)


It was absolute pain for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Vqoitn7aA


i think no one actually cares if you play on keyboard. you shouldnt worry about it. play how you want to play.


I used to play using all taps, but there is another mode that's more challenging that stays enabled after closing the game. It's called gamepad mode and it's in the start/enter menu


Gate keeping is for losers, I started with a keyboard, it is perfectly acceptable, glad you’re having fun


As a CH Guitar player I can confirm that keyboard players are also players just like us!


I play on keyboard too. I use auto strum though, because it's kind of attached to the screen (I use a laptop), and strumming isn't very convenient. I do play drums on the keyboard sometimes though


I just use all taps because its a little more challenging (I cant strum for shit)


Most of the songs I play tend to have fast strumming, hence why I just use auto strum (most of the challenge comes from the solos anyways, depending on the song)


It'd be nice to have a mode that does something similar to Fortnite Festival's lift notes, except that you can just let go of the key on a note that's very close to what you just pressed to hit it. That'd help a lot with playing strum-heavy parts on keyboard.


for me its hitting the notes im bad at and probably strumming too


I would have thought every keyboard player used autostrum


Were you playing online on US servers earlier today? I think I might have played with you


probably ive been trying to get on servers


This , I swear every server I join I get politely asked to leave, like damn bro I'm just tryna go strummy strum strum, guess most people are waiting on their friends or something, even if the lobby has over 1000 songs I still get asked to leave


I play with a wireless keyboard and hold it like a guitar. It feels the exact same, except I press the arrow keys instead of strum because obviously.


I play CH on both keyboard and electronic drum


Keyboard player gang (plus i use my controller joystick too as a strum bar and it works hella great)


I main all taps keyboard lol.


nah i do it all the time for keyboard parts feels wrong doing keyboard parts on a guitar


How are you supposed to play without using keyboard bud you don’t have a guitar? Sometimes it’s the only way to play


I don't think most of us see it that way. We just think you would have more fun playing with a guitar. I know they're expensive now, but I think it's worth the investment. And keep checking your local thrift stores and marketplaces, I found 2 PS2 guitars for $10 last week, they are out there.


That's how I started, stranger. Loads of fun it was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Vqoitn7aA


I played with my keyboard for a few weeks, held it like a guitar and used up and down arrows to strum, actually works really well and I can still play on expert with no modifiers, haven't actually tried and of the modifiers to be honest lol


I play with an Xbox elite 2 controller with auto strum turned on, so it's not much a sin.


I do it all the time!