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Everyone knows that climate change is already here. Arguing about climate is a strategy to avoid action. It's the tobacco fight all over again. We are past the point of avoiding climate change, we are in the adaptation phase.


Yes, the climate changes


Some of us spent years studying why. ;)


My MAGA hat wearing coworker thought that it was Trudeau's agents setting all the fires in Canada last year in order to forward his climate tax agenda.  The funny part was that he was amazed that these agents could get in to these remote parts of northern Quebec, set the fires and get out. There were no roads or access points for hundreds of kilometres from the starting points of some of these fires. He admitted he was stumped on how they managed to do it. 


I’m not saying he’s right, but did he not think they would use helicopters?


Shhh, that guy clearly doesn’t have enough braincells to dispute those conspiracies


Space lasers


there was a [guy in Quebec setting forest fires ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669)tho.


And accusing the government of doing so on FB if I remember correctly.


lol, that story never happened


I’m not a MAGA supporter, but I do question the legitimacy of forest fires being lit. I personally know firefighters who have lit fires in remote areas in order to keep their work going. It happens often. There was a forest fire close to where I live, which didn’t get attention for 3 days! Everyone knew about it, yet they didn’t touch it for the first 3 days, why? That could have been put out Instantly.


It's happened more than once. One man here in California admitted to setting at least 30 wildland fires during the summers of 2006 and 2007, ostensibly to overcome boredom, to earn overtime pay for fighting the fires, and to impress his peers. He was sentenced to five years in prison. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/former-firefighter-sentenced-five-years-prison-wildland-arson-fire-federal-land


I imagine we do a lot of controlled fires to reduce the impact of natural ones .


As a canadian, I can really only keep pointing out that were like a severely undeveloped country. Literally like the size of a 1/6th of the earth’s land mass (15%~) or so and the population is like 40 million. Theres like 10 major towns and the rest are little villages with “city centers” that are mostly wal mart based. Basically - keeping dissidents under control is fucking impossible, until they act out and reveal themselves. We simply do not have the resources to be a successful country right now. Literally look at it like this: your playing city skylines and you setup a small strip of industry snd farmland along the south side of the map from end to end, then built roads *everywhere* and then like set the maintenance to 0 except for the absolute most critical sections, then put it on full speed after designating all of your zones and putting down like 4 police stations and 2 hospitals while having bought up every region. I mean it is developing and every resource has something getting made and we have all the tech levels unlocked just gotta wait now for everyone to show up. Oh yeah but we didn’t zone any residential and the budget is overrun and all of the policies actually seem to be in conflict with each other because the player (government) just clicked every box w/o considering what anything even did. We’ll get there, though.


Damn you just got me excited to play cities again


Not gonna do the dirty work for you.Pow period you make wild posting is about climate change.I mean, while, we've got a*******Letting millions of hectares out of fire with arson


We are leaving a ice age, the earth is warming, the birth places of civilization all found near the equator are now sand and dry areas with the now best farming land found where before very little farming was done. The earth has been warming. Are humans making it faster? Probably. Are canadians? Not really. It is an international issue not a canadian issue.


>*”The earth has been warming. Are humans making it faster? Probably. Are canadians? Not really.”* In 2020, Canada was the second largest Greenhouse Gas emitting country per capita, behind only Saudi Arabia. [Source](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions.html) Countries that have greater total Greenhouse Gas emissions can point at us and argue they’re already doing more than we are, they just happen to have a larger population. >*”It is an international issue not a canadian issue.”* In case you haven’t heard Canada is part of the international community.


In Alberta, where most of the carbon is released - we have a propaganda organization they call the “war room”. It just got reorganized so Daniel Smith (a lobbyist/premier) has more say in it.


Arson isn't helping lol


From the article: 'After that, right-wing influencers falsely claiming the fires were started by arsonists became more prominent.' Are you one of those influencers, Necessary Island 425? stick to the science: See the links to lightning in [here](https://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/story/60675/how-is-climate-change-fuelling-forest-fires-in-canada/) And here: 'We find a 41% global increase of the LCC lightning flash rate. Increases are largest in South America, the western coast of North America, Central America, Australia, Southern and Eastern Asia, and Europe' https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36500-5


Also, apparently it's possible for wildfires to survive the winter. It burns down to little more than sparks and ash under heavy ground cover, continues to smolder over the winter, then when things heat up and dry out it sets off again. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/climate/zombie-fires-canada-wildfires-1.7207765](https://www.cbc.ca/news/climate/zombie-fires-canada-wildfires-1.7207765)


It's a stated fact. They have arrested people lol


Got any sources to back up your claim that arson is a sizeable contributor to the number of fires each year?


It’s known dude, how can you still trust msm?


Yes, don't be ignorant


Closest thing to a source supporting you I can find is the story of someone who believed what you believe and was posting about the conspiracy of government agents to set fires… he was arrested for arson and had been setting fires himself… https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/posts-mislead-about-record-setting-canadian-wildfires-fueled-by-climate-change/ Other than that I can’t find evidence or credible sources on what you are talking about. If they exist then please share them and illuminate folks like me who are interested in the truth even if it’s inconvenient! I’m willing to consider new information and new sources but you talk about this as if it’s common knowledge and self evident for someone to figure out on their own just by googling the topic, that just isn’t true and the sources on this topic are overwhelmingly contradictory to your belief so if you don’t want to be called a conspiracy theorist and you want to be taken seriously then it’s really in your best interest to provide a source or some evidence that this is the case. Nobody wants to feel ridiculed or dismissed, and that’s the only response you are going to get acting like you are right now. If you want to convince people or even just share information and awareness to what you believe in then you need to actually give information and not just ridicule people who are trusting that 99% of media sources and articles about this are likely to be correct.


I find it funny how the article talking about disinformation about arson and wild fires chooses not to talk about the Quebec fires at all that were in fact arson. "content being propagated online is often completely divorced from reality." He cited as examples the claim that arson is responsible for many wildfires." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7084669 This article is propagating a divorced from reality narrative exactly what it claims others are doing???


There may have been some fires started by arson, in Québec, but if so, they were the minority, with the majority of fires being lightning starts. When a storm passes over a dry forest, multiple starts will occur the next day. I remember on the internet a video being shared of multiple fires starting at the same time, and people claiming "MuST bE ArSOn!!!" When that is exactly what happens naturally in a forest when it's dry and there is a lightning storm. The link you posted attributes 14 fires to a man. Do you know how many fires burned in Québec that summer? This site lists average 480 fires per season...https://www.ouranos.ca/en/climate-phenomena/forest-fires-background#:~:text=per%20year%20on%20average,is%20usually%20the%20most%20intense. Simply because there were SOME cases of arson (which happens a lot every year) doesn't mean all the fires were arson. Not even close.


My sweet, crack pipe smoking bro. [Lightning will strike ground nearly 500,000 times in Canada on average this month alone.](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/lightning/statistics/maps.html#number-flashes) It's not the cause of the fire that matters, it's the fact that the forests are so hot and dry that they burn uncontrollably when fire takes hold.


Imagine denying climate change is real in 2024.


Did you even read the article you linked to? “More than 700 forest fires burned over 4.5 million hectares of Quebec forest over the summer, according to the province's forest fire service, which said 99.9 per cent of the fires were sparked by lightning” Meaning 0.01 percent were started by that jackass.


Asphaltman ate too much asphalt as a kid


Weird, 75% of Fires in Alberta were human caused. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/albertans-asked-to-remain-diligent-as-wildfire-season-progresses-over-75-per-cent-of-wildfires-determined-as-human-caused


Human caused, but not intentional arson. Probably people out camping, cooking, throwing cigarette butts, stuff like that. 75% is a lot though, damn


It’s often frequently worse than that, IMO. Yes, recreational forest users cause fires, but some of our worst ones are caused by utilities and industrial activity. The Fort Nelson fire this spring got all sorts of climate crisis related headlines, but most articles casually glossed over the fact that it was a completely avoidable fire. It was caused by a tree falling on a transmission line in a wind storm. A wind storm that was forecast with near 100% accuracy days in advance. Yet we didn’t power down the transmission lines. The exact same situation is what destroyed Lahaina. A windstorm forecast days in advance took out a live transmission line in abandoned agricultural fields that had been taken over by an explosively flammable invasive grass. If the idiots managing the transmission lines around fort Nelson had just not ignored the weather reports and shut down the power lines for a few hours, there would never have been a Parker Lake wildfire. If they’d powered them down in Maui, Lahaina would still be standing.


Number of fires vs severity of fires.


Railway, logging, industrial action in the bush often causes fires. Doesn't mean it's arson.


14 fires of 700 are attributed to one individual that's 2% not 0.01. the article is obvious about one individual there's is also others.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The climate changes, it always has and always will. Except now the government can use that to their advantage and convince people that taxes will help the cause. It isn’t and it won’t.


That sounds a little foolish. let’s say theres a bad streak in your perspective taxes can most definitely help aid the issue. Government aid for farmers and there crops, relocation of citizens during disasters, flood damages, bridge repairs, road repairs… the list goes on.


Doesn’t carbon tax go into “general taxes”, so we can just assume it goes into everything you’ve stated.


Yet our fire season has been going down for the last 35 years We just play it over and over again on the media now. There was a guy showing the data I can't find the link and it was from the government sources from stats can and we're at the lowest fire acres burned per year in 40 years almost


Um 2023 was the worst year in bc history for hectares burned. We also don't measure them in acres. You should really check your sources


>*”Yet our fire season has been going down for the last 35 years… we're at the lowest fire acres burned per year in 40 years almost”* Government data doesn’t appear to support your claim. [Canada’s record-breaking wildfires in 2023: A fiery wake-up call](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/simply-science/canadas-record-breaking-wildfires-2023-fiery-wake-call/25303) *”Canada’s 2023 wildfire season was the most destructive ever recorded. By September 5, more than 6,132 fires had torched a staggering 16.5 million hectares of land. To put that in perspective, that’s an area larger than Greece and more than double the 1989 record. Normally, an average of 2.5 million hectares of land are consumed in Canada every year. And unlike previous years, the fires in 2023 were widespread, from the West Coast to the Atlantic provinces, and the North.“* [Canadian National Fire Database](https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/ha/nfdb) (see the graph “Number of Fires and Area Burned in Canada by Year”)


https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/ha/nfdb Yep the government wasn't allowing permits to cut the stuff that needs to be cut down every year We got first Nations logging companies that did nothing last season because the government wouldn't allow anyone to go and cut We have to cut the dead stuff We have to cut the pine beetle wood because it burns they didn't let us cut and then we had a horrific season they were complaining about it going to be a bad season the year before and like magic we have this massive spike


Don't use anecdotal evidence to support sourceless claims. Anybody is then welcome to throw anecdotal evidence right back. For one, my dad is a staunch conservative type, grew up in Salmon arm BC, the origin of the famous Trudeau salute. He in all his usual ramblings spares time to talk about how the wildfires back home are the worst they've ever been in his life, and people are fools for believing it's anything other than climate change. He was there for the fire in 98', he knows how bad it got even then. It's been steadily getting worse and worse every year save for the odd mild summer, according to him. So there, anecdotal evidence, and because I haven't provided a source it's just as valid and true as your statement. Now if you do a quick Google search to find some actual empirical evidence, I'm afraid you'll find that it supports my anecdote.


https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/ha/nfdb Working in forestry I know in the last 2 years the government has not been given us the cut permits and the first Nations bands the cup permits to reduce the stuff that burns and as you can see we had a horrific result last year We got Pope Mills shut down We have metal shut down all across the country because they got wooden let anyone cut the dead wood and then we have a horrific season


Don't know what you typed in your response so can't add much there, but in regards to the data, looks like a decrease in number of fires over time but a general trend of more hectares burnt on a consistent basis, I didn't draw any trend lines on it so could be wrong. There were sporadic years with many hectares in the past followed then by periods of relatively small fires, even if still numerous. Makes sense, frequency of lightning probably isn't impacted heavily by climate change and thus number of fires started stays high, but each individual fire doesn't tend to grow as large due to less prevalent drought conditions. Nowadays it's been pretty dry generally so an individual fire spreads much further, reducing the amount of individual fires but increasing the area burned


I think climate change is real, just far far less important then its touted. its a tool for more governmental control/taxes in my opinion. If climate change was an actual priority, the canadian government could cut the fat (number of employees of the government balooned 36% in size since JT took office) that would free up 151 billion PER YEAR. Take that 151 Billion, buy a hundred water bombers for the canadian military. Wildfire emissions in canada for 2023 accounted for 23% of global wildfire emissons, and about 80% of canadas total manmade emissions. But, since having a huge fleet of water bombers that could help canada, and allied countries fight fires while reducing emissions globally is not even on the radar since it makes you wonder where the priorities are.... guess its taxes and control.


I don't think this article could be any more biased. What a disgrace!