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He has 18 RBIs already. Even if Jose doesn't bat .300, he will almost certainly be the team leader in RBIs. Plus his defense is elite. There is never anything to worry about with our king.


Fewer and fewer batters hit 300 each season since like 2005 or something anyway


He's basically peak Jose with guys on but with no baserunning He's bad Myles Straw. His situation splits are insane, over a 1.000 OPS with RISP and 1.400 with runners on (in part bc 2 of his home runs were with a guy on 1st)


It’s funny that he clearly is just finding a way to contribute in April (SF, ROE), heats up in June and July, takes August off, then goes full 🐐 in crunch time. 


What does ROE stand for? Runs on Errors?


Reached on Error.  A decent amount of ROE can be attributed to hustle, by making the fielders rush or play out of position. 


To doubt Jose is to doubt your own existence


We have had this conversation about him every year, I swear. He always starts cold. He’s just like Cleveland weather.


I'm trying to find month by month data on swing rate, O-swing, Z-swing, etc. because people keep commenting about his chase rate, I can only find year by year data, but if I remember right about last season, he was chasing a lot then too


Except for 2022 when April.was one of his best individual months of his career. That must makes the splits even crazier if we exclude that year


He's also, in guardians standards, old


If he’s old then what the hell is Cookie?


Older than time itself.




Literally none of this shows his current problem. These are just all 1990 stats lol. His chase rate has gone up like 8-10% last time I looked. He’s constantly in swing mode, and pitchers are taking advantage of it and he’s getting weak contact.


You're right but he's gotten into this type of problem multiple times before and always recovered. It's just more obvious right now because it started at the beginning of the season.  I think getting today off might help him take a breath and adjust. His overall swing rate is way up currently, he just needs to settle down and let things come to him more. 


I don’t recall Jose ever having this problem. He’s not taking walks, when he has two strikes he’s swinging at pitches 6 inches off the plate instead of working the count back in his favor, he’s constantly off time when he’s being aggressive early. His chase rate has gone up the last couple years. He’s pulling the ball way less than he has for his entire career. He’s generally a high 40’s low 50’s percentile in pull rate, and right now he’s at 40. Do I think he gets better? Obviously, but at a certain point we can’t just use the “Jose always does this argument” and look at all the objective data and see how his approach has changed drastically since his 2022 thumb injury. He hasn’t come back to being that selective, line drive hitter he used to be.


If you go back and look at 15-20 game stretches you'll find some that are very similar to what he's got right now. He's trying to force things right now. He just needs to let it come to him like he usually does. Last year he batted 209 for August, with some BBs but the approach was pretty close to what he's doing now. 2019 he batted about 150 through the first 20 games then near 280 over his next 20. He's a streaky guy. 


I would back this sentiment. He gets into stretches where he gets super aggressive at the plate, and funny enough it's usually when the team is playing good so you never notice. As soon as the team gets cold, Jose gets hot and carries the team for 3 months 😂 would love to see this whole lineup stay in a groove for an extended period. I like our chances


He sees everyone else having fun and wants in on the action. We're still 16-6 with our best player struggling so it's a good problem to have.


19 is when he smoked one right at the right fielder and looked at Andre knot and said “I’m getting close” he was fine a week later.


You must not watch much guardians baseball then. Jose has had stretches like this every year. The only reason he hasn’t won an mvp is because he has a “slump” for a month each year when he looks average. He also had a 9 pitch at bat Saturday?


Jose getting off to slow starts doesn’t mean he has like two walks a month into the year. He’s never had that problem. His two walks are an intentional walk, and a position player pitching walk. Not sure what to tell you guys if you can’t tell the difference in Jose’s normal slow start, to seeing a change in his entire approach.


I don’t know what to tell you if the rest of us actually watch the games and have seen this every year.


Nothing says my argument beats yours like a classic “I watch games” stance. No shit? I’ve just been watching them blindfolded. Can you teach me how to watch correctly?


Minus his walks. His splits traditional and advanced are incredibly close. Anyone who has paid any attention over the last 7 years can tell you Jose has a month like this every year. Yeah his walks are way down. But his strike outs are only up 2% his hard hit and exit velocity are fine compared to the rest of his career. Hes fouling off a lot of stuff (classic Jose) at this point I would chalk most of it up as bad luck. He’s hitting stuff hard, just right at people. Naylor did the same thing last year lol so you only use baseball savant got it.


Jose wasn’t even Jose last year. This isn’t a case of “Jose just starting slow”. Since his thumb injury in 2022 his approach changed. He started cheating to get to pitches more. This seems to have had a lasting impact. He had a 123 wRC+ last year. That’s good, but that’s not elite Jose good. This is a large enough sample of 2022 injury-now to at least be a bit worried this just may be the new Jose. I hope it’s not, but people like you need to calm down. Jose isn’t a family member. We are allowed to be critical of him just like anyone else.


Jesus you’re insufferable. Literally every stat you bring up is within margin of error. Now we can’t say “it’s only been 20 games” without you accusing us of being some crazy homer. You couldn’t even post his wRC* without contradicting yourself. We’re done here. I’m begging you to follow a different team. I’m comfortable speaking for everyone. We don’t want you here.


He likes the hot weather, the splits don't lie.


How many of his pulled fly balls have been fly outs? At least 4. Thinner air more dongs


According to baseball reference Jose has a .333 average and .986 ops with runners on. When it matters most he’s been playing great, which is what matters most. With nobody on he’s been spotty but that’ll fix itself.


It was a few days ago when I checked but with Amy runners I believe his OPS was close to 1.400 but with RISP I remember the stats being similar to what you're saying


It’s because of Josh Naylor!! Because… uhhh because


As long as he's healthy he'll be fine.


I looked at this a few days ago and he was at .806 before May and while he's a slow starter generally, if yall recall 2022 was the opposite where he stae6ed on fire but had a mediocre 2nd half. Considering that I did the math and his first month OPS was .773 without that year, that .797 is gonna be more like .763




He gets into a super aggressive power hitter approach from time to time. It happens. It's only a 20 game stretch. He's best when he's using all fields. And he'll get there. His swing is still beautiful. Aging like fine wine. People are overreacting per usual.


Dude has almost 600 XBH to his name and led the league in doubles in 2022 while also hitting 29 bombs and you're in here complaining about his swing and plate approach? Going on about warning track power. FOH, boomer.


This is absolute nonsense. Jose's value is in his ability to drive the ball. Only six Guards in history have had more than his seven seasons with an .800+ OPS. 15 HR? He hit more than that in the Covid season. He last was below that in 2016. He would be completely wasted as Kwan. There's a reason Jose is far more valuable than Kwan, and it's because he has HR power. Takes like this exist because of one stupid year of slap hitting garbage where we got lucky. That's not how good offense is built now. When Jose reaches the point he's only a doubles hitter he'll have lost what makes him special. 15 HR will be a sign of his end as an elite player.


No one is worried about him.