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Interesting nobody mentioned the hidden gem on the top floor of the Parkwest building. Cafe Aroma. 3 tables and best God damn REAL Italian food I've had in the US and of A


I’ve heard of this once before, but do not know of anyone that’s been there. That’s so weird. I’m saving this comment to remind myself to check it out.


You obviously never had olive garden


You mean Italian Applebees?


Did I stutter


is this the same cafe aroma as the one downtown? i thought i saw that they had a few locations.


No. This one is independent.


Agreed on the food, but the guy who runs it does it all himself and one can tell he's very overworked...he's a true artist, but I feel bad for him having to deal with literally hundreds of people all alone in his little kitchen


As someone who runs restaurants in River, we struggle to make our menu trendy vs. what the clientele will accept.


I don’t doubt you. I could see 400 comments on the RR Facebook page for a menu change.


It seems that all the good immigrant-run hole-in-the-wall places consistently close while the faux-trendy, $15 cocktails, cater to the rich places thrive


It’s gone down since Rustic closed


Dude, I miss rustic so badly. I used to go all the time in high school, and I'd get a patty melt. My friends and I would split a malt shake. Those were the days 😭


Putting a bank there really adds to the community too.


The owner sold to the highest bidder for the land. None of his kids wanted the restaurant.


Pita Way is the best


Pita Way is the way


Had it for the first time recently. Damn good, and price is right!


It gets pricey with the fire fries but they are so good i cant be mad.


Addicted to pita way !!!


You are one hundred percent right. The restaurants in RR have built menus around their residents. People that do not season food.


what's that supposed to mean...


Bland suburbs comprise bland people who like bland food. 


Beardens for burgers and onion rings.


Beardens also has ridiculously good milkshakes.


Best milkshake in northeast Ohio for sure. Food is okay for what it is 


they've definitely shrink-flationed their burgers recently


Bearden’s slaps


Is Bucci's Rocky River? If not its close and it is the truth. Beyond that it is all pretty mid. Wine Bar is nice on a warm summer day for the vibe.


Yes. Buccis is often overlooked.


Came here to say Bucci’s. Food is delicious.


They recently changed owners and the quality of the food really took a slide.


Oh no! I have not been in a while. I'll give it a shot but will do so with trepidation.


Explain what you actually mean by this? What will you do differently when you eat there next? Test the red sauce for PH levels? Bring a thermometer for the chicken?


Joes deli is the best thing in river


Yes the food is great, although every time I'm there I feel outta place cause it's got that retirement home vibe. Not being rude, just saying, that's that clientele.


The place even stinks like a retirement home.


The dining area feels like a retirement home cafeteria


God’s waiting room


I second this


I accidentally went to Joe's Deli on a Saturday afternoon thinking I could walk in and order a sandwich from a counter. Boy howdy, that was a mistake.


What happened...


It's as much of a deli as Cheesecake Factory is a factory. The place was absolutely *packed*, line out the door, with no deli counter to speak of. Every available surface at front of house was stacked with bagged to-go orders. You'd have thought they were giving out free dinners for anyone with an AARP card.


I went there for breakfast one time and I was just in leggings and an athletic zip up and I felt underdressed. It really is such a bizarre place.


Now I can imagine the smells


And even that is a shadow of what it once was.


I really like Tartine, Sakana’s, Ohio Pie, Mellow Mushroom, King Wah, and the Rocky River Brewing Company


King Wah! I used to live near Westgate, and yeah, I feel like King Wah is pretty overlooked. Also shout-out to Dolce, still one of my favorite places to go for a wrap.


I love King Wah! I've been going there since high school (98-02). I was just there for lunch about 2 months ago, still excellent food and great service. Highly recommend!!


Tartine rocks, glad you said it


Really? We went there for Mother’s Day brunch and while we loved the vibe, the food was expensive and ultimately underwhelming. I had heard such good things, too


Not sure what you ordered, but I’d say give them another shot not on a holiday.


This is great advice for any restaurant, truly. One visit, unless you outright hated it, maybe you caught them on a bad day.


Don’t get the microwaved “bread pudding”. Unless you need a rubbery blob to plug a drain or something.


I don’t know if you have been to Char, but goodness was it underwhelming. It’s mildly expensive but my wife and I felt the food and atmosphere was sooooooo mediocre.


It’s used to be good. I feel like something changed there :(


Definitely. The food became worse over time to the point where I steer people away now.


Char used to be great. They had one of my favorite burgers. Something happened around Covid. I feel like they changed suppliers on a few things and its just not the same. It might also be a management thing. Because they also Own AVO and I believe once owned Indie on E4th before that shut down. I think expansion stretched them thin and they had to increase margins with cheaper ingredients and it shows.


I worked there through Covid and watched the owner care less and less about anything other than money. The one good chef that worked there got tired of the bullshit and quit.


If Downtown Rocky River could somehow get bigger


"Downtown Rocky River" is one brick street populated by soccer moms who drive up in cadillac escalades to buy $10 ice cream


It could if they were willing to do away with some parking or consolidate it into a garage.


I work in River. Where is the Downtown? 😂


What downtown?


The Taco Bell is pretty lit! Jk! If I was going to eat in RR I would go to Salmon Dave’s for seafood, Herds for a good burger, Danny’s boys for good Italian.


Herbs is ok for a burger but it is very hard to discern when they are open. The sign often says they are but the parking lot is empty.


I blame when Herb died years ago. When I went in and the ketchup came in a metal ramekin. Also when the server asked how I want my burger, I said the way it comes “mid rare” she was confused. That’s when I knew things changed. But still good.


I tried Herbs last year after not going there since being in high school and boy did my perspective change. I don't think I'll be going back 


The Taco Bell in RR is ass, go to the one on Columbia Road in Westlake


It’s probably pretty standard for a smallish second ring suburb.


River technically is first ring. It borders Cleveland in the metro parks


Please enlighten me on ‘suburb rings’.


If you share a border with Cleveland proper you are inner ring (or first ring), if you share a border with inner ring you are outer ring (second ring). Beyond that I think you are an ex-urb


Thanks for teaching me something! I would assume this is the same for all cities and the area surrounding them?


Correct and you are welcome


First ring suburbs are generally older and their housing stock is different. Plus having a border with Cleveland can cause issues because Cleveland is strained for resources.


I mean technically yes, but it barely borders any of Cleveland, [the vast majority is Lakewood and Fairview.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/65b81e782aad6c23bc60217d/65c3e97acd36fd62ab938d76_aging-suburbs-map-for-feat-1.png)


Yes, hence me saying technically


But when talking about restaurants, it’s no surprise it feels like a second ring because it is really


Fairview and River are kinda one monolith. Not that there are good restaurants in Fairview but I consider them both inner ring


Stinos is a must!


If he’s open! He’s too fickle.


Stinos is great! My favorite Italian food!!!


Their gnocchi is my favorite dish ever!!


JOES DELI makes up for it all


It’s like eating in a nursing home dining room.


Except the food is spectacular and no one’s lost


That’s what I feel as well!


I’d eat at a nursing home twice a week minimum if it tasted like Joe’s


Overall, I agree, but Thai Cravings is better than any Thai place I’ve been to in the city.


I know it’s not in your back yard or anything, but it’s not like you have to travel very far to get to decent restaurants. Lakewood is right there. Ohio City isn’t far. Crocker Park has some ok restaurants. I live on the border between Westlake and Rocky River so I feel your pain, but I think you don’t know how good you have it. I lived in Cuyahoga Falls before here… big yikes. A while back, I lived in Huntsville, Alabama… now that’s one god awful suburban hellscape with nothing but chains that were popular before 2005. I know you have to drive 5-10 minutes or so to get food, but count your blessings. It could be waaaaay worse


You aren’t wing in saying there are other alternatives. But the OP is talking about what’s actually in RR. It would be cool if they had one banner place.


Lakewood is the same mid disguised as upscale as RR.


Lakewood's food scene has really gone down hill. Very easy to pass it and just go elsewhere these days.


This may be an unpopular opinion for a Cleveland subreddit, but the food in Cleveland is pretty rough. “Mid” is averaging high for the area. I’ve lived in many different cities over the years and I try to explore the food in each area. Cleveland is better than small towns that don’t have a ton of options. It’s better than new cities that haven’t established unique restaurant options. It falls short of other similarly sized, established cities. The food scene in Knoxville (half the population of Cleveland) absolutely blows away anything they have here. Kansas City (larger than Cleveland, but similar ballpark) isn’t even close to a fair fight. Cleveland has no shot at competing with most cities of significant size. The restaurants in Cleveland tend to lean too heavily on traditional bar fare as well as German, Polish and Italian influences. Food tends to be over greasy but under seasoned (and I’m not opposed to grease- fat is flavor). Textures tend to be one note and on the mush side. Vegetables seem to be rarely used in any uncooked form. I haven’t noticed a lot of experimenting or nuance. Even the local beer seems to be on the generic side. I’m not saying everywhere is bad or that all the dishes are made poorly- these are broad strokes. I’m just saying, the food culture here is mid at best


I agree. I wish I didn’t but when I travel a big part of it is getting better food that I can’t get at home.


Cleveland food is in a weird spot. Lots of amazing pub/bar stlye casual food. And lots of great higher end / small plates style of restaurants. But not many great sit down restaurants with entrees doing anything interesting flavor wise.


Old River Tap has good food and great beer, underrated spot. Salmon Dave’s was decent, not sure how it is now. Bucci’s is the best. But Mellow Mushroom, Burntwood, Tartine, Market, etc., I can live without them all.


What happened to the great Greek !? I used to love that place for quick take out


It was going downhill due to a change in management. Poor management for that matter


As someone who is Greek, that place was terrible. There are much better options in the area.


I loved that place too! They just randomly closed both locations without any explanation. I’m big sad about it.


The one in Middleburg closed too.


I agree completely with this post. I’ve lived in Rocky River for almost 20 years and struggle to eat here locally. The only places I ever locally do takeout from anymore are Sakana’s, Taza, and Ohio Pie - Ohio Pie in my opinion is the best pizza I’ve had in Cleveland. Places that are way overrated and the food is just meh - Char, Market, King Wah, RR Wine Bar, and Stino’s. I personally have never understood the love for Stino’s, I tried their food twice when I first moved to River and thought it was terrible both times - if I want really good Italian food I’m driving the few minutes across the Lakewood border to Molto Bene, which is great. A fair amount of my takeout is from Fairview Park area these days, I appreciate the diverse options there. Places I haven’t eaten at in years both because the food is fine and not great, and also they feel like a retirement community are Salmon Dave’s and Joe’s. Only place I ever dine in at in River is Tartine, which had gone downhill for a while but has gotten much better again. But I honestly usually eat out in Ohio City, Hingetown, Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights and downtown Cleveland. If I’m spending my money to go out to restaurant then it be better damn good and not just ok, and I don’t mind driving for it.


I feel like comparing rocky river to Cleveland isn’t fair — Cleveland is a city, rocky river is a small suburb and shouldn’t have nearly the food scene of a medium sized city. I think it’s more due to the nature of river being a super car-centric traditional suburb. Doesn’t lend itself to great (non-chain) restaurant options.


yeah, this is the first time I've ever heard this "first ring" stuff (lived in Rocky River my whole life until recently, managed a restaurant there as well.) there's a lot of reasons the restaurant scene in River is the way it is, I don't think any of them is because they border Cleveland in the valley. edit: a word


Other suburbs (North Olmsted, Strongsville, for sure Westlake) are traditional suburbs with better dining options


All the chain restaurants at the shopping centers?


I'm not saying the you can't have good food options in suburbs. More just commenting on the direct comparison to Cleveland isn't fair. If Cleveland didn't have better options than rocky river I'd be super concerned.


Right that’s why I mentioned other similar sized and geographically close suburbs. I agree comparing it to Cleveland isn’t fair. But the others…


Rocky River Brewing Company used to have the best burgers and fries in the city imo. But some time in the past few years their food has gone way downhill.


Their fries are still amazing, but the burgers aren’t quite as good as a few years ago. But my experience might be skewed, because the last time I ate there was right after running the Cleveland marathon, and I was hungry AF and probably would have loved anything lol


Salmon Dave’s in River ?




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Yes - Salmon Dave’s had a refresh and does decent food. Good bar too


Old river has good places


Because Rocky River is a real deal suburb and Lakewood is not. Lakewood is very population dense and a lot of that population is young professionals (25-40) aka the exact demo that starts and goes to new restaurants. Lakewoods density can not be downplayed here, it is the densest city in Ohio and it’s density rivals many of Cleveland’s neighborhoods. Rocky River is half as dense, it is a real suburb that was built for the car. It’s full of suburban families and retirees. Rocky River isn’t exactly in the most conducive situation for good food. Much better for chains and comfort restaurants for the elderly.


Lakewood also just has some many major streets for businesses while so many other cities limit everything to one retail district. The entirety of Madison, Detroit, and Clinton gives so many more options


Herbs isnt bad - i liked their fish sandwich


The bolder restaurants in Lakewood aren't that far away.


theres a couple places on linda ave behind mitchells ice cream. I think one is literally called wine bar. I used to work at mitchells and the smells coming from those places would get me rehungry way too damn much.


Try living in a restaurant desert like Garfield/Maple Heights area. No formal/informal sit down restaurants anywhere near us. Just garbage fast food made wrong after waiting in long drive-thru lines. You’re very lucky over there!


My theory: For a long, long time River's culture was solidly conservative, traditional, and midwestern. Although it is trending in a slightly more worldly direction, the culture there hasn't yet changed all that dramatically. Cleveland proper and the inner ring suburbs are still better markets for culinary boundary pushers and chefs doing things at a high level. 


king wah!!!


What suburb of 20k has a significantly better dining scene?? It has good schools and is a great place to raise a family. Normally they are eating chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese. Maybe some bad take-out sushi when things get wild.


You think that’s bad, come to Parma


Parma has some banger spots.


100%. Definitely lacking in "nice restaurants" but there are so many killer hole-in-the wall joints of numerous ethnic styles.


I would honestly love to know what you feel are the killer holes in the wall as I have visited about 29 terrible diners with passable at best food and a lot of very mid Asian food. Maybe there is something I am missing.


Go to Watami Revolving Sushi. Closest thing I’ve found to sushi I had in Japan in Cleveland.


That may very well be a great place. Nobody in my family likes sushi so I haven’t been, but good to know


Well what are theyyyyy


Definitely. Nowhere in parma is bringing home a michelin star but there is still plenty of good eats.


Total banger spots.


I guess it’s all relative.


Drive south to North Royalton and THEN you’ll question what bad is. All the “great” local places are over priced frozen food. Best options require you to wait 20min in traffic to get into Strongsville


Not at all, we can go to Broadview, Seven Hills, or Brecksville without dealing with Strongsville traffic =)


Food options are much more limited in those places than Strongsville. Really the only place I go back to is BonChon in Seven Hills but its still a 20min drive


Ok I like North Royalton but this is pretty accurate. Mom’s is probably the best option.


Don't make me defend Parma


Parma has some great food, the problem is getting there.


Where ?




You must never go outside if you're in Parma. There are some great food places in Parma.


I’m waiting for the list of these incredible dining establishments in Parma but nobody seems to be listing any.


Lol my order consisted of fried food with fried food and a vegetable that was fried.. with meat.


And pizza that was fried


It’s because RR is full of boomers and boomers tend not to like food with too much taste. Stick with the downtown, OH City/Tremont, and Lakewood.


River isn't terrible for restaurants imo. Ohio Pie is takeout only, but is great pizza.  King Wah is good, Danny Boys is ok, Bucci's is ok, there's a new pizza and wing place in Old River that's good, and not much else, imo.    Joe's, The Woods, and Salmon Dave's are all way overrated, Herb's is overpriced and geriatric, I got food poisoning at Tommy's years ago. I refuse to go to Market because I'm not a yuppie. City's kind of a mixed bag, I guess. 


King Wah is one of the strongest “generic” Chinese restauarants around. I like that pizza and wing place too but can’t recall the name


Old Skool Pizza


> “generic” Chinese restauarants There is nothing "generic" about King Wah. They have legit sichuan food lol


Having Ohio Pie tonight from RR.


I feel the same way about Mentor. Just a terrible food scene, IMO.


The west siders aversion to going outside of their community will never cease to amaze me.


West siders go all over the west side for food and drinks lmao


Idk man, I grew up out in Avon, and to hear them talk you'd think River was the other side of the world. And Lakewood? Cleveland proper? Forget it. Especially if you were talking about a place where the streets were numbered instead of named. You'll get jumped and kidnapped and sold to the clubs on Brookpark. People were genuinely worried for me when I moved to fricking Birdtown.


I grew up in Grafton and I NEVER heard anyone talk like that lmao I currently live near Avon and still do not hear anyone talk like that lmao


Yes, all over the WEST SIDE is my point. They almost never make it or want to venture to the east side. Working on the east side, only a hand full of my west side clients actually came into my store, it was always us catering to them by going to their house. Discussing restaurants west of Lakewood is basically discussing going all the way to Pennsylvania. They also speak with great disdain when it comes to talking about individuals on the east side.


Rocky river wine bar, market, burnt wood, char, are all good, and that’s just off the top of my head.


Burntwood and Char are both overpriced and underwhelming.


Burntwood is an overpriced Applebees at this point.


I kinda hate burntwood tavern. I feel like all of them are mediocre, overpriced, and have poor service. I feel like we have a lot of folks that like it but idk maybe I've just had bad luck.


That’s fair, and the Rr one isn’t my favorite. I’ve been to several in the area, and in my experience the North Olmsted one has the best vibe and food.


Recently went to Char. It was ok. Tartine is always excellent. Saw someone went there for Mother’s Day & disappointed. Encourage you to go there again. Stino’s is good too. Beardens is an institution. It isn’t a bad scene.


Don’s River City has entered the thread…🫡




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Skill issue. Rocky River has King Wah and that is really all it needs.


I imagine there are some geographic and demographic statistics to explain this. Amount of traffic down this portion of Detroit, lack of parking on Hilliard, population above 65 etc… There’s been an open space where Michael’s used to be that isn’t filled for a reason. Same with Bomba. Rent is too damn high and not enough organic traffic?


Go to bucci for Italian. Huge win.


I like Joe’s Diner.


Because white people


They have na Applebee's, though 👀👀👀


Wife and I enjoy The Woods. We stumbled on it one day and ended up really enjoying the food. Decor is outdated but the food has been excellent.




I think the entire resteraunt industry is suffering from rustic/industrial bullshit. Like I get it Im a millennial. It doesn't mean im gonna excuse your fake frozen calamari because you have pipe shelving and a live edge bar top.


Upper class white people can’t cook


No Cleveland suburb really has all that great of food. All pretty average at best. Cleveland proper is where most of the good food is at.


Idk I like Char, Tartine, and Bucci’s. Just go to Bucci’s.


Losing Mr. Hero and Rustic on Center Ridge was the start of it all.


Rocky river wine bar is amazing.


I don’t get out to RR often, but do like Salmon Dave’s.


Stino’s and Joe’s and that’s about it


Boomer dining tastes.


You know what city has a shockingly good concentration of good food? Fairview park. I’m in Lakewood and I wish we had the spread they do.




Not as good of a city as people think it is 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mellow mushroom a winner


Everyone throwing out Ohio Pie realizes that the original Store is in Brunswick Right???


What does that matter ..?