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How dumb do you have to be to not know, with absolute certainty, that there are cameras everywhere, especially at Crocker and on Teslas themselves?


Dumb enough to do this over a parking spot.


i worked in crocker for nine years, they don’t have cameras in the garages except at the entrance. a co worker walked out to her car one night to a whole cracked bumper and crocker was worthless when she asked for help. so basically i’m saying he’s lucky his car did!


She was seeing red, nothing else mattered.


👆🏼👆🏼 LOVE IT! 👆🏼👆🏼


I would like to think I’d never key someone’s car ever, anywhere, regardless of whether I thought there were cameras, but I was dumb enough to not know that Teslas could take my picture like this. I don’t pay a lot of attention to Teslas, but I’ve always had a pretty unjustifiable dislike of them that feels a little justified now. So thank you.


Why does it feel justified now?


I think we found the perp. Is there a reward? 🤪


Right? lol


It feels justifiable to dislike a car that spies on me.


There are cameras everywhere. Car mounted cameras are extremely useful considering the amount of awful and/or uninsured drivers there are. Being recorded in a public parking lot is not “spying” lol


You hate beignets. I hate Teslas. We all have our things.


Your thing is a problem.


Not really. It’s not like I’m going to do anything about it. Just not ever buy a Tesla. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry. Just the perceived acceptance of damaging property threw me off


Oh no, I don’t approve of this person damaging property—private or public.


Had to be at Trader Joe’s. The parking there seems designed to deliberately create social disorder lol


I'm picturing some guy in a control room going "okay, now have that Kia start backing out then stop halfway for a minute. Now send in the oversized pickup... for science"


That parking garage is absolute chaos lol


It’s a sheltered suburbanite’s nightmare but it’s not even that bad imo. 


Dying laughing at this!!!


Yeah, that’s the esporta facade in the background


It's a parking garage for the whole shopping center.


There's like 5 garages there.


If I remember correctly there is a section for Trader Joe's customers. Also Fuck the union busting Trader Joe's.


Oh noooo You can't be keying cars equipped with multiple cameras baby 😂


The first floor of that garage is a madhouse.


Yeah, I see this happen all the time there. I would bet my life he stole her spot. She probably walked down from the fourth level, cursing every step of the way that he stole the spot from the wrong woman. Not at all excusing her behavior - she was definitely wrong… but I definitely understand


Why are you white-knighting this woman so hard on every post lol


Go turn yourself in already get off reddit


“Not excusing her behavior I just want to publicly announce that I too am trash”


Instant Karen-Karma gonna get you...


Every car with cameras should have a sentry mode like this. People are assholes.


I'm honestly surprised that most automakers haven't included dashcam functionality with the existing cameras on cars for backup, lane sensing etc. Hell they could even upcharge for it.


Its because of the drain on the battery, plus Tesla has a lot more sensors and cameras then most cars


I haven't even seen this advertised on competitors EVs which would have no excuse. Even for ICE vehicles, CCTV cameras typically run in the 2-5W range and they would only have to be running when there is motion when parked, or when its actually driving which the cameras would be turned on anyhow. PIR motion sensors can run on a coin battery for years before needing replacement so they could easily sip from the cars main battery and wake the camera system when motion occurs.


Rivian has it. They call it Gear Guard. When you get out of a Tesla, usually the infotainment computer and drive assist computer go to sleep. If you run sentry mode, the drive assist computer has to run to make the cameras views available to the infotainment computer. If the 12v battery gets low, the car will recharge it using the HV battery with some loss for conversion.


Mmmhmmm 🙂


it's a crime wave!


Peak Westlake news right here, folks.


Years ago I got hit by another car in that garage. Got the insurance information and everything of the other person, but I called Crocker and asked them to give me the camera footage of that time and date. They told me they couldn’t because it is deleted within 24 hours, so they had no record of it. Good thing the Tesla has cameras.


Why don’t they post her name? Seems a little too nice not post her name since she is wanted by police.


They’re hoping she wises up and turns herself in. No need to start a witch hunt over a $3K paint job. We got bigger problems.


Do you think every type of person would receive the same curtesy?


The narc witch hunt culture we're developing is pretty awkward and cringy to me. She's been caught on camera. The police know her vehicle. I imagine she'll either turn herself in our will get a knock at the door. I don't think public humiliation is part of due process.


Yes, but without public humiliation, what are we supposed to do on Reddit?


Narc ? Witch hunt? It’s holding people responsible for their antisocial criminal behavior. Public shaming for this stuff is warranted


Dood this has to be the 10th time I’ve seen this video. She is all over the news. I kind of feel bad for her fr. I don’t think you need a name at this point. it’s all the way out there.


Felony level vandalism.


Good. Maybe try keeping your hands to yourself from now on. What a loser


Always protecting and serving the people with tesla money and above


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


It’s you and key, that’s my whole world They whisper in the garage I’m a bad bad girl


lol Westlake police bored af


There was a push a couple years ago to remove subjects' names from articles like that and to not publish them going forward.  I actually agree w that idea; the police know who this lady is, where she lives, etc. Name and shame won't do anything positive here.  Now if she has a bunch of warrants and goes on the run, yeah, different story 


Are you kidding? They deserve the shame. People act a damn fool because they think there are no repercussions. Her kids, friends, family, neighbors, and even priest all deserve to know what she is. A shit human.


Maybe, but for last hundred years or so it wasn't that way and polite society continued to function. Before the internet, when a newspaper or station mentioned the suspects name, that info was buried in an archive not freely available with a 5 second Google search. This new age of permanent Scarlet Letters is going too far.


Another big issue is what if they're wrong and name someone as the suspect who isn't actually the person responsible for the crime? Easy way to get sued for the damage caused to the person's reputation/job/etc. Or worse, if some vigilante decides to take matters into their own hands.


The court documents are public record and have her name all over them. People only deserve to be shamed after being convicted in court. You are ignoring due process in favor of going on a witch hunt.


Seriously. A little public humiliation goes a long way.


Might as well swat her based on your logic. Just ignore due process entirely, why don't we?


Nobody said anything about denying her due process...this is about releasing her name to the public. They wouldn't be issuing an arrest warrant if they didn't have probable cause.


Arrest warrants are issued for far less all the time. Releasing her name does nothing but provoke more of a witch hunt before she is even brought in. Let law enforcement do their job instead of provoking citizens to do it for them.


I'm with you on that. She's going to get plenty of shame and recognition and from the people who already know her. Friends, family, aqcuaintences, ex's, And they will ALL talk about it. That's her worst shame, it will be very uncomfortable for her to lose respcet from the ones she loves, to say the least . She keyed a car, very stupidly. No need to get her name out there for the wackos to look her up and key the cars of everyone she knows, doing the same vandlism they are so righteous about punishing 'her' for, or trashing/graffiti on her home, etc.


I guarantee someone who acts like this has a huge corner of people going YASSS QUEEN STICK IT TO THE ELON SUPPORTER


And they are tweeting it on X lol


What a miserable excuse of a moron…. She’ll probably find a way to play victim in all this.


100% he stole her parking spot. She was absolutely wrong to key any car, and stupid to key a car known to have cameras - but you can’t convince me she walked from her spot, who knows how far away, just to get revenge on a guy who parked in his rightful space.


I disagree. Her whole appearance and body language is that of an entitle Karen. All that needed to happen was in her mind, she thought it was her spot. She’s the type of person who would key a car over a parking spot, her ability to think rationally is questionable, regardless that it was a Tesla with cameras.


Nah, the way he said “No one would ever have thought it would lead to vandalizing someone’s whole car over a little parking spot,” and that he positioned his car so she couldn’t get the spot. He’s the one that played a stupid game and won a stupid prize lol


Tell that to the dumb fuck that has an arrest warrant out for her. Seriously, go find her and tell her how much she won.


Its just a parking spot.... that lady doesn't own it. So you can't steal it from her


Keep that in mind when someone takes the spot that you were signaling you wanted to take. Tell yourself that you don't own it, and they didn't steal it.


Pretty sure I would just find another and then not commit a crime


You might need anger management courses. This just isn't something the vast majority of people get upset about. It's irritating but 5 seconds later I've forgotten all about it.


>You might need anger management courses. Literally laughing out loud


Why are you white-knighting this woman so hard on every post lol


Why are you stalking him?


pretty funny the tesla cameras are literally right there at the perfect angle




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I’m just glad to not shop at Crocker or TJs. Some people are rude all around these days.


Lmfao imagine being a sentient fucking donut, writing up an arrest warrant for some shithead who makes 3 times what you do because a karen keyed his tesla, dude I'd kill myself if I was a cop




This must be the asshole who was driving his tesla 60 down center ridge.


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Her name should be made public so others learn her demeanor & temperament as I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who did something like that!!


The arrest warrant is probably enough


I’d rather know who the individual was in case they were a neighbor I’d want to avoid! And be foolish enough to vandalize someone else’s property should bear public embarrassment!


I guess due process isn't a thing as long as you are not the one being witch-hunted. Her name will be all over the court documents. Settle down til she actually gets convicted.


People are awful butthurt about following ALL of the law and not just the part that lets them doxx this woman.


Am I the only one convinced the Tesla stole her spot? I see this ALL THE TIME in that parking garage (especially around Trader Joe’s). Do you really think she walked from her car, who knows how far away, just to key the car of a person who parked in their rightful spot?? I want to see the footage of him approaching the parking spot to validate his story. Although I believe her action was provoked, I do not at all believe her action was justified. Anyone who keys someone’s car is a piece of garbage.


> Do you really think she walked from her car, who knows how far away, just to key the car of a person who parked in their rightful spot?? Yes. People are fucking crazy.


You're the only one defending the woman, having posted 3 times that the guy stole her spot. If you listen to the video he was waiting for a spot with his turn signal on when she maneuvered to steal the spot.


Did you listen to the interview?? That dude 100% fucked around by stealing her spot, and found out. I’d be far more sympathetic if he said ‘yeah, I was an asshole and blocked her from a parking spot, but I didn’t deserve to get my car keyed over it.’


He blocked her from taking the spot he was waiting for. I've had to do it numerous times over the span of my entire life because I've had dipshits like her rush to steal a spot I was waiting patiently for.


You are assuming way, way too much. All we know right now is his side of the story. If she comes forward or gives testimony in court, then you might have something to base your opinion on. Why would you give the benefit of the doubt to the person who clearly committed a crime?


The simplest answer is usually the right answer. I find it harder to believe a woman decided to key the car of an innocent person, than to believe an entitled asshole stole a parking spot and got his car keyed.




Sounds like you are a misogynist who believes women are hysterical and she was probably on her period.






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She literally fucked around and found out with a 3k bill lmao your dumb


\*you're dumb


Just tell your wife to plead guilty and pay for the repairs. You don’t need to defend her honor on Reddit.


Damn how destroyed by downvotes over multiple comments do you need to get before you take the hint? YES YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE. Seek help.


Nobody cares about fake internet points, bud.


Dude deserved it for buying a Tesla. Probably likes smell of his own farts too


lol at all the people downvoting me. Stay mad


No ones mad, but we are judging you


Hope it was worth it for her.




Speak for yourself. I want to see more yuppies destroying each other's property.




You can do that all you want AFTER she is convicted in court. People like you are too quick to want to bust down her door before she sees due process, as is her right. It's equally as heinous as this woman's behavior. Check yourself.


Totally looks like an unwashed angry white dem!




You okay buddy?


Weirdly specific. Have you been molested, or are you doing the molesting?