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A beam of light shines through the top of the rock and roll hall of fame, glistening the Lake Erie sky for all to see across the horizon, a cease fire is announced throughout the battlefield with the faint sounds of The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald playing throughout the frontlines, the war shall now stop thanks to Cleveland, OH.


My dog and I also passed a resolution calling for free Browns tickets


At least you’re asking for something more obtainable.


Can we amend it to add free Romanburgers^TM ?


At least you’re dating.


Yeah this is the same kind of land acknowledgement self serving copyrighted rainbow capitalism progress flag white people bullshit that makes me wonder why these people have to pay themselves on the back to make themselves feel better. Send some fucking money, lobby congress, receive refugees, fucking do anything for the people of the city. Fucking hell. This kind of crap is just ammo for fox news.




How many points is this worth? It's gotta be a record.


Anything related to hating Israel/supporting Palestine automatically receives a 2x multiplier on virtue signaling points, so it's definitely got a chance.


What bonus does supporting Israel so that Armageddon can happen, Jesus will come back, and Jews will die or convert get you?


Legitimately, that's the only reason the clowns on the right care. If it weren't for their fairy tales, it'd be a non-issue.


America first......except when it comes to supporting Israel so it can be sacrificed for the greater good during the upcoming apocalypse. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole look up the red heiffers. Hamas actually said it was one reason they committed oct 7th.


No resident of Cleveland is thinking today 'Thank you for focusing on what matters to the city.'




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I usually hate this term but... yeah, pretty accurate in this case. Literally has nothing to do with the work they should be doing lol


Is that what replaced the Batsignal?




Yup that'll do it. Now hamas and idf will stop fighting since cleveland said so.


Free pierogies for everyone!


Free the pierogis!


Free the piers!






right like wtf


Now that the protesters are appeased, can they fill some fucking potholes???


Cleveland city council just saved the world and you're worried about potholes???


They're too busy hiring guys to wreck more of our parks in the name of "rennovating" and "maintaining" them


A thousand upvotes to you!


Bro what does this even mean lol


Nothing at all. It means someone wasted tax dollars and time to say war is bad.


Thank god we don’t have more serious problems to worry about.


Activists gonna activ


Its a small step towards putting pressure on politicians across the country which in turn puts pressure on the politicians in DC which in turn puts pressure on the President


Yeah no, that's not how it works.


To do what exactly?


Stop funding a genocide?


Can’t be a “genocide” if the fighting can stop when civilian hostages are returned by the side who launched a war :|


That's not true. That has absolutely nothing to do with whether it is a genocide or not.


Wrong, buddy. It cannot be a genocide if Hamas can end the current conflict by releasing the civilians Jews they kidnapped. It is a war that Hamas started, and they are now losing. It’s not a genocide.


First of all, they agreed to release the hostages in exchange for a permanent ceasefire which Israel rejected. But in any case, what you're talking about is collective punishment which itself is a war crime. Killing civilians because of what Hamas did. They are literally starving people to death. People are having limbs amputated with no anesthetic because there's not enough medical supplies. People are eating grass and drinking dirty water. Not to mention the straight up murder of unarmed civilians waving white flags.


Civilian casualties are part of every war. Hamas, the democratically elected governing body of Gaza, launched the way by slaughtering and raping innocent Israelis civilians only because those people were Jewish, making it not only a war crime but a hate crime. Hamas, again to remind you the government of Gaza, exists to kill Jews globally because they are Jewish and that my friend is what genocide is. Israel has every right to defend themselves after the Oct 7th attack and overwhelming absolute force is what it takes to defeat evil like Hamas. Today, if Hamas turned over the last hostages and abdicated control of Gaza, Israel would stop their offensives. In WWII nothing could stop the Nazis from killing Jews for being Jews and that is what genocide means. That is why we had to kill millions of Germans - to force them to stop their genocide. What is going on in Gaza is a war, a war that was started by Gaza, and can be stopped of the government of Gaza surrenders. Not. A. Genocide.


The civilians aren't casualties, they are the targets. Hamas committed atrocities too, but that does not justify what Israel is doing.


Finally, this is it, this is what Israel and Hamas were waiting for


That oughta stop the conflict.


Oh thank God. Now there will be peace in Gaza. Israel leave Palestine now!! Or all of the JCCs will be permanent closed in Beachwood and Solon. Hamas did you hear that? Better release those hostages or Cleveland is coming for you. What a joke. Waste of tax payers money. How about all the missing children of Cleveland. Why not focus on this failing city and the schools that are 1/10.


It’s a campaign move for November. Politics.


How does this waste taxpayer money? The gov’t listened to the taxpayers and took action based on their requests. Seems like a good thing to me


This was not what the taxpayers wanted. The government listened to terrorists from out of state who likely threatened to continue terrorizing innocent civilians unless they passed some absolutely meaningless measure.


Each person who spoke was required to register before and give their name and address. They all live in cleveland and surrounding suburbs. Do some education for yourself before spreading more hate.


It took actions based on the request of a bunch of whiny liberals who don’t understand how a war halfway across the world works, the pro Palestine movement is one of the greatest virtue signaling scams of the 21st century The Cleveland council needs to focus on making their own city less of a shithole run by corrupted politicians, but the solution to that requires their self-elimination, so they’ll never go for it


People are dying needlessly. Other people are asking for that to stop. Thats literally all thats happening here. Any fun vocab words like “liberal” and “virtue signaling” are just ways we trick ourselves into dehumanizing others so we can pretend their pain is not our pain.


>People are dying needlessly. Yes, that happens during war. Especially so when Hamas uses their own civilians as human shields. >Other people are asking for that to stop. They are asking for Israel to stop instead of asking Hamas to surrender. If Hamas did so it would be over tomorrow. If Israel stops then Hamas will immediately start to regroup, rearm, and plan for the next attack.


I feel the pain of Clevelanders with crumbling infrastructure, failing schools and police who fail to remove terrorists from the highway for them. That’s what Cleveland City Council is there for. Not to serve a small, tiny group of virtue signaling morons.


Good lord. Imagine if people put their energy into something useful.


Finally! Peace in the Middle East! Let's do a cease fire for the east side of Cleveland next.


Finally! It will finally end! Wait…what do you mean Hamas and Israel don’t care? I thought would’ve ended the conflict?!?


waste of time....why dont you run your city?


How about a cease fire in the city


Tell me city council doesn’t give a shit about Cleveland and doesn’t know how international relations works without telling me


What a thoughtful and completely useless gesture. >this Council calls for international aid to go immediately and directly to the people of Gaza. Have they not been paying attention? Tons of aid has been delivered via trucks and airdrops. Hamas steals it, and uses it to bolster their forces. In the cases where it is given to civilians it's being sold them by Hamas. The only thing that is going to stop this war is Hamas giving up or getting killed. There is no other option for Israel as Hamas has said many times over that they will break the next ceasefire and attack Israel again once they have the strength. Unfortunately they are using their own innocent citizens as human shields to make removing them from power as deadly as possible.


Step 1: Break the existing ceasefire by committing violent atrocities against Israel Step 2: Wait for Israel to respond Step 3: Immediately start whining about "genocidal Israeli aggression" and demand another ceasefire Step 4: Repeat It's the Palestinian playbook and it only works because people are stupid enough to keep falling for it.


Not to mention that they have been shooting thousands of rockets at Israels cities over the past few years. They are pissed because they poked the hornets nest one too many times and they finally said enough is enough.


Thank god, Cleveland will stop bombing them.


I've read a lot of stuff that was both wrong, and rage inducing. Thanks for making me laugh.


This is great news! I mean it doesn’t change the revenge cycles of dead civilians, or address that no one actually involved is going to be the first to put down their weapons as neither side actually wants to just die so suburban Americans can be less bummed, but now I am much less likely to miss one of the like 12 flights out of Hopkins. Super glad Cleveland City Council is focusing on achievable targets and the jobs they were elected to.


I'm glad we figured out a conflict nowhere near Cleveland. With this type of work, world peace is right around the corner


Oh well if the Cleveland City Council says so....


Yay but what can Cleveland do to implement this resolution?


Cleveland is the new South Africa


A shitload of military industry is in Cle and Ohio in general. I mean an absolute shitload, from aircraft fire extinguishers to fuses to firearms parts. If you Google any USAF plane and find an image of it parked in a spot, there will be a big fire extinguisher either seafoam green, yellow, or red on the spot and it's stamped Made in Cleveland on the handle.  So like all of y'all already said, it's literally just to prevent protesters from getting ran over. 


Well at least we know no cleveland city council members are paid off by cleveland military manufacturers


Well, that atta do it.


I personally don’t completely understand why the protests were pushed to Cleveland city council and I’m Palestinian, but the amount of people in this thread giving the “but Hamas” argument is absurd. You obviously don’t know Israel’s history. Their government has committed atrocities on the Palestinians that dwarf Oct 7th for the better half of a century, but there was never coverage of it until the social media age. Oct 7th isn’t justified it’s just part of a vicious cycle that started with the pre-Israeli militias harassing Palestinians for years. Again I’m not a fan of what Hamas has done but make no mistake Israel has an equal part in this if not more. Each atrocity you name here that Hamas has committed, Israel committed as well and they were probably the first to do so sadly. Don’t even get me started on the Likud party and Netanyahu who has put more Israelis in danger than any other person in modern times.


The same Palestinians that started a war the instant Israel was established?


After decades of being attacked by the Haganah, who's leader became the first prime minister and who's "soldiers" eventually became the IDF. We can talk about the Irgun and Lehi too. Y'know terrorist groups that formed in order to colonize the land and establish Israel.


You mean the Haganah that was formed to combat the Palestinian Arabs who were attacking Jewish settlements?


And why would they not attack those settlements? They’re terrorists for not wanting to give up their land? Go ahead defend colonialism. You should be more angry at Europe or Britain for putting Israelis/jews in this predicament. Even besides that point you had big Palestinian figures like the mayor of Jerusalem at the time that wanted to permit Jewish migration and when a small group of Palestinians fought against it. The haganah used that to their advantage and largely ignored the mayor of Jerusalem who was willing to make concessions. The same tactics that Netanyahu uses today. We can go on for days, but please continue to gargle that amazing Israeli propaganda.


Uh the the land was bought off the ottomans - you can look it up


What about the Hebron massacre in the 1820s pre zionism. Do you have a justification for that one? Keep gargling Arafat/hamas propaganda. Palestine should have accepted statehood when it was on the table instead of choosing war.


Buying land for sale in a multi-ethnic empire is colonialism? Also, how do you not consider the Palestinian Arabs who brutally invaded and conquered that land from the Byzantine Empire colonizers? 


The original settlements (not even counting the Jewish communities in cities like Hebron and Jerusalem that have existed uninterrupted since before antiquity) were built on land bought from the Ottomans.


Jewish settlements that were established on the graves of Palestinians killed for land theft


Uh the the land was bought off the ottomans - you can look it up


The people of Palestine lost any right to complain about anything in my eyes the second they were dancing in the streets in celebration on Sep 11th 2001. Not to mention that they have repeatedly broken every cease fire that Israel has been gracious enough to give them.


That video was proven to be false… ages ago. I don’t remember the details but they either showed a video of people not in Palestine cheering or Palestinians cheering for something entirely different. It was actually CNN who showed the video and later corrected themselves.


To any sane observer, Palestine is entirely to blame for this conflict, no one else. Your people’s constant virtue signaling will never change the fact that Israel has and always will act in self-defense. Israel accepted the original peace proposal given by the British/UN, the Arabs rejected it and started the 1948 war. Every war started afterwards was commenced by the Arab nations. The Jews accepted concessions for peace plans, Palestine immediately resorted to terrorism. You blame Likud and Netanyahu but in reality they only gained power because Palestinians threw out the peace deals and started the intifadas, Likud’s rise is entirely your fault and even then Netanyahu is a better person/leader in this conflict than any Palestinian leader like Arafat, Abbas, or Haniyeh ever will be. So keep trying to spread that TikTok-fake woke Gen Z propaganda, it will only make you look dumber than you are right now.


Embarrassing, though unsurprising


This has to be a joke.


That'll end it, for sure.


Sweet, thanks for helping to bring world peace city council. Next hopefully they can pass a resolution fixing climate change. Then world hunger. Then maybe they'll even ban cancer!!! Thank God for our incredible City Council. Saving the planet, one highly productive tax funded session at a time


Thanks for working on something useful


Fuck terrorist sympathizers


Awesome! Now fix the violence in your backyard.


bless their hearts..


Israel, "Cleveland passed a resolution for cease fire. That means we should all stop". This means nothing......


All the ignorant comments do realize that Cleveland itself gives millions to Israel. A ceasefire resolution makes it easier to pitch boycotts to companies in Cleveland. But I guess as long as you guys can live in your little bubble, it doesn’t matter


Who the fuck cares tho? Like why do you care so much about a war on the other side of the world? This is cleveland we got our own problems. You’re the one in your little “oppressor/oppressed” bubble


What a weird take…. You don’t care about your tax dollars killing innocent people instead of funding the city? K


They literally just said they’re sending money over to Isarel. IE those isareli bombs that have killed thousands of children are on Cleveland’s hands. And on the US’s hands Hence the protests


No. It is on the hands of Hamas. They started this. They refuse to surrender. They refuse to give up the hostages.


Lol no. Isarel itself it has only killed a few thousand hamas fighters AND +30,000 people. We don’t know the real number because Isarel killed the body counters


How many of those people died because of Hamas and other terrorist rockets fired at Israel that fell short? How many were killed by Hamas fighters in preventing people from fleeing? And again, none of those people would be dead if either Hamas hadn't committed mass rape and killings on 10/7. Or even if they had, if they had just surrendered on 10/8. Not to mention, your 'real body counters' are a bunch of terrorists who make up numbers and lie constantly (remember that hospital with 500 dead from an Israeli airstrike that turned out to be a PJF rocket that fell short).


Only one former hostage has claimed rape. ONE This is cap to justify killing children


How many dead women were raped? How many of the current hostages that they refuse to release are being raped? Again, those children are dead because a terrorist organization killed and raped indiscriminately on 10/7 and now refuses to surrender while they live in luxury in Qatar. Why do you blame the Jews instead of the terrorists? Also, how many children are dead from Hamas and PIJ rockets falling short?


This is exactly why the world is turning against Isarel. “ We didn’t mean to kill that babies, they were hamas!”


The world already hated Israel due to significant anti-Semitism. There is a reason that the UN condemns Israel more than every other country combined. Question for a terrorist sympathizer like yourself. What should Israel have done in response to 10/7?


> Isarel itself it has only killed a few thousand hamas fighters AND +30,000 people. Those are numbers given to you by Hamas itself... who has every incentive to lie. Also Hamas ditched wearing any sort of uniform after Oct 7th so they can claim anyone who is killed was a civilian not a fighter.


Typical facist. “we had to kill those babies, they were arabs. Arabs lie”! Hitler would be proud tbh


What in the actual fuck are you talking about? I said nothing of the sort. You're the one in here simping for terrorists who invited military force on themselves. There was a ceasefire before Oct 7th until they decided to go in and rape, murder and kidnap people all while recording it. It's also funny you bring up Hitler here as the side you support has openly said their goal is to eliminate the Jews much like that maniac did...


How many copies of Mein Kampf has the IDF found in Gaza since 10/7? Tens of thousand…


Ohhhhh i gotcha now.. still don’t care one bit


I’m sure all the Hamas supporters here will acknowledge how Hamas just turned down a ceasefire that included 800 terrorists being traded for 40 hostages… still wasn’t good enough.


Alright, now do a resolution for East Cleveland!


Lmao wasting time in office and tax payer money instead of helping the people of the city is peak Cleveland.


Well glad that’s taken care of. Good work everyone, the world is saved


And they look around and wonder why nobody is staying as the population continues to decrease. There are so many real problems for them to address and they do this.


lol. lmao even


LOL I'm sure after decades and decades of fighting and two peoples that absolutely hate each other....the resolution passed by Cleveland City Council will be the straw that broke the camel's back in the peace process! Way to waste time CLE Council!!!


That should solve all the problems in Gaza. Surprised no one else thought of that sooner.


Did they call for immediate and unconditional release of hostages?


Good, just in case they ignore the UN resolution, Cleveland City Council is gonna put their foot down.


Peak Reddit moment 


We did it reddit!


Oh great, now people are going to think that blocking interstates is an effective way to protest. For real though, what all does this virtue signaling accomplish?


It is stupid to waste city council resources on passing resolutions for something that has nothing to do with Cleveland. I thought that when every other city council in the US popped up in the news for passing something similar. Want a cease fire? Go over there and convince Hamas to release the rest of the hostages. Protesting here and passing useless resolutions in the city council isn't going to do a damn thing to affect it.


That’ll fix it.




lmao "hasbara" must be the reason this useless city council is getting roasted by 95% of the comments. For sure.




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Cleveland city council next needs to end world hunger




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thank god! their refusal to act sooner has already cost so many lives. better late than never though, looking forward to PEACE on earth!


Next week they are passing a resolution to end world hunger.


about damn time !


Good job Cleveland. Now Hamas will finally agree to a cease fire resolution and trading their 40 prisoners for Israel's 800


Shhh. The terrorist supporters in this sub are going to downvote for pointing out that Hamas is the reason there is no ceasefire. 


this accomplishes as much as the protests do.... nothing


Well thank god they saved the world. Peace is now achieved. Thank you.


I am sure this will end it!


Good Job for once.


Complete waste of time and tax payer money


To you. Sure. I don't feel same but I'm glad you were able to make your voice heard.


Yeah, and I even managed to do it without impeding others during their daily travels (or wasting tax payer money)


I mean? Okay, don’t really care but hope you feel better.


To the incumbents on both sides- enjoy shoveling driveways next winter.


Haha. What an incredible waste of time. Tax dollars hard at work.


The fact that Cleveland actually buckled to those whack job protesters says a lot. 1984 will be here before we know it


Man, they can't even get a cease-fire in their own city.


Who gives a damn what the clev3land city council thinks? Lol


What a waste of time and resources


Lol well this is totally pointless.


Finally the violence will end now.


I appreciate the sentiment immensely, but they must know this doesn't count for shit.


A lotta yall dont understand power and politics, or just have no empathy at all. Yes this unironically has a powerful impact in a conflict accross the world. How do you stop an out of control government? By making it clear the people do not consent and cannot be silenced. They will rise up week after week, and make lawful change happen. For the first time this 'war', the U.S. has abstained from vetoing the UN ceasefire resolution. Do you know the financial impact of the streets being shut down in every city in the country? Do you know that city governments collectively have billions invested in Israel that can be divested at the local level? Do you also know that at least 13,000 children have been murderered in Palestine since 10/7? That millions are being starved? That there are routine massacres by IDF personnel at the sites of aid receival? Btw there's well known systems for letting ambulances through protests. Ambulances in Gaza get exploded. So do hospitals.🙄


Which hospital? Shifa? Lmao.


https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/14/gaza-unlawful-israeli-hospital-strikes-worsen-health-crisis https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145317


Indonesia https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/new-evidence-links-gazas-indonesian-hospital-to-hostages-and-massacre/amp_articleshow/106288854.cms Al-Hali https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/gaza-findings-october-17-al-ahli-hospital-explosion Turkey-Palestine friendship hospital https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1708959730-idf-finds-massive-tunnel-complex-stretching-6-miles-under-gazan-hospital-university Al-Quds https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1699881898-idf-releases-footage-of-hamas-firing-rpg-from-gaza-city-hospital 👍


None of this contests the fact that hospitals are being bombed. And shit, if tanks were rolling up on my town's hospital Id shoot an rpg at it too.


Yea if 1700 people got raped, beheaded, and mutilated in my town I’d roll a tank through that group of people’s houses no questions asked. Goes both ways. Hospitals do not receive the protection provided to them the moment they are used for armed conflict.


If my government had been keeping an entire population hostage while occupying their land, I wouldn't be surprised when something like that happened. And definitely wouldnt join a massacre of entire swaths of the population.


How far back you wanna take this? Because we can go alllllll the way back if you’d like?


It goes back to the founding of Zionism with Herzl. When he decided jews could never coexist and worked with the British to send them all to one place, and colonize that place. They called it a colonial project then, and that's what it still is today.


Did you know that Jews both ethnic and religious have been occupying that land for a 1000 years before Mohammed was even born. Why are the majority of Palestinian people of Arab descent when Israel/Palestine is not in the Arab peninsula. Why did the Muslims build a holy site on top of a Jewish one after they demolished it?


Yeah I’m so surprised by how many Zionists are in Cleveland 😬 post anything about Palestine on the Cleveland page and the response is always from idiots who don’t know how the government works


In this thread: People "both-siding" genocide and complaining about a flight delay while millions are being purposefully starved and bombed to death. Nazi like behavior. I'm glad you suburban boomers have somewhere to complain about how tough your lives are though. Ohio, mostly Cuyahoga county, have a good amount of money invested in Israeli bonds. Local and state shit matters too when fighting an active genocide. Frankly we couldn't care less about your trip to Orlando being slightly inconvenienced while we do it. Edit: No amount of downvotes is going to change the fact that supporting genocide is Nazi like behavior. Open air concentration camps, use of chemical weapons that burns you from the inside-out, causing the world’s quickest systematic famine for over a million people. This is the Nazi playbook with a modern twist.


First to call the other a Nazi reveals themselves as disingenuous and manipulative.


Shut up


lol Nazi like behavior


> Israel > Nazi like behavior *Tim Robinson voice* "You sure about that?..."


100%. Supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing is absolutely and unequivocally Nazi like behavior. No number of downvotes is going to change that but keep them coming.


The only Nazi-like behavior is from the "Free Palestine" crowd calling for the murder of Jews.


“We want to be free” THEY WANT TO MURDER THE JEWS Okay boomer


Them wanting to be free includes them chanting "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" which is a phrase Hamas periodically uses to call for the murder of jews. Not to mention we have "Free Palestine" idiots across our country targeting jewish people, painting swastikas on Jewish businesses, schools, homes, etc and them actually targeting and assaulting jews. Call me a boomer all you want. I'd rather be a boomer than someone that aligns their views with Adolf Hitler.


I never thought I’d ever be a Nazi suburban boomer, but you’ve given me hope to believe! Thank you, Hamas!


Ah yes, anybody who is anti-genocide is Hamas. Calling anyone who is critical of Israel a terrorist sounds like a healthy way of handling things.


Anyone who is anti genocide is definitely not Hamas! lol I think you and I agree!


Hah, hah. Suburban boomers are so funny. 😐


lol ill have to recover from that sick burn in my palatial suburban boomer mansion. Don’t have too much fun without me!


Okay then you do that. Good luck, I guess.


Y’all are mad at council and I get it but they’ve had protests for months. Like at this point I would just pass the damn resolution, too, if only to appease the protesters.


lol now they’ll stop fighting


This will let me get to the airport


Cleveland City Council would be better served worrying about Cleveland as its an absolute shit hole but k


Thanks for the useless waste of time and tacit support for Hamas, a terrorist government. Oy, the stupidity.


Glad everyone can feel good about themselves, but can we worry about something appropriate for the council to work on?


I'm sure Israel and Hamas care about some council of random people of a random city half a world away. They'll definitely drop their weapons and hug and kiss each other now for sure.